
Get In Trouble Quotes

Get In Trouble by Kelly Link

Get In Trouble Quotes
"In consequence of this, she’d laid out of school for three days in a row."
"Fran had the flu, except it was more like the flu had Fran."
"I know you need to stay here and look after me. You’re my daddy."
"Now, how can I look after you if I’m not right?"
"Despite the hurt in her ribs, the NyQuil made it all seem so peaceful."
"The truth that every time she managed to suck in a good pocket of air, she coughed it right back out again."
"She couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten."
"Maybe I knew she was going to make a cake? Except why would I wish for something that I already knew I was going to get?"
"Sometimes you’re on one side of that equation, and sometimes you’re on the other."
"I’ll never get used to it, to living up here year round."
"Sometimes they’re gone for years. But they always come back."
"I wish I could get away for just a little while."
"When you do for other people things that they could do for themselves, but they pay you to do it instead, you both will get used to it."
"Despite the truth that every time she managed to suck in a good pocket of air, she coughed it right back out again."
"I could reach out and touch your hand. If you were really here."
"I’m drinking a Coke. You’re thirty-four. I’m almost sixteen."
"Since fourth grade, everyone at school has called me Smelly Fagfart."
"Melinda Bowles doesn’t know a rook from a writing desk."
"I’d be happy to make up a spreadsheet of character traits and biographical incidents."
"You think you’re the only one in the world who suffers. Who’s unhappy."
"Sometimes I forget that he didn’t die. Things were so bad for so long."
"Love is not enough to prevent this. Love is not enough. Love is enough."
"Every gesture, every word was for them, for him."
"You’re the only person I know who’s better looking than their own Face."
"I’ve always been the good-looking one. The popular one."
"Most politicians have Faces, too. For safety."
"Our children are an extension of your brand."
"I don’t know how many numbers she used, what combination. It’s a Sisyphean task."
"God has an inordinate fondness for stars and also for beetles."
"It’s normal to want to give your best friend something because you love her."
"Immy’s heart isn’t as big as Ainslie’s heart. Immy loves Ainslie best."
"The world is night, and it belongs to all of them, even if it belongs to Ainslie most of all."
"Real rose petals, real and crushed and bruised."
"Let’s all get fake drunk and have fake fun with Ainslie and her fake Boyfriends."
"You love your mom, you love me and your mom, right?"
"That’s not real love. That’s a trick the body plays on the mind."
"If it’s all a trick, it’s the best trick I know."
"What if the Immy they see is the real Immy, and the one on the inside is just hormones and chemicals?"
"If something happened, if a meteor were to crash through a bulkhead, if a fire broke out in the Long Gallery, if a seam ruptured and they all went flying into space, could she and Sisi keep hold of each other?"
"We could go all the way to Proxima Centauri and back and Sisi still wouldn’t have run out of stories about her boyfriends."
"The only reason he’s nice to Liam is because Liam is his heir."
"Buying a castle with a ghost in it and moving it across the ocean? Why not?"
"What makes a haunted house? If you take it to pieces and transport it all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, does the ghost come with it?"
"Can you build your own haunted house from scratch if you re-create all of the pieces?"
"If there were ghosts in the other house, they just moved in next door once it burned down."
"He said he was always on high alert when he was away from the murder house because something was missing."
"Do we get the table with the ghosts sitting around it?"
"They’ve become nudists," he insisted. "Or swingers. Or both."
"I confuse and then cloud. It’s the order we do it in that you have to pay attention to."
"Everything that had once belonged to her alone was back inside Lindsey where it should have been."