
Underutilization Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"There's a huge opportunity that literally 99% of YouTube creators are ignoring."
"There are a few things more disappointing than underused potential."
"We've been given tools, supernatural tools, and for some reason we're not using the tools we've been given."
"Pac-Man is insane, but people aren't exploiting him quite as much as they could."
"Critical underutilization of unique and powerful Jutsus."
"We've got a massive massive arsenal of weapons and we don't use them."
"It is really evident how much of the world we just leave empty."
"It's criminal why Donny is sitting on the bench." - Ross
"Registered dietitians are the most under utilized team on the planet."
"You have a dart gun that allows full control of another being, that's awesome and it's also never used again in the entire film."
"Powerful yet reserved, absolute justice but kind in person, present yet not present, Oda remembers him but never uses him."
"When you introduce an idea as high concept as the distortion of space and time and only use it for one thing, it just feels cheap and contrived."
"Rome's Navy was much more capable than we often give it credit for, but in the end, it wasn't really used for much."
"It's just so fast and so capable you're never going to use 90% of this."
"It seems like we've got such fantastic technology, but we're not doing enough with it."
"We aren't really taking advantage of all that power."
"I think Tron is one of the most under-exploited IPs out there."
"Secret Invasion has such a great premise in that anyone can be a hidden Skrull and the fact that that is barely utilized feels terrible."
"I erased my dry erase calendar for April, wrote down all the dates, and then didn't write a single thing on there."
"I believe Juan Mata was wasted at Manchester United, turned into a winger when he was one of the best number 10s in Europe."
"I don't think there's really any excuse for a player of that caliber, a player of that intelligence to not even get minutes."
"The recreation center was just underutilized."
"The fact that we're not leveraging the hell out of Patina Miller."
"I get excited about this stuff because no one uses the full capacity of what you do."
"In my opinion, the Warhammer Titan is by far one of the most underutilized characters in the series."
"It is one of our greatest assets and it creates this potential that we just haven't taken advantage of in a serious way."
"Hardly anyone will ever use the true potential of this vehicle."
"I think fugo is one of the coolest characters and one of the smartest characters in JoJo's that just doesn't get utilized well but that's what makes him realistic."
"I don't want is just one X-Men movie uh every phase so like every four years we get an X-Men movie because I think that is very much uh under utilizing this fantastic team."
"In my experience most churches that have Nords are underutilizing them in one way or another."
"It's way underutilized probably because there aren't enough people who know how to do it, but I'm a big believer in it."
"Brazil is under-leveraged in all senses."
"My rare and valuable skill wasn't used at full potential."
"Every one of us has within him deep reservoirs of ability even genius that he habitually fails to use well."
"There's nothing worse than being in a job where you're not being fully utilized."
"It's like having a Ferrari and never driving it."
"Prayer is the most underutilized gift."
"Not every location is utilized to its full potential."
"The top change is one of the most famous moves in all of magic but I feel like it's underused."
"Nuclear isn't in and of itself a fantastic technology; it's just been underleveraged."
"Justin has more Talent than they are using that is clear."
"If I have Secretariat, I'm not making him into a plow horse."
"Blaze deserves a spin-off, and it's borderline criminal how they rarely utilize her."
"There's a whole lot of wasted potential in this."
"Asia always had the largest pool of brains in the world, but Asia also had the largest pool of unused brains in the world."
"Radical Rescue was such a cool and quirky truck, and it's such a huge shame that it wasn't used more."
"Backwards Bob has been notably utilized so little despite being such a memorable truck."
"These guys are talented guys who could be doing so much more for a living."
"I really think our cruise underutilized this space. I think it's a gorgeous space. You have incredible views."
"It's something a lot of people can relate to but is nevertheless really underutilized in media."
"It's a shame that he does not get to do more in those movies that he's known for because he's clearly capable of it."
"Use those techniques, I think it's a powerful underutilized thing that exists within After Effects."
"God gave us the ability to have discernment, but most people don't know how to use it."
"Christopher Lee's Count Dooku was criminally underused in the Star Wars prequels."
"MyKey is one of the most under-utilized features I've ever seen. It is a fantastic feature and nobody seems to use it."
"Some of you may be familiar with Artisan, some of you may have been using it, but you're not using it to its fullest potential."
"All the problems in the world are ultimately due to the fact that we have this tremendous potential within us that we're not using."
"Paper Bowser was great; it's a shame they didn't use him more."
"The breakout box for the Apex has got to be one of the most useful but underutilized pieces of equipment."
"Africa possesses the largest agricultural potential and yet we operate far below our agricultural full capacity."
"Less than half of you folks out there with CKD and significant protein in the urine are on these drugs that are so important for your lifespan and your progression of kidney."
"I believe this is a really common thing that happens to a lot of you guys... you end up just not using it, it ends up kind of collecting dust, only to later on discover its full potential."
"View models are being underutilized in the solutions that I'm seeing nowadays."
"I love Kevin Owens; I think Kevin Owens is heavily underutilized."
"I think there's a lot of potential that's being missed out on."
"We've got freedoms in this country that we aren't using."
"We don't use at all our intuition, we don't use at all our creativity."
"Help is probably one of the most underutilized functions there is."
"I think we're wasting human talent."
"Career fairs are an underutilized resource on campus."
"I operate in low gear when you're built for overdrive."
"Most humans only use 10 percent of their potential."
"There's no more underutilized aspect of improving at something than reflection."
"We like situations where there's something good there, but the people who were there aren't really taking advantage of it."
"The sorted vector happens to be a very underutilized or underappreciated arrangement for data."
"Players today can do just as much if not more, but they just don't get asked to do that."
"In fact, the average power drill is used for less than 12 minutes in its entire lifetime."
"Why do I not use these more often? These are incredible."
"Khalil Herbert is one of the most underutilized running backs in the NFL."
"England is the only nation that will have a talent like Phil Foden and absolutely have no idea what to do with him."
"You are an excellent person, How can you waste your time on just copying documents or making coffee? You are much better at creation."
"I love Ewan McGregor. I feel like people don't use him enough."