
Dreadgod Quotes

Dreadgod by Will Wight

Dreadgod Quotes
"Even for Judges, it was impossible to travel directly into the Hall of Judgment."
"The central planet of Sanctum was so covered by one city that every landmass shimmered silver and gold from orbit."
"Though Ozriel had been berated by most of the other Judges non-stop, he hadn’t said a word since leaving Cradle."
"At least Ozriel was cooperating, though she didn’t like the glimmer in his eye as they descended on Sanctum."
"Crowds massed around the greater Hall of Judgment complex, some crowding the streets while others hovered in the air."
"No one down there dared to push into the Hall borders, but Suriel could feel their fear like a stench behind the air."
"The golden roof of the Hall melted away as the Judges drifted down."
"An eighth seat had been added, one marked with a crescent-bladed scythe."
"In his cage, Ozriel rolled his eyes ostentatiously."
"Ozriel wiggled his eyebrows, and Suriel was sure she could read what he meant to say: how sure were they that Gadrael could hold him?"
"Ozriel let out a breath of relief. 'Whew! Thank you, Gadrael.'"
"Makiel glared down on the Seat of the Accused. 'This won’t take long.'"
"Ozriel’s smile was blinding white, like he’d won the argument."
"And your hands are pristine!" Ozriel shouted."
"Suriel spoke up on their behalf. 'Why did you hide it from us, Makiel?'"
"Cracks spread, and some of the other Judges had summoned their armor."
"Ozriel drew himself up to his full height and white hair spread out behind him."
"He shivered as the last command settled on the manacles."
"Dross could have spoken at any point during this process, but he had remained silent."
"Kerani shifted her goggles from her eyes to her forehead and leaned back from the engine."
"Terkell gasped in amazement, raising her hands to her lips."
"Her personal bound spirit was contained in a tank on her back."
"Burning Swan didn’t speak in actual words, but in complex impressions passed through their bond."
"Yerin appeared in a flash of white light on the back of a ship floating on the sea."
"Storm clouds covered the sky, but the lightning cracked red."
"If that had been the only problem, Emriss Silentborn wouldn’t have called her."
"Yerin gathered all that before her unstable raft slid down the first wave."
"Even as set against it as he was, even with Dross to protect him, even though this was only a projection and not the full Dreadgod, Lindon still felt an urge to do as the Dreadgod wished."
"Lindon looked into the Dreadgod’s eyes and steeled himself."
"Pride’s glare intensified, so Lindon relented. A little."
"Dross floated behind Pride’s head, chuckling in a disturbing tone."
"Pride kicked the table, and tea sloshed over the sides of both cups."
"Pride’s hand stopped for a fraction of a second as he lifted a biscuit to his own mouth."
"Pride muttered to himself, huffed, and stared off into the distance."
"We’re in a corner. Some if it is my fault, and some of it…isn’t."
"You can do whatever you wish. I have delivered my warning, and now you can live or die as you please."
"Apologies. I don’t mean to pry, I’m only trying to learn."
"That’s enough. It’s uncomfortable enough having you stare at me for so long. I hate it."
"Every inch of its walls was worked against intrusion."
"I will transcend this world when I will not be treated as a slave."
"Surely there is a solution better than letting monsters roam loose."
"The only thing that can make you more powerful than that is to consume spirits with a higher level of existence than you."
"I would have killed you," Lindon said, "if I was like you."
"Savor this feeling, for it is only in desperation that you know you are truly alive."
"Now, before she’d realized it, their time had run out."
"If we continue bickering with each other, this boy will become a knife to our necks."
"If not for Lindon, it would have taken her mind too."