
Blue Dahlia Quotes

Blue Dahlia by Nora Roberts

Blue Dahlia Quotes
"A garden is always a work in progress, never quite finished, and always a delight to the eye."
"At the end of a long day, there's nothing quite like a walk in the garden to soothe the mind and heart."
"So plant some flowers, watch them grow. The rewards far outreach the toil."
"Youth and beauty were products that could be marketed."
"An ambitious mistress knew to demand nothing and gain much."
"What grew inside her like a flower that only she could see, could feel, could know."
"Through the sweltering, sticky heat of the summer she bloomed, and for the first time in her life she knew a passion for something other than herself and her own comfort."
"You're first for me. You'll always be first for me."
"I need a life, something more than clocking time, drawing a paycheck that would be soaked up by bills."
"The only thing she clearly remembered about the move from Memphis was crying for her daddy."
"Life ran smoother when everything was where it was meant to be."
"I didn't start this place to sit back and have others do all the work."
"A house this old isn't haunted, it would be a damn shame, I'd think."
"It can't take more than an hour, Harper. This place is as much yours as mine, and you need to meet her, hear what she has to say."
"Planning in absolutes was an exercise in frustration, and to his mind there were enough other things to be frustrated about."
"It meant he had to get over to Roz's place, pick up the trees he'd earmarked for his own use, haul them back to his place, and get them in the ground before noon."
"It was all different. Trees and shrubs were no longer in what he'd considered an interesting, eclectic mix of type and species, but lined up like army recruits, he decided. Alphabetized, for Christ's sweet sake. In frigging Latin."
"At some point, though, I'm going to want my own place. I'm not ready to look yet—too much to do, and I don't want to rock the boat with Roz. But it's on my list."
"He knew she was there. Standing down there all pressed and tidy with her wild hair pulled back and shaded glasses hiding her big blue eyes."
"Being as I'd be in a coma, I wouldn't be worried about it."
"I can't imagine being married again. Even a good marriage is a balancing act, isn't it? Especially when you toss in careers, family."
"It was the way I wanted things. The business, the career, that started late for me. I admire women who can handle all those balls."
"It's wonderful. What about the bed running on the south side out front?"
"I get that. Let's try to stay out from under each other's skin, otherwise we're just going to give each other a rash."
"It's a terrible power I have over women, and I try to use it sparingly."
"I'm too busy to worry about all of this most of the time, and I didn't mean to get into it now."
"Money took you a lot more miles than sentiment."
"If you knew everything, you'd never be surprised."
"Maybe some could say that changing her mind was part of her problem. But she didn't think so. If you never changed your mind, what was the point of having one?"
"You take the extra steps, personalize service, you get customer loyalty."
"It could be a career, couldn't it? Something I could learn to be good at. I always thought I'd run my own place one day. Always figured on a bookstore, but this is sort of the same."
"Planting a flower's like opening a book, because either way you're starting something. And your garden's your library."
"I like men. I like the company of men. But dating's so complicated and stressful."
"Time didn't just zip by, she thought. It damn near evaporated on you."
"She was dreaming of flowers. An enchanting garden, full of young, vital blooms, flowed around her."
"Color swept into color, whites and pinks, yellows and silvery greens, all soft and delicate pastels that shimmered in subtle elegance in the golden beams of the sun."
"Their fragrance was calming and drew a pretty bevy of busy butterflies, the curiosity of a single shimmery hummingbird."
"It had taken her years to plan and toil and create. But now everything she'd wanted to accomplish was here, blooming at her feet."
"It's wrong there. Wrong. It has to be removed. It will take and take until there's nothing left."
"Don't let it grow. It will strangle the life out of everything you've done."
"It was beautiful; she couldn't deny it. In fact, she'd never seen a more beautiful specimen."
"Kill it! Kill it. Hurry before it's too late."
"People see what they want to see, or have been schooled to see, or expect to. Imaginations run wild, especially under the right conditions or atmosphere."
"I have an obsessive, linear, goal-oriented personality with strong organizational tendencies."
"I like working for someone else, sort of troubleshooting and coming in with a creative and efficient plan for improvement or expansion. Managing is what I do best."
"Science is an exploration, it's experimentation, it's discovery."
"Lavender's blue, dilly dilly. Lavender's green."
"What you don't know... I bet it's still there—the magic dahlia—blooming in dreamland."
"I'm saying that, in my opinion, Roz showed foresight and solid business sense in bringing you into her business."
"Sometimes it helps to talk to somebody who's been there and done that."
"Adults should be able to live their own lives, just like in any situation."
"People do, don't they? Why should that change when they're dead?"
"It's a sure bet she died in or around the house."
"A weed is a flower growing in the wrong place."
"Sometimes a good little cry's as good as some sex."
"I thought she was making it up to scare me, but she swore all the way up to the needle in her eye that it was true."
"I don't know if I made some sound, or moved, or what, but she looked right at me. She smiled."
"You couldn't be happier about it than we are. I swear that man's been like a kid himself the last couple of days, just waiting for today to get here."
"It's a departure for me. I seem to be doing a lot of departing from the norm recently."
"Grown woman, she thought, and tugged on her robe so she could work on her face. Grown, single woman. Grown, single man."
"Wouldn't be brothers if they weren't at each other now and then."
"It's brewing, under the surface, like a volcano."
"Spring had come to Tennessee, and she was here to experience it."
"They were served, with unhurried gracious-ness and a lot more conversation."
"A little run-down, perhaps, a little tired around the edges, but beautiful. Bursting with potential."
"She couldn't say what she'd been expecting, but it hadn't been this."
"A garden bench near the weeping cherry, maybe another path leading from there to around the back."
"No need for it to be hard. You know how to get there now?"
"Why don't we plant another blue dahlia and just see what happens."
"I feel dizzy," she whispered. "Something about you makes me dizzy."
"You're a constant surprise to me, Logan. A study of contrasts."
"Her heart lurched as those rugged hands guided her up, over, through the steep rise of desire."
"She was loose and sleepy and utterly relaxed. She imagined there was probably a nice pink light beaming quietly out of her fingers and toes."
"Nobody likes to fail, but nobody gets through life without screwing up."
"She had to remind herself that part of her duties as manager was to blend efficiency with the culture of the business she managed."
"I've had dahlias on the mind," she told him. "I hope you can use them."
"A man who could do this, would do it, wanted to do this, was worth knowing."
"It shows that something that looks attractive can be dangerous, or at least a big pain in the ass."
"A woman was entitled to a few mistakes along the way, even if she made them out of loneliness or foolishness, or—screw it—vanity."
"Hard physical work usually did the job for him, and he'd had plenty of it that day."
"It didn't hurt that she was bound to send more work his way."
"There just wasn't room in that scenario for a woman."
"I realize you have your own style, and your own moods, and that's your business."
"You can speak. If you can sing, you can speak. Why won't you?"
"She felt his muscles, taut ropes, the broad plane of his shoulders, the surprisingly soft waves of his hair."
"She heard birdsong and breeze, smelled grass and damp flesh. And heliotrope that wafted on the air from the pot she'd watered."
"People come by without an invitation have to take potluck."