
Gaze Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Through it all, there is this light, this healing ability that you have with just your gaze."
"Medusa, the most beautiful monster with pink snake hair and a gaze that could freeze."
"Her eyes never leaving his, he felt like he was falling, falling."
"He bent above the man. The Nemedian stared up with dilated, glazing eyes that somehow held a terrible bewilderment."
"In the stillness of that gaze, he felt a kind of innocence come back into him after all he had seen and all he had done in the war."
"Long hair also has a tendency to drag our gaze downwards."
"I had gazed on him while unfinished he was ugly then."
"One of my favorite quotes was whenever Kai said I will her to meet my eyes and when they do sparks electricity Everything is Beautiful Everything bold everything breathtaking that is what I feel in her gaze that and terrified terrified of what she's doing to me."
"They feel like your eyes are very piercing, like you just gaze into their soul."
"For a moment the soft friendliness of his gaze hardened and she saw a glimpse of the entitled nobleman accustomed to getting his way."
"I froze as if those eyes captured my soul right then and there."
"Her gaze was full of determination."
"All it took was that his eyes never really could land on Natalie, he never really... There's not a moment in that scene except for right at the beginning where he actually looks at her in the eyes."
"So maybe we gaze in different ways depending on our personality."
"The Dali portrait subjects, while largely unknown to audiences today, stare out at us not with Warhol-like emptiness, but with genuine presence."
"You have a powerful gaze. Your eyes are more powerful than you even know."
"We see it etched in Frederick Douglass's mighty leaning gaze."
"...listen if you're going to be living your whole life lowering your gaze not looking at woman you'll notice that your body is going to produce more testosterone because now your body is like holy crap I need a wife so it's gonna do all that it can to go and get you a wife..."
"His breath hitched and he just looked at me the entire time."
"You have profound mystery in your eyes."
"I love the way you look at me, I can see the sparkle of appreciation in your eyes."
"You both can feel each other's soul when you look, you stare at each other."
"To gaze into one another's eyes is truly the most intimate form of human contact."
"The eyes held two green orbs that stared into Wayne's soul."
"Faith is rising as I see your eyes on me."
"It looked straight into her soul."
"I think about your gaze, your gaze of the bullet pinned to the chest."
"Sophie looked up and straight into the eyes of a gentleman... she knew they approved what they saw."
"Love the way she looks in my eyes."
"There's something about just the way he looks at you."
"It's not that I want you here, it's something about the way you stare."
"Don't look into anyone's eyes; we may never look away."
"He’s full of this sparkle in His eyes, looking down at us, lovingly."
"I mean he really looked at me, deep into my eyes, perhaps into my soul."
"The girl with the Pearl Earring features a young woman looking over her shoulder while staring directly at the viewer with a seductive gaze."
"She looked straight into my eyes and all I could see was the urgency of her hunger."
"Its haunting black eyes staring directly into the soul of the viewer."
"It's a face of a man, and he's looking directly into your soul."
"His gaze connected even deeper, dazzling her like sunlight."
"One look from his very penetrating gaze was enough to quell most lawbreakers."
"...her eyes icy blue and vividly intense they held his gaze and wouldn't let go even in a photograph."
"Across the crowd, Donald caught Leonora's eye, and something flashed between them—an appeal."
"Every time I look into your eyes, I feel like I'm being rejuvenated of my life."
"The look saves, but it's the gaze that sanctifies."
"Never seen eyes looking to me like you did."
"Practice your drishti, your yoga gaze, eyes soft."
"Isaac and the girl looked deeply into each other's eyes."
"I love the intensity in the stare."
"When a God looks at you, it's significant."
"His eyes... they were like two lanterns, perfect circles, far too wide open for normal eyes."
"I love you too," she lifted her head and looked into his eyes.
"Don't gaze in such a way, that I get drunk, that may tempt us to commit some beautiful blunder"
"I could spend every single day staring into your beautiful blues."
"I could look into your eyes forever."
"All I'm asking you to do is to look into His eyes."
"It's through the gaze in her eyes that we come to have a self."
"He feeds upon her face by day and night, and she with true kind eyes looks back on him."
"Her grasp, her gaze latched on to mine."
"They must feel like they're looking into your soul when they do stare at you like that."
"It's like the entrance to the soul."
"These round big blue eyes are looking into your soul."
"He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man."
"Their piercing eyes, they just look into your soul."
"...the look in his eyes was so serrated that it could cut through a tree trunk."
"Look into my eyes, see what's going on in there."
"I miss looking in your eyes, there was something about the way you would look at me."
"There's something about the way you fix your eyes on me."
"It's the way they look at you that's really going to make you feel seen."