
Personal Character Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"Mercedes was down to her core a good person."
"It is harder to be a good man than to be a great man."
"He was another person that was treated badly, and uh, he was a patriot."
"Many had hoped Tara had simply picked up and run off to start a new life, but those closest to Tara knew that that just wasn't in her nature."
"Money's not a bad thing. It's not a good thing. It just makes you more of who you are."
"Ladonna didn't have any known enemies... she was just this quiet, sweet mother taking care of her family."
"Always judge people by their actions and words, not their appearance."
"Megan, who was one of the most charitable people I knew, she was always so giving of herself."
"Love is never any better than the lover. Wicked people love wickedly."
"This is about a guy who was telling you the truth."
"Joey Dunlop was kind of a softie at heart, sharing in his success with his family and performing charitable works."
"To reduce my views to a handful of jokes that didn't land is not a true reflection of my character nor my evolution as a comedian."
"You can tell a lot about the character of a person from the guitars that they draw to."
"I am a soldier, Mr. Garibaldi, and as such my vocabulary is rather limited. I only really understand three words: loyalty, duty, honor."
"Men can make money but money cannot make men."
"Ultimately, status and material possessions do not determine our character."
"Our character is the first thing anyone notices before they open any books about Islam or the Quran or Hadith or anything like that."
"He was a man of principles, you know what I'm saying?"
"Just check how she has organized her space, that's a principled woman."
"With all the power he has, he really has the opportunity to enact his will onto others, but at the end of the day, Ben's kindness will always beat his ego."
"At least there was a reward for being a nice guy."
"As great as a basketball player as he ever was, he was a much better human being."
"You can't be a good person if you're not grateful."
"Her husband is a fine man who's one of the most respected men in the country."
"The presidency doesn't change who you are... it reveals who you are... for eight years Joe was the last one in the room."
"Nancy was known as a delightful woman who would help others before helping herself."
"He's the hardest working guy on everybody that he does."
"She's so, oh my God, just the audacity, I can't even."
"The real character and potential of a person comes out in a crisis."
"Not a lot of people have that kind of integrity."
"Your talent will get you on the stage, but your character will take you off the stage."
"It's easy to be nice and kind and affable when everything is easy."
"That's Dick Donner being kind, being empathetic, and not because he wanted anything in return—[expletive] beautiful man."
"There are lots of people on each side who hate each other not for the color of their skin, but for the content of their character."
"He was never been violent or abusive towards anybody I have ever seen."
"That's the kind of person he is, thoughtful."
"You don't judge someone by how much money they have...it's what you do with the money that matters."
"I care whether or not he's an authoritarian and a fascist or a good person with a good soul and a good heart who cares."
"Talent may get you in the door, but character keeps you in the room."
"What he's done is impossible all of it... he's an impossible person."
"I believe she is a good person, I think she has a good heart."
"When you make a bad choice 5, 10, 20 times, you become a bad person, point blank period."
"That record on pro-life speaks very well of his character, and I think he deserves a lot of credit for it."
"The power of our impact is gonna be determined by the character of our life."
"If the deepest level, your character, your spirit, if that is unhappy, if that is negative, if that is focused on greed, then you will create goals that come from that."
"Your dad is not a good man, not to the world and especially not to you."
"Fans love him not just for his on-screen characters but for the person behind the camera."
"A man without ego, he's shown far more appreciation and gratitude to all who come into and surround his life."
"Just because you're a great guy, man, don't mean you didn't mess up."
"Behind his intimidating exterior, Kimbo was known as a very friendly, humble, and kind family man."
"Winning will make you forgive everything, if you're a loser and you're an [ __ ], you're Chris Paul."
"If you're a good person you've got everything."
"I still believe in Go to. He's not the kind of person who killed, dude."
"He's willing to do the right thing for other people."
"There was also another side of Toby Keith that if you ever got to see it, it was unbelievably generous."
"Whether they take advantage of others or use it to better society is the determining factor of these individuals' characters."
"These are fathers these are husbands these are Sons brothers that conduct themselves with absolute empathy and I was humbled to watch them on the battlefield."
"You can be zealous and still a terrible person."
"I also commend you on your maturity to reach out to your half-siblings and not hold a grudge against them. You are a gem of a person."
"He was a good dude, he did a lot for a lot of people and took his time like a man."
"I'm the guy that tells you the truth about stuff because I don't need to lie."
"I never did anything vindictive for nobody. I do know that I have petty in my life."
"He was just a good kid. Kind to all. Didn't deserve what happened."
"Lewis was a good man, always kind, polite, and happy when we were around."
"He's independent. He's not like the rest of us where it's like, I don't like it but every once in a while it happens and I'll just get back up and fight back."
"She's just a positive lady, everybody likes her, nothing dark about her."
"I knew the thing I knew about him is he was a man of integrity."
"No matter what somebody else does to me, I need my character to be so Resolute."
"Regardless of whether you were living on the streets or you were a billionaire, you would be so generous with whatever you have."
"A lesson drawn from this: Whenever you do a good deed, don't let it make you arrogant."
"He was sensational. What you're seeing on Monday nights is really, really who he is."
"The hero lived out his days as a good king and a good man."
"She was just a really good person, you know, never did anything bad to anybody."
"Not only is Dustin Poirier one of the greatest fighters to ever step in the octagon and a great person."
"Those guys are like the nicest humans you'll ever meet in life."
"You're a good person because you have a good moral compass."
"Times are inevitable, but you seem like a really kind and thoughtful person and that means something in a world like this."
"His highest moral purpose is the achievement of his own happiness."
"Mike's Legacy got to be protected bro, he was a true Soul like pure hearted."
"Money does not change people, it magnifies what you are."
"If some people remember me as the best footballer that ever lived, fine. If the second best or third best, that's not important. It's nice to be remembered as a good guy, just a good guy."
"When people are being called out, you really find out who they are by the way they respond."
"It's a testament to character for someone if they tell you something in confidence."
"Jeremy is one of the nicest people you could ever meet. He would literally give you the goddamn shirt off his back."
"The money doesn't change you, the money brings out who you really are."
"Vivian's suicide was out of character; many who knew her stated that she would not leave her children behind."
"I mean you're rooting for the guy right, because he just seems like such a good guy. Nobody ever has a bad word to say about Tim Scott." - Megan Kelly
"You passed your test because when you had nothing, when you couldn't even eat, you made sure everybody else was eaten."
"Money makes you more of what you already are. It magnifies the good and exposes the bad, brightly."
"Toby never gave up on others. He had a lot of love to give."
"Generosity that comes out of who God made him to be."
"He's actually a good dude who cares about people and like wants to do right by people."
"Thank you, your integrity really shines through, it's a huge inspiration."
"No matter how rich or powerful you may be, no matter how arrogant and narcissistic you may be, no matter how much you think you can get anything you want... You are not going to destroy it."
"He's a very Petty individual who will always put his interest ahead of the country's."
"He was one of the better human beings that you would ever meet."
"You can be the Visionary of your own life, Charter a path in which your daily acts of service, kindness, advocacy, Grace, and fairness become recognized by the next wave of women."
"She testified in court saying that she was a gentle kind person and can't even hurt an animal."
"Yon's a badass, but you could see he's also a good loving dad in there. That's a moment for his son to be a part of."
"It's okay to judge, just don't be a Stephen Anderson."
"It's almost like the more power you have and the less fear you have, that's when alignment really shows."
"Money and fame make you more of who you are, and 100%, man, those guys are absolute genuine, caring, the most humble group of guys that you can run across."
"Scholarly recognition should hinge not only on a scholar's contribution but also on their character."
"Apologies should reflect who the person truly is."
"Unbelievably nice man, one of the nicest guys we've ever met."
"She couldn't believe it. She really is too pure to be pink, ain't she? Too pure to be pink."
"Paul Walker was a humbled, honest, and real role model."
"He was just a top-class individual...just a top class individual."
"Joe will certainly be remembered not for the man that he pretended to be but for the man he really was."
"Unimpeachable character is the absolute foundation upon which everything we have is built."
"It's equally important. You might be a great actor but if you're a douche of a human being, I don't give a about you."
"Sharing, altruism, sacrifice: defining features of a good person."
"Violence is just the reel, but at the end of the day how you carry yourself makes you."
"This letter is very affectionate and it crushes the myth of him being a cold-blooded, not-caring kind of person."
"You don't have to be a good girl to be a good person."
"There's no better way to evangelize than in your character, just living it."
"My dad's generosity and willingness to help others without seeking recognition."
"I think I'm still alive because I'm such a goofball."
"She's also one of the nicest people you could ever meet."
"Character is very important. How do you stay yourself? How do you present yourself?"
"To the last hour of my life, you cannot choose but remain part of my character, part of the little good in me, part of the evil."
"I think it's mostly a testament to the person Logan is and has always been."
"Most decent people don't care about your stuff."
"A man isn't judged by the accolades he's gained, but by the character he's developed."
"You just expect me to lie down and give up without pushing back? Oh, you and I both know that it's not in my nature."
"Not one single person ever described Chris as violent or aggressive."
"The most important thing that I learned about money is that money doesn't make who you are. Money brings out either the best or worst in what's already in you."
"He's too damn nice of a guy, you can't hate the son of a bitch."
"What counts more than talent, what counts more than energy or concentration or commitment or anything else, is kindness."
"Money just makes you more who you are, so to speak."
"In the obituary, they called him abusive, which is an absolute zip of who the people who deserved it."
"Patience is a virtue that rests in the soul."
"Teachers report that Max was a strong young man."
"If a person gets drunk and starts doing some wild ass [ __ ], it's probably a hint of what they are actually like."
"His family knew him as a kind and gentle soul."
"That's a big deal from a man with a big heart."
"He chose to remain a kind-hearted, humble man rather than a self-righteous narcissist."
"What do you do when everything's going terribly wrong? That's an incredibly important deciding factor in the kind of people we're going to be."
"Being good isn't easy; you have to be tough."
"One of the nicest human beings I've ever met."
"He's a very straight man whose moral compass is about it."
"The most important thing in life is your integrity, your character."
"How we treat other people is about character, not theirs. If he wants to be inconsiderate, that's on him."
"Carol Baskin is a very greedy person ultimately."
"He's just given money to everybody for everything, and it's he's an interesting character."
"He'd carry any team in any endeavor he ever did because he is a winner, not just on the field, but most importantly, and the type of person he is off the field as well."
"It takes a special person to love the truth more than reputation."
"Remember being a good player does not necessarily mean you're a decent human being."
"I no longer judge the content of someone's character by their political viewpoints."
"You were generous of spirit. You were generous with your time, your energy, your resources. You would give the shirt off your back to most people to help them out."
"Your goodness to someone never makes them grateful. Gratitude is a response that is a reflection of the character of the person that receives it, not the goodness of the person that gave it."
"He's that guy that you could go to and always rely on to deliver."
"He isn't a great guy by Hollywood standards he is just a great human being."
"Nobody could begrudge him that. I always liked the fact that he shoved two fingers up to everybody."
"You're a cool person with good intent in everything you do."
"Travis is a real guy, a lot of people don't know this, but he's actually a very romantic dude."
"He did come from nowhere to get where he was. And I'd like the world to know that he was a good husband. He was a good man. That's the way I'd like the world to remember him."
"Humility in defeat is very important, these things define you when your rival is successful."
"Amidst the courtroom's legal sparring, Trump's characterizations of the New York attorney general Leticia James as a political hack spotlighted his view of the trial as a politically motivated Witch Hunt."
"Yeah, he's the champion, he's famous, but he's not like everywhere. He's not seeking the fame."
"It just really, it speaks volumes about who he is as an individual."
"Great accomplishments don't necessarily mean a person is a great person just like one bad deed doesn't necessarily mean someone is a bad person."
"She's a good person. She's a good, intelligent person."
"Fox only smiles or laughs when she genuinely means it."
"Hake is probably one of the most honest people on the platform."
"A lot of people felt like he was a gentle soul with the heart of a lion when it came to his country."
"It's like this interesting line, like you talked about Joe Rogan, of being both kind to each other, compassionate, empathetic, but also being like strong and a bad [ __ ] when you need to."
"Looks fade, but the way you act will stay consistent."
"Physical strength is important, but it's what you do with it that determines what kind of human being you are."
"What is your character? Your character isn't your personality."
"At the end of the day why don't you even think of him in the Harry Potter do matter the most important thing when it comes to how people will feel about you is who you are as a person."
"He's never been a violent person he's never severely disciplined his children and especially not in a physical way."
"He gave his all and his heart to everyone he met."
"Integrity is being honest and having solid moral principles."
"That's the type of guy you are. That's the type of guy you are. And fatherhood is... Uh, but you know, evidenced by your 34-year-old, the oldest kid in the family, keeping you up at night, a lifelong... Listen, I watch you. I watch you."
"He was the nicest guy on the planet."
"Character has everything to do with winning a championship."
"He was a man of his word, true to his word."
"Money on its own is not evil. Money takes the character of a person."
"He was an incredibly selfless guy."
"He's an incredible human being, consummate combat leader."
"You're just an only decent good person I can think of."
"He's a good man, but an even better doctor."
"You're a good person, Penny. You were just a little bit unlucky."
"Anyone who knew Jack Benny would describe him as a kind man."
"He's a great athlete, no question about it, but I think the thing that I marvel at now is he's a great person."
"Jason is like the nicest person in the world."
"He's a genuine person who has a genuine soul."
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good."
"He showed me he cared, that is who he was."
"She was her own person, she had her own character."
"He's a good man, he's a good human being."
"This is a man of great integrity."
"He was so kind to a world that hadn't been kind back to him."
"Character education... it's about establishing and trying to get you to be good characters, not like characters in a book, but who you are, the kind of person you are."
"He was extremely respected and for the most part a really good guy."
"I don't think so. What, even though you were just dumped by your boyfriend and heartbroken, you were still nice to me even though we just met. I think you're a really kind and amazing person."
"I'm just a caring person at the factory where I work."
"I think Alex is quite an incredible young man."
"He loves the country and even if you don't like his economic policies... he's like a good person and I think he wants what's best for everyone."