
Health Choices Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"If we were to see the bigger picture, we could make more informed choices when it comes to our health and wellness."
"I make choices to improve my health every day."
"If you are convincing yourself that air fried French fries are healthier than oil fried French fries, that's not the right approach."
"Freedom means you should be free to choose your own medical decisions."
"You shouldn't be discriminated against based on your health decisions."
"I enjoy myself on the road... but then we'll make healthy choices."
"Our genes load the gun while our choices pull the trigger."
"I have not had any soda since 2020 I have only drank water."
"I think people feel like it's cleaner to ingest it or drink it in a tincture than the lungs."
"If you are not vaccinated don't judge the other people that chose to get vaccinated."
"I'm not pushing McDonald's, I'm not pushing fast food, I'm pushing taking accountability and making the right choice for you individually."
"If you're continuing to make choices that are harmful for your health, you will pay for it down the road."
"It really seems like the only way out is to stop trading your health for convenience."
"Fasting's such an interesting option because it always gives you that option of not eating, remember it's just food that you've eaten in the past."
"I'm not anti-vaxxed, man. I've vaccinated in so many ways."
"Alcohol was like, out, gone, good riddance. Don't need you. Give me water, give me black coffee, I'm good."
"I'm not saying don't get the vaccine, but I am saying there's always a risk in life."
"How smart you are to choose good health, how smart you are to choose to be positive and alive and energetic and happy."
"Vaccination should be a choice... this is the big step for us to move forward and to protect ourselves and our loved ones."
"Honestly, salmon is much healthier than the chicken tendies."
"It's important to make choices that are good for you and your brain."
"So how do I approach this? Do I want to take testosterone directly?"
"It is never too late to begin making the best possible health choices for ourselves and for our families."
"You get three choices: get infected, get vaccinated, or isolate."
"It's important to not be judgmental of people's health choices and being encouraging of them rather than shutting someone down because they're not 100% vegan."
"Your body, your choice; your body, your consequences."
"Quitting alcohol will not only help you to stop ingesting empty calories but also make healthier food decisions."
"I don't really like vanilla coke. I don't hate it or anything but I can't really foresee myself wanting to drink it over say water so I never do."
"Freedom: make our own medical decisions without government intervention."
"Make choices from the heart for vibrant health."
"If you don't want to drink artificial sweeteners you don't have to but to say that if you do it's going to make you fat it's nonsense."
"You should be free to decide what you put in your body."
"Listen to what your body fancies... needs but also like."
"Listen to your body when it says no, even if your brain is craving it."
"Water doesn't taste too good and the other waters are too sugary."
"Just if you can get desiccated, I would definitely choose that."
"I would rather be covered and protected and if something does happen and I have to worry about repercussions of a vaccine versus being buried in seven days."
"Do your research and make the right choice for your body long term by having a more whole food plant-based approach to eating."
"I couldn't even fully work out for me, I would rather kill it in the gym and have a balanced healthy diet than do something like this."
"Cereal is amazing but I don't need all that sugar. Zero grams of sugar is a good thing."
"Not drinking a poison and not willingly killing brain cells is a pretty good thing to do."
"I stand up for our basic and human rights because we are still human beings whether vaccinated or unvaccinated."
"I've been sober since I was 19... I don't put toxic things into my body."
"I'm not anti-mask by all means. I'm just pro-masked choice."
"If you do more good than not good, you end up with health."
"Every time you choose the broccoli over the burger, you're choosing stuff that'll chelate, get your nutrients, and detox your system."
"What would you do if I didn't go to the gym and I lived an unhealthy lifestyle?"
"Every person is different, and if you weigh all the risks and for yourself the benefits still outweigh, like who am I to say?"
"We speak the truth in love but we're not going to be denied our freedoms, that freedom of choice of what goes into our bodies."
"At the end of the day, it's like seeing a person with cancer using homeopathy to treat themselves rather than say chemotherapy."
"Wearing or not wearing a mask was their expression of freedom of choice."
"Our health is not predetermined by our genetics."
"This should not be about forcing people to take a certain shot but offering and making sure that people are aware of all of these protocols that are out there."
"If you make all the right nutritional and lifestyle choices, you can push your lifespan out towards the green curve."
"It's not wrong to say it should be people's choice."
"So now that I'm silicone free I feel even more prepared to have a child one day."
"We should have a choice in this country to do to our bodies what we want."
"You are making a selfish choice for your own health, which is fantastic, and you are making a selfless choice for the environment and for the animals, which is also fantastic."
"I'd rather take a shot of heroin than take a vaccine, honestly. I'd rather take a shot of heroin."
"Love your mama and if she's 100 on board then carnivore all the way."
"It's your body, your choice. You make those decisions for yourself."
"I always said that I wouldn't do chemo... but when you get into a position that I'm in at this point, you just want to live and you want to battle."
"If you tell me that I've got death, major sickness, and long-term effects, and as a vaccine, I'm like sign me up."
"If that's what it takes to avoid COVID, then it's not worth avoiding. If that's what it takes for you to not get COVID, then I'd rather you just get COVID. I would rather you get sick than see that."
"Take responsibility for making healthier choices."
"People should research this themselves. Look into it themselves. If they think it's beneficial, then do it."
"By making little healthier choices... those calories add up throughout the day."
"Choose your pain: suffer now with discomfort or suffer later with health issues."
"I gave up energy drinks. That's your dream, all right."
"This vaccine, I would rather take my chances with the actual coronavirus, and I think I can beat it."
"I didn't take any supplements, okay? I do not mean creatine and multivitamins."
"If you're just experiencing a lot of positive emotion in your life, if you're satisfied with your life, it might make it easier to make choices that allow you to protect your health in a way that can make you healthier and allow you to even live longer."
"If we can decrease the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, and at the same time not increase our risk of breast cancer, why wouldn't we do it?"
"Alcohol is not poison. Wine is probably the healthiest choice. Probably one glass of wine tonight for a woman."
"If you're healthy, you have a million choices. If you're unhealthy, you're really there's only one thing you want: to be healthy."
"I'm not drinking because I want to be sober, and this is something I want to do for my health."
"Healthy living is not a diet... try and make healthier choices more often."
"I'm so sure of my choices and I know that not putting that toxic substance in my body benefits me hugely."
"I'm trying to be less dependent on caffeine, so this is like my morning beverage."
"I replaced Dairy Milk with almond milk, I started checking calories on the back of things before I would buy them."
"I have to be careful not to just replace it with something else that's bad for me."
"What we're finding is that the simple choices that we make in our lives each day... our bodies often have this remarkable capacity to begin healing."
"You can live the next 30 or 40 years overweight on diabetic medication, or you can get your health back."
"Easy to make really good choices."
"You choose to feel healthy, you choose to feel strong, you choose to feel great about yourself."
"The choices that we make in three areas can really... there's a whole lot that's still under our control."
"Health is at your choice, that the breathing, the cold exercises, and doors by sides are fully there, fully exposed."
"The sharp version is the healthy version; the healthy version makes the better decision."
"A low glycemic index diet that is also low in fructose from added sugars or syrups is likely a better choice than one that partly achieves that low glycemic index by including a lot of fructose."
"It's about making informed choices to support your health comprehensively."
"Making healthier choices starts with drinking tons more water and eating lots more veggies."
"If you can afford to eat organic, it's better... but if it's a choice between no kale or just regular pesticide kale, eat the kale."
"By choosing the right fats, you're taking a powerful step towards nurturing your nerves and reclaiming your life."
"Each of us has a right to choose to influence the way that we may become ill or die."
"She's inspired countless individuals to make the choices to support their health and vitality."
"I've been super blessed and fortunate that I have dietitians within the sports and the Special Forces community that has helped me make better food choices."
"If you could choose optimal health, would you make that choice?"
"You have a choice of whether you want to be healthy in your life or not."
"Make smart and healthy choices and eat good food."
"It's better to drink than something with chemicals packed full of vitamins."
"I drink alcohol now, but in very, very small quantities."
"I'll take brain fog over prostate cancer."
"A choice not to get a vaccine is not a risk-free choice; it's a choice to take a different and much more serious risk."
"If you start walking, naturally you're going to start choosing healthier things at meal time."
"How did we end up having to choose between a risky drug and a risky medical condition?"
"Better choices are better for you, you know what I mean? If you're not exactly on plan, making a better choice for your health is still important."
"I started cooking with butter and it's just to me it's the better fat."
"Solving the drug problem calls for a commitment from all of us to provide our children with the right choices about their health, their lives, and their futures."
"Everybody should eat healthy, everybody should eat organic. But, when it to feeding your kids on a budget, Mom is gonna pick 99 cent cheeseburgers over $5 salads."
"The more that you can opt for natural sweeteners, the more likely your body's going to be able to handle that and not have an adverse reaction to it."
"This is not just for weight loss, this is also just for healthier choices."
"You couldn't change your genes, but you could change which ones speak, making the healthy ones speak more loudly and the unhealthy ones speak more softly."