
Visual Improvement Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"You can quite literally see more of the horizon in Horizon, and that extra field of view at the screen edges makes the game world seem much more expansive."
"The finished product makes the headlight covers look as good as new."
"Square Enix and co-developer Tosei have rebuilt Crisis Core using Unreal Engine 4 for modern consoles and PC, and the visual improvement is striking."
"That looks really good now, like immediately that area has picked up so much."
"Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE is one of the most important mods for overhauling Skyrim to make it feel fuller and more wild."
"It's a subtle change but it makes a huge difference to the real resolve of this effect."
"Visually yes the game is a massive step up from all the others it actually looks like a game and sort of plays like one too."
"The point is you can see the world, and when the contact is in your eye, you will forget you were ever blind."
"Streets of Rage 2 rectified this by offering a game that looked arguably even prettier than the arcade classic."
"We want to make sure that we provide in the map, in the world itself, a visual change with these updates."
"Chun Li might arguably look better in this game in 3D than she's ever looked in 3D. Pretty good, pretty good, right?"
"Now that I really like this look...let's actually color correct and color grade this image to look a bit better."
"That looks so much better already having those distinct markings."
"Gran Turismo 3 itself... belongs to this elite group representing... one of the single most impressive leaps in visual fidelity in the history of the medium."
"Animations are way better, holy [ __ ], this is awesome!"
"I want to lift up the highlights... now fine toggle on and off, I've really brought the brightness of his face up."
"We've just brought all that contrast boo right back into the face with dodging and burning."
"The game's visuals have improved but Super Baseball Simulator 1000, the 16-bit envelope and I wish they had chosen a brighter color palette."
"I'm just so impressed with how Blizzard has kept this game relevant. It's like every expansion, they make the game look better."
"Ray tracing can transform the way the game looks."
"Add nature, trees, grass, flowers, leaves, anything. It always looks better."
"Phoenix Rising offers a significantly improved color palette with rich greens and deep blues that really pop on the screen."
"The graphics do look stunning. It's just basic cinematic shots we've seen before, but that's a really good idea of how much different the game looks."
"These games overall feel about the same, they just look better."
"The Quest 2 does have a massive visual improvement due to its processor."
"The stage design is even better than Harmony of dissonance."
"Knowing how to properly compose an image will instantly up your photo game."
"The visuals are much improved which is another big point."
"This dent is pretty much completely gone, you can hardly see it at all."
"These are some of if not the best full visual and gameplay updates Riot has ever put out."
"Even at seven years old The Witcher 3 has never looked better the visual upgrades really do shine."
"But at the very least spruce the game up for an HD rear release, fix some junk up and I'll be happy."
"That looks amazing! Yeah, it looks way better now."
"They all look a bit better and also have some quality of life improvements."
"Thank goodness that with this pack, each and every mob in the game gets their long-deserved makeover."
"It makes Skarner look more empathetic by giving him expressive eyes."
"Visible increase in resolution between it and the earlier marks."
"It really smooths everything out and blurs everything out."
"The game looks miles better than the NES titles."
"Transform your city's aesthetics with just a few clicks."
"I think we can improve the overall look a lot by not changing the polygons."
"Spider silk might actually improve how we see the world."
"If anything your old games are going to look even better on this new oled screen."
"Xenoblade 3 is a step up from any prior entry in the series in terms of visual quality."
"Going from GoPro color to flat color is a game changer."
"The procedural generation and the visuals in general look much more improved... rendering distance drastically increased."
"Every single second of the game's run time was one-upping the last in terms of visual fidelity."
"Makes the vanilla textures look more detailed."
"Everything just looks a little bit different and a little bit better."
"The new season of Johnny Test looks better than ever."
"There's just a lot in this remake visually which adds into areas where the original was lacking."
"The key visual feature on display here is an actual smooth scrolling."
"I just love how this scene turned out and there's always so much more that could be added to make it pop even more."
"Wow, what a change! The lines are now completely straight, no warping in sight. Trigonometry saves the day, that's beautiful."
"The reflections add a lot of depth to the world."
"Even if you have a higher FOV and the Index 2 has a slightly lower FOV than what you're used to, the varifocal lenses alone will just make you not care."
"The additional boost to 4k even serves as quite an upgrade over 1080p which over itself was already very nice."
"It just transforms the watch to get a new crystal on it."
"The Ross's Battle Cannon is looking massively better to me."
"It has like brand new visuals and they kind of just remastered the entire thing which is pretty ambitious."
"From pixels to HD: Pokémon Let's Go's stunning visual transformation."
"If y'all take a look at WWE 2K22, you might see some massive differences from previous cycles, and this is the best looking game yet."
"The game boost update doubles the original game's frame rate to a solid 60 frames per second alongside increasing the game's resolution from 2160p to checkerboard 4K—breathtaking."
"Look how much sharper that license plate is. That's pretty cool."
"Better Grass mod: improving the visual aesthetics of Minecraft."
"The Dead Space remake is a fantastic take on a horror classic everything that fans loved about the original game has been lovingly recreated here with a beautiful upgrade to the visuals that make it feel like an entirely fresh experience."
"Color correction is an art form that can significantly improve the look of your videos with simple techniques."
"Your design is always going to start boring but when you start applying more love to it, that's when your design starts to shine."
"This looks so much more lively with those background changes."
"The new textures are 4k and they objectively look better than the old ones because they have more pixels."
"Literally like this is all over my hands and it just makes them look right."
"Everyone wants RGB now and who's surprised? Even if you did play games over composite back in the day, it's pretty impressive to see them again with sharp pixels and fully saturated colors."
"Damn dude, this visual update looks amazing."
"With that first phase of the chipping done, you can see it really helps embed those decals into the tank and makes them appear much more like they're painted on."
"Every image has potential with the right adjustments."
"A new crystal can really do a great job of breathing new life into a watch."
"Now what we're going to do is layer some select colors to make them brighter and cleaner."
"The graphics are definitely improving in this game."
"Sonic just looks a million times better in a second performance"
"It doesn't look nearly as plain as it first did."
"Dude, it changes the whole thing. Just looks so much more complete. See now, how good does the whole engine bay look with this in here? Way better."
"As you can see, the surface here looks brilliant now it's been painted."
"The artwork is looking really, really good; it's looking better and better with each chapter."
"Having those extra colors from the 10-bit footage is amazing; we now have far less banding in the skies, and the highlight roll-off is much nicer."
"The skies are looking prettier and prettier."
"The image is much improved and is more three-dimensional just by having the contrast ratio of an OLED."
"It's going to look much smoother than what it did before."
"Once the clear coat came off, everything looked way better."
"I'm actually really happy with the way this now looks."
"She looks flawless, her makeup is perfect, but with this, it just makes it that much better."
"With the springs and spaces installed, it is looking miles better."
"If you're looking to improve the look of your footage, then learning how to edit is crucial."
"Already this looks much nicer, doesn't it?"
"Just by adding these little adjustments, you take a regular photo that doesn't look that great into something that looks pretty cool."
"Just a simple little preset I've applied, some lighting adjustments, and then a geometry adjustment, and it looks a million times better."
"It's so slick, you can already see the difference in the lights."
"We're gonna make this thing look brand new."
"Just buffing out the little accessories and tiny appliances... can make your whole kitchen look newer."
"It's amazing how you can go from looking like this, which looks pretty bad, to another beautiful piece."
"Oh hell yeah, dude, those are going to look a million times better."
"Don't be afraid to constantly zoom your artwork in and out because it's gonna help you make better artwork in the long run."
"Hopefully with that, then we can just eradicate obviously tiled images from all of our blender renders collectively."
"VR is about to start looking significantly better and more realistic."
"Now everything gets brightened together, and it looks just more balanced overall."
"Just by using some lights, manual settings on our camera, and some simple color grading, we've made our camera look a thousand times better."
"You can see right away the colors look a lot nicer."
"You can see how much richer the color is on this guitar now."
"Now you can see our picture starts looking much better, we start getting a bit more definition by getting some hatching on our model, which is good, right, that looks fantastic, great."
"It's beautiful color, it's just beautiful and it looks better."
"By the end of the next video, your game will look like this."
"Things always look better with the film removed, and it's super satisfying pulling that off."
"This black background looks ten times better."
"Look at that, all of a sudden we have what looks like a much more balanced image."
"It makes everything just look a million times better."