
Consumer Awareness Quotes

There are 791 quotes

"Not all that long ago, I made an episode explaining what the word 'natural' means for the average consumer. After all, cyanide is natural, but that doesn't mean people should be inclined to consume it because of that, you know."
"These game companies, they're not your friends."
"Your financial education is what's so, so, so important because... there's a lot of things that profit from people being financially poor."
"If you want to know what's healthy, then you actually need to read the ingredients list, not the marketing information on the front of the package."
"It can be very tricky, obviously, with these giant conglomerates. The baby company can seem okay, but the parent company may be evil."
"You're kind, a woman who doesn't know much about cars, and he saw your expensive bag and thought he could fleece you."
"One thing that we want to do by being here is show people the animals, have them connect to the animals who've been killed for their products, hopefully reduce that consumer demand."
"Don't ever go to a car dealer without having done your homework and don't ever believe that the finance man is your friend."
"Mountain Dew, stop. It's got bromide in there, it's like a flame retardant."
"The food industry wants you to focus on calorie and fat content from sugar so you don't have to think about the quality of the food."
"Over the past few years, there has been an increasing concern of fake and counterfeit products being sold on websites like AliExpress, eBay, and even Amazon."
"We as consumers can learn to recognize, appreciate, and demand craftsmanship."
"We are role models but yes, it is up to the consumer to really decide and do research."
"Nobody does anything for free. If something is free, you are the product."
"There's no incentive for them (banks) to pick up the phone to you and say, 'Hey, by the way, you're paying us too much interest.'"
"If it's free, you are the product. That's always been the truth."
"It's about challenging you and changing your perspective on where you're throwing your dollars."
"It's important to have informed consumers and informed citizens so that we know how to protect ourselves."
"Cyberpunk taught me a lot about hype, about trusting companies, about how to approach shady review embargoes, and about how to separate the work of developers from the decisions of management."
"I think a lot of people are so disconnected from the reality of where their food comes from that it bothers them to watch something, to realize that something dies to go into play."
"If all slaughterhouses had glass walls, nobody would eat meat."
"I'm a girl from suburban New Jersey and just like every other consumer out there, I was pretty disconnected when it came to knowing where my food came from."
"A study by the Better Business Bureau has found that younger people between the ages of 18 and 24 were 3 times less likely than seniors to recognize a scam."
"Shrinkflation, also known as package downsizing, is the process of items shrinking in size or quantity."
"Sustainability tastes better, and that's what people need to realize."
"If the product was free, you are the product."
"I'll look back on 2015 as the year where game developers tried to get away with stupid stuff, and people noticed."
"Be very, very, very vigilant about companies that you are going to spend money with and be involved with in any way, shape, or form."
"Unique's revenues and profits declined year over year, with Coty attributing the weakness to decreasing hype, a complex business structure, increased consumer awareness of the risks of participating in an MLM scheme, and Facebook's algorithm changes."
"Be careful of this technique because it works on people almost every time. We saw it in Anthem, and we will see it in many more video games to come."
"The best way to know what's in your product is by reading the list of ingredients."
"Don't be fooled by a television commercial by bright lights. Let us go to the roots of the issue and deal with the truth."
"Please, please know what you're supporting, know where your money goes when you do research into charities. There are many good charities out there. This does not seem to be one of them."
"The truth is I ordered her flowers, and this thing just showed up. There's a lot of scams out there... I'm going to turn this into lemonade."
"These companies are not your friends. I love their products, I wish the best for the individuals working at the companies, but at the end of the day, my job is not to watch one company lie and lie and lie and then just try to find ways to do mental gymnastics and defend them on Twitter."
"You just have to be mindful there are professionals in this world that are targeting us in certain ways."
"You can't always trust a product that claims to be safe or all-natural."
"There are just two certain things in life: death and taxes. Benjamin Franklin said that, but now we also have to add that there's a third certain thing, and that is if you are using Verizon, AT&T, or T-Mobile, you are paying way too much for your cell phone coverage."
"The average person really does get sort of scammed and conned by this."
"The more you learn about fragrance, the less likely you're going to be taking advantage of, the less likely you're going to overspend, the less likely you're going to buy something that you don't like and be stuck with it."
"I'm not saying you should go out and spend $45,000 on a couple melons, but I am saying that you should be more mindful of what you put your money towards."
"Most people don't realize all the pain and suffering that goes into everything they have."
"They're not gonna pay you for a negative review."
"A pair of jeans can cost $32 imagine paying a thousand over $1,000 for that."
"Be vigilant on where you're purchasing your items."
"More than anything, be critical and aware of ingredients, concentrations, and the marketing of a product."
"There are some really good plant-based now the thing is look at the wall here 99% of the plant-based proteins on the market have the dreaded natural flavors."
"The scammers are out in force. Please don't get drawn in, don't get caught up in the scammers, and report them as you see them."
"If I'm going to put something in my body or on my skin, I want to know exactly what it is and what it's going to do for me."
"Everything that you buy in a video game, you should know exactly what you're buying."
"Not all influencers use shady tactics, but we should be aware of the ones that do."
"Is this person saying they like this product because they actually like it or is this person saying that because they're going to make a hundred dollars off of me if I purchase the product?"
"Not all that glitters is gold is gold gold is not all that glitters is gold do not let them take advantage of you do not see this new change so we're gonna change the beauty community there might be ulterior motives there be mindful of that."
"It's gonna be very scary when a consumer finally wakes up."
"It's like they're giving us a heads up before it comes out."
"We don't need to keep testing them on animals to know these things."
"It's important to remember that a company isn't your friend."
"The main problem with it and what makes it a waste of money a lot of the time is that you don't actually realize how much you're spending."
"While baby carrots are a type of carrot that's harvested before reaching maturity, they grow in inconsistent sizes and shapes and aren't usually what you buy when planning a dip-fest."
"Don't let some guru convince you that he's cured you."
"We live in an age now where we have more educated consumers who actually care about what's on their labels."
"The lies tell you something about a product; it tells you it's garbage."
"There's a difference between legitimate discounters and websites that offer knockoffs."
"You create the problem and sell the solution."
"Be aware of games that try to milk you for your money."
"I think it's about being a knowledgeable consumer. The more you know, the more intelligent questions you can ask."
"Consumers have little or no idea how the information they see has been shaped by the sites that they're visiting."
"Remember this at all times: If the product or service is free, you are the product."
"The more we look into it the more we can really see that these companies have done this before and maybe these second gen examples are proof that it has been done before."
"Avoid falling for PlayStation 5 scams or any scams that emerge for highly-anticipated consoles or games."
"This plan is here to get your money. They want your money."
"Consumers are happy to have a knowledge of where these plants are being produced how they're being produced what practices are in place and the handling."
"Many Brands throughout America have started pledging to remove artificial colors and flavors from their products."
"There's no way to really stop these Jordan bootlegs." - Bootleg shoes continue to be manufactured at alarming rates.
"If you're not paying for the product, then you are the product."
"Ultimately, more informed consumers will make better decisions."
"People are now becoming more informed... gamers are becoming less tolerant."
"If Tyson Foods were to go out of business, there's a lot of Brands you probably have in your refrigerator, your freezer, your pantry that you don't realize are part of them."
"I just want to make sure that you guys have as much information as possible and know the full scoop before you make any informed decisions as a consumer."
"An exercise like this can really go a long way towards dismantling the hold that branding has on us as consumers."
"Times have changed; consumers are savvy. The influencer world has become confusing."
"And the next time you go out shopping for a new TV, hopefully now, you’ll know better."
"In most instances, being scammed out of a few bucks on a bogus diet or health product will only mildly impact your health. But what if the stakes were much higher?"
"They are very subtle these days, diet companies and all kinds of companies when they're selling us things that rely on us feeling not good enough."
"If something is extremely cheap for you, it's probably because it had a really high cost somewhere else."
"An informed consumer is the best kind of consumer."
"I just want everyone to think more about the media that they consume."
"It's really important to just be informed on like what's going on with people and brands and things like that so we can make the most ethical decisions that we can with our money or our views."
"Used versus refurbished... used suggests damaged goods, it suggests maybe it hasn't been tested, maybe it hasn't been wiped, maybe it's not complete."
"Next time you're upgrading your gear and spamming the button, you might want to check if you're really actually upgrading your gear or if you're just getting scammed."
"It's really disrespectful to your audience to just push anything to them without really being educated about what you're pushing to them."
"Madden is a scam and people need to stop falling for it."
"We need to mainstream the idea of attention as sacred because it's so important."
"Inspected by the Department of Agriculture. What other products have not been inspected?"
"Made with real cheese. Like, what is not made with real cheese?"
"You're not the customer, you're the product being sold."
"But beneath that minty freshness or fruity zing, you're essentially chomping down on a specially designed, taste-enhanced plastic."
"Fifteen dollars an hour minimum wage should be a minimum wage period."
"Apple's admission that it was intentionally slowing down the performance of older iPhones triggered news reports around the world."
"You and me as it happens some human beings aren't as smart as others and unfortunately we've all supported predatory microtransactions one way or another."
"Companies in general are trying to sell you on the idea that microtransactions and loot boxes are [ __ ] features."
"An 18-year-old is more informed about the brand of shoes they wear than the institution at which they’ll spend 200 weeks of their lives and $84,000 on average."
"It's a reveal, I mean people out there don't even know that there are like nine-dollar coffees."
"Just because something claims to be luxury or has a designer logo on it does not automatically mean the quality is going to match."
"The problem here is that if you, the viewer, cannot with confidence define what an influencer is, then you're far less likely to be able to tell the difference between valuable information and marketing. And that's actually really scary."
"How many of us know what food does to the environment before it comes to our plate?"
"Most companies are just looking to make money and they increase their profit margins by using minimal dosages and charging top dollar for their supplements that don't work."
"But this also means it’s very important how the tools are offered and advertised."
"Spare a thought for the people who pay for these pixels."
"You're pumping your money into owners that don't care about the things that you support, you're making it worse because you're enabling that behavior."
"People are going to listen to this and maybe kind of come to an understanding of why they've really not cared about triple A but like in a way that they really feel."
"The bracelets were found to contain dangerous levels of lead."
"You can't recognize some of them, you know they're preservative additives."
"You should not be buying Aeon Mustai because you are supporting a game that straight up was stolen from its original creators."
"You cannot reverse the body's natural aging process humans don't work like that despite what the skincare industry will try and sell you it's just not how it works."
"Companies are not your friends. Intel's not your friend, AMD's not your friend. There are people there that could be your friend."
"False advertisement is fittingly enough exactly what it says on the tin."
"Genuine companies do advertise on all of those platforms."
"Be aware of how vicious and snake-like corporations are and how willing they are to manipulate you."
"These basic figures are significantly shorter, still cool, but just something to keep in mind."
"Let 2018 be the year where we get smarter as players, and educate other gamers on the tactics being used to separate us from our money."
"If they won't even list their ingredients, do you not think that's not sketchy in the slightest?"
"There's nothing sustainable about a company that will tell you that one t-shirt was made out of organic cotton, but everybody who made the t-shirt is exploited."
"I think in general the general consumer would recognize uh jorge mazar or nate diaz or nick diaz more than it could be you know I'm saying in America as far as marketing."
"Consumers beware, don't just celebrate this, have some opinions."
"They are creating fewer cards selling packs with fewer cards in them but still charging comparable prices."
"We need to stop watching and consuming mainstream media garbage..."
"Please don't fall for the marketing hype and falsely believe that fat burners are going to have some kind of drastic effect."
"It's really up to the consumer to be informed about the choices that they're making and to not fall victim to marketing at the end of the day."
"People who think it's a scam or whatever, just looking at them brings happiness."
"But that's not what any of this is about. What this is about is the fact that we know what EA Sports is doing."
"When you see something that affects a tech-savvy consumer base, it really brings the issue to light."
"Multi-level marketing companies are money-making schemes and nothing more."
"Please don't give it to them because they don't love you they don't care about you they are only after the money."
"They do that thing where they take like niacinamide and they do a cereal dilution of it into different bottles."
"Mysteriously for booking.com reservation data is being used to scam customers."
"Starbucks is lying to you. They are telling you that they're lifting prices because of the supply chain crisis and inflation in fact they have record-breaking profits so that doesn't really make sense."
"Pepsi and Beyond Meat are interested in profits, not your health."
"Nonetheless, right now this thing is still very much up in the air and anybody who claims that it is not up in the air is trying to sell you something."
"So yes in-house movements definitely are nice to have but sometimes the cost per ownership is just not there and I think this is often not considered by buyers."
"The fact that it's crossed out tells me they've already lowered the price."
"Promoting supplements without credentials attached leaves much to be desired."
"They're not going to give you that satisfaction for those of you who were wondering whether or not you were being taken advantage of for your money."
"The manufacturer is the only one who knows the truth about his product."
"Buying something at a sale price that you wouldn't have bought otherwise isn't a good deal."
"The cost of low prices is higher than most people even dare to imagine."
"This show isn't a cash grant it's not YouTube read trying to use a franchise to finger your wallet."
"Epic store with exclusive games and a Spartan feature set is a fine target for iron but please help separate facts and opinions from allies about spyware and foreign control." - Tim Sweeney
"Don't let brands manipulate your love of some intellectual property into giving them money for something that has nothing to do with that thing."
"These Amazon golow fruit pajama dupes are not dupes, like they are knockoffs."
"Despite fooling a few desperate online customers, fake ads like these are pretty easy to spot with a little common sense."
"That's crazy, they're out here saying like yes we have the exact same for way less money."
"Conscious consumerism is the move in 2020 or just in life."
"Perhaps the single most nefarious way that a desperate publisher can try and entice you to play their game is to straight up lie about it."
"Relying on supplement sellers for health advice is risky business."
"If the product you're using is free, you are the product."
"The whole point of this channel is so that you guys can be conscious consumers and vote with your dollar and make purchasing decisions that are meaningful for you guys and have an impact in your life like smart purchasing decisions."
"In today's commercial Society we are made to believe all sorts of things that are untrue."
"The least you can do is avoid MLMs like doTERRA and Young Living."
"Natural is not a regulated term, so basically anybody can say that their products are natural no matter what's inside of them."
"For me, it's really, really important that people recognize and realize that we need to really take more ownership in terms of how products are made that are marketed to us."
"Always remember to read those packages because you and I know to turn and learn to get familiar with our ingredients lists and the actives within them."
"It's about thinking about values and not just prices when it comes to trade."
"The entire experience takes you through 17 rooms."
"And until they are, it's up to the consumer to be informed because the government is not on your side," she said.
"Nvidia has fooled you into buying a slower part by giving it the same name as a faster part."
"Target, yeah, y'all better get the L. Yes, yeah, I got the L. Stop using all that stuff with dye and bleach and all of the rest of the stuff. Actually helps, I've seen a major difference."
"There's nothing free in this world; you're the product."
"Consumers need to be informed of exactly what is going on with these titles and what state they happen to be in."
"None of this stuff's going away. They're just trying to get your pockets a little empty right now."
"I just can't like understand the like consumers chose this it's like [__] show me on the brochure where it says three years from now your purchase contributes to our Market domination."
"I wanted to make sure I created a list that was gender inclusive, size inclusive, budget friendly."
"When someone is going so out of their way to market something, most often it isn't because they're looking out for your best interest."
"Spending hours on research ensures you're not overpaying."
"I want you to care about what's going on in our food supply in this country."
"Banks will not want people to know how much debt they have or how much interest they're paying on it."
"Don't imagine for a second that somehow Sony is a white knight in all of this."
"Sony wants your money just as bad as Microsoft does."
"Sony's not your friend. Microsoft's not your friend."
"It has to get to the point where it's affecting them negatively enough to notice money wise for them to care."
"Do you think we need to worry about what they're putting in our Electronics?"
"There are a plethora of reasons I can give you to avoid MLMs, they are one small step from pyramid schemes and there is a consistent history of these companies being dishonest, misleading, and manipulative."
"The best thing I can do to these fake guru practices is just bring awareness so that you can make better informed decisions on which gurus to follow and which products to buy."
"A product is only as good as its worst ingredient."
"Recognize that when you see that really long ingredient list you are about to eat toxic sludge."
"Direct your anger towards misleading labeling, not criticism of diets."
"Every time you're on a platform, it's essentially trying to hold your attention because your attention is a commodity to them."
"If your food is made in a big Factory owned by a transnational Food Corporation, there is a good chance that it will cause you harm."
"I do think that people don't realize or think about how they're actually getting the meat. But just because they don't realize that they're eating dead animals doesn't make it bad."
"Produce stickers on fruit and veggies you get at the supermarket are full of information."
"Based on all of this and based on that money and where that money could go, there is a host of luxury products that are actually made by badass female scientists and by actual doctors that have actual ingredients that actually work."
"That kind of mentality is preying on the same kind of psychological triggers as the loot boxes did just in a way that hasn't taken."
"Please don't fall for any of those high-pressured retail tactics."
"You know how much this costs right? Too much."
"They're like, oh, nasty, nasty chemicals. There are many words in food, in cosmetics that we can't pronounce."
"Companies are not your friends. They don't care about you. It's profits first at the end of the day."
"Disney World can be an absolute dream come true for you and your family, but ignorance towards Disney's major problems does not lead to bliss."
"In every streaming service or every radio or TV station, there's someone called a program manager. We aren't being entertained as much as we are being programmed."
"Change if you don't like change, don't purchase a machine."
"Amazon's new legal filing comes on the heels of renewed governmental efforts to quell the widespread fake reviews industry which influenced around $152 billion in global spending last year."