
Hyaluronic Acid Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Hyaluronic acid works alongside collagen to provide structure and retain moisture, contributing to a youthful, plump appearance."
"I love products with hyaluronic acid. I find that it really just helps improve the look of wrinkles and fine lines quite a bit and just maintain hydration throughout the day."
"Active ingredients like hyaluronic acid can plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles."
"These were really, really cool, and whatever peptides and hyaluronic acid is in here, this did some work."
"Designed to help your skin retain its own moisture and contains hyaluronic acid."
"Hyaluronic acid helps to draw moisture to the surface of your skin to help it appear to be more hydrated."
"But I feel like if you guys aren't familiar with hyaluronic acid, this is a great place to start."
"Hyaluronic acid plays a key role in binding up water, hydrating the deeper layers of the skin."
"Hyaluronic acid is really where it's at; it plumps the skin, it hydrates it."
"Hyaluronic acid is great for moisture and locking it into your skin."
"Hydration and moisture and that is hyaluronic acid."
"Hyaluronic acid helps improve the moisture content in the top layers of the skin and that really does improve barrier function."
"Hyaluronic acid holds a huge amount more than its own weight in moisture, so it really helps your skin to retain moisture."
"It just looks absolutely beautiful and the hyaluronic acid in there really plumped out the skin."
"Putting hyaluronic acid into a powder like this on your skin can actually draw moisture out of your skin because that's what hyaluronic acid does. It attracts moisture."
"Soy can also increase hyaluronic acid and glycosaminoglycans in your skin."
"Hyaluronic acid is an essential part of my skincare routine."
"It includes everything from low to mid to high molecular weights of hyaluronic acid."
"It's a skincare foundation with hyaluronic acid that will keep your skin hydrated."
"Hyaluronic acid is a skin-replenishing ingredient that can boost the skin's moisture content."
"I love to pick products that have hyaluronic acid in them."
"Hyaluronic acid is a large molecule that our skin makes naturally; it sits in the dermis and is what gives our skin that plumpness."
"A small drop of hyaluronic acid is like your skin drinking 10 glasses of water."
"I am a true believer in hyaluronic acid and I really love the way it makes my skin look and feel."
"This one actually does have quite a few ingredients worth mentioning, so one of those, of course, is the hyaluronic acid, and that's just going to help to make your skin look really fresh and glowy and plumped and healthy."
"The awesome thing about hyaluronic acid is that it is a quick fix for instant plumping and reduction of fine lines and wrinkles."
"Hyaluronic acid is known as a moisturizing miracle in the skincare world."
"It's got hyaluronic acid in it, which is an incredible ingredient for the skin."
"Hyaluronic acid is a moisturizing miracle, just one gram of it can hold up to six liters of water."
"Hyaluronic acid holds up to 100 times its own weight in water."
"Hyaluronic acid is great for multiple things, mainly being intense hydration."
"It has hyaluronic acid in it so it's supposed to plump and firm skin."
"Hyaluronic acid has a strong water absorption capacity."
"It's a wonderful humectant, arguably even better in terms of their ability to bind water than hyaluronic acid."
"Interesting, I love my hyaluronic acid."
"It's nearly identical to the Fenty... and it has hyaluronic acid in it too, which is really great."
"That is the power of hyaluronic acid."
"It's infused with hyaluronic acid to boost hydration."
"It's hydrating, it's plumping, it has hyaluronic acid."
"Consider adding in a hydrating serum; I personally love hyaluronic acid serums."
"Hyaluronic acid... attracts water from the surrounding air and traps it onto your skin."
"I'm all about that hyaluronic acid."
"Hyaluronic acid on its own is great for dry skin; it attracts water and can hold a thousand times its weight in water."
"Hyaluronic acid... is a great humectant; this will really, really hydrate the skin."
"Hyaluronic acid is really a hydrator for your skin."
"I love hyaluronic acid, I feel like it's become such a staple in terms of a good solid skincare ingredient."
"Hyaluronic acid is just a miracle."
"Hyaluronic acid is one of my favorite skincare ingredients... it really plumps it, it hydrates it."
"Hyaluronic acid gives a smoother, more youthful appearance."