
Sweet Home Quotes

Sweet Home by Tillie Cole

Sweet Home Quotes
"It only took Romeo one look at Juliet and his fate was sealed. Maybe I'm just like my namesake, and maybe you're just like yours."
"I love that you have no clue what I’m talkin’ about," he mused.
"You can’t live your life for other people, Rome. You have to do things that you want, achieve your dreams, in any way you want to do it."
"You’re brave, Shakespeare, speakin’ to me like this. I don’t… tolerate it from anyone."
"This is far from over, Shakespeare… far from fuckin’ over!"
"For your information, I didn’t screw her. In fact, I told her in no uncertain terms that I was done for good. What you’d said to me made sense… about livin’ my own life."
"I may fuck around, but I wouldn’t fuck around on you."
"I put my trust in you and you threw it back at me in a public class? I told you things I’ve never told another livin’ person."
"I thought you were different, Mol. Why make a dig about Shelly or football after what I’d told you about things I was goin’ through?"
"You’re all I fuckin’ think about and I don’t know how to deal."
"You're not affected by the football fame and I never want you to be either."
"It's not about embarrassment; it's about protecting what's mine."
"I want to show everyone I'm with you now. I'm not hiding us."
"You somehow give me peace in my completely fucked-up world. You get me; no one has ever before."
"I'm sick and tired of them trying to dictate my life."
"I don't care about the money, Mol. I'm just the same me and you're just you."
"My body recognizes you as something that's good for me."
"I've never had anyone respond to me like you do—every move, kiss, and stroke—full and complete surrender of yourself."
"I'm not good with attachments—where's the attraction?"
"I want you without anything in return. Why does any human want anyone? My soul recognizes you as someone who is meant for me."
"You're mine now, Mol. You know that, right?"
"You’re everythin’ I thought I could never have. Makin’ love to you, it was… you know… beyond…"
"I’m gonna fuck you, but I’m also gonna make love to you. I’m gonna own every goddamn piece of your soul, and I’m never gonna let you go."
"You’re mine now. With no conditions. Just you for you."
"Live life to the fullest, my darling girl, and one day, when God so wishes, I will be waiting to see you again at the gates of paradise."
"I have loved you more than any daddy has ever loved his little girl since the very beginning of time."
"We don’t have to feel lonely anymore, baby. I have you and you me."
"We’re star-crossed, Shakespeare. Fateful star-crossed lovers. We have a lifetime to get to know each other, unlike our namesakes."
"I never wanted you to hear this from me. I don’t believe it’s my place, but I feel this will help you decide the best thing for you both."
"You own me, heart and soul. I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me, in the only way I know how."
"I love you, too, beyond anythin’ I could’ve ever imagined was possible."
"I’m here, Mol. Just… just take control. Show me how much you want me."
"Because I wanted to know what it would feel like to give you all of me, completely."
"I’m going to strip you down and you’re gonna do everythin’ I say, until neither of us can stand. You get me?"
"I love you beyond anythin’ I could’ve ever imagined was possible."
"Every true citizen of Bama has to dance to this as a rite of passage."
"You’re carrying precious cargo now, baby. I need to be more careful with you… with you both."
"We’re pregnant… I freaked out… ‘cause we’re pregnant."
"It’s like a dark cloud constantly over our heads, waiting for them to strike."