
Scriptural Interpretation Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"I reject Sola Scriptura because I love the written word of God. I don't want to see its authority corrupted or compromised."
"The logic of modalism... destroys the natural narrative structure of many of these passages in many of the plain, obvious sort of meanings of the scriptures."
"Scripture is analogous to itself, it is its own best interpreter."
"Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone."
"Does the teaching of Michael Todd on these topics accurately reflect the scriptures?"
"If there was out of all the commands to have recorded in the Torah, why this one?"
"The scripture has one author and I need to say this: I am a Christian because of the Old Testament."
"If you gave 10,000 people who'd never heard of the bodily assumption of Mary Revelation 12 and the rest of scripture, would one out of 10,000 come up with a bodily assumption of Mary? I don't think so."
"Faith comes by hearing you know what else comes by hearing lies faith the scripture that are actually what the scripture that you're actually looking for David is that faith is the evidence of things hoped for."
"We simply can't expect someone not to reinterpret scripture if the current interpretation says that the earth is at the center of the solar system."
"His name is Muhammad according to Haggai chapter 2 verse number seven."
"A sinful lifestyle that scripture clearly deems is wrong." - 1 Million Moms
"If the guidance of God is meant for all people, there cannot be confusion as to what constitutes the Word of God."
"None of the classical textbooks explicitly state that we believe in the current existence of [Yajuj and Majuj]."
"There's so much truth in scripture that we miss because we interpret it through our own lives."
"It is a pretty serious claim that God's wrath will be incurred by something that isn't actually taught in scripture."
"Start with theology and then use typology to help see that theology throughout the scripture."
"There's no condemnation left right here in this verse...there's none left."
"The Trinity can be found... through Scripture alone without a church getting together and declaring it at some council."
"The variety of translations is profitable for the finding out of the sense of the Scriptures."
"So it's my faithfulness to scripture that got me to start thinking these things because Jesus cannot lie."
"The bible strictly forbids any such practices."
"You can't divorce scripture from the context."
"Scripture are inspired, so we have to let scripture interpret scripture."
"Before we look at this text, several times when someone will say something like 'I believe God is finished with Israel'..."
"I love when that reading comes up... 'wives be submissive to your husbands' because the wives just look at me like, 'oh honey no you don't.'"
"Throughout scripture, there's just not bad people and good people."
"All of these arguments that Steve has raised to try to show scripture contradicts the Marian dogmas... does no such thing."
"It is the glory of yah to conceal a thing but the honor of kings to search out a matter."
"The mystery of the seven stars which the sauce which you saw what is it and the seven golden candlesticks what is it?"
"It does end up creating different possible insights into the mystery of Christ that scripture doesn't do exactly in the same way."
"Q's theology is similar to Thomas, and both Q and Thomas disagree with Paul."
"If what Galatians 1 says is true...then I would say to anyone who says you're overreacting give me some explanation."
"Beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the mutilation beware of those who say that circumcision for example is the way to righteousness."
"The danger of taking scriptures out of context...why we have so many false teachings today."
"Again, we're not trying to set this up as the ultimate standard this is just a resource to help you hopefully be able to connect a few more dots and make a little more sense of your scripture reading."
"Proper biblical interpretation: There's only one interpretation of any passage of scripture, but endless applications."
"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth I have not come to bring peace but a sword for I come to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother."
"We have to figure out who all how all of this fits together because we don't just have that we have you know all of scripture and what we're looking for is a theology that fits everything that we want to believe about Jesus."
"Throughout the scripture, we have to be careful not to conflate issues. We have to be careful not to make the scriptures say something it's not saying."
"Sunday observance is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church and is nowhere commanded in the Bible."
"Each has an Integrity of its own; we have to speak of the Jesus of Matthew, the Jesus of Mark, and so on."
"Can you be a calvinist and reject that Doctrine... I think scripture here has a strong refutation for that particular Doctrine."
"Do you realize that if you don't believe in a pre-tribulation rapture then you're denying the words of Daniel, you're going against the early Christians, you're going against Paul, but not only that, you're going against Jesus."
"We should debate exegetically what God's law, in fact, requires us to do."
"He's able to forgive without the blood of an innocent man or an animal, and this I believe is the same in the Old Testament as well."
"The life of the flesh is in the blood... long before men discovered scientifically the presence of viruses and bacterias."
"I was introduced to a totally different approach in interpreting and understanding Scripture that would change my life for many years to come."
"Accepting one interpretation doesn't diminish the other; multiple truths can coexist, illuminating various facets of the scripture."
"Calvinism was taking certain texts and resting a lot of weight on them and kind of isolating them without doing justice to the whole sweep of scripture."
"The true sense or the natural meaning of the scripture is the tradition of interpreting scripture according to its actual clear meaning."
"What is stated ambiguously in scripture is not to be interpreted contrary to what is stated clearly."
"It's not about winning an argument, it's about seeking the truth of Scripture."
"It is reasonable to infer, based upon the whole of Scripture, that God has middle knowledge."
"A single quest has dominated my thinking and my faith for my entire career: how can we be faithful interpreters of Scripture?"
"Numbers in scripture are never arbitrary; they mean something, every number means something."
"What we read in the pages of Scripture, that blank page between the Testaments, was true history and God was in control."
"Who is doing a better job of rightly handling the word of truth?"
"Clear passages always govern unclear passages."
"The interpretation of the 73 books of scripture has to fall in line with how it's been taught for 2,000 years."
"He is deemed by scripture as if he had caused a whole world to perish."