
Gypsy Origins Quotes

Gypsy Origins by Kristy Cunning

Gypsy Origins Quotes
"I’ll not sacrifice gypsies to become immortal."
"Too much. Far too much to stop mid-gamble and leave it all in vain."
"I know the story is old, and Mom always said that dwelling over the past was the unhealthiest thing I could do."
"We find a way to pick up the pieces of our mistakes, no matter how cold, cruel, and sad they may be, and we patch ourselves together with them like a story quilt."
"Good intentions may pave the way to hell, but intentions can also change how a person’s actions are viewed."
"They’re really bad monsters at the top of the food chain."
"An oblivious Portocale gypsy who doesn’t know the brutal past? Make her care about you and then lift this awful curse."
"The universe hates a debt even more than gypsies do."
"He keeps this suffering a secret from most of all the wolves. All but us, because we tend to him."
"The fact of the matter is that the universe hates a debt even more than gypsies do."
"By long span of time, I mean more centuries than you could ever imagine enduring."
"I’ve had a human cult trying to eradicate my blood line for my entire life. I still don’t know exactly why they think killing me will do whatever for the Forsaken, so no. I’m not too curious about why people want me dead."
"The altar has already started. It’ll bring her back if we complete the spell."
"Women used to throw themselves at me and beg for my attention."
"It was the best time of our lives. We’d reached an age where we were tired of fucking off, and we were ready to settle down."
"People often wonder what makes monsters. The answer is other people."
"That strong, beautiful wolf watched me with trusting eyes as I took his life."
"We were just men back then. Men scared of death, of being hanged for being gypsies."
"Life had made us hard, before it left us far too vulnerable and empty."
"There’s never been a time more humbling in my life than the day she revealed the truth with a daring little smirk on her face."
"Living our lives as we had...she was a taste of what it could be like, if we could just build a home and stop living our days in survival mode."
"We fought for survival, or we rotted in prison if we somehow bypassed the hangman’s noose."
"I remember a time when women fought over who got me. Not shove me at each other like I’m a piece of fucking leftover meatloaf."
"I’m starting to see what’s so damn special about her and why my wolf has had me stalking her from the very beginning."
"There was a time when the weak were the misfortunates. Now they’re the ones we strive to protect the hardest."
"It’s like a snowball rolling downhill, gaining size and momentum. Either I’ll boulder through anything when I reach the bottom, or I’ll simply go splat into a mountainside."
"I’m not sure why I smile. Emit groans, and I sort of move back to the middle, witnessing one of those ensnaring moments where you can see a flash of the friendship they must have once had."
"I’m so not doing this again just because I’m a vulnerable idiot."
"The fewer people who know about Portocale gypsies and our weak links to them, the better."
"I thought they were a little saner than this."
"It’s weird to see so much grass without heaps of snow covering it. The grass is dead around here, but still, it’s nice to see the ground for a change."
"My body is voting for the more debauched response that would lead to me throwing myself at him."
"This is probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever asked another woman, but what kind of toothpaste do you use?"
"Maybe because you guys think all women are Idun."
"Weirdly, I feel sorry for her, and I think she could do better."
"He itches to hunt, and when he has something to hunt but hasn’t found the trail, it gets to him."
"It’s not an invasion of privacy when it’s about me."
"Who needs a gentle soul if you’re never going to die?"
"You’re the first living person, outside of my parents, to know this. It’s as liberating as it is terrifying."
"We were frozen for all time with the most brutal monsters inside us, completely unleashed during a frenzy of anger and emotion."
"If you haven’t gained or lost a pound in over two years, it’s not a plateau—it’s immortality."
"I’m not the leading role. I’m just a side character in the longest running tale that nobody really wants to talk about."
"I can faint and stop my heart, and wake up when the pain is duller and the urge to panic has passed."
"It feels freeing to just have someone know and mostly understand."
"As much as I’d love to make the move that seems enticingly welcome, the moon makes me a far too aggressive man right now."
"You said fuck or fight. I messed up your fight."
"Wolves are resilient. I’m not sure about you."
"Probably for the best. I seem to lose friends when we have sex."
"It’s a beautiful thing with them sometimes…giving the monster some freedom."
"It doesn’t feel natural when something that good comes along so easily."
"Every day seems exactly the same, like you’re stalled instead of moving forward. It doesn’t feel like you’ve aged so much as you’ve tired."
"I’m a man most people never remember. I’m quite used to being ignored."
"It’s when a lot of wolves try to form a pack without an alpha."
"Our strength is our numbers, and those numbers draw too much attention."
"Drew’s blood is the reddest blood I’ve ever seen, and the pure, perfectly red color seems to endlessly spill from his wounds."
"For a terrifying moment, I feel weightless, until we land in a hard crouch."
"They’ll be able to smell that through his illusion."
"I cast a worried glance up at him as he digs out the bullet and tosses it aside, glaring at it, showing no signs of pain."
"A broken flower pot lies beside me like I’ve landed in a cruel cartoon."
"I’m not even sure what exactly kills alphas."
"I wish I had eyes in the back of my head sometimes."
"I’m not good at this. My plan always involves "dying" before fighting, dammit."
"It’s now that I realize Arion is having to chase wolves that are running in fear from him—omegas feeling the alpha vampire threat in full."
""Fucking purebloods," he growls before he tosses me hard into the air."
"Pity the fool who thought he could kill the vampire with a gun."
""I’ve got one trick to take down some of them. We might be able to run, but I’ve not kept myself strong enough for all this fucking shit. I’m the lover, not the motherfucking horde fighter," Damien bites out as he moves us again."
""If worse comes to worse, play dead. Don’t let yourself panic with this many wolves here, Violet. You’ll burn out, and they’ll tear you apart," he tells me so quietly I almost don’t hear him."
""Since the alpha of this region takes a few centuries off from his duties to be the fun alpha," Arion cuts in."
""Purebloods are born when wolves have children together," Emit explains."
""Purebloods swarming in hordes is a new one on me," Arion states."
""Because of their subtle scent, you don’t realize they’re purebloods until they bleed," Vance is saying."
"DO NOT FOLLOW ME. THIS VACATION SUCKS TOO HARD TO STAY. I’M GOING HOME TO RELAX. Sincerely, the SINGLE gypsy girl who can think for herself. P.S. I’LL KEY YOUR FUCKING CARS if you come looking for me before I’m ready to deal with you again."
"Well, I've already gathered that you're getting your ass kicked, despite the fact you're supposed to be this epic monster slayer who keeps all the monsters in line."
"Take some beatings and learn their weaknesses. It's what they've clearly done with you."
"If you're not willing to do the work, then Arion isn't the only one sitting around and whining."
"Sounds like it needs dredging if you're forgetting about people who were true victims in all this, just because their name was Neopry."
"I'm the damn, fucking girl who has to get her out of the ground."
"They gave you your thousand years, and they're still underground."
"I’m the silly monster from the embarrassing side of the family that even humans mock and torment with pitchforks and fire."
"I’ve spent my entire life searching for my purpose."
"Everything I know is changing very abruptly, which has happened too much without a big enough gap between."
"Remember how to be men instead of monsters for as long as it takes to get the job done."
"Gypsies are tied to salt. We use it so regularly that it's become an extension of us."
"Men are much more complex than you made them sound. Monsters are twice as freaking complicated."
"It takes more time and effort to build something than it takes to rip it all down."
"Everyone deserves a warning. You've been underground almost a century. I'm sure there are some young ones who don't know your rules."
"You haven't had to yet, love. I'm learning more and more that you do love being chased."
"It’s easier to slit my throat when I don’t see it coming. It’s hard to keep things completely shut off when I expect pain or strength."
"You’re the only person who shouldn’t fear me."
"My rules. My touch only on that day. You can’t even leave unless you ask for my permission, because your body will be in my possession and belong to me for a full twenty-four hours."
"Omegas actually see and hear more than betas do."
"Being alpha is not our reward—it’s our punishment: To forever be the monsters we were on one fucking night, because we created more monsters."
"I see both points of view. I need more information before picking a side."
"Even if I wasn’t a monster alpha who better understands the big picture more than your young mind can imagine, I still had to defend myself. We all did."
"What will it take for me to have a full day with you?"
"Ask me out on a date instead of trying to extort me."
"We’re all monsters. I’m just the kind who doesn’t want to make all the wrong mistakes."
"Everything about Damien is a curse of the flesh."
"I can’t believe Emit left you alone with him while you were touching him."
"Just so you know, I was a damn good man once upon a time."