
Perfect Quotes

Perfect by Sara Shepard

Perfect Quotes
"Have you ever had a friend turn on you? Just totally transform from someone you thought you knew into someone... else?"
"This is for posterity. For when we become famous."
"It's amazing what you don't see, though. Even when it's right in front of your eyes."
"He was your sister's boyfriend first, wasn't he? And you dated him behind her back?"
"As much as she’d been trying to convince herself that being with Maya was wrong, it was the only thing that felt right."
"I’m sorry I’m slow," Emily said. "But this is what I’m comfortable with right now."
"I didn’t win," Spencer barked quickly. "I was only nominated."
"You play center better than your sister does. No question about it."
"Just think how much butt you’re going to kick for our game against Pritchard Prep."
"We’re discussing a murder," he said in a low voice. "Your social life can wait."
"If Sean and Ezra had been types of poetry, Sean would have been a haiku—neat, simple, beautiful. Ezra would have been one of William Burroughs’s messy fever dreams."
"The memory of that night was both crystal clear and incredibly muddled."
"That something had happened which she couldn’t remember."
"Their eyes glowed against the flickering light of the movie."
"We're all about tit for tat, so when you made plans to out me, I decided to out you too."
"Real relationships are built on truth, after all."
"It's a sickness, Emily. But we at Tree Tops can cure you."
"It felt like a continuation of the strange, fuzzy memory from the other day."
"You're probably going to be famous someday, you know! All Golden Orchid winners end up stars."
"Sometimes I get so frustrated about the way things are, I just want to... hit her."
"The only true knowledge in life is knowing you know nothing."
"Being Ali's friend was great, but we had to make a lot of sacrifices."
"Life is hard. If we go with these feelings that are… that are wrong, our lives are going to be even more of an uphill battle."
"You try to steal everything away from me, but you can't have this."
"Why was this happening? What had she done to deserve this?"
"My best friend hates me. And she's making everyone else hate me, too."
"It's only Old Faithful. It erupts, like, every hour. You know that."
"Hanna swallowed. She needed a friend right now. Bad."
"But her husband isn't a very good man, either. That's what makes it complicated."
"We're supposed to feel for her struggle, and how society has branded her, and how she strives to forge her own identity and not allow anyone to create one for her."
"It has nothing to do with you. That's a big thing I learned. It's their thing. Unfortunately, you have to deal with it, and I think it makes you stronger."
"I'm glad you're not Alison. Everyone loved Alison. I didn't."
"You can't change who you are. I've told you that a thousand times."
"Her life was a horrible mess. Her old, simple life—the one she’d had before this school year started—seemed like it belonged to a different girl entirely."
"Because of the greenhouse’s humidity, water only condensed on its inside walls, so whoever had written this had to be… inside."
"Maybe it was this balloon girl, not Spencer, who’d cheated to become a Golden Orchid finalist."
"I’m almost certain. And I think I know who it was."
"Her mouth fell open. There was writing in the condensation. I see you."
"You care way too much", Ali had said. And that far-off crack. Where had it come from?
"It felt weird not talking to you every day, so I decided to tell you everything in messages instead."
"Aria felt perfect with him—more alive, more herself."
"What if she had turned into one of those girls who gained weight by simply looking at food?"
"What’s so wrong with being different? How can you hate me for that?"
"I thought Tree Tops worked. But after seeing Wendy… well, I guess you got the picture."