
Teaching To Transgress: Education As The Practice Of Freedom Quotes

Teaching To Transgress: Education As The Practice Of Freedom by bell hooks

Teaching To Transgress: Education As The Practice Of Freedom Quotes
"We cannot enter the struggle as objects in order later to become subjects."
"Men and women are human beings because they are historically constituted as beings of praxis."
"Authentic help means that all who are involved help each other mutually, growing together in the common effort to understand the reality which they seek to transform."
"Only through such praxis—in which those who help and those who are being helped help each other simultaneously—can the act of helping become free from the distortion in which the helper dominates the helped."
"Our solidarity must be affirmed by shared belief in a spirit of intellectual openness that celebrates diversity, welcomes dissent, and rejoices in collective dedication to truth."
"I came to theory because I was hurting— the pain within me was so intense that I could not go on living."
"Theory is not inherently healing, liberatory, or revolutionary. It fulfills this function only when we ask that it do so."
"The lesson I learned from witnessing Paulo embody the practice he describes in theory was profound."
"Feminist theory that literally beats them down, leaves them stumbling bleary-eyed from classroom settings feeling humiliated, is not advancing feminist struggle."
"The very focus on race and racism emerged from the concrete political effort to forge meaningful ties between women of different race and class groups."
"I am always struck by the way in which introjections of experiential truths into classroom debates dead-end the discussion."
"If experience is already invoked in the classroom as a way of knowing, it lessens the possibility that it can be used to silence."
"I found it ironic that black women often critiqued white women from a nonfeminist standpoint, emphasizing the ways in which white women were not worthy of being on pedestals."
"The authority of experience, in other words, not only works to silence students, it also works to empower them."
"We need feminist psychoanalytic work that examines these feelings and the relational dynamics they produce."
"Often black female fear of betrayal is not present when an individual white woman indicates by her actions that she is committed to antiracist work."
"Her actions confirmed for me both the power of solidarity and sisterhood."
"One of the most revealing insights she shared was her initial disbelief that white feminists could be so blatantly racist."
"It is time for us to create new models for interaction that take us beyond the servant-served encounter."
"Only when our vision is clear will we be able to distinguish sincere gestures of solidarity from actions rooted in bad faith."
"If black women and white women continue to express fear and rage without a commitment to move on through these emotions, our efforts to build an inclusive feminist movement will fail."
"We need to examine why we suddenly lose the capacity to exercise skill and care when we confront one another across race and class differences."
"Producing this work is not the exclusive task of white or black women; it is collective work."
"Collective feminist movement cannot go forward if this step is never taken."
"One got educated to earn money, a living, and start a family."
"Teaching women’s studies classes for more than ten years, I’ve seen exciting changes."
"Our students are no longer necessarily already committed to or interested in feminist politics."
"The presence of racism in feminist settings does not exempt black women or women of color from actively participating in the effort to find ways to communicate."
"The feminist classroom and lecture hall that I am speaking in most often today is rarely all black."
"To engage in dialogue is one of the simplest ways we can begin as teachers, scholars, and critical thinkers to cross boundaries."
"We needed concrete counter-examples that would disrupt the seemingly fixed assumptions."
"Fixed notions about teaching as a process are continually challenged in a learning context where students are really diverse."
"Most people aren’t celebrities. Most of us teach in virtual obscurity."
"The classroom is just one time frame and one location for teachers to be engaged with students."
"Education should be a place where paradise can be created."
"The classroom, with all its limitations, remains a location of possibility."
"Engaged pedagogy not only compels me to be constantly creative in the classroom, it also sanctions involvement with students beyond that setting."
"Commitment to engaged pedagogy carries with it the willingness to be responsible."
"I could never say that I have no idea of the way students respond to my pedagogy; they give me constant feedback."
"Teaching is often the least valued of our many professional tasks."
"The academy is not paradise. But learning is a place where paradise can be created."
"To restore passion to the classroom or to excite it in classrooms where it has never been, professors must find again the place of eros within ourselves."
"The important lesson that we learn together is one of mutual engagement."
"Any professor who commits to engaged pedagogy recognizes the importance of constructively confronting issues of class."