
Harassment Quotes

There are 451 quotes

"You will never know the fear of what it is like to be a woman and walk around on the street or have a guy catcalling you."
"Nobody deserves to be harassed for literally anything, whether they made a mistake, whether they did something intentionally bad. There is no reason to threaten someone's safety or their life."
"No one deserves to be stalked, harassed, threatened, slandered, and the list goes on and on."
"A lot of your videos have meant a lot to me, and I just hope you keep creating, even though you get so much undue harassment."
"Over 63% of female gamers are harassed, threatened, and verbally abused in-game."
"She had manipulated her own family members and through them, had chosen to harass everybody who were once friends with her."
"Don't harass them, don't go after them, be the bigger person. Don't sink to their level."
"Attacking people for their looks or appearance or [stuff] they can't control, or using it as a way to tell people to kill themselves, yeah, that's never the answer."
"Do you think people who care about social justice should have the freedom to review and make games without harassment and doxing?"
"Anything about the FBI, I don't know, don't harass me."
"It goes without saying that it's completely unacceptable that anyone at the company faces discrimination and harassment."
"Trans youth are vulnerable and they suffer significant harassment and bullying."
"If more people accepted that it's okay to dislike a game and move on rather than doubling down on harassment, things would be more open."
"This kind of harassment at the hands of the powerful isn't just designed to financially ruin somebody; it's designed to [expletive] their soul."
"Online harassment is nothing unique to any single region."
"Trans youth are vulnerable...they suffer significant harassment and bullying sometimes in schools or in their community."
"If you're starting to see like your community... attacking women, harassing women, targeting women, you gotta say something."
"This seems to actually present a real threat to Hannah. I wouldn't want to be harassed on the street as a 40-year-old man, let alone as a 19-year-old woman."
"You don't have the right to slander me and destroy me on YouTube to make me the laughingstock, strawman of the bad gaming YouTuber, so that now people are trying to kill me."
"The media's made it all about threats and harassment received by Anita Sarkeesian and people like that."
"He proved how little he cared about sexual assault and harassment, both in his workplace and in his friend group."
"The harassment is not okay. The people who were bullying her are not absolved of guilt."
"It's sad to see somebody that just leaves the internet and stops making content, especially if it's because of harassment."
"There's a material difference between criticism and harassment."
"I am sorry to hear that anyone who listens to my channel has harassed her, and I denounce it without question."
"I don't think many people think about that, no that's good because I don't like being sexually harassed by people like you."
"The time for harassment in CS:GO is finally up."
"Your feelings become invalid the moment that they are inflicted on other people. Nobody cares about your feelings whenever they are used as a justification to harass somebody."
"The rules currently don't protect people from harassment sufficiently."
"Saying she should not have been harassed is absolutely correct and the trans Community believes so too."
"The only person who like regularly gets hate crimed by his own [ __ ] fan base."
"Guys please don't do that it is it's disgusting...don't harass them into anything."
"I don't think either of these people deserve to be bullied or harassed for this."
"Please stop call me a predator stop call me manipulative stop call me a grimmer."
"People in videos are seen harassing locals telling them we know where you live."
"So I'm like, I'm done and I walked to the back and my co-workers heard them say, 'Teeny, that's my name, Teeny's not going home tonight, she's sleeping in the parking lot, we're killing her.'"
"When things were starting to get back on track for me, that is when her targeted harassment was at its worst. As if bettering myself was what made her angry."
"Nobody deserves a flood of hateful messages for a gaming mistake."
"It's just [expletive] to threaten people on Twitter over a case that's being discussed on YouTube. No one should be harassed in this case."
"Belief is everything wow and it is a decision and once you make it and you stick to it because belief is always going to be pushed up against."
"Targeting and harassing Americans because of their political beliefs is shameful and dangerous." - Kevin McCarthy
"This goes to show a pattern of harassment... it's not about this one instance."
"Don't let the cultists tell you otherwise. They mock and harass you, fine, they've done that to others. They've done that to the best of people. They did that to Jesus."
"I don't think people sign up for harassment in a law-abiding country."
"He's harassing me and threatening to kill me."
"Piece and she posts it and it causes Twitter to go insane and Twitter creates the hashtag Bitcoin chase and they harassed the out of Dorian Nakamoto."
"Solving harassment isn't as simple as blocking their number."
"It's absolutely unacceptable to harass and pressure our staff for deals after being told no."
"I can understand you know someone comes out against a guy or a girl and it's multiple people detailing the same sorts of harassment or something like that."
"I've been harassed, I've been doxxed, I've been threatened."
"I'm tired of people minimizing the harassment I received over the last week."
"It's very courageous when people stand up to harassers."
"These deliberate and directed attacks continue to be carried out against Miss Remini and those within her family as well as against her professional and social network by a multitude of individuals both within or hired by Scientology."
"Screw you, I'm just gonna play a game and you know, harassing people is not okay, bullying people is not okay."
"Prime Kai was inappropriate and did sexually harass Cat."
"Suck it up is not the answer. It's on the people harassing them to not do the thing."
"Why is it so hard to just not harass people? I don't understand."
"Hands to yourself. Back the [ __ ] up. Not everybody wants to be hugged."
"If you're being harassed by your employer, you let them know."
"There is no place for abuse, harassment, or predatory practices in any company or any community."
"I hold everybody equally accountable, and I always condemn anybody being bothered or harassed. There is no reason for it."
"No one's ever asking for any sort of harassment about the way they're dressing or looking."
"Eventually this would lead to 24 7 surveillance of us and our home including stalking trespassing videoing our house while we're inside of it and death threats."
"Look at the dual behavior... one group randomly harassing people while the other isn't."
"Harassment is covered in depth in YouTube's Community guidelines despite it being one of the most ignored policies they have."
"I wish all these rumors would stop and I wish you guys would just leave Welven alone, stop bullying him on these streets, just let him live the life that he wants to live."
"From literally creating one of the most popular memes of the last decade to being cruelly harassed on the street, that was Welven's story."
"The Biden Administration targeting and harassing political opponents."
"This kind of harassment... isn't just designed to financially ruin somebody, it's designed to soul." - Jared Monroe
"My heart really goes out to Emily for having to deal with this insane amount of harassment and abuse."
"No one deserves to be sexually harassed at work."
"I learned to ignore the trolls no matter how vicious they might be."
"I have a thick skin, but the haters in China constantly trying to upset my life are the real deal."
"Nobody deserves to be dogpiled like that on the internet."
"What we're seeing, though, is one of the most powerful, one of the richest women in the world unable to get her ex to stop texting her, to stop chasing after her, to stop harassing her."
"Yeah, I mean, how many times have you been called a pedophile? A lot, I mean, especially online, being on social media. It happens daily, really."
"Harassment and abuse are real problems that can happen to anyone."
"The important thing to remember about this is that Sophie, a trans woman, received a Relentless amount of harassment not just from xanderhal's Community but from debate communities as a whole just for this threat."
"Online harassment is something that almost every online creator experiences to varying degrees."
"I do not condone harassment or doxing of any sort."
"Try being harassed and doxed for months on end and see how you feel."
"People engaged in contemporary debates about sex and gender identity have been harassed, intimidated, verbally abused, gratuitously offended, viciously smeared."
"It was terrifying to me to get daily notifications from him posting my full name everywhere."
"I receive hundreds of death threats regularly if not daily, thousands since this trial has started. People mocking, mocking my testimony about being assaulted, making fun of my objection."
"Katie Joy Paulson intentionally engages in internet trolling for the purpose of harassment and causing others consternation, grief, emotional distress, financial ruin, and otherwise cause damage to their reputations, well-being, and livelihoods."
"Making people feel 'safe' on the platform is just opening the door to accusations of harassment."
"Every time I would block one number, he'd somehow call from another one. When I got a new phone, the calls stopped."
"This person's constantly stalking you online, trying to figure out who you are."
"Alex Jones... told stupid lies on a daily basis to an adoring audience of morons. But the guy is personally responsible for parents of murdered children being harassed by his fans under the impression that they are crisis actors."
"Racist hashtag March for life participants harassed and mocked this elderly Native American man."
"I'm sick and tired of you. She's literally harassing me."
"When you start showing up to people's homes, when you start doxing them, when you swat them or have the bomb squad show up, the goal is to terrorize."
"If somebody is saying mean things to you in the game, what do you think of? Here's how you fix it: you go to their name and you click block. Problem solved, easy peasy."
"I'm getting harassed by some loser Wanna-Be Cops, unbelievable."
"Misgendering and dead naming are considered harassment and abuse by Twitter."
"Harassment comes from a place of punishment, criticism from wanting things to be better."
"People are so dumb and comfortable on social media. They think they can just sit there behind them and harass them and nothing's gonna happen."
"All of us do not condone harassment of any kind."
"Pinching butts is that old lady sexual harassment that nobody cares about. Even if I tell people like, 'She got me,' they're like, 'Well, she's 85, you should have been faster.'"
"I'm shaking because I'm so upset. I've met you a million times. I've told you I'm not interested. What is wrong with you?"
"Prevent online harassment... they're going to try to stop it before it happens."
"I didn't stay my full final two weeks. John continued to harass me anonymously for months after this."
"Asking questions isn't harassment but publicly telling your followers to report people is."
"Ubisoft's system tolerates harassers for the sake of convenience."
"Grusch claimed that when he briefed the US Senate about the UFO recovery program, he was immediately harassed and intimidated by members of the intelligence community."
"Considering Leah Remy's evidence, Leah Remy has established a course of conduct that constitutes harassment."
"Death threats are not okay. Harassment is not okay."
"It's never a waste of police time to report harassment."
"There's a difference between inconvenience and harassment."
"The continuous name-calling and unjust accusations are tools specifically used to silence and cancel any opinion."
"This man is literally trying to start a harassment campaign against a woman whose only crime is trying to get literal justice for her sister's [bleep] murder."
"Sexual violence is just violence, and harassment is just harassment."
"Please do not harass fan, Eugenia, any of Eugenia's current mods, or anybody involved in the situation."
"Following somebody is harassing and intimidating them."
"It's disgusting because when they've done that they were watching the channel and they've also done it knowing that that's gonna get people sending threats to me calling me a rapist apologizer and all sorts of stuff."
"No one deserves to be harassed for the content they choose to stream, how they look, or who they are."
"It's completely unacceptable for men to engage in harassment in the workplace."
"Stalkers... the most mentally debilitating form of harassment."
"Not an excuse for a hate campaign. Acts of hate dished out online won't result in any positive change. It only makes things worse because you don't obviously want to like levy harassment against again sad."
"He bombarded Sandra with pages and pages of sickening texts."
"You think they're about to apologize to you and then they instead incite their four million followers to attack you. Goddamn."
"I'm not your [] girl. If I was, you would not be asking for pictures. You stalk people for a living. We are not friends. Stay the [] away from me and most importantly, my family."
"It's really hard to get yourself out of harassment campaigns, don't respond to them maybe that's the only way."
"Try to make sure if the harassment continues that people around you and in your audience know that it's serious."
"Nobody should ever be abusing, assaulting, harassing people in the first place, and that is the real issue."
"If all women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote 'me too' as a status, we might give people a sense of magnitude of the problem."
"Harassment to me is constantly bugging and picking on someone even after they've repeatedly asked you to stop."
"Fake news has very serious and real consequences... the media frequently engages in harassment campaigns."
"Either you are assaulted on set in front of numerous people, which will overshadow everything, or your recollection isn't entirely accurate."
"I'm disappointed in the fact that the Encanto fandom just harassed kids by labeling them as racist just because they wanted to draw their favorite Encanto character and they made a few mistakes."
"From my understanding, Dream's fan base has had a history of doxing and harassing people who criticize Dream and who Dream has called out in the past."
"There can be no doubt that the ongoing problem of harassment and hatred in the gaming community is a problem actively nurtured by publishers..."
"Zero's message was clear: put an end to harassment and move on."
"This borders on targeted harassment. This board is on actual targeted harassments that I think could warrant getting someone heated from the platform."
"They do not fit one particular profile. If you're in corporate America right now, I guarantee you're going to get corporate gang stalkers."
"There's a huge difference between calling somebody out and using constructive criticism versus actually harassing and bullying people."
"She might claim that she is coming after a bully but she is actually stalking IND doxing normal people with no power."
"Let's go and find out where his family lives. Let's go ruin their life. Let's go find out where his kid goes to school."
"I receive hundreds of death threats regularly, if not daily."
"NYPD is openly harassing a media professional and attorney simply because I outperformed the mayor in an interview." - Activist
"I am firm in the belief that it is a dangerous stupid embarrassing thing to be someone who goes out of their way to try to make someone else's life online harder by way of harassment."
"Harassing people because they played a video game is not how you go about proper activism."
"Harassment can be a one-off event but when it becomes a repeated action it tends to escalate. Instead of a bait violence becomes a real possibility."
"It's irresponsible for anyone to bring her on a platform while she continues to use her platform to harass and abuse people."
"They pride themselves in it. Pure research: 73% of adults have seen someone harassed on the internet."
"She's bullying, she's stalking, she's harassing."
"There's no Silver Bullet to protect women and minority groups on the internet who experience online harassment and abuse."
"Everything needs to stop. Leave me alone. It was harassment."
"There's uncontroverted evidence showing it has led to them being threatened and harassed."
"Online harassment in any shape or form is not right."
"Harassment for going against the establishment does exist. What Larson did in being complicit is twice as disgusting as what Netflix did for initiating it."
"You're still just harassing somebody for sharing their opinion."
"Stop picking on this lady, please stop picking on this just because you're offended and you needed a click and a mention."
"No one should face violence or harassment on the job."
"I feel like I haven't met her yet, and just kind of the last line of her saying that I harassed her just didn't make me comfortable."
"It really says something when you have people who will actually harass someone just because they want ownership over a singular word."
"No one should be subject to harassment on social media, especially due to any protected characteristic."
"I would not have been able to get through this without her and I've seen people harassing her on whatever talking about it and it's just it breaks my heart."
"My feelings are valid, no matter how much harassment I've received."
"Putting out someone's personal information for intimidation or harassing purposes is called doxxing."
"Harassment and bullying somebody is [ __ ] wrong."
"She's a very caring type person who felt embarrassed to have the city compliance and a police officer at her door so maybe don't effing harass your neighbors."
"Apparently my fans and slash trolls are harassing him, and you know what, that's just not necessary."
"If ever a man knew how close he could get to sexual harassment without crossing the line, it was him."
"he started showing up to my apartment daily 8:30 on the dot to bang on my front door for 30 minutes straight he wouldn't even take a single minute break"
"Bullying, harassment, telling people to harm themselves is never okay."
"Persistently misgendering somebody after they correct you and ask you not to do that is harassment."
"The incident led to numerous discussions about the safety of female runners, fearing verbal harassment or physical attacks."
"The only person at fault for sexual harassment is the person doing the harassing."
"Anyone who is deemed to represent the diversity, equity, and inclusion worldview is going to be subject to that kind of terror and harassment moving forward."
"Then out of nowhere, my headscarf is ripped off of my head as someone behind me yells 'terrorist female dog'."
"I instantly felt uncomfortable, but as a young hispanic female, I had been pretty used to older hispanic men being inappropriate like that."
"I was forced to move out of the apartment just weeks after moving in after experiencing constant harassment, trespassing, and ultimately physical assault."
"If you're spending 4 or $500 on an airline ticket, you shouldn't have to deal with being harassed."
"I could have dealt with the comments, I could have dealt with the not taking no for an answer, even dealt with the cyberstalking a little, but when your twisted mind okay's you to bring my kid into the picture, you've crossed the line."
"You're the only female streamer I know that is hated that way. It is not alright."
"There’s this crazy asshole that’s been following me. He showed up at the homeless shelter a few weeks back and always seems to be hovering around."
"Your boyfriend had his boss hit on him, tried to break up his relationship, spent hours together late into the evening, and is now disparaging him physically at work. Does your boyfriend know he's being negged and sexually harassed?"
"If your HOA hires private police to harass you, I think that is illegal no matter what country you are in."
"They were being harassed weekly it had gotten so bad that we had called the cops on them numerous times."
"You're going to get some unexpected good news coming, good news about the situation right here being stopped like these individuals being stopped from harassing you, that's what I'm getting."
"I'm catcalled, I'm told what's what by incompetent men, I do it every day because otherwise I get called emotional or difficult, or I might get murdered."
"They have no idea what the world looks like from the position of a person who wakes up every single day, and it's like, all right, do we have hundreds or thousands of death threats to look through? All right, let's comb through."
"She said that after she changed her number and made her social media accounts private she never heard from him again and never had any further issues."
"If I kept harassing a pregnant woman I will be served and then they were like it's up."
"The calls began to really amp up and eventually, they turned into incessant texts, some of the texts were angry and some were almost sexual in nature, they were all still nonetheless quite creepy indeed"
"But remember guys, you aren't allowed to criticize me. That's harassment, remember?"
"It's a very scary situation when you're being accosted for nothing."
"I'm hoping the harassment doesn't start again."
"They are misusing technology to harass people."
"Not only harassed physically... found out that there were many hate messages that Yin received from those obsessive fans."
"Julie Jensen ended up dying on December 3rd of 1998, but this virtually constant harassment that had been going on since 1991, it slows down after June of 1998, and then it comes to a total stop after August of 1998."
"A joke is only a joke when everyone laughs. I highly doubt that those two women were laughing. So, this isn't a joke; it's sexual harassment, and you made the right call, Op."
"Negative reviews of this work are not harassment, are not bullying."
"If you get enough creepy pizza deliveries or even swatting attempts, eventually you’ll want it to stop and may just give in to the bullying. Everyone has a breaking point."
"Ugh, the old men keep trying to grab my ass," she groaned.
"The easiest part of my day is not sexually harassing people."
"This guy goes to jail for words, that's how annoying he was, saying that you'll get AIDS or whatever."
"Harass me for a year, lose your business. Backstory: I'm a girl that's very shy and has anxiety issues."