
The Good Luck Charm Quotes

The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting

The Good Luck Charm Quotes
"The curdled cream in my coffee should’ve been the tip-off that today was going to be craptastic."
"I wish I’d never gotten out of bed today. I wish there were no today."
"He needed to focus on hockey, on his career in the NHL, and I was a distraction he couldn’t afford."
"Even your balls refuse to cooperate with science. You think the rest of your body is going to bow to a stroke?"
"I wish this stroke hadn’t happened to my dad. Not because it’s an inconvenience, even though there have been moments when I’ve thought this and felt guilty for it. But because of the strain it’s going to put on my mom, and how difficult it is for my dad to be unable to do things for himself and her."
"For a moment I envy Ethan. Not because he’s a specimen of near physical perfection... I’m envious of his determination to fight so hard for his dream, for the one thing he loved more than anything. More than me."
"I don’t remember him being that ample, but then it’s been almost a decade since I’ve seen Ethan’s hard-on, bare or covered with fabric."
""Just because I left doesn’t mean I ever forgot you, Lilah."
"Friends don’t get naked in front of each other."
""You were just touching me, and your boobs were against my back," he whispers."
"My chest tightens, so many possibilities unfolding with that one truth."
"One minute we were making plans for our future and the next you were out of my life completely,"
"I’m sorry for a lot of things, Lilah, but I’m the most sorry about how things ended."
"Remember how hard it was that first semester I was in college? How tough it was to get used to only seeing each other a couple of times a month instead of every day?"
"I almost dropped out after the first semester."
"Because I hated being away from you. Between studying and hockey, I had no time. There weren’t enough hours. I had trouble keeping up with classes. You weren’t there to keep me on track. But more than that, I just missed you."
"I don’t think there’s a simple explanation that doesn’t make me look like an asshole."
"I didn’t want you to be fine without me. I didn’t want to hear that you were moving on. I didn’t want you to be okay, because I wasn’t. I was a mess."
"For me it was all or nothing with you. I knew if I saw you, I’d want to get back together."
"You can’t blame yourself, Ethan. It’s a lot more complicated than that."
"It wasn’t part of my plan, or my reason for stopping by."
"Feeding your body feeds your brain, Lilah. You can’t learn effectively on an empty stomach. There are studies to support that."
"It’s been a long time since I took stats and it was never my favorite. I want to stay on top of things."
"I thought maybe at some point I could love him back the way he seemed to love me. I wanted to be able to."
"But I am to blame. I took what he gave and I never gave back the way he needed me to. I don’t want to do that again. I don’t want to jeopardize this, not when you’re right here and wanting to try with me again."
"You get one soul mate. I don’t want him to lose his again."
"I enjoy nursing. I like that I get time with the patients and their families."
"I never listened to him, and the only time I did I made the biggest mistake of my life."
"If it makes you feel any better, I think he’s just as angry at himself over it as you are."
"I’m going to be traveling a lot starting tomorrow. Luke brought back a lot of memories, and with them, insecurities."
"We could’ve been building a future together. Instead, we have years of separation from a history so thick with emotion, so full of love, it’s almost painful to have it back after being without it for so long."
"I want this with you, Lilah. I want this feeling, your fire; I want us to work this time."
"You’d rather read a book than spend quality time with me and Merk?"
"I promise not to interfere—just don’t make me go home."
"For the first two years of college, premed was my goal, but then I started to realize I didn’t love the idea of setting up my own practice."
"It was never about the paycheck. Doctors also work insane hours. I wanted some balance between my job and my life."
"I didn’t make the decision for him; I made it for me."
"I want to be a nurse practitioner, but I’m missing a couple of courses."
"That first year I pushed hard, maybe to prove I’d made the right decision."
"You could talk me through it, be my cheerleader."
"I think my heart rate went through the roof when he was in here."
"I don’t want to lose you again, Ethan. It was so painful the first time."
"I need some time and space to focus on my own life, independent of you."
"It’s not the us part that I’m talking about."
"I’ve spent the better part of a decade trying to get past the fact that I wasn’t important enough for him to keep in his life the first time around."
"I don’t want to be without that again. And that possibility scares me, so I’ve been putting you ahead of me, in front of my own goals and needs."
"I need to find a way to have you in my life without losing myself again."
"I love her enough to give her whatever time she thinks she needs."
"I want to find a way to change your mind."
"I’d prefer no twenty-one-year-olds get anywhere near Lilah, but there’s not much I can do about that."
"I get why she needs this time, even if I don’t like it."
"Coffee tastes like shit with milk unless it’s one of those expensive latte things."
"Pays to have someone on the inside, doesn’t it?"
"Pushing too hard, like you’ve got something to prove."
"You’ll be fine. You know what you’re doing out there on the ice."
"This year has been full of struggle, for both of you, but mostly for Delilah."
"You two fought against what you have for a long time, and then when you finally figured it out, there was no separating you."
"Delilah made safe, strategic choices, and you made the ones you felt were right."
"We make decisions based on what we think is right at the time, and those consequences can follow us, but they don’t govern the path we’re on forever."
"She needs to be your equal, not a charm you stick in your pocket and carry around with you."
"All hope of holding back the tears is lost when Emery rounds the corner."
"Success is only as gratifying as the people you get to share it with."
"I let fear dictate my actions with you this time around."
"I need to find a way to balance my love for you with the rest of my life."
"I don’t want you to ever feel like my love for you has limitations, especially not based on how my hockey season is going."
"You’re in my soul, Lilah. That will never change."
"I want to be clear about what kind of kiss this is going to be."
"Do you remember when all we used to do was kiss?"
"This isn’t a hockey game, Ethan. It’s a kiss, which will hopefully also lead to some scoring."
"I missed you. It was hard to give you space."
"You’re as important as the air I breathe. You soothe my soul and keep my heart full—you always have."
"So we stay. This time we only move forward together."
"I’m not ruining the moment. Do you know what the best part of winning the Cup is? That you’re here to share it with me."
"I wouldn’t ask you to do that. And you can’t make a decision based on me. We’ve already been through that. It’s not realistic."