
Stolen Quotes

Stolen by Lucy Christopher

Stolen Quotes
"Those blue, blue eyes, icy blue, looking back at me as if I could warm them up."
"I always thought I could trust blue eyes. I thought they were safe somehow."
"It’s funny, but I always thought I could trust blue eyes."
"I knew, even then, that you’d been watching me."
"The tiny hairs on my neck bristled every time you blinked."
"‘Let me buy it,’ you said. Your voice was low and soft."
"‘Hey, it’s OK, I won’t bite,’ you said softly."
"The deep blue of your eyes had secrets. I wanted them."
"‘I only just escaped my family,’ I said. ‘I don’t want another yet.’"
"‘Your dad?’ ‘He works in the city — stockbroker.’"
"That’s what they’d like. I don’t know. Nothing really seems right."
"‘You’re with me now,’ you murmured. ‘I’ll never let you go.’"
"‘I hate you,’ I screamed. ‘I fucking hate you.’"
"‘Fine,’ you said. ‘I won’t stop you. I’ll only save you when you get lost.’"
"‘Just relax,’ you said again. ‘Please. Just relax. For once.’"
"‘It’s just … I don’t want you getting hurt again,’ you said."
"‘I won’t kill you,’ you said. ‘I won’t, OK?’"
"‘You’re sitting in my painting,’ you said. ‘I made all this.’"
"Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words ever could."
"The heart knows a language the mind could never understand."
"In the wilderness, one finds more than just solitude; one discovers a deeper connection to the self."
"Chasing dreams is like chasing the horizon; always moving, always just out of reach."
"Hope is a fragile thread that weaves through the fabric of our existence."
"Memories are the echoes of our past, resonating in the present."
"In the face of adversity, the human spirit reveals its true strength."
"The journey to find oneself is the most arduous, yet the most enlightening."
"Nature speaks in a language understood by the soul, not the ears."
"In the darkest of times, even the smallest spark of hope can illuminate the path forward."
"You could fill books about this fella - he’s tasty if you cook him right, and he helps with swelling, toothache, digestion … He’s one of the few plants that can not only handle all the salt in this earth, but thrives on it."
"It’s amazing how scary total quiet can be, how it can mess with your head if you let it."
"With any environment, there’s risks I suppose. It’s all the same really; poisons, injuries, sickness … Just different triggers."
"Creatures aren’t so dangerous when you understand them."
"It’s clever, very human actually… wait until everything’s killed off before moving in."
"Out here things pretend to be dead, Gem. It’s their survival tactic, underneath they are bursting with life."
"And today, London is getting hit by some incredible weather, another crazy heatwave."
"The difference is that in the city they’re caused by people, and out here it’s just the land. I know which one I’d rather."
"You’re just as clever as you look, smarty-pants. I knew it all along."
"And it’s hard to hate someone once you understand them."
"Perhaps you need some help working out your thoughts?"
"You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, not anymore."
"You’re stuck in my brain like my own blood vessels."
"I wish I could believe everything the papers write."
"To put you in a cell is like crushing a bird with an army tank."
"But I gave my life up for you too, once … back in Bangkok Airport. And I had no choice."