
Personal Philosophy Quotes

There are 2497 quotes

"When I do something, I do it at 100%, all in, full capacity. That's how I've done everything in my life, and I always will."
"Unconditional happiness would mean that you will be happy no matter what."
"The quality of your life is only determined by you, your thoughts, and your actions."
"Not that I was ever in need, for I've learned how to be content with whatever I have."
"True happiness is not out there; true happiness lies within."
"I don't care what you believe. Just believe it."
"If something made you happy but it was patently false, would that be okay with you?"
"Belief determines behavior, and behavior is all that matters."
"In my life, it's who I am to the core: I really focus on the positive and try to put love out there in the world."
"Get serious about life. Get metaphysically serious about life. Figure out what life is, figure out why you're here, figure out what it's all about."
"What you give away is what you keep for yourself because again you are the source of everything."
"The less of a shit you give, the better it is."
"I don't beg. I am being me because that's who I am."
"Happiness is a choice. There's not like I even as I'm architecting all this stuff, it's like, it's not like I need the yacht in Cabo to be happy."
"I don't believe in personal morality. Morality is the rules that we all follow together."
"I got to have fun with what I'm doing because if I'm not enjoying myself, I check out."
"The future is bright for all of us. That's my why."
"Forgiveness is for you. It's not for the other person. Forgiveness is so that you don't have to go around carrying something that these people probably wake up in the morning and don't pay any attention to."
"My life has whatever meaning and purpose I give it."
"I don't see any reason to think that there is an externally imposed purpose."
"If the world we live in is a simulation, self-belief is the cheat code."
"Life is pretty balanced; you get some easy and then you get some hard."
"To me, I've always considered this a cheap base camp to live life from, so I see the world, especially the outdoor world, as a blank canvas for me."
"Strength is my only option. To entertain ideas of weakness is self-sabotage."
"All life is from within out. This is something that cannot be reiterated too often."
"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
"Sometimes things are in your control, and that should make you happy."
"Life is short, it's very short. That's what everyone tells me all the time. They tell me, hey, you gotta cherish every moment in life."
"So relying on others is definitely not an option. I can only depend on myself."
"Rules and regulations and binary systems don't really resonate with me."
"This life is a complete life by itself. If this is a complete life, it's joyful, loving, wonderful by its own nature."
"Respecting people, building people up... that's what I feel about things."
"Life is what you make it. It's not bad, is it?"
"You don't need to be perfect to be a good person. The you that you are right now is good enough."
"Your attitude towards life, you have an attitude. And that attitude can be anxious, insecure, or adventurous. It's like your work of art."
"Every single day...I am living this like every single moment."
"Success isn't something that you go and get; it's something that you bring."
"It all starts right now. What's your relationship with the right here, right now?"
"Understanding that, you understand that where I am is where I want to be."
"Other people's opinion of you is none of your business."
"Understanding that happiness is a choice, not a destination."
"What other people think of me is none of my business."
"It's not my business what anyone thinks about me."
"I remember one of the books I read Simon Sinek, he was talking about the why and I was like well if I can just have a why with everything I do then I don't have to be worried about the outcome because I had my intention."
"A word about my personal philosophy: it is anchored in optimism. It must be, for optimism brings with it hope, a future with a purpose, and therefore, a will to fight for a better world."
"Our external world is a reflection of our internal world."
"Hearing and seeing is completely different than listening and observing, and doing your own research and coming up with your own ideology and your own philosophy."
"We want to find the positive, move forward, and focus on the good. I couldn't, for a million years, do otherwise."
"My life is more fulfilling when I make the most of it."
"My dad was the type of person that simply did not give a [expletive] what anybody thought about him and it's really quite remarkable."
"I am completely independent of the good or the bad opinions of others."
"You create who you are; you don't discover it."
"The moment you don't need money, you're a free human being."
"Meanings are not determined by situations, but we determine ourselves by the meanings we give to situations."
"You're either going to grow or you're going to die. It's create or disintegrate."
"I'm a smart woman, and I do what's right for me and what I think my fans will like, and that's all I think about."
"It's so important to record the Queen's philosophies of how she handles food, exercise, or how she deals with stress."
"I don't see myself as any different than any other person. I just want to figure out the reality we live in."
"You can't just say 'I'm never going to plan anything anymore,' just take life as it comes."
"Success is not a good orientation. It's a filthy word. It's a nauseating word."
"America says the sweat of your brow belongs to the poor, Russia says it belongs to everybody, and the church says it belongs to God. Andrew Ryan says he chose differently."
"Life doesn't give you what you want, it gives you what you believe."
"You'd rather have four quarters or a hundred pennies?"
"You have one life, and you have to live it on your own terms."
"Being true to yourself leads to true happiness."
"I am infinitely more interested in influence than power. I have no interest in having power over people."
"I have no expectations, and it is one of the reasons I'm happy."
"I'm not Republican or Democrat, I just want freedom."
"Don't take yourself too seriously. Have a little compassion. Have fun."
"Give first and without expectation, and you'll get more than you can imagine."
"I think everyone should, from day one, just think, okay, how can I be more kind?"
"The personal in my opinion is never political; it's always philosophical at its roots, and that's something that is very personal and that's something that you have to take responsibility for."
"You can't make everybody happy, and you shouldn't try. If people don't like what you're doing, so what?"
"My main philosophy with the main channel is I make videos that I want to watch."
"We are entitled to happiness. We deserve to feel joy. Other people feel joy, and we're not allowed to? I don't think so."
"Courage is what makes life worth living. If I thought I was okay being a coward, I would think that my life might not be worth living."
"Life has whatever meaning and purpose I give it."
"You have a right to your beliefs, but whether or not your beliefs are right is something that you should care about."
"You find something that gives you meaning and focus and a beautiful philosophy to change the way you think, and you adopt it wholeheartedly."
"I'm not looking for half; I'm looking for all."
"It's better to regret the things you've done than the things you haven't."
"Yes, that was all I had. But at least I had as much of a hold on it as it had on me."
"Keep an open mind. Let no one live in your mind rent-free."
"I love everybody until you give me a reason not to love you."
"I don't think I believe in 'deep down.' I kind of think all you are is just the things that you do."
"I never make another man feel like he's greater than me."
"Only the person who takes the risks is truly free."
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so will he be."
"The answers to life are inside of you, not outside the way most people think."
"Each of us can find a perfect world right now, and that perfect world comes when we look within, when we live from the inside out."
"Choose love. You always have choice. Make yours with love."
"If you're in desperate straits, if your life is falling apart, if you're nihilistic and miserable, and maybe you have your bloody reasons because maybe you do, that's still the case that if you step outside yourself and you try to make the lives of other people better, that's the best possible thing that you can do for yourself."
"You've got to believe in what you believe in. I guess I believe in the good."
"I've always been crazy, but that's kept me from going insane."
"Freedom means that there's nobody that can stop me, and that I feel like I can do anything."
"Whatever you believe about yourself, you're 100% right."
"It's so important to live with empathy for others and not live with judgment."
"It feels so much better in your own heart to put kindness into the world than to put judgment into the world."
"Improvements can still be made. That's life."
"Stoicism is I can deal with whatever happens."
"There is no meaning of life because you are life; life is a fact, not a meaning."
"Any source of happiness that doesn't come from yourself is not a reliable source of happiness."
"Our life is not defined entirely or even primarily by our rights; it's defined, I think, more importantly, by our obligations."
"My whole purpose in life is I want people to live in their truth."
"I don't believe in regrets. I believe in things I would have handled differently."
"I made this a point when I was a lot younger to sort of never have a regret." - Sofia Laura
"Suffering is not in the fact, it's in your perception of the fact."
"Create your own world and live in your own world, and don't buy it. Like everything that they're selling you is so that they can make money off of you as puppets."
"Belief isn't about what you tell yourself in your head. It's in your actions."
"This thing takes you to your nature, to get to know who you are." - Mike Tyson
"Go out every single day of your life, live fully, love openly, and make your difference today."
"Positive thoughts, put it out there, that's what you have to do."
"Other people's opinions of me aren't my business."
"For Pi, it's not about what we believe, it's about what we'd rather believe in."
"That's one thing I tell people is I never [__] miss... purpose over pleasure."
"All my life I have tried to pluck a thistle and plant a flower wherever the flower would grow."
"I don't fear death, I just fear not being the best human I could have been."
"Your worth is not dependent upon anyone or anything outside of yourself."
"When you put into motion an approach based on love and respect, your results will forever remain in motion."
"I will never judge anything by the way that it looks, try and judge it by the quality of its character and not the [Laughter]."
"Position yourself where you don't need anybody but you respect everybody."
"We all have a reason for being here, we all planned out our life."
"I think being open is like, honestly the biggest thing."
"Put yourself first. What's for you will find you."
"A man should take care of others and think about the good things, not only about money. You shouldn't love these pieces of paper so strongly, worry about it, save it, competing. You should have enough to live and the rest should help other people."
"Don't kill what you hate but take what you love."
"Belief always rules conduct it works wonders when you believe it signs and wonders but belief always rules conduct"
"I believe in being happy I believe in joy so it rules my conduct and everything I do"
"I believe in Independence and I don't want to put myself in a position where I am dependent on someone for everything. That's not my speed."
"What do you want to make people feel? I think that's such a great way to live."
"Just be aggressively yourself. Lead with confidence. You're not trying to win them over, you're just being you."
"Freedom understood as simply the ability to do whatever you want cannot be what our lives revolve around."
"Greatest author, greatest philosopher, greatest pastor, greatest theologian, greatest preacher, greatest book, greatest sermon."
"I'm very much what I call a realistic optimist. So, I do always want to, you know, there are certain things that always win in the end."
"It's supposed to be the other way around. I'm not a parent, I'm an uncle times nine, but I was, I've always been like, hey, aren't adults supposed to make the sacrifices for the kids, not the other way around?"
"It's not about Legacy. Live the life you want to live now."
"You will go through this life by yourself with yourself experiencing the world from your unique perspective."
"I don't even create or like, um, I literally just hold a couple intentions."
"It's not about attracting anything, you're literally choosing your lens."
"Helping should be second nature. It's a philosophy that I can definitely get behind." - Power Rangers
"You just can't live like that in my opinion, you know at some point you're gonna upset some people and you just kind of have to be okay with that."
"Nobody believes what everybody else believes there's no human being on earth who has the exact same beliefs as the individual."
"Someone else's opinion of you has nothing to do with you. Think about that."
"When you know something, it's better than believing in something."
"Everything that happens to us happens for us and nothing thing to us."
"You're not here to search for love; you're here to remember that love is within."
"He literally didn't care what other people thought of him."
"Forget what everybody else thinks, live your life, you be happy."
"Life is long, enjoy each day, live by a few tenets if you will, and make it happen."
"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe."
"Happiness is a choice and isn't that the worse things could be happening in her life."
"The best thing about existing is the fact that you can choose how you want to do it."
"The older I'm getting, the more I'm realizing that everyone just do your thing, do your thing, as long as you're not hurting anyone."
"Gratitude is a huge part of staying in the game and doing it."
"Loving it is focus, and focus is everything."
"Life's been good to me, I try and help people as much as I can."
"I think it's quite good to try and see good in people."
"Gratitude is the number one, and there isn't even a close second."
"I've tried to build a career that's been completely based on no fear, and I truly don't fear anything artistic."
"Imagine being so scared of dying that you have effectively stopped living your own life."
"Forget about outer circumstances, you cannot be a victim and a millionaire at the same time."
"Quality over quantity, and that's definitely a reason."
"Life happens for your benefit. It's not happening to you."
"This fight does not affect anything in my legacy. I believe in giving something for the new generation. It's about passion, it's about love." - Anderson Silva
"The meaning of life for me is the struggle to impart meaning - meaning."
"You create your reality; your intentions create your reality."
"I wouldn't change a damn thing, not one thing."
"Time and energy are fluid, so take what resonates and leave the rest for someone else."
"Thought that isn't followed by action is worthless when it comes to changing your life."
"Success is constantly being in that pursuit of happiness, then you are always successful."
"Your first, last, and best love is self-love."
"If you are not having fun, then what's the point?"
"Relationships, you know, for me, that's the thing that comes first."
"The key thing I always think is like be nice."
"Laughing is my favorite thing to do. Do not feed the fear. It's key to raise that vibration."
"Your sexuality, it's a dynamic and unfolding story."
"If your expectation level is low, nobody can ever disappoint you because your expectations were low to begin with."
"I think mainly it's like the best thing about what I realized that I do is I like to share."
"You are the product of your own mind, you are the product of the ideas that you wanna put into this world."
"I'd much rather just be happy and enjoy this life I have."
"Life is beautiful if you make it that way. It doesn't have to be how everybody else makes it seem."
"No lifestyle is inherently bad or wrong. It's just maybe it will be wrong for someone and right for somebody else."
"I genuinely believe that optimism and offense is the only option."
"Living it's called living and the truth of the situation is nobody really gives a [ __ ] about you, that's right, you give a [ __ ] about you, you're the only one you can count on, that's it."
"Just follow your own rules, that's all I want."
"Stop thinking money solves all problems because it just doesn't."
"For people like you and I, you kind of have to have, like, you have to question the norm."
"Happiness as a way of being will remain throughout the ups and downs, to all the different emotional states."
"Being able to think for myself has always been crucial."
"I'm not a hater, man. You know me, I don't look at no dude and hate, man."
"I try to only let very bad things disturb my calm. Evil disturbs my calm, but generally, what happens to me in my life, I have, as I said, I walk around thinking I'm lucky 99% of the time."
"Following your heart is just the true way to live with everything in life."
"There's no right or wrong, it's whatever works and whatever has been for you."
"Nothing will make me happy other than myself."
"If you're an individual who doesn't believe that human life is intrinsically valuable for its own sake, I'm not taking your advice on anything."
"I don't walk around guiding my life based on fear of the unknown. I love the unknown and embrace the unknown."
"Do for one what you wish you could do for all."
"Once you realize you're not supposed to feel pain, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore."
"Regret, I just don't see what the point of talking about regret is."
"Life is a short ride so make every moment count."