
Timeless Quotes

Timeless by Alexandra Monir

Timeless Quotes
"The key looked weathered and somehow wise, as though it weren’t inanimate, but a living being with over a century’s worth of stories to share."
"Confusion and Mystery had been principal players in her life since the day she was born."
"That butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling of wanting to be with someone, and knowing they feel the same way about you."
"There is nothing in this life that can ever destroy you but yourself. Bad things happen to everyone, but when they do, you can’t just fall apart and die. You have to fight back."
"It’s just going to take a little time to heal from this."
"Often a mother or father does not have the best relationship with her or his own parents but still recognizes that they’re the right people to take care of the child, should something happen."
"Despite the fact that we weren’t in each other’s lives, you and your mother were always in my heart, as well as your grandfather’s."
"Listen to me, Michele. There is nothing in this life that can ever destroy you but yourself. Bad things happen to everyone, but when they do, you can’t just fall apart and die. You have to fight back. If you don’t, you’re the one who loses in the end. But if you do keep going and fight back, you win. Just like I won with you."
"You are beautiful, dear. Just as I expected."
"You don’t know how long your grandfather and I have waited for this."
"The most honored ball guests would sit up in the balcony and watch the dancers."
"It’s like ... it doesn’t belong in the modern world. It almost seems ... enchanted."
"It’s so hard to imagine Mom sitting for a portrait."
"But since their job is to serve you, when you offer to help, it makes them feel embarrassed, as though they’re not doing their job correctly."
"It’s like going back in time, to a time where no one wore denim."
"We know how painful a transition this must be, but we hope you will manage to find happiness here in New York."
"It was the most overwhelming feeling she had ever known. Like she was so happy she could burst, but at the same time, there was a constant, insatiable hunger inside her."
"Sounds like it’s going to be even lonelier than I thought in this gigantic old house."
"Will you help me? Help me learn the truth about why I was brought to live with the Windsors?"
"Michele, what in the world is the matter?" Annaleigh asked, clearly alarmed by Michele’s sudden frozen state.
"This song—I’ve heard it before," she said shakily.
"Phoenix Warren," Michele said with a small smile. "My mom named me after his composition Michele. That’s why my name is spelled with only one L."
"Thanks," she replied, forcing a smile. "I’ll need it!"
"Welcome to Berkshire, Michele! We’re so happy to have you here."
"Yeah. You’re really normal for a Windsor," Ben commented. "In a good way."
"Oh, it’s not just an invite; it’s a duty," Olivia said, giving Michele a dead-serious look. "We old families have to stick together."
"Uh, I really don’t know what you’re talking about," Michele admitted. "The New York Four Hundred?"
"Well, it’s true," Michele said mildly. "And honestly, I have no desire to rule society or anyone. I just want to make it through the year."
"I must speak with you," he interrupted. "Come with me?"
"No. No, that wasn’t me. I’ve never met you until now. That is, I’ve had … dreams about you." Michele cringed with embarrassment.
"Who are you?" Philip asked in a low voice. "What have you done to me?"
"Why am I seeing someone no one else sees—why am I feeling things I shouldn’t feel?"
"But—this can’t be. I am going mad, aren’t I?"
"No, I promise," Michele insisted, suddenly desperate for Philip to believe her. "I’m real, flesh and blood, and I’m really here. I’m just from a different time."
"See? Solid and real," Michele said, with a shaky laugh. "Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to—to feel me."
"I’m sorry," he said quietly. "I shouldn’t have …" His voice trailed off.
"I’m engaged. And now you enter, a girl from another time, invisible to others, and I shouldn’t feel this."
"It felt wrong, unnatural, to walk side by side without touching."
"Oh ... well, that’s not the house key but it’s definitely done bigger things than unlock a gate."
"He’s gone now, she thought. He doesn’t exist anymore. But how could that be when her face still tingled from his touch?"
"Your mother was still a child when she had you," Dorothy said dismissively. "She didn’t know what was best—"
"Don’t ever talk about my mom like that," she snapped. "She was ten times the mother you were."
"It’s a wonderful feeling—you believing in me."
"So it really works, then? And to go to outer space and the moon!"
"I love the colors ... the open spaces and unpolluted skies," Michele said thoughtfully. "I guess I like that it seems more ... innocent, somehow."
"Writing music is what you were born to do," she said passionately.
"You’re right," Michele agreed firmly, sitting next to him on the piano bench. "You’re just ahead of your time."
"It’s not too late for us yet," he said urgently. "We can find a way to be together."
"I never wanted to deceive you. I simply couldn’t bear the idea of you thinking less of your mother."
"The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
"Time slows down as an object approaches the speed of light, meaning that traveling faster than the speed of light could send you back in time."
"You are real for me, and that’s what matters."
"I can’t stand up in a church and lie, and I cannot commit myself to a fraudulent life. Can you really not understand that?"
"You are not my son. My son made a promise to marry Violet Windsor. My son is due to start work at the Walker Company this summer. If you want to be my son, this is what you must do."
"I’ll settle my affairs and be out of this house by graduation. You won’t have to see me again after that."
"I want you more than you can imagine. But to have you _before we’re married is disrespectful and dishonorable. I can’t do that to you."
"And you’re behind your time, here in the past. No wonder we’re a _a perfect fit."
"You’re the only person in this whole world who has brought any happiness to my life."
"If it weren’t for you, perhaps I wouldn’t have had the courage to go after what I really want in life."
"You’re here!" he cried, kissing her over and over. "You heard me! I can’t believe it worked."
"I don’t know, but this is unbelievable!" Michele marveled.
"Of course you can," he said confidently. "It needs your words."
"You’re such a hot genius," she blurted out, grinning.
"I can’t live in the normal world, I’m just chasing time."
"There’s no one else I can marry, or even date. Philip was the one."
"You might want to—to trust my spirit guidance on this one."
"Don’t you know that big breasts are not in fashion? The flatter, the better!"
"I can’t believe I’m seeing Louis Armstrong live!"
"It’s about the way I feel when I perform, like I’ve come alive."
"Music is like a bridge between people and races and nationalities; it brings everyone together."
"My mother always said that no man made her feel the way her music did."
"You always believed in me, and now it is time that I believe in me in the same way."
"Our very own 'Bring the Colors Back'! You can imagine my shock and amazement, and the joy I felt at knowing that you had returned!"
"It was the sign I’ve been aching for, the sign that you still love me as I never stopped loving you."
"A feeling of nostalgia so intense there was no English translation."
"Why must we spend so much of our lives missing people instead of being with them?"
"We just have to be able to see them and feel them."