
Inner Strength Quotes

There are 3061 quotes

"Hope is something that comes from within and can resist oppressive forces around us if we are strong enough."
"We need a complete cultural change away from self-absorption to a world where people have more inner strength and are more caring to each other."
"You are stronger than you realize, and that inner power will come to light when you need it the most."
"Faith is an inner knowing about the unseen that urges your soul to go beyond what you already know."
"Confidence is forged in fire. It's something that's within you."
"You are so strong, you have no idea the strength that is within you."
"The call of the wild is often a whisper, guiding us to discover the strength within."
"You have got that inner fortitude, you have got that inner strength, you absolutely can do it."
"Recognizing your inner power is the key to unleashing your potential."
"My wonderful feelings of high self-esteem come from deep within me."
"There's something being manifested here that's coming towards you and it's because of your inner strength."
"Somehow your light has been able to shine through. The power resides within."
"Nothing external can defeat the internal. The only thing that can take someone down or break you down is internal. Nothing external is strong enough."
"Enthusiasm that's powerful is mostly enthusiasm that is enthusiasm inside, 90% inside and 10% outside."
"There is a force within that gives you life—Seek that."
"The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives on the inside of me."
"Self-confidence is an internal game; you do not need external accolades, external admiration, in order to build self-confidence."
"If you're not strong on the inside, you can't be strong on the outside."
"It's by standing in the strength of your own energy that you shine the brightest."
"Your energy and your power and your light always travel with you; you're not losing anything."
"Faith is that something within us which does not guess but knows."
"There is power within you, a peace beyond understanding."
"No matter what goes on around you, you can choose to tap into the strength within you."
"We want to outgrow our insecurities until greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world."
"You'll never be great until you get the greater one on the inside of you."
"This is a period to get in touch with your inner strength and reclaim your personal power. Move forward and be free."
"Confidence is attractive, and you're just gonna feel it like it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside when you know you're solid inside."
"The most powerful muscles to me are not physical; they're like faith, courage, determination, playfulness, passion. Passion unexpressed weakens, faith untested gets smaller."
"No one can ever meet the unmet needs left by our parents except ourselves in our inner reserves."
"Look to your inner strength; you are stronger than you realize."
"Know your power. Your worth sure does not come from outside; it comes from within."
"Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world."
"I've been picking up, picking up, picking up, strength from within."
"You are more than a conqueror. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world."
"You have a quiet strength and inner strength, and people come to you for courage and strength."
"Inner strength is the power within that pushes action into all areas of life."
"Surrender to the journey of life, trusting in your strength and inner calm to guide you."
"Emerging from the shadows of solitude, we find the light of inner strength."
"God is within you, and you will not be moved."
"The Holy Spirit in you is greater than any spiritual forces and demonic wickedness that can stand against you."
"Greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world."
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
"The fire within you is still there. Do you remember it?"
"The fire within you is still there. Do you remember it? The fire you felt, desire, inspiration, fuel to carry on."
"We want inner strength, we want the intangible stuff."
"Balto embraces his inner wolf and leads the dog sled team home."
"Confidence doesn't come from what's on the outside; it comes from how you feel about yourself."
"What I’m saying is this card is about inner strength. It represents having the ability to endure and bounce back from setbacks."
"Strength and Star individuals are dreamer inspirers, possessing inner power and inspiring others, often with a natural affinity towards animals."
"Therefore, the real magic was inside of us the whole time."
"Strength is the rawest form of power, and you possess it in some form."
"You have power over your mind, not external events. Realize this, and you will find strength."
"We all have greatness; it's just, you got to find the courage."
"It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."
"It is only in this way that the true spirit can be tested, the spirit that will never consent to come under the jurisdiction of things external to ourselves."
"Strengthen your inner fire and ignite the driving force into your future."
"My favorite verse: God has not given us the spirit of fear but power, love, and a sound mind."
"I really feel like by May 11th, you'll have already taken this first step on whatever this is, and I feel like you're really harnessing your inner power in the month of May to really rise up to something new and to also kind of start something new."
"You don't have to make a big show of it; it's something that emanates from within you."
"When we become strong and aware in our inner world, we're able to move with strength and awareness in the outer world."
"We need to be strong, but we need that strength to really come from a good place, to come from an honest place, to come from within."
"You were born without a manual for a reason. Everything you need lies within you."
"If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. But if an egg is broken by an inside force, life begins. Great things begin on the inside."
"The thing about adversity is that it shines a light on what's really within you. Adversities aren't the thing that makes you weaker or stronger, the role of adversity is to simply reveal the strength within you, the God within you, the fire within you."
"The light and your connection to spirit is in many ways stronger than ever."
"In the heart of every hero, there's a spark of unstoppable determination."
"Greater is he that's in us than he that's in the world."
"Demons are exhaustible, but you have an inexhaustible spirit living in you, the Holy Ghost."
"Let us cultivate the Inner Light so we will not be slaves to their narrative."
"Inside all of us, there is amazing resilience, amazing strength."
"Greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world."
"The peace of God means that you and I are strengthened and calmed from within."
"The kingdom of God offers you victory. Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world."
"There's a strength in you that cannot be purchased."
"That spark of the divine lives within each of us. We cannot give in to doubt or cynicism or despair."
"The miracle that God performs is within you... by giving you the strength to endure situations that may have otherwise broken you."
"Your source of power is not outside of you, it doesn't come from other people, it comes from within you."
"Inside you, just like Kryon says, is your magnificence. It's not coming from outside of you; it's being generated within you."
"You're strong and you're confident internally as a soul, as a person."
"It is your spirit that will create them. It is your spirit that will guide you."
"Adversity is not meant to steal things from you... it's meant to help you find the giant within."
"The gold is our spirit, the gold is that awareness and love."
"You don't win from the outside, and you don't win because of what's outside; you win because of what's inside."
"You remind all of us that somewhere within us, if we allow it to come out, there is a desire to live above everything else."
"Martial arts is not about winning fights, but conquering yourself and your weakness."
"Let me remind you that you were born with a light that was bright enough to light the world even in your absence and do not doubt that you have love and support enough to accomplish miracles."
"We all have this reservoir of strength within us."
"Step into that power, outer strength can make us feel stronger inside as well."
"It doesn't matter if they know your name, it matters if you know what is inside of you."
"There's something in you that wouldn't allow you to stop."
"The ability to work through any emotional challenge is within you."
"What is within you is greater than what's around you."
"Success is within; see it first and others will follow."
"You carry the authority of Heaven. That Authority rests in you."
"You have the power to become someone that even the deepest part of you trusts."
"I am protected. Everything I need is within me."
"There is a source of power in you that transcends the person."
"We have this amazing untapped potential within us."
"You really do only have yourself to get through those situations. You can have loving people... but at the end of the day, you are literally the only person who can pull yourself through."
"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well."
"Robin shows immense Inner Strength here, immense."
"You need to develop your inner monster a little bit and then that makes you a better person, not a worse person."
"You have what it takes; your greatness comes from within."
"Realizing how strong you are within yourself like there's a lot of being proud of yourself."
"The core idea of Epictetus is very simple: 'You are invincible if nothing outside the will can disconcert you.'"
"He who is within me is greater than those who are against me."
"Life is not from outside in, but I have discovered my inner resources."
"It's through the struggles that we find our strength."
"He who prevails over himself is twice Victorious."
"The fact that He chose you to go head-to-head with the enemy is a sign of what's down on the inside of you."
"Greater is He who's in you than who's in the world."
"You contain so much strength, and you are so enough."
"I pray that from his glorious unlimited resources he will Empower you with Inner Strength through his Spirit."
"I think being fearless... it's all one thing... it all comes from within."
"That fearlessness does come from knowing that, well, basically no matter what, you are going to refine and find inwardly."
"Our light does not die with the prime Naaru, it shines within each of us."
"We don't know our internal strength until we are hit."
"I find the inner strength to face fear with confidence."
"There's something inside, that they can't get to, that they can't touch. It's yours."
"Your spirit guides, higher self... It's almost like a piece of the universe that's inside within you that even allows you the ability to do so."
"You are going to feel really strong and confident and comfortable within yourself."
"When things are really tough and they're really rough, nothing's working but there's something inside of you that says."
"The key to your emotional sobriety has never been outside of you, it's always been inside of you."
"Strength and power have always been there. Sometimes you just need a moment in time to activate it."
"You can literally change everything in your life by the power that's inside of you."
"If you free yourself of your limiting beliefs, you will uncover this hidden talent within you and the incredible strength to pursue your ideas worth spreading."
"You have so much strength, so much power available to you."
"Strength comes from the heart, and I will see it through. You have so much strength, even the top heroes would be jealous."
"The life that shines within darkness shines brightest overall."
"We want to get to what we see here which is peace, peace and strength, and divine harmony."
"You have strength beyond your own imagination."
"We all have this tree of life within us... It's the DNA of this spiritual structure."
"Greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world."
"Strength energy as well, that's about willpower, that's about having courage, it's about being... overcoming some type of internal obstacle in your life and going for something."
"Don't let fear have all of you. Save some of you for your faith and your fire."
"You're meant to bring that fire to the table."
"Nature power, the power of nature, the power within."
"Cultivate confidence in yourself, pile three, you have the inner spiritual power to deal wisely and effectively with any situation."
"Empowerment is something that comes from within. You are the one out of whom the power comes."
"There's a mighty warrior inside of you, you just have to let him out."
"You possess far more strength inside of you that you could have ever imagined."
"Tap into the power that is inside you, the same power that resurrected Jesus Christ from the grave. Let the Holy Spirit Kindle the Fire Within You, strengthening your faith and giving you the courage to keep going."
"You might be in the eye of the storm but you are untouched and you can discover this core weakness inside so it's very spiritual."
"You are all powerful and you have the ability to stop any attack. You don't need the help of anyone else. There's nothing magical that you need to do. You are the magic."
"There's something inside of me, self-perpetuating, self-producing, able to pollinate and cross-pollinate, produce and live and thrive, there is something inside of me."
"You have a power in you that can enable you to be stronger and better than anything that's out here."
"You have greatness in you. All this stuff is going on right now, but you have greatness in you."
"Champions are made from the inside out; everything is filtered through empowering belief systems."
"Awaken to the powerful force within you, you're meant to create blessings with your magic."
"True strength lies not in physical prowess, but in resilience of spirit."
"In the darkest of times, hold onto the light within you."
"You all have the power to overcome all your demons, all your shadows."
"She was determined. There was just this light inside of her that was burning for answers."
"Strength comes from many sources, staying strong brings confidence, conviction, and a balanced body, mind, and soul."
"The part of us that cannot be corrupted represents the source of our wisdom, our strength, and our unity with each other."
"You have this energy within you. When you set your energy towards something, it happens."
"Whatever you went through, it didn't make you stronger because you already were strong."
"The light is within you, you light your own light."
"Magic is not in the wand, it's inside of you."
"Embrace self-acceptance and royalty within, regardless of external factors."
"If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you."
"You gotta be able to dig deep, grit is where you gotta go to."
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength."
"You have everything you need inside of you to deal with any challenge that comes your way."
"The light in you cannot be dimmed, you are unlimited."
"The most powerful drug is the mind and the heart."
"Because greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world."
"It's about having the inner strength, having the courage to step up. You can handle any situation that comes your way. You're stronger than you think, cancers."
"You have the inner strength to overcome anything."
"You can do all things through the God power which strengthens you."
"The treasure is inside you, okay? Just like Wizard of Oz, right? The treasure is inside you."
"I ignite the fire within me that connects me to the divine."
"You are unstoppable, that light within you, your true self, is unstoppable."
"You just follow the guidance of your soul, honestly you've done this before, this is within your capacity even now."
"The fight you have to win for your life has always been in you."
"Practice the inner strength you already have within yourself."
"Peaceful Warrior, harnessing some magic and power and divine will to keep going forward."
"It's really about coming into your heart and coming into your own power in some way."
"Self-discipline can only come from within yourself."
"People have within them this capacity to set the world straight."
"Your inner strength can and will move mountains."
"What happens when the spiritual energy becomes more oriented towards the individual, the self, the will, your own spark, your own fire?"
"We have everything that we need within our own beings."
"The real war is with ourselves, fighting the impulses and urges that will result in a weaker man."
"All strength and wisdom and power and knowledge a man will find within himself, but he will not find it in egotism."
"You're not defined by outward things; you have the ability to change and shift."
"When you're in your season of solitude... it allows you to Rediscover Your Inner Strength."
"You have all of the inner resources you need to cross whatever bridges arise on your path."
"You are not the deliverer, but the deliverer is on the inside of you."
"There is such a strength that comes from that low."
"The power has been with you all along, it's a choice."
"You have all the inner resources you need to cross whatever bridges arise on your path."
"I have a dog in me, I have a lion in me, I have a vicious warrior inside of me."
"Sometimes just knowing you're strong gives you the power."
"We have the ability to heal within us all along."
"They see you as someone mythical, with inner strength."
"The most powerful healer in truth is yourself. It's time to look within and access your own healing medicine."
"Did you know that there is a part of you that is never sick, that is never broke, that is never in lack?"
"We have to begin to realize we are the saviors that we have been waiting for and we have the power."
"Strength is a reminder that you are strong inside and out."