
Classic Movies Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The changeling is a masterpiece, it's a classic for a reason."
"Treat yourself and watch the original Ghostbusters. You need to have that. If you're a film fan, Ghostbusters is a movie you've gotta have in your repertoire."
"Love and hate is the reference to the 1955 movie Knight of the Hunter."
"Enjoy the rest of your evening, I'm off to watch a classic Halloween film, Home Alone 2."
"The children's astonishment was legitimate in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."
"It's the proper sequel to the highly underrated 1986 classic."
"It's always the older movies that people don't appreciate these days."
"That’s not the only classic movie reference in Monsters University."
"How do we deal with old movies? We need to watch them."
"Greatest written films of all time: Casablanca, Network, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
"Airplane was the first time I saw someone use the delivery as if it were deadly serious... there's so many jokes, it completely holds up."
"That's an incredible testament... 2001 is a timeless film."
"Fully swapping out the engine... reminded me of the old Herbie movies."
"The fear of the unknown was the best weapon in the original Jaws movie."
"The Wizard of Oz is kind of famously known for having a real troubled and difficult shoot."
"Back to the Future, there's something magic about that movie."
"The quest is most likely a reference to King Kong."
"The Exorcist holds real substance and cultural importance."
"Movies like Night of the Living Dead, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Evil Dead all went on to become classics of the genre with the grungy low-budget look and style of these movies just adding to their appeal."
"Terminator 2: Judgment Day - a perfect mix of practical and computer effects."
"Psycho, Seven, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Pulp Fiction, The Shawshank Redemption."
"Bride of Frankenstein Lives: A beautiful love story."
"Back to the Future, oh my god, what a movie ever."
"Top Gun is one of those films you just want to go see again."
"Twister is the most classic weather movie there is. I don't think there's any debate about that."
"Night of the Living Dead has often been imitated but never duplicated."
"These were the movies that solidified Disney as a money-making empire, and the majority of them remain classics to this day."
"I love classic war movies and that is one of the best."
"Watching the original hunchback with Lon Chaney, that was one of those moments where I thought, that's something that I would love to try and emulate."
"That was crazy to see. It's such a classic movie. How have I never gone back to watch this again?"
"There's still something so nice and charming about those old movies."
"Putney Swope was an amazing crazy movie. But see, I'm doing all the old stuff. Putney Swope, you guys are going, 'Oh, what's Putney Swope?'"
"Three classic war movies that are not too many modern moviegoers will have seen: Sergeant York with Gary Cooper, To Hell and Back where real-life war hero Audie Murphy plays himself, and The Longest Day with John Wayne, Sean Connery, and Henry Fonda amongst others."
"It's Christmas day let's watch It's a Wonderful Life."
"But what if I told you there was a movie that defied the genre in every way, one that has stood the test of time and transcended the genre? The film I'm talking about is Luc Besson's 1997 classic, The Fifth Element."
"Some Like It Hot and Arsenic and Old Lace are still hilarious and I'm always bugging people to watch them."
"Just like with The Wizard of Oz, you can't beat the classics."
"Tom Cruise is like the last classic movie star."
"You can never go wrong with Wizard of Oz."
"Ever since the 1978 release of Halloween, studios have tried to replicate the formula and success of the John Carpenter classic."
"Back to the Future and Goodfellas are the best movies considered classics."
"Old-school slashers need to make a comeback."
"We lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night."
"As far as miracles go, it's pretty good, it's not walking on water, but Miracle on 34th Street, we watched it."
"Some people say Casablanca or Citizen Kane; I say Jason and the Argonauts is the greatest film ever."
"A martini for our guest. A pleasure, shaken not stirred, of course."
"I love the good, the bad, and the ugly. What a good one, such a good movie."
"We both share an affinity for classic war films."
"I love that film, tell you what, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was good, but the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, amazing."
"Murder on the Orient Express, the '70s version, is one of my all-time favorite movies."
"I miss the scary movies like Halloween and Jason."
"Wow, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, back to the future, the color purple."