
The Ship Who Searched Quotes

The Ship Who Searched by Mercedes McCaffrey, Anne; Lackey

The Ship Who Searched Quotes
"Our first thought was that you might have some kind of plague."
"We're assuming it's a bug that got you, a proto-virus, maybe, but we don't know."
"You're an eighty-year-old midget in a little-girl costume."
"If you can't say something intelligent, you shouldn't say anything."
"People who know when to shut up are the smartest people of all."
"I wasn't finished. I wasn't even started yet."
"Nobody had answers for any questions. Not hers, and not theirs."
"I wanted to stand up in front of people and make them laugh and get excited."
"It's not fair, it's not fair, I never did anything."
"The only possibility of giving that poor child any kind of a life is to get her into the shell-person program."
"They wouldn't have put me in this thing if they thought I was going to get better."
"I think she can make the transition," Lars said, with more emphasis than Kenny had ever heard in his voice before.
"I think, Professor Brogen," she said, "that you'd better sit back down!"
"Throw enough warm bodies at the barricades, and any defense will go down."
"Most native sophonts are bright enough to realize that hostages make a much better bargaining chip than casualties."
"Viruses and proto-viruses are sneaky sons-of-singularities."
"The number one killer of xeno-archeologists is disease."
"Developing? Oh, I got it. A kid, or a fetus, provided it could cross the placental barrier."
"They normally don't kill except by accident, actually, or in the heat of the moment."
"Not much comfort to those killed in the heat of the moment."
"The third, last, and most common culprit on the list is disease."
"I wouldn't even have changed my clothes if that officious bully hadn't insisted."
"We can be a little snoopy, I think, without arousing any suspicions."
"Does that sound as phony to you as it did to me?"
"There's definitely more going on than they're willing to tell us."
"Are these things financing espionage or insurrection?"
"The worst that is likely to happen to an artifact-smuggler is a fine and a slap on the wrist."
"We aren't trained in law enforcement, and we don't carry weapons."
"The only reason the archeologist in question had been caught was because an overzealous graduate student had cataloged the phony shards."
"That's assuming inspectors even find the artifacts."
"I think someone is trying the artifact-switch again, except that this time they're coming in on the black market."
"The odds of two of them being evacuated to the same hospital-ship were tiny."
"I'm their biggest fan. If archeologists can have fans."
"He was the one that encouraged my interest in archeology."
"I thought I'd really been covering my tracks well enough that you wouldn't notice."
"I'm not going to accomplish anything half-conscious."
"It doesn't mean a thing. He's just finally gotten to know me well enough to bring all his barriers down."
"How do you do that? How do you make them think something entirely different from the real truth?"
"I've been in theater groups for as long as I can remember... I just try to imagine myself as the person I want to be, and figure out what of the truth fits that image."
"Miners are people, and there are all kinds out there."
"They have money for pretties, and they don't much care where the pretty came from."
"You're the pilot. I'm just along for the ride."
"Let's see if I can't do two of those three cones before he wakes up."
"I feel cheerful. I picked up some artifacts on the black market that I'm sure the Institute will be happy to have."
"We're the team in charge of tracking this thing to its source."
"Funny how easy it was to think of her as a person sitting back in that ship, eyes glued to the screens that showed his location."
"Plague or not, there are going to be murders done over the right to excavate this place."
"Maybe some kind of synthetic," Alex hazarded.
"The wall of the valley where the storage caves had been opened looked like the inside of Ali Baba's cave."
"Nevertheless, he moved forward towards the already-opened caches, augmenting the fading light with his suit-lamp."
"Tia watched carefully and decided that her guess about an AI in-system pilot was probably correct."
"Alex ignored the darkness outside his helmet and concentrated on what the instruments are telling you."
"The suit, no longer a prison, had just become the most desirable place in the universe."
"I wouldn't want to be anyone's partner but yours."