
Latex Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"This to me is absolutely freaking stunning, it's my first piece of like proper latexy clothing and I think it's wonderful."
"LaTeX is a software system for document preparation... it produces beautiful looking documents in a professional manner."
"LaTeX is a typesetting language to make beautiful math documents."
"I really like taking your data in an external file to not mess up your main text document."
"Latex is just this markup language that allows you to write beautiful documents for math and many other STEM fields and beyond."
"Overleaf is an entirely cloud-based Latex editor."
"Fancyhdr allows me to do really funky headers and footers."
"As a teacher, some of the main reasons I prefer using Latex over word processors is that Latex is cross-platform, it's backwards compatible, it produces PDF files that are small and can be opened on any device, and it's free, open source, and highly customizable."
"Equations are something that realistically is why a lot of us use LaTeX."
"The beauty of Latex is that you don't have to think about your formatting too much."
"Remember when you open Math mode using a dollar sign, everything in math mode turns green."
"If you're a STEM student or anybody that uses a lot of equations, then I strongly recommend that you write your homeworks using LaTeX."
"LaTeX is a markup language which means you can type away in the code, and it produces these beautiful documents."
"The earlier you get on the bandwagon and make it just natural to everything in terms of LaTeX, the easier everything's going to be."
"The goal of this video is a complete introduction for somebody who knows nothing about LaTeX."
"I want to make it as easy as possible to get started."
"You can switch between what's called the code editor and the visual editor."
"If you do the visual editor, it removes a lot of the code and makes it feel like you're writing just like you would be writing in a Word document."
"Let's learn how to write some mathematics, one of the key ideas of LaTeX."
"Any mathematics that you want to write, you can very beautifully write using LaTeX."
"It just takes a few commands and a little bit of understanding of the basic structure."
"You can change things once, and it changes everywhere."
"This is an example where you can go into the code and make little tweaks to get it to do what you want."
"This is how you get bonus points with your professors for looking stylistically beautiful."
"MathJax is a way of using LaTeX math equations inside of web pages."
"If you want inline math... you can do single dollar signs and then your math equation."
"For a centered equation formula, you need to actually do double dollar signs."
"Now using MathJax is as simple as a pair of dollar signs and writing your equation inside of it."
"LaTeX is so powerful, and it's basically used throughout mathematics and many other STEM fields as well."
"I learned Law Tech in the space of about a week... I remade my entire thesis in Law Tech."
"There are packages in LaTeX to do everything and to do everything elegantly."
"It's easy, your life is going to be so much easier once you do."
"LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation."
"LaTeX is the de facto standard for communication and publication of scientific documents."
"Anything that you can imagine, you can do it with LaTeX."
"LaTeX is a powerful system and we are looking at one very tiny small portion of the LaTeX ecosystem."
"If you touch math and you use and see equations and you need to understand equations, this is going to be useful for you."
"It's an incredibly powerful feature of the granular typesetting that you can do with LaTeX and LaTeX math."
"Hello and welcome back, friends. I'm Dr. Sally, and this is the first tutorial of LaTeX for scientists."
"We'll cover all the basic information you need to be able to understand how LaTeX works."
"It's a fully online platform, so all your work is continuously backed up, and it makes it really easy to collaborate with your colleagues."
"Believe it or not, LaTeX is a real programming language."
"This file is then passed into a compiler, which reads your commands and formats the writing according to them."
"The preamble contains all of the packages and commands that tell the compiler how to format the document."
"So let's just go through line by line and see if we can make sense of all these commands."
"We always start every document by declaring the document class."
"I hope this has helped you to see that LaTeX is actually not as complicated as it first looks."
"In under 10 minutes, we've just created a basic document and added a few little flourishes to make it even nicer than the default one."
"I've written a lot of papers and books in the math field and stats over the last 20 years, and every single one has either used LaTeX or Sweave."
"This booktabs creates really nice-looking tables in LaTeX."
"This is rendered in LaTeX in the browser using the KaTeX extension developed by Khan Academy."
"Enjoy LaTeX, and I look forward to reading your documents."
"Another feature of Latex is that it encourages you to think about the content of your document and not on the layout."
"You can use it to generate bibliographies and so forth."
"Just like in Microsoft Word, you can create lists in Latex."
"One extremely useful feature of Latex is that it numbers everything for you."
"All LaTeX documents start with the command \documentclass."
"Remember when you open a new document, you must save it and give it a name before you try and compile it."
"Latex is the sap of a tree, not plastic foam."
"Latex is quick recovery, so you squeeze it, it bounces right back."
"Latex has holes in it, those holes allow it to breathe."
"Latex is a very powerful typesetting tool and is used to write books and reports."
"The software is pronounced 'LaTeX,' not 'Latex' as you might first think."
"It goes into a lot more depth and is often used by publishers and people that want to write math equations like this where it looks really nice."
"LaTeX is not just free; it is the best typesetting software for scientists and researchers."
"The major advantage of LaTeX is that it can handle mathematical expressions in a fantastic way."
"Align environment is very easy to use and very intuitive."
"Hope you all participants have happy LaTeX planning."
"We're using LaTeX, so we've got this nice distinction between upright and italic fonts."

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