
Measurement Quotes

There are 4030 quotes

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
"Figure out what your goal is, measure and test."
"It's not primarily a measure of whether one laughed or smiled yesterday, but how one feels about the course of one's life."
"What is the soul? Where is it? Can you measure it, touch it, recreate it?"
"What we perceive as reality now depends on our decision of what to measure."
"To me, that was so rewarding because it wasn't a random thing; it was something that I was scientifically measuring based on previous experiences, specific levels."
"Every exchange of goods and services, whether it's taking place at the real economy or at the service economy, ultimately needed to be measured in the same way that the farmer's activity is measured."
"The meritocracy suggests that there should be objective metrics by which we succeed or fail."
"Regular viewers at Geographies know that we love our microstates, and they also know that we like to measure surface areas in terms of football fields."
"If you want to change the world, measure a person by the size of their heart, not by the size of their flippers."
"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome."
"The general character of quantum mechanics is that you cannot do measurements on systems without disturbing them, and disturbing them can change completely the character of a question."
"IQ is not an objective measure of innate general intelligence."
"You can't manage something you can't measure."
"Precision measurement provides us with a window with discovery potential for new physics."
"The pyramid enshrines a measure of the Earth that could be considered as accurate as those determined by modern satellite surveys."
"Measurement is actually probably the essence of the whole theory. It's what we do; it's what we model; it's what we describe."
"Sometimes the most important things aren't countable, and sometimes the things that you can count don't matter."
"Unfortunately, we too often measure the things that are easiest to measure, and the easiest thing to measure is how wealthy someone is."
"Entanglement and measurement are the exact same phenomenon."
"The universe is real, and it is what we measure it to be."
"The average speed of this guy is 20 meters a second."
"It's not so much about yes it is measurable, but we're actually kind of thinking about it in terms of how it correlates to mood and style and all of these things."
"Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, measured heaven with a span and calculated the dust of the earth in a measure? Who has weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?" (Isaiah 40:12).
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. What gets measured gets managed."
"An effective minus six is a critical failure, while a positive effect of six is an exceptional success."
"What gets measured gets managed and it's about measuring the things that are key."
"We really want our government to measure things and we want to be able to manage what we measure."
"The discrepancy sheds light on a broader debate over whether the official unemployment rate is the best measure of joblessness in the U.S."
"The slope of a secant line gives you the average velocity."
"You shouldn't be measuring in degrees if you want to have a rad time."
"Shannon entropy can be thought of as the amount of hidden information in a system - or more precisely the amount of information we can hope to gain by making a measurement on the system."
"Eighteen inches is all it took for 18 years to come to an end."
"Galaxies are enormous on a grand scale. On Earth, we measure distance in miles. In space, astronomers use light years."
"How in the world are you going to solve a problem when you can't even measure the consequence of your actions?"
"There's objective truth in the world that we can measure, but there's also internal truth, spiritual truth."
"If you can't measure it, you cannot change it."
"Guys, I grew taller, let's go to the ruler and see how tall I became."
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it."
"One red blood cell is seven thousand nanometers wide."
"We're standing behind, we're looking at these FPS from one month to the next, it can go from 22 up to 90."
"Until a Quantum particle is measured, it has no definite values, it only exists in the statistical probability."
"Anything measured improves, anything measured and reported improves exponentially."
"You can never be too accurate. Never. Like, there's never."
"Well, we have a party system in Britain and that's how most of these things are measured."
"It's a nice one, yeah, that's good eight nine inches for sure."
"You can't be more confident in that measurement than the device you're measuring it with."
"The sauce has a Scoville rating between one hundred thousand and one hundred thirty thousand."
"Using millimeters instead of centimeters isn't wrong, it's just a matter of personal taste."
"GDP growth is not the best way to measure how the economy works."
"After figuring out the dimensions of this object, they discovered it was almost exactly the size of the Temple of Poseidon that Plato described."
"Success, we all measure success differently."
"Okay, let's measure it up, we'll be back in just a sec."
"You want to measure four, five, six, seven times to know you're prepared for the next phase of life."
"The armor plating of MJOLNIR is now confirmed at being 53 millimeters or a little over two inches in thickness."
"A good leading metric is one that if you work on it, it would eventually move your lagging metric."
"People aren't measured by their strength but by their character."
"One ist or less in total, not like each piece. This is one ist or less in total."
"I wanna have a skill set that they can't even measure."
"It's another one of these almost unbiased ways of measuring the value of a navy and its designs."
"You can't put a DPS value on that like a percentage doesn't apply to that it's so big."
"I don't believe in curses and I don't believe in luck, I think we make our own luck."
"The big red flag should be when we put more weight on things that can be counted instead of the things that can't be because the things that can't be counted are the things that make us human."
"One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions." - Grace Hopper
"Pacing wise, you're looking at 15 to 20 miles per hour."
"Prosperity isn't measured by chariots but by full meals and happy families."
"Philip's abilities are practically immeasurable."
"That's how they're going to measure cargo capacity from now on on the Lexus."
"Reality just is, a measurement of truth is a measurement of how closely a statement or proposition agrees with reality."
"Using reality as our measuring stick is likely to give us the correct answer."
"We have measured the vacuum energy the cosmological constant and what do you observe is Rho lambda is 10 to the minus 3 electron volts to the fourth power."
"You don't know how many galleons are there because they stack."
"Frame rate or FPS is the number most people can relate to in games, but there's also frame times, one rate is derived from time, rate is an abstraction from the base metric of time, measured in milliseconds."
"What gets measured gets improved. Until you measure something, you're operating in somewhat of a black box."
"Numbers never lie, they're your tracking number."
"Measure what you believe and how you think by the Word of God."
"Oh, I thought it was a small, that was a little small dude, that's like a 14-inch perch, bro."
"Love is not measured by its time, but by its intensity."
"For gaming, input lag measured 22 milliseconds in game mode on the Sony Z8."
"A calorie is simply a unit of measurement. It tells us how much energy is in a food."
"A common good product measures what really counts."
"Ultimately it's about measurement. If you can't measure, you're basically just guessing."
"Most indicators just don't work very well at all."
"If Canelo is great, then he must be measured on the scales of greatness."
"Always remember the measure: How are the people around you?"
"The measure always is how are the people around you."
"Your greatest measure of success will always be the level of happiness you feel consistently."
"Education can't be measured in just one particular way. It's limitless."
"You have to be super accurate in sensing space to tell the difference between a 4-foot stop and an 8-foot one."
"Everything needs to be slightly off, even if it's an eighth of an inch, quarter of an inch, half inch, full inch."
"Measure, measure, and measure. Don't talk about performance without measurements."
"Before V1, distances to stars were measured in thousands of light years. After V1, the universe became a much bigger place."
"The measure of a good sleeping mat is its R value. The higher the better."
"If you can't put a number on it you don't know what you're talking about." - Nolan Bushnell
"I don't know how they measure us. I just know that I try to be a good person, that is all I can do."
"It's gonna take 40,000 seconds to fill the pool."
"He's always measuring. He's always touching and measuring his opponents."
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin
"Measurement affects everything in our life... Everything around us relies on measurement."
"We are suggesting that AI is some sort of objective metric for measuring things... AI is able to create objective metrics where none exist."
"You're going to need to actually measure the exact speed of your bullets."
"You can either argue for hours about this, or you can measure it and see for yourself."
"Consistency is the truest measurement of performance."
"You just want to cover just enough so that everything is submerged but you don't have more water than you need."
"The primary objective of a religion is to restore and contain some degree of traditional value within the site how do you judge let me change the way I worded that how do you judge the success of a religion."
"The Horvath aging clock is the most accurate molecular measure of age."
"Human welfare is measured in lives, numbers of lives, lengths of lives, quality of lives."
"It might only double for instance every 30 days or something."
"So now they both popped up to four pounds, which is awesome."
"We consumed one and a half gallons of fuel and that works out to 56.66 miles per gallon."
"What's ripple and what's noise and how do you measure it? What are the traps for young players? Well, I'm glad you asked!"
"The only things that matter are what's the scale say, what does the mirror look like, and how is my performance in the gym."
"People are really good at doing their job if you give them a metric to measure how good they're doing."
"More than accurate enough to be a general indication."
"The correct way is to divide meters by a thousand. So if you have a meter and I divide that meter by 1000, you don't think that would give you millimeters?"
"Once you start getting temperatures of like four digits it probably doesn't matter if it's Fahrenheit, Kelvin or Celsius, it's all very hot."
"It's easily going to be like three meters. Yeah, it's more than a j-span."
"You always want to put your ruler on the part you want to keep."
"Toll the funeral bells for everything that made America great. But, are those the best measurements of a country's greatness, of a life well lived?"
"Life satisfaction, well-being, meaning - off the charts for that."
"The original Fujita Scale was designed to correlate damage to tornado intensity."
"Measuring out such a teeny amount... is very challenging."
"The prediction is so precise... it's like knowing the distance from San Francisco to New York to within the width of a human hair." - Feynman
"Rating systems are not measures of skill, they're measures of progress."
"If you want to see fear in a quantum physicist's eyes, just mention the words 'the measurement problem.' The act of measurement or observation creates the entire universe."
"You have to have a vision. What do you see? Because when you don't have a vision, you can't measure your growth."
"We're one-tenth of the way into this journey."
"Percentages in the mid 80s, you don't really see anything in the 90s."
"Well, I don't think it is, Tony, because if you look at the scale, you know, it's only about 120-130 feet across."
"It's only three and a half feet right there."
"They now have an upper limit of the radiated heat which is directly related to size." - So it's absorbing heat from the Sun and reradiating it in infrared.
"Please tell me that's the yard please tell me please guys didn't kill me that the stat board says 100."
"Numbers are just one kind of way to measure."
"The present promise of a Nation can be measured by the current prospects of its young people."
"It's a very important metric and one that's a testament once again."
"You can't find daily feedback on the scale. Judge your progress 90 days in."
"Length of the perimeter of this wall: 320 meters."
"The only way to know that and get that positive feedback is if you take your measurements once a month."
"He is the standard against which we measure all things."
"If you're going for a run without your phone you want to know, you know, maybe how many steps you took."
"We all love to measure people's strength through the feats they achieve."
"It's only once, twice, three times. It works out to be 2.6 meters."
"The scale is a tool but you have to combine it with all the other metrics."
"What you cannot measure, you cannot improve."
"You need to have proper error estimation on every single thing you want to measure."
"When accuracy is paramount, you don't measure empirically, you measure comparatively."
"The closer you look at stuff, the harder it is to measure."
"Remember when it comes to measuring, think metric."
"Our profit is lives saved as opposed to a monetary measure."
"Russian advances can sometimes be measured in kilometers in any particular day."
"The bigger the number, the better the catch is."
"Plan, try, measure, review, make improvements, repeat."
"The probability of recording a particular measurement value is the probability of you finding yourself in a timeline where that value actually happened."
"The overall length is 182.3 inches with a wheelbase at 107.2. We get a width at 76.1 and a height at 48.6 inches."
"You can't make something better than you can measure it." - Scooter Brothers.
"An insane speed number to hit, faster than base 100s."
"The W is meaningful because it's an imperfect measure."
"One kitten power equals one watt, how about that?"
"Now we're going to fold it down onto itself and then we're going to measure from the fourth fold down seven inches on either side."
"If you measure something, it grows. If you measure something, it gets better. So, keep measuring it. That's what I do for cardio."
"I measure it by action." - U.S. District Judge James Robert
"Measure things so you can improve them." - Warren Buffett
"The true capacity of a battery is measured in watt hours."
"You want to leave about three yards to finish both to bind off and then to seam the rest of the cowl."
"The eyeball has an axe measurement forensic facial reconstruction science kind of averages out and if I remember correctly it's 24 millimeters which should put it at about two and a half centimeters."
"That's a lot. It's a big number. It's very high."
"The scoreboard should show the things that we actually care about."
"Acceleration is the measure of change in velocity of an object per unit time."
"Dosages of LSD are measured in micrograms which are millions of a gram."
"The winner of the battle between weapons called AG velocity measurement again Brian Ubu was."
"It's a game of centimeters if not millimeters."
"I don't even have anything to measure it with."
"Pixels are the canonical measurement of the web."
"I'm allowed to hook up the smart probes."
"Power is a measure of how quickly you can deliver energy."
"Voltron's standing height is about 41 centimeters or 16 inches to the top of the robot's head."
"How do you measure the success of a pirate? Is it by fame, by the number of ships they conquered, or the amount of treasures they pillaged?"
"Thousands of years ago, ancient people knew how to measure the Earth accurately."
"I am truly in a category that whatever you measure grows."
"Velocity is a metric used in scrum that is a measurement of the amount of work that is completed by team during the sprint."
"...if we move those mirrors the pattern the laser makes can be used to measure very small distances."
"Every project which produces a specific product or service by using specific resources, and each of these the resources, the processes, the templates, the deliverables, all these need to be measured on a continual basis."
"Critical success factor provides the insight towards what needs to be measured and when you measure what should be the focus."
"He knew this because there's a branch stop that sits about 6.5 feet on the tree."
"The Inca used to use the holes to measure food and other commodities and then distribute the goods evenly."
"You can't measure the content of a man's heart."
"If the universe is flat, the angle we measure on the sky should be the same as we'd expect."
"If you need a quick measurement of something, I wouldn't overlook the measure app as it is very, very powerful."
"The measure app can actually get someone's height."
"1 nanometer is 10 atoms wide, on average."
"An interval is the measurement of the distance in pitch between two notes."
"Now somebody tell me how deep is the ocean, and I'll let you know how much my love is."
"Kids compete when they could see somebody's score on, you know, meters per second."
"The square Encompass is both a measurement tool and one of the most recognizable symbols of the Freemasons."
"It is of great help engaging distances and velocities on the astronomical scale."
"Entropy can be described as a measure of disorder or randomness of a system."
"This is basically just to show you a very simplistic measurement that I believe is very telling of whether or not you have good room acoustics."
"Volumetric efficiency is a measure of the actual amount of air that is moved through an engine versus the engine's cubic capacity."
"Volumetric efficiency tells us how much air is going into the engine."
"Measuring the APO B seems to be a superior matrix over measuring LDL or cholesterol levels."