
Zero Waste Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We just try our best and I think that everyone should strive to try their best in zero waste wherever you are right now."
"Living a Zero Waste lifestyle basically means you're not sending anything to landfill."
"Maintaining a true zero waste lifestyle is not possible for many of us."
"I'm really trying to move away from saying zero waste because I feel like it's kind of like a false idea."
"There's no waste from what we're doing, full utilization of this."
"Not everyone can be like Instagram perfect zero waste."
"Prioritize package-free produce...and buy dry items in bulk."
"Bring a very lightweight produce bag...90% of the time."
"Support zero waste businesses...taking responsibility for their waste."
"You don't make up the definition of zero waste neither do I but I will use it as I please because basically anything that can be recycled over and over again I would consider it no waste so hence yeah zero waste."
"Adopting a zero waste mentality is the best way to find more creativity in the kitchen."
"We don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly; we need millions of people doing it imperfectly."
"Learn to use every ounce of food that passes through your kitchen, waste nothing."
"I am going to be launching a huge campaign on zero waste living but it's not about showing the failures but it's more about being positive and rewarding us for making good choices."
"There are five R's to zero waste: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot."
"Every part of the chicken is used, nothing goes to waste."
"Eating unpackaged and minimally packaged foods reduces waste for future generations."
"If I could be zero waste, like, that would be amazing."
"Without this discussion and nuance and gray area, we end up choosing things in the name of zero waste that actually are not even the most sustainable option."
"They are incredibly environmentally conscious and they have a zero waste movement."
"I ventured out to try doing a zero-waste routine."
"We are constantly moving forward with the endgame to be as close to zero waste as we possibly can."
"I love the zero waste component of that."
"They're all about having no waste which I think is really, really awesome."
"They believe in zero waste, so you're really doing something incredible for the environment."
"You can live low waste for free, it can be easy, it can be fun, and it can be for everyone."
"I prefer to make small zero-waste adjustments over time that add up."
"Efficiency is when you circulate. Efficiency is when there's zero waste."
"Trying to be zero waste requires more planning and a bit more time."
"It had everything in glass bottles; it had milk, it had orange juice, it had bread, and nothing was in plastic."
"We're about as close to a zero-waste shop as you can get."
"One of the things that we're really striving to do at Oberlin is be a zero waste facility."
"Everything that we do in our facility has a salable home, so we're a zero waste facility."
"Nothing goes to landfill, nothing goes to waste."
"I want to contribute to the zero waste society."
"I don't have any food waste anymore. It's crazy."
"You don't necessarily need to buy zero waste products to live a zero waste lifestyle."
"My menstrual cycles are now zero waste and I am loving it."
"The mesh net is produced according to the zero waste principle, which involves minimal waste during production and that material should be reusable after the product is used."
"I'm really excited about the stuff that we have started preparing and the kind of zero waste habits that I'm really trying to build this spring for a really positive year ahead."