
Providence Quotes

Providence by Jamie McGuire

Providence Quotes
"To me, my father deserved more than respect, or loyalty, or even love. I had a reverence for him. He was more than Superman; he was God."
"The past few weeks had been an alternate universe for me."
"I lamented the ordinary life that seemed so long ago."
"Now he lay helpless in his bed, fading away in the vast bedroom he shared with my mother."
"Like the other times I’d visited my father since his accident, my legs transformed into deep-seeded roots."
"I don’t want to be the one to let you go, Daddy. I want you to get better. But, I know that you’re tired. So if you want to sleep…I’ll be okay."
"The realization that my father was gone washed over me in waves."
"For the first time in my life, he didn’t hug me back."
"Separated by a dash, the dates of my father’s birth and death were displayed in elegant font on the front cover."
"I wondered how much more I would have to endure before my body would finally be too exhausted to continue."
"It was good to see you again, Nina, but I have to get going."
"It’s always safe until something bad happens."
"Business is…better than it’s been in a long time."
"I’ll have the Greek salad," I said. I glanced over at Jared, who studied me with raised eyebrows and a wry smile. "And the linguine."
"My life was suddenly full of these little miraculous surprises, moments I was finding so much happiness in that I was already wondering when the next one would come."
"I see how you got there, getting there on my own is the persistent problem."
"It’s of the utmost importance, Nina. I’ve exhausted all of my options, and I’m asking for your help."
"I need those papers, Nina. It would be wise of you to help me."
"You know the parking meter was invented in Oklahoma? And the shopping cart…? Invented in Oklahoma, too! The yield sign, the autopilot, voicemail! All because of Oklahomans."
"I’ve gone to lunch with him once, he’s given me a ride home a few times, and I’ve seen him around town…"
"It’s more than just feelings, Nina. You have to know that."
"Just go home," he said, avoiding my eyes.
"I didn’t care if he was a stalker or a miracle. The thought that he was always near me—that he could have been watching me at that very moment—sent euphoric shivers down my spine."
"I’ll catch you," he said, too close to my face. "Great, then we’d both fall," I grinned.
"Is something wrong?" "Nothing is wrong with me, Jared. You’re bleeding, Ryan is… Ryan? Can you hear me?"
"You don’t have to do that. It’s going to be okay, I promise."
"Everything’s going to be okay, Nina. Ryan’s going to pull through."
"I want you to be safe. I want you to be happy. I’m figuring out the rest."
"And what truth would that be?" "You know what I’m talking about. You took down four men—on your own—like they were little girls."
"I wasn’t hurt," I said, swaying as she tugged and pulled on me to look me over.
"Well, it doesn’t matter now. You’re safe, that is what’s important."
"You were never supposed to see those things, Nina. Your father was always so careful to keep you safe from that part of his life."
"I just need one thing in my life—just one—that I know is real. I need someone to be honest with me!"
"I can’t describe the way it made me feel to see your smile when you opened the box. You were so pleased with it, and I had a part in that."
"You were crying. Jack was gone. I couldn’t think of any more reasons to stay away."
"That’s because you kissed boys, sweetheart."
"If I haven’t left by now, I don’t think I’m going to."
"Don’t feel a second of guilt for those people, Nina."
"We aren’t accepted by Gabe’s family or his enemies."
"You’re the love of my life, Nina. There’s no overlooking that."
"Everything I’ve ever wanted is right here in my arms."
"Just because I’m not happy about how weird you’ve been, doesn’t mean I’m being a jerk."
"You’re not being a friend. You’re being aggressively nosy."
"We have dinner plans every night, Ryan. You’re welcome to join us."
"I was never safer than when I was with Jared."
"You spend so much time pretending to be mad at me when you know why I say the things I do."
"I didn’t feel like the oxygen was missing from the room when he wasn’t in it."
"We’re getting all wrapped up in this guy you barely know. You might miss something that’s right under your nose."
"I’m in love with you, Jared. There is no me without you."
"If I was any less selfish…I would. But even after all of my stupid mistakes, I still think I can make you happy."
"I’ll fight fate. I’ll fight Heaven, and Hell, and everything in between to keep you."
"They threatened the only thing more important to him than Jack."
"I love you…and I will love you forever. That’s the truth."
"Anything’s possible with an angel and a little ingenuity."
"For us to be together…it’s a miracle isn’t it? A Hybrid and his human, in love when everyone from Heaven to Hell says we shouldn’t be."
"We’ll figure this out. Try not to make yourself sick over it."
"We’re going to fight through the nightmare to earn the miracle, right?"
"I’m not asking, Nina. I am telling you. It’s that serious."
"I’m not sick, just uncomfortable. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll quit apologizing if you quit worrying about me."
"Your bed is a thousand times more comfy than my bed at Andrews, and even my bed at home. And neither of them smells like you."
"It’s not about that. It’s about being forced into hiding, it’s about my friends, and it’s about keeping some degree of normalcy in my life."
"I have faith in you, Jared. More than you have in yourself. I’m not afraid."
"It’s the Naissance de Demoniac. The Bible of Hell."
"To barter for the only thing Jack would be willing to hand this over for: Your life."
"The letters, the R T L letters, they mean right turn and left turn."
"You sitting on that bench is the best thing that’s ever happened to me."
"Can we just pretend it’s a normal vacation and forget about everything here?"
"I thought you said you couldn’t say things the way I can?"
"It’s a beautiful day and I’m lying in the sunshine with the man I love. This is better than amazing. This is heaven."
"The only thing the constant interruptions mean is that one of us needs to change the locks."
"I’m being cautious. Beth and Chad walked in on us."
"It was nice to have a little normal today, Jared. I do enjoy spending time with Ryan…with all of my friends. But do you honestly think I would trade being with you for one silly afternoon?"
"Something about hurting him just didn’t feel right."
"Please don’t do that," he pleaded, staring at my lips.
"If you sleep on the floor, I’m sleeping on the floor with you. I want to wake up where you are."
"I’ll find a way. I’ll sleep on the floor if I have to."
"You could change that if you weren’t so worried about what everyone else thinks."
"I’m not going to fight with you about Jared anymore, I never said I wasn’t going to fight for you."
"The answer should have been simple. I wanted to be there, he wanted me there, and we loved each other."
"I want you to come home with me," he said against my hair.
"I’ve already made my choice, Jared. I’ll make it a thousand times if I have to."
"You’re my perfection. I exist for you, Nina."
"It's like I've been addicted to her, but I didn't know it until tonight."
"Maybe I just care. And that wouldn't be a bad thing… for me to care about her."
"The moment you finish your last final, I'll have Robert take us to the airport and we'll get on a plane…just you and me."
"I can’t have a life without you. I don’t want a life without you."
"This isn’t how I want to live. The fear, the guilt, the looking over my shoulder. We can’t even be intimate."
"You of all people, who stood in the freezing rain for fifteen minutes because you didn’t want to wait a few more days for me to appease your mother!"
"You need me to date you," he repeated in monotone.
"I won’t have to do it anymore? You know this is better than anything I could have ever hoped for, right?"
"We’ll just be pretending. I can’t… I don’t see myself being with anyone else. Ever."
"Why go through the charade? Why not just get a protective order?"
"If you still love him, then why aren’t you with him?"
"Pretend to be your boyfriend? Lie to all my friends? Let you break my heart when it’s all said and done?"
"I’m going to regret this. I can already tell."
"If we’re going to do this, we should do it right, right? No one is going to believe us if we never touch."
"Ryan anesthetized the pain, and it wasn’t long before I found myself making excuses to be around him."
"I thought you were fine. Everyone knows you’re fine. But you’re not fine!"
"You love Jared. I don’t know why he’s practically stalking you, or why you won’t talk to him when it was so obvious today that you miss him…but I know that you love him. And he loves you!"
"It wouldn’t be so bad, would it? If we stopped pretending?"