
Manipulation Quotes

There are 8870 quotes

"Manipulation has value, but the other side of the same coin is motivation. If you can get people to do what they want to do, then you have motivated them, and that is worth just as much as getting people to do what you want them to do, which is manipulating them."
"The world's darkest secret is that they've not only convinced you you weren't good enough and you aren't smart enough, but they've also convinced us that however you are is how you're stuck."
"The people who benefit from us fighting each other aren't the voters or the taxpayers; it's the politicians and their rich benefactors who've been capitalizing on our fear and infighting for decades."
"Narcissists have what we call 'instrumental empathy.' They weaponize empathy."
"Political correctness is simply manipulating the target population to silence itself so those in authority don't have to."
"Then he meets her, and then she just sucks in and just takes him from me, and then with that, I lose my son, I lose the money, I lose my house, I go to jail."
"It's profitable to keep people financially uneducated."
"It's profoundly gaslighting for the person on the receiving end... it messes with your sanity and sense of reality."
"The whole point of people who are manipulative like that, the whole game is to put you in a position where no matter what you do, you're wrong and they're right."
"You get a kind of narcissistic manipulativeness, but that slides very rapidly into sadism."
"Knowing the tactics of persuasion is the best defense against manipulation, empowering us to engage critically with the information that shapes our worldviews."
"The world's on fire, they say, a culture war's blaze. But is it really burning, or media's manipulative haze?"
"Once you know your purpose, nobody can manipulate you."
"Artificial intelligence, even in its current state, combined with the internet...leads to the possibility of mass manipulation of behavior."
"We're the only species with the capacity to see that our own psychology, our own emotions, our own Paleolithic evolutionary system has been hijacked."
"The feeling you have when you use social media isn't that this thing is just a tool or it's on my side; it is an environment based on manipulation."
"If people could not be manipulated, Coca-Cola wouldn't be buying billboards."
"If someone has ever told you that if you leave them, you'll never fulfill the call of God for your life, then they're manipulating you."
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted."
"Steven Hassan classifies cults not by size, enthusiasm, or level of social acceptance but by the level of unethical manipulation they use on their adherents."
"Love does not manipulate and control; love does not move you in a direction that is unhealthy for you."
"A lot of times abusers do something called love bombing... acting super sweet, acting loving, acting like they're the only person in the world who can just be the holder of goodness and life for that person."
"Manipulative kindness... It's a common tactic that abusers use... It seems nice, but it's totally self-serving."
"You need to be able to notice when you're manipulating another person or a situation. This is huge."
"To be able to notice yourself manipulating it is hugely important. Most people can't do this."
"This manipulation is always gradual. It starts very small and then grows bigger and bigger until it's basically very hard for the victim to go back because they are just all in."
"An apology without change is just manipulation."
"If they get to know you a little better than you know yourself, game over. They can manipulate and control you, and you will not even realize it."
"We are increasingly acquiring technologies that enable external agents, whether corporations or governments, to really hack the human mind and manipulate us in ways which were never possible before."
"This is part of an overall campaign to change language to change how reality is perceived."
"You are clay for me to mold and sculpt into whatever hideous shape I prefer."
"Your pain, your trauma make him feel secure, safe, and calm, accepted and held in a world which is otherwise unpredictable, dangerous, and hostile."
"Narcissists are one-state machines programmed to extract narcissistic supply from other people."
"Clearly, aging is a malleable process that can be sped up and slowed down."
"Be careful of people who say the right thing for the wrong reason."
"Don't let nobody control you. Don't let emotions control you because the devil's sitting there like a puppet master, rolling the screen, making you go left and right."
"The human brain is especially vulnerable to hacking."
"When you can control someone's beliefs, when you can control their prayers, when you can control their families and when you can control their money and their home, you really at that point in time have slaves."
"Lying is really about one thing, and that's about control. Any time someone tells a lie, they're actually trying to control the behavior of another human being."
"Malcolm X once said, 'The media is the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power because they control the minds of the masses.'"
"What manipulation is, is: 'I can't ask for a need up front. So I have to go in the back door to get it.'"
"If you can manipulate people, you can invade a building in Washington without ever going there yourself."
"Algorithms are like demons. We program these little things to understand our weaknesses and then leverage them to get us to do things against our own best interests."
"The ability to hack humans to create an algorithm that understands me better than I understand myself and can therefore manipulate me, enhance me, or replace me."
"The sentiment is definitely leaning towards it not being a stunt to garner her attention, but rather her being taken advantage of."
"This is one of the most dangerous stories that people can tell you: it's for your own good."
"The devil can cite scripture for his purpose."
"The single most effective thing that can be done is for people to vote in such massive numbers where it takes the election outside the margin of manipulation."
"Manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or underhanded tactics."
"How amazing it was that I trusted my intuition and that I put my foot down right when I sensed that manipulation."
"They've learned some very effective narcissistic ways of getting what they want."
"To Gaslight someone is to sow seeds of doubt in their mind that make them question their own sense of personal truth and reality."
"People who gaslight, use things like denial, contradiction, misinformation, misdirection, and even true information and facts, in order to destabilize, disorient, and delegitimize a person's sense of reality."
"The people who should be going to jail and getting fined and shut down for stock market manipulation are the damn bastards who caused all this crap to happen."
"I know how hard you tried to make everyone happy. I know about all the awful things that Monica did to make everyone really sad. But none of that matters anymore. It's just us now."
"Fear has always been the control mechanism of man."
"Manipulation is often thought of as intentional; sometimes it's seen as always being intentional, depending on the definition of manipulation."
"Hiding the truth from you just keeps you being a victim."
"It's important for people to understand that these videos are being cut short to not show you that this is how it started."
"If you can get people out of their minds with fear, then suddenly people are willing to accept authority."
"The noise on the outside has all been designed to control, manipulate, and to instill fear. When you're in fear, you're not empowered."
"We can't have a decent society, we can't have people with their own volition, we can't have a society that progresses, we can't have a society based on empathy or kindness if people are constantly being manipulated."
"The process necessitates the indefinite maintenance of a causality bubble, a pocket universe which would be manipulated through the shared imagination of fictional scenarios taking place within it."
"So the way gaslighting works is it's a denial of a person's reality."
"When you're aware that someone is trying to manipulate you, it already starts to change the process."
"One detective said that she may have had the mental capacity of a fourth grader, but she was a master level manipulator."
"She had manipulated her own family members and through them, had chosen to harass everybody who were once friends with her."
"In reality, every single thing that Janelle said these girls did to her was actually what she was doing to them."
"Investigators also discovered that Janelle was directly implicated in the murders because she sent a text... she knew their plans all along."
"Janelle played everybody like a fool, like they were all just puppets in some sick twisted game of hers."
"This case... just makes it that much more heartbreaking and sick because he was trying to protect her."
"Greg grows into his own, becoming more manipulative in the company he keeps."
"Malignant narcissists are the best salespeople around; they will just keep you on the hook, dangle it, future faking, whatever it takes to keep you there until they get what they want from you, and then cut you off and leave you to suffer with no or little conscience."
"The absence of bearings in the past mean that people are easier to manipulate."
"The virtues, the psychological tools, spiritual insights get weaponized for power games."
"Paul has mastered the art of manipulating the Every Man's Hospitality, using people's kindness against them, forcing them to fight for their lives for the first and last time, all for his entertainment."
"Seeing identities as something that other people are manipulating in you, the logical next step is to be intentional about which identities you want to be activating, strengthening, reinforcing, etc."
"Think critically, don't get manipulated based off one clip."
"Bury your feelings deep down, Luke. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the Emperor."
"If you don't understand the games being played in money, you are the game being played."
"Propaganda is lies... those who are pushing propaganda care about what they want, they don't care about what you want."
"They're hoping that you'll follow the narrative, pick a side, and forget the fact that you're simply a pawn in this game, a delaying game."
"Beware of people who are trying to monetize your outrage because they will get you caring about things that induce you to waste your life."
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
"If she is a brilliant con artist, what is the cost of her creation and is it worth the cost?"
"Social media...means that you can be instantly lied to, instantly manipulated, data could be instantly manufactured. There's no effort."
"Gordon serves as the personification of everything wrong with the stock market and those who manipulate it, a glorified con man clawing his way to the top through manipulation, espionage, and deception."
"The friend zone is a horrible description of a very manipulative thing to do, and that is to say that it's a zone you're put in that you can negotiate your way out of, that you can bargain with people and manipulate their feelings by being impressive enough, by giving enough gifts, by buying enough diamonds and chocolates, and that's so insulting to say that you can buy my feelings, that love or attraction is negotiable."
"Bitcoin is the freest of all the markets in terms of lack of manipulation."
"About manipulating the world from the shadows, pulling the puppet strings as a dark and enigmatic secret brotherhood to accomplish some goal, whatever you might decide that goal is going to be."
"Having a religion formed and then manipulated over the power struggles of very mortal beings is an insane reveal."
"If you can make people believe lies are the facts, then you can control them."
"Step one, you lie all the time. Step two, you say it's your opponents and the journalists who lie. Step three, everyone looks around and says, 'What's truth?' There is no truth."
"You want to keep them in short-term thinking mode because you don't want them to think of the consequences."
"It's really disgusting to manipulate someone's sexuality... you're threatening to ruin them, you're threatening to embarrass them, and you're doing that to have them behave sexually in your favor even if they're straight."
"Why do we blindly give out our trust to them? It's because of a simple understanding that Satan knows and exploits."
"The ability to hack human beings means the ability to understand humans better than they understand themselves."
"I know how to elicit certain emotions from just about anything."
"Words are a toxic man's weapon, and he knows how to wield them and use them in a way that he looks innocent."
"History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the party is always right."
"What if I told you that these people were unknowingly involved in one of the most sinister geopolitical conspiracies the world has ever seen?"
"The need to love yourself because that's part of the reason why people play games with you when you don't love yourself and when you're not rooted in yourself."
"They intentionally target that phase because that is when you're more open and suggestible."
"So eventually I came to believe that obviously Satan was using my mum and she wasn't safe."
"I guess by that point, I was fully brainwashed with the belief that my mother was being used by Satan and she was problematic."
"People who tend to be narcissists and psychopaths will exploit people's empathy by playing a victim."
"It's not about manipulating somebody; manipulation doesn't work. What does work is being yourself."
"The false light... tries to keep Humanity from evolving by telling us they are controlling us for our own good, when in reality they are keeping Humanity locked within a certain bandwidth of frequency."
"They love you, you know, can you blame them? Well, in their own sick way of love."
"I'm going to be giving you a list of things that James Charles did to emotionally manipulate his audience and the world in his latest video."
"Abeloth could drain people of their Force energy, which obviously killed them, she could take over people's minds, and she could assume any appearance that she wanted to."
"In being in a relationship with, or working with, or working for narcissistic people, nobody has your back. In fact, they may not just be neglecting you; they may be actively harming and manipulating you."
"The worst thing about a free market is it's in people's best interest, whenever they're in a free market, to make it not free anymore."
"Giving people false hope is one of the worst manipulation-based offenses someone can commit."
"The machine will know what triggers us, how to disrupt us, how to lead us to certain choices."
"It doesn't really take very much if the signal is consistent, it doesn't take very much to drag belief... into some territory where it serves a private interest at the expense of the public."
"Religions often promise an eternal and infinite reward for some finite and seemingly small payment in this lifetime."
"Religion is useful, but as a vehicle for the unscrupulous to manipulate the gullible."
"The long and short of that origin story is that Thanos had actually been manipulated by Mistress Death ever since he was a little kid."
"People all over the world in the free world have been subjected to unprecedented government tactics: the censorship, the segregation, the psychological manipulation."
"Reality TV is a semi-scripted, heavily edited facsimile of 'reality,' intentionally manipulated to maximize ratings."
"They want you in a low state of vibration so you don't transcend the fear and move to a higher understanding."
"I think bully hunters can be summed up as this: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victims. An honest move will cover dozens of dishonest ones. Open-hearted gestures of honesty and generosity bring down the guard of even the most suspicious people."
"Religion has always been a means of manipulation of the masses."
"The revelation that Atlas has manipulated you because of your character's childhood mental conditioning... it's been there the entire time."
"If you want to control a population, the last thing you want them to have is the truth."
"Lying became a political strategy in its own right, a weapon of mass manipulation and hard to believe."
"It sounds manipulative and passive-aggressive...making your marriage more difficult than it has to be."
"If you want to find a way to manipulate women...the easiest way to do that is through compliments."
"You demoralize society, you make society hate itself, you make society divided, and then it crumbles beneath it."
"What the enemy did for an entire year is take my purity on a slow drift."
"The manipulation of matter is so simple; it's just like that."
"You can get people to do The Unthinkable by getting into their psyche."
"This is the greatest manipulation in history; there's never been anything to this scale before."
"A killer who knows how to manipulate the legal system is the scariest killer of all."
"Humans are actors... we learn how to manipulate our parents by crying when we need to cry, being charming, saying certain things."
"It's like a collective effort to bend the truth, to just destroy the truth."
"The core goal of a PSYOP is to make us question the validity of our beliefs so we can understand why John Keel and Dr. Jac Vallée recognized absurdity as one of the most dangerous aspects of the phenomenon."
"Sometimes I can't help but think we're being played by both sides who in so many areas have absolute consensus around how the country should be run."
"The aim of love bombing is to deny the faculty of thought by occupying the target's entire attention span."
"It's not about the money, really. It's the manipulation, the emotional abuse that I think underpins this, that maybe is typical."
"Psychopathy is like an extension of antisocial personality disorder... it's also about charm and manipulation."
"At this very moment, more people are fighting for the opportunity to lie to you than perhaps any other point in human history."
"Anyone telling you not to do what you want to do, so long as it's not hurting others, who would lie to you and tell you not to listen to others or would censor opinions... they want to manipulate; they want to control you."
"Weaponizing freedom...is about using the language of freedom as a cudgel to erode democratic governance and civil rights."
"FOMO is obviously an insidious practice that preys off the weak-minded with a false sense of urgency."
"Fujiko, repeatedly the most beautiful woman in the world, capable of manipulating even the most cunning of minds."
"We are being manipulated. It's not the ways that we know we're being manipulated that I'm worried about, it's the ways that we do not know."
"It's always fun to see how the Democratic Party manipulates the media, and how the media just go along with it."
"He's a master manipulator who can spew out these twisted philosophies."
"Narcissists are so good at playing the victim and as such, they pull at guilt from other people."
"The minute you've integrated yourself into the shared fantasy, you had become a figment of his imagination, and you had become nothing."
"Don't give power to any person to manipulate you and control you. Nobody deserves that power but God."
"Trying to make someone jealous is not a nice thing to do."
"Stop meeting people and telling them what you don't like about your past... because you're giving them a blueprint on how to manipulate you."
"This is what happens when you use children to front an ideology."
"Narcissists use projective identification to force other people to behave in ways that confirm their view of the world."
"There's a line between doing things that work and manipulation."
"The Power of Ideology and Subconscious is ABSURDLY powerful. Your very inner desires are manipulated."
"Think critically, study, understand you are a target demographic, and there are organizations who are working around the clock not only to build data on you but also to try and manipulate you in different ways."
"Gaslighting is really designed to perpetuate this idea that you should not be able to trust what you think or to trust what you feel."
"I had started a fight on purpose to destroy their relationship in hopes of teaching Koby the value of resolving conflicts."
"You see what I'm saying? It's so obvious what's going on here. 100% manipulation."
"You need to make women think you don't need them. Women know that you need them for sex; you need to make them think you don't."
"You create a narrative, and then you cherry-pick the facts and you twist the truth so that it can fit the narrative because the truth actually doesn't fit the narrative, because the narrative is a lie."
"If you can't critically think, you can be manipulated by emotion."
"What happens if the government and the corporation can not just anticipate the will and desire of the voters and customers but also manipulate and control them?"
"I think it was an intentional cyber attack manipulating the control systems and the engines of the ship itself."
"The culture of teaching is so guilt-tripping and gaslighting."
"Love bombing is a manipulation technique used to win over your trust and affection in order to get you to do something."
"Palpatine was amazing at extracting fear out of his constituents and then using their fear to basically drive the policies he actually wanted to carry out in the first place."
"Addiction does not necessarily make you a bad person, but it does very quickly make you an expert at lying to yourself and manipulating others."
"There is a big difference between saying these things might be more prone to manipulation and saying it was almost for sure they were manipulated."
"Anyone who comes into your life and wants to use your life to benefit themselves, you can't trust that person."
"When someone spreads misinformation and attempts to deflect criticism or accountability by providing excuses or alternative reasoning, it is often referred to as gaslighting."
"Emotional blackmail... is where you take the emotions of someone and you try to manipulate it in order to get them to behave a certain way."
"The ruling authorities attain mass compliance not through force but by supplying the masses with endless streams of distracting entertainment and manipulating them with drugs and other technological methods."
"The art of mind control...has become a science."
"There's also messages that say things like: 'Kevin, you may have been exposed to harmful extremist content recently,' and they're warning people that nefarious actors are trying to manipulate your anger and your rage."
"The sinister twist of the story is that Venus got her fame by playing a doll when in reality behind the scenes she was an actual doll to her mother."
"You can use some of these things to manipulate people, but this is not about that. This is about being a good human to other humans."
"We are in many ways this combination of this weird primitive ape-like thing with the ability to calculate and manipulate our world."
"Are you manipulating the right-wing conservatives in America and selling them country western movies while restricting free speech?"
"One day, Aphrodite, jealous of the beauty of the earthly princess Psyche, ordered her son to make the princess fall in love with the ugliest man on earth."
"Don't let anybody shame you or pressure you or manipulate you into their way of thinking."
"I tried to make the point that the narratives of this company were identical to those used by harmful cults and simply preyed on the innate heuristics of human cognition in order to manipulate people."
"It's very likely that people will use AI as a tool in elections, and then, if AI is smart enough, are they using the tool or is the tool using them?"
"Women have a kind of soft power that influences cultures, and I feel like there are dark forces that have manipulated that."
"Often disasters and times of crisis are used to leverage further power for already powerful entities."
"The only reason you choose to get upset is because you were told to."
"By using subtle manipulation over heavy-handedness, they’ll weave reality for over a billion people."
"Sometimes a fix needn't involve anyone actually involved in the event."
"I will not be manipulated or brainwashed by anyone anymore."
"Donald Trump has taken the truth and totally bastardized it so there is no more truth."
"Notice how it's so natural to say I was manipulated when I'm trying to sell this idea to you."
"This looks like a con job and you're the suckers."
"Do you want to miss a biscuit, Mr. Brooks? He's saying, 'See your honor, see? I'm playing this little game that we're doing now. Give me what I want.'"
"Girls will gladly siphon off free attention if you allow it."
"He's able to manipulate the market or influence the market in a way that he's able to."
"Lila receives the power of the fox miraculous for real and uses its illusions to manipulate the people throughout Paris."