
System Flaws Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"95% of Health Care spending goes to treating patients after they're sick... fundamental incentive of our Healthcare System."
"It's a cannibalistic system in a system that's hurting itself."
"If you take a bad system and put in good people, you're still going to get a negative outcome."
"Critical flaws can be found within the system that is designed to protect us."
"Capitalism isn't bad because it's mean; it's bad because it's untenable and has inbuilt contradictions that are dangerous for the system itself."
"The global health crisis has laid bare the unsustainability of the old system."
"The system cannot be fixed, it can't be fixed guys."
"It just takes what it first seems like a more complex and interesting system and just boils it down to chasing one very specific thing."
"I see this story about people saying 'Yo we found a way to exploit your system.'"
"This system is so unjust, it's so biased, and it's really aimed to make people fail."
"We're breaking a system that has always been flawed and remaking it into one that is just."
"The system doesn't know it's putting them in a tough spot, it's just doing the thing that's going to make it the most money."
"I think unless you're like a violent offender there's really a lot of other paths that we could go down other than the very flawed and corrupt criminal justice system in our country."
"There's no way to track it ever again. Why exactly is this allowed?"
"It's not a healthcare system, it's a disease management system."
"Star Wars Battlefront... progression system completely broken... pay2win mechanics."
"Our system keeps handing us only bad choices because anything else would threaten the influence-peddling racket of the major parties."
"NO! It wasnt. Now you may be thinking: But Act Man, I think the req system is just fine the way it is! (Laughter) Youre funny! Do you honestly think the req system couldnt have been improved in any way? REALL?!"
"The system is broken and we're a part of that system."
"When they don't work we have to be honest about why they don't work and we have to fix them because trust becomes the most important thing."
"Knowing the flaws of certain systems laid bare in dystopia helps us to try and give it our best shot."
"Ransomware has gotten kind of over the over the past few months... it's a [ __ ] up system let me tell you."
"This whole system is probably the most stupid thing that I've seen in a video game."
"This really exposes the weaknesses in our global system."
"It's garbage. This is a garbage-ass dog [ __ ] system."
"You can hack the system. You can break the game."
"I'm glad it got banned... broken should not check broken..."
"Just write that I was 6'3 on the application form, nobody checks once you're in the system."
"Trials can possibly recover from the damage done by said with this terrible bounty system."
"It's so simple. If anyone's been to a hospital before, you understand how screwed up this system is."
"Here's what I really want to get to... the Machine is so insanely rigged against Bernie Sanders."
"The system shouldn't be made to just hold people down."
"The fractional reserve system is parasitical."
"The gear system is laughably bad like Avengers level bad for real."
"Basically, I feel like it's a good expansion, a lot of really good things added into the expansion but there are a few systems in the game namely the Titan forging legendary system that have kind of poisoned the expansion for a lot of people."
"Every segment falls apart if you just look a little bit closer at it."
"Australians are having to make up things on their registration forms to get vaccines. I mean, effectively they've been given the choice of lying or dying."
"It's not possible to enforce consistently so therefore the whole thing becomes just a total mess."
"The weakness of our system today is one that was sold to us on the myth of convenience."
"Joplin tornado highlighted flaws in the EF scale."
"Their systems are so broken right now... the loot, they couldn't fix that without screwing over everybody."
"Dunch's disturbing case highlights not only the flaws in the reporting system for those in the medical field but also that killers are not shaped like the bogeyman they are often normal civilians living ordinary lives."
"Airbnb's screening system shows a chilling failure."
"We're spending $1.6 trillion on lies about how great the system is."
"The YouTube flag system is incredibly flawed and truly needs some form of change to prevent the problems that it has caused over the years."
"Why make education unnecessarily stressful? It just seems completely bizarre to me."
"It's just truly so stupid that it has to build in safeguards to prevent anybody from questioning it."
"I hope it causes EA to recognize the faults in the system so that they fix it."
"The industrial food system is messed up in so many ways and one of the many things that it has produced is an overemphasis on a few things that have become commodities."
"It's almost as if YouTube's system of letting literally anyone ever make a DMCA claim is a bad system."
"The rating system in this game is absolute garbage. It's biased, selective, opinionated, and just overall a mess."
"The system isn't built to cherish these people and get them to see their own worth."
"We've got a healthcare system built on sickness, not on actually making people healthy."
"This is one of the most cryptic, obnoxious, and downright evil systems I've ever seen put into play for a racing game."
"This justice system is fundamentally flawed on every basic level."
"This isn't a bug in the system, it is the system. It's the inexorable logic of a system where you carry rainwater and sewage in the same pipes."
"Looking at individual errors won't make us safer tomorrow; we must focus on mitigating system flaws."
"Unfortunately, this goes back to our earlier discussion; our scientific system is broken. We need our scientists to be empowered to tell us what we need to know."
"Step one: upload your resume. Step two: re-enter everything that's on your resume. Insanity."
"Our system is flawed, there's no doubt about that. But 2020 has actually been a year which displays a great improvement in our development system."
"...the authentication systems of our democratic process have been fundamentally broken."
"We've developed a very fragile global system that is really dumb and we should not do it this way."
"The American health care system is a system that relies on people getting sick and coming in for treatment."
"This the economic system we have today is madness."
"Common sense, which is what is missing in all of these systems, is the least common of all senses."
"Sometimes bad, imperfect systems can cause good people to do bad things."
"Refusing to separate these two things when it's perfectly economically and technologically viable to do so is a glaring flaw in the system."
"A loophole is an ambiguity or inadequacy in a system, such as a law or security, which can be used to circumvent or otherwise avoid the purpose, implied or explicitly stated, of the system."