
Dead In The Family Quotes

Dead In The Family by Charlaine Harris

Dead In The Family Quotes
"Even I didn’t totally blame myself, somewhat to my surprise."
"My ability to cast aside control, which is the key to good sex, had been pinched out of existence during the torture."
"I’d be a courtesy aunt. I’d get to take care of a baby. They trusted me."
"Finally, something inside me relaxed at the logic of his story. I believed him in my heart, not just in my head."
"We’re all we got left. Except for the fairy relations, and I’d just as soon forget about them."
"But nothing had. In fact, I’d had a remarkably peaceful hour lying in the sun, watching a butterfly waft by every now and then."
"I wasn’t afraid of the dead lying in the ground. The walking and talking dead were much more dangerous."
"No one could be. carefree and sunny. after coming as close to death as you did."
"Feeling sad, concerned, and also just a tiny smidge pleased—you can’t tell me it’s not flattering to be loved so much, because it is—I went home through the graveyard."
"You’d think I’d be glad that I was avoiding some pain instead of thinking I should feel worse about taking out Lorena. I hated trying to figure out what was best morally, because so often that didn’t jibe with my gut reaction."
"By the time I realized I’d been alone in the dark and should have been mortally afraid, I was walking into my well-lit backyard. Maybe worrying about my spiritual life was a welcome distraction from reliving physical torture."
"For the next week, I enjoyed untroubled sleep, and as a result I began to feel much more like my former self. It was gradual, but perceptible."
"Each time I saw Eric, I felt a little more cheerful. And finally, I had my very own orgasm, a moment so explosive it was like I’d been saving up for a holiday."
"I love spring for all the obvious reasons. I love the flowers blooming; I love the birds twittering; I love the squirrels scampering across my yard."
"If you’re the boss, you should be able to get some time off, right? That’s one of the perks of being a boss."
"I didn’t know I was smiling until I looked in the living room mirror. I admitted to myself I was looking forward to the wolves’ arrival. It would be pleasant to feel I wasn’t alone in the middle of the woods."
"It’s not always easy to make yourself feel the way you ought to feel."
"Grief and loneliness seemed to have woken something in the beautiful fairy; he appeared to have come to the realization that he had to show a little kindness to other people if he wanted to receive kindness in return."
"There's nothing more forlorn than being an old maid at a wedding."
"I realize that it’s silly to feel like you’re on the shelf at twenty-seven."
"I’d never known who was going to answer the phone, and I’m not a universal favorite among Eric’s vampires."
"Your boyfriend. That sounds. strange. I am so not a boy."
"I would have been a dismal wife, a terrible mother."
"Until we’d become blood bonded, I’d never been to Eric’s house."
"If this is not true love, it’s as close as anyone gets."
"That boy needs a lesson or two in rephrasing."
"Eric hasn’t had anyone like you in a long, long time, Sookie."
"People don’t want to know that someone can hear what they’re thinking. They don’t have any privacy when people like us are around."
"You know how it is. I can’t ever be sure what he’ll say."
"Some people just think anything different is bad."
"Being part of the world isn’t as great for all of us as it is for our leaders."
"It’s not that I approve of murder—but some people just beg to be killed, don’t they?"
"I’m going to try to get over to Texas for the Fourth of July. Her town has a big fireworks display, and the whole family goes. I think I’d enjoy it."
"I’m sorry." I shook my head. "I know the situation’s hard on everyone in your family."
"I love the smell of fae in the night. Better than gardenias."
"Shouldn’t we always be ready to listen to the sad stories of others?"
"I sighed. I couldn’t seem to get rid of one problem without acquiring another."
"My lover, I came in too close to dawn to wake you."
"I’ve been called off, but if I can tie you in to any investigation that will lead back to you, I’ll do it."
"Even if I went to her and told her that I can’t do what she thinks I can do, it wouldn’t help. She believes what she believes."
"Hunter, you said something to his mom that let her know you’re different."
"People—grown-ups and children—are going to get real upset with you if they know you can read what’s in their heads."
"I don’t trust many. There are two exceptions. You, and Pam."
"Ignorance could get you killed. I value you too much to let yours continue."
"Who wants a bag of bones? I don’t want to hurt myself on the sharp edges of the woman I’m bedding."
"This is a wonderful century to live in. You can have food anytime you want."
"I expected you’d come over here because you couldn’t wait an extra minute to have fabulous, mind-blowing sex with me."
"I’m asking you in out of courtesy, because you’re Eric’s dad."
"You may call me Appius Livius, since you are Eric’s wife."
"Excuse me, Appius Livius. Since you were in the right empire at the right time, I wonder if you ever saw Jesus?"
"I dropped him off at his apartment. When I called him the next day to go with me to a meeting with our representative, he said he had to pass because he had to work. He was a website designer, and he had a meeting with an important client. I wasn’t too happy he couldn’t go, but of course, the guy had to make a living."
"This was like one of Gran’s ‘stories,’ the soap operas she’d watched religiously."
"The ritual howling for the dead had brought out the wolf in him."
"‘Sookie,’ he said. ‘It won’t be pleasant, but I think I can fly carrying him if you can suggest a good place to put him.’"
"I felt like my brain was running through a maze and hitting all the dead ends."
"‘Fangtasia, where all your bloody dreams come true,’ said a bored female voice."
"I was grimy and nasty, but I was still the hostess."
"I wondered if America knew what it was in for when it considered requiring the two-natured to register."
"‘Is your time with her usually like this?’ Appius Livius asked Eric, who was smart enough not to answer."
"Thanks for the warning. I’ll go to the house now. You’re my favorite breather."
"As much as I wanted to keep the CD and browse through it, my little code of honor told me I had to return it without enjoying it, because I hadn’t paid."
"I felt as though 'Thief' were burned onto my forehead."
"People were ready to forgive inefficiency, as long as you smiled while you were sloppy."
"If I spent my life trying to figure out the background of every single thought I heard, I wouldn’t have my own life."
"It’s good to have faith in people sometimes, give them another chance."
"No matter how we suffer, we have an obligation to others. We have to be unselfish enough to try to live in the right way, so others can get through their own lives without us fouling them up."
"I love you, and you are my wife, in the only way that matters to me."
"You can think it’s strange till the cows come home," I said. "I don’t know why Bill didn’t tell me, but he didn’t."
"I’ll heal him, and I’m sure he’ll thank you after," she said, and I felt like I’d been dismissed.
"I guess I’m a little surprised that Bill didn’t get in touch with you to tell you."
"This knowledge was nothing new. That was how vampires had lived until a few years ago."
"You need to know why I’ve stayed away from Bill all these years, when I’m very fond of him."
"I find myself wondering why you haven’t shown up before."
"I wouldn’t necessarily believe everything she’s told me."
"By the time I reached middle age, I would be slowing down in perceptible ways."
"Communicating with God isn’t the same as taking a happy pill—far from it."
"It wasn’t the first occasion I’d felt the passage of time, but it was the first occasion that I’d noticed my body had changed."
"I’m not going to be one of those awful people who gets all bent out of shape when the ex acquires a replacement."
"The confusion of what I was feeling through our blood bond was making me more jittery with every passing night."
"I felt less and less like a good person every day."
"I was born for this job," the young Were said.
"Sometimes you have to shove all that into a mental corner, because you have to be on your game."
"I put up a hand to ring the bell, but the door swung open before my fingertip made contact."
"We don’t have a shaman anymore," he said with no preamble. "It’s hard to find a Were who’s willing to take the position."
"It gives you a different perception of reality."
"Why would I take an unknown drug?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"What would Gran say about me leaving before I saw the results of what I’d done?"
"Gran would say you’re not obliged to watch people kill each other, and you didn’t cause it, they did."