
Life Transitions Quotes

There are 523 quotes

"Everything comes to an end and... sometimes that leaving something great behind will lead to something even greater."
"As an adult in my 40s who has had the pleasure and displeasure of moving several times throughout my life, unpacking was kind of an emotional experience."
"Life has its ups and downs; we kind of all just go through these crazy transitions."
"There's a lot of change coming into your life, be open to a lot of change."
"Disconnection happens multiple times throughout our lives."
"Life is made up of transitions... I don't think we celebrate the transitions enough in life."
"When I became a man, I put away childish things."
"I can think of more than one moment in my life where I was turning a page into a different chapter, and I just needed someone's help to walk me through it."
"All good things must come to an end, and when one door closes, another one opens."
"How do we leave a relationship, a town, a job, a friend group, a hairstyle that we have been locked into for so long and start a new chapter in our life?"
"I help people who are going through big rites of passage, such as birth and death."
"You are ending this cycle and you're going through one of the biggest transitions of your life."
"The Carousel Ride stops, and it's time to get off, and I think we all have to be ready for that."
"In every department of life, it marks the transition from dreaming aspiration to laborious doing."
"It's really not just the end of the year for some of us; it's the end of a season of life that we've grown through."
"The end of a difficult situation, embrace the change, and expect things to get better."
"You can always create a new status quo. You've done it your whole life."
"I think if we move one more time, we're ready to go outside, aren't we? After this, it's like adult time, paying taxes and living life."
"What is death but a transition into something new?"
"God doesn't always announce your next, sometimes He just interrupts your life."
"Endings and Beginnings are ending and beginning now."
"Another chapter of life, another way of transcending."
"Endings always bring positive new beginnings. The only way is up."
"Wisdom is just about the only thing I can pass along. This is a turning and we're in it."
"Life as you know it's about to change, and it's got to do with love."
"It's okay to outgrow people that are not growing."
"It's time to move on to the next phase of your life. Embrace your power."
"Retiring from being a superhero is not easy."
"When you know, you know. You're at the end of a chapter."
"More often than not, passing through a door does mean that a new event is beginning."
"It's a sacred duty to see those we love through the transition."
"You've made it this far from where you were... that chapter of life was very unique and fascinating."
"I think I kind of viewed the end of my sentence as like a fresh start."
"Once it's over, you're never getting it back. You'll have nowhere to run when adulthood comes knocking."
"It's like well why would I give up the pleasures of childhood to undertake the responsibilities of adulthood if if there's nothing of value in that."
"Accepting the transitions that are inevitable in life...living a prosperous flourishing life."
"Goodbye HSBC Bank, just sound of her life and watch that play take off."
"The proof of real stamina in prayer and in the spirit is the ability to discern when seasons end."
"You're going through a new phase, some situations are ending."
"Move on, but don't expect things to present themselves immediately."
"It's time to write another chapter, shut the book on your past, and write a new future."
"This is our last day here in Hawaii... and I think we need to go get packed up."
"In order to adapt to changing circumstances and become the best versions of ourselves, we must kill the boy and let the man be born."
"With every ending comes new beginnings, something is absolutely one thousand percent being transformed here."
"This incredible chapter of our lives close as a new one opens."
"That's life, that's the way it moves on and you know pretty soon I'll start getting ready for the next chapter because believe me I'm pretty excited about."
"So, how do we keep people well as they're aging? In terms of healthy aging as well as supporting their families as they help them navigate aging as well."
"Just sometimes a venue to be heard, talk about your emotions, process what's going on because as we age or even anybody at any point of time in their life can experience significant transitions that are difficult to deal with."
"What are you going to complete, harvest, scythe out or sickle out of your life?"
"You are correct for desiring to open up a new door and close out an old chapter."
"You are walking away from this energy... and there is great cause for celebration."
"It's always hard to accept change and that things may never be the same."
"Transitions are necessary and uncomfortable... we only grow when we're uncomfortable."
"You need to understand that your life may have served its purpose for them, and now it's time for a new season. They had fulfilled their time, and it was now time for a new season."
"I'm not saying that it could never work between us, but now's just not the time. Oh, I mean, you know you're on the other side of the country, and I'm going to college soon. It's just, you know, like we're in different places." - Good Luck Charlie
"You're never going to get to see the whole book... these transitions... are preparing you for a greater inner journey."
"Most of us only get one crack at going into Financial Independence... you want to measure four, five, six, seven times to know that you know, when you enter into this next phase of Life, you've thought through all the contingencies."
"It's not a cheap Endeavor hiring a financial advisor... but this is not an easy transition."
"Eclipses bring something faded that can shake you but it can be great long term as well."
"Having all this time to work on myself that wasn't so clear. I was just like, 'Oh you live in a house, this is what you do.'"
"Not everyone will fully experience everything, it depends on personal transits."
"Birth is a portal that ushers in new life. You're being called to be held by her deep never-ending love."
"I'm most looking forward to being in an entirely new environment I've been in this house for a very long time living the same way with the same people so I'm excited for in a completely different environment."
"You're going to have to Rebrand yourself. I think right now the season you're in is very much part of the process."
"Life really switches up, people change as they are meant to, as they're supposed to."
"Appreciate the chapters of your life for what they were, but keep yourself open for the next great thing that's going to occur."
"Your life ain't over when your playing career is over."
"Nostalgia helps us deal with transitions like when young adults move away from home or start their first jobs."
"Cycles closing... What closes this cycle is your decision."
"You're stepping into something new... There is a big shift that's underway within you and in your life."
"When I detransitioned, it was like finding myself again."
"Reaching the end of worries brings a new beginning."
"Stand your ground, take a leadership role, and embrace the next stage of your life."
"I feel like we're stepping into a nice new flow of our lives, and this is the perfect watch."
"Pay attention to the people that surface when you're going through an Awakening in your life."
"It's bittersweet I'm excited to go home and check out the games but man I've had a great time in Arizona."
"The wedding is the end of the Little Mermaid... it's the beginning of the Incredibles."
"Grow up, it's like the end of the diaper phase or the end of the baby... there's Beauty to be had in that."
"The end really can be at the beginning of a lot..."
"You're about to complete a tough cycle here."
"You've outgrown a particular situation, person, or place."
"It's time to move on to the next chapter here."
"The end of a tough cycle approaches, very highly affected you are, very profoundly affected by the full moon in Capricorn."
"It's a time of completion but very well affected in regards to something that has to do with learning, selling, or a sibling."
"Don't equate endings with something going wrong or being lost."
"No really though, when you come out of this period of life you are going to have such a better understanding of the world, of yourself, of your spirituality."
"Sometimes changes can be gradual and we don't even notice them."
"The day I turned 30 something switched in me and I suddenly felt kind of like an adult."
"Transition from mom to grandma...now you're K Mama."
"There's a new beginning that's taking place, maybe a lot of you walked away from something here."
"There could be some sort of ending or new beginning coming in for your family."
"We're saying goodbye to friends, to family, and of course, doing what we love."
"I'm not ready to let it go, I'm not ready to close this chapter."
"Acceptance of what is is not a defeat. It frees you and opens you up for what's meant to be."
"Every exit line is an entry, and that we are moving up rather than out." - Ellen Goodman
"Embrace all the new beginnings entering our lives."
"I don't see it as giving anything up I just see it as a change challenge it's it's a new chapter."
"Even if something in your life is ending, don't look at it just as the ending because it's the beginning of something new."
"A lot of growth here, right? A lot of new beginnings, closing out old chapters, starting fresh."
"You have to find your balance back in order to move on with the new chapter."
"It's all about the actual by the end of the week, you know, it's to do with the endings that are leading to new beginnings."
"Your life is changing big time, Scorpio, big changes ahead."
"Doors opening are always very positive portals of change, opportunities arriving in your life."
"I'm excited guys I really am um today was my last real day of school so I guess who can say this is my first stream of being number one out of high school number two a full-time streamer and number three just a better mindset."
"A lot of us are going to be feeling big shifts and big differences."
"I think it's time we need to ride off into the sunset."
"We drift away gradually and then suddenly we're out in the cold."
"You are safe and supported while you change."
"Five is the number of change and transformation, there can be a lot of big changes that happen when you move into five energy."
"The bat card shows up to signify the ending of a chapter, the closing of a door, the bat comes swiftly encouraging us to move on, in just a few hours, a new day dawns, no more lingering in the past."
"I'm growing because of the changes... every change is like a new stepping stone."
"Nobody talks about how hard it is to transition from being on survival mode to somebody actually wanting to take care of you."
"That's a really big unlike trying to connect things so that it feels like when you end one thing you're picking up almost right where you left off."
"Switch from pleasure to peace is essential before fatherhood."
"The key to unlocking it all is endings bringing new beginnings."
"The world card signifies the end of one cycle and the start of something new."
"Knowing when something has expired and it's okay to move on."
"The world represents brand new cycles, huge life changes."
"Don't be afraid to move through it because it's not a stop, it's not an endpoint, it's again sort of a turnstile where you're gonna go somewhere else."
"Change is coming, and lepidolite is the perfect crystal to help you with those transitions."
"Sex and death are merged into a single rite of passage."
"There's no such thing truly as an ending, only a redirection."
"Life just hits differently when the children finally leave the nest."
"They see you as the next stage of their life, ready to close out a chapter and move on with you."
"God removes people that are good because He's about to bring people that are great for you."
"There are far, far better things ahead than the ones you leave behind."
"Just let the thing go you're moving at some point you're moving on right you don't go back to your old house like you got to keep what did you guys do to it yeah you got to keep pushing yourself and doing different things."
"One last chance to act on all crushes, make a few stupid decisions, and go all-in."
"It's a lot better to initiate change while you can than it is to try to react and adjust to it."
"You're finally getting to a place where you feel kind of stable."
"When that adventure started to come to an end and reality started to set back in."
"It could feel like you're just so done with certain experiences and cycles karma healing etc that it becomes really simple that what you want is even clearer."
"The world is the card of the completion of a cycle and the start of a new beginning."
"You'll walk away and find the love of your life."
"Goodbye to sipsville, Nutbush City, and generally just wrapping it up and moving on to bigger and hopefully better things."
"There may be a big transition in your life that you're going through."
"Endings are always a sign of new beginnings."
"Change happens, it happens in your job and in your personal life... Change is the law of life."
"Life is filled with people coming in and out, in and out. You have to get to a place where people exiting your life is not so catastrophic that it destroys you."
"You are at a point in your life where you're wrapping up something pretty major."
"It's just very surreal it really is still remember vividly as if it was yesterday moving into this home."
"Endings bring new beginnings, or endings that lead to new beginnings."
"Hell yeah we all have changed... People are not going to stay the same."
"You got out of your 20s, which is basically just a teenager with rent."
"You're stepping away from this place... stepping into your power."
"Embrace change, trust the change, know that you do deserve this change."
"Think of these eclipses as pivot points because they are like Uranus transits; they can kind of jump us forwards in our individual and our collective destiny to get us further off the beach, if you like, than we've ever been."
"This is the last vlog and you know bittersweet a little bit but it's for the best and I'm really excited for what's next and you know to constantly change and grow and I think it's just necessary so I'm excited."
"Change has to happen... we are all in some form of transition if we aren't then we're dying."
"Everything has a start and everything has an end, and for me, this show that I love so much has become kind of a prison."
"Divorce parties can be a celebration of new beginnings full of joy and hope."
"Something's coming to an ending, but it's also bringing in a new beginning."
"Now's the time, kind of starting fresh after having the baby."
"I think one of the biggest misconceptions with van life is that people just all of a sudden one day like you went from being in a house to in a van."
"The next chapter of your life may not be easier but it's definitely going to be more fulfilling."
"There's a feeling of a significant chapter closing in one area of your life. Be honest with yourself about where you want to go next."
"Adventure has come to a close, but that just means another one's getting started, right?"
"When a chapter is done, you have to close it and start that new one."
"If you're leaving a hostile relationship, you need to figure out how to separate yourself."
"There may be an ending of some sort of cycle that's been on rinse and repeat."
"Life unfolds in chapters, phases, and cycles. Your life is a story, your year is a story, your day is a story."
"Understand this, it, like all things in life, it does pass and it always when it does pass it gives way to you feeling more tapped in than ever you more inspired than ever."
"Your energy gets freed up to start a new life or journey."
"It's not a crime to let things go... it's for someone else now."
"You didn't get out of that relationship, you graduated from that relationship."
"New beginnings are coming to you all around, could be financial, new beginnings as well."
"Karmically, you're moving on, karmically, this is really important."
"We are now creating a new timeline and a new life."
"You will know that this is a very important stage you need to go through."
"You've been setting up this foundation for the next phase of your life."
"One of the hardest parts to life in general is growing up and realizing that you have to take separate paths."
"It's almost bittersweet because... Doug is now chasing his dream."
"Marriage is so much more than getting married, it's a life commitment."
"We're entering a new chapter of life, and it's gonna be fun, it's gonna be great."
"It's a new chapter, and I think all of us are slowly starting to realize that."
"Things are gonna be a little bit different from here on out."
"Important changes are coming into your life."
"No matter how old you are, there's a part of becoming a parent where you're just not ready."
"I declare breakthroughs in my life, I declare that this moment is my defining moment marking the ending of a sad history."
"Falling out of love with someone you still like feels exactly like lying in a warm bed and hearing the alarm clock. No matter how good you feel right now, you know it's time to go."
"Surrender: at times we must surrender the old before something new can enter our lives."
"Honoring the fact that you're moving through something powerful."
"You're manifesting changes, with a big part involving your relationships."
"When you're going to grow, this means by default you're going to outgrow something."
"Boldly bringing my children into the next chapter."
"Somebody could be transitioning, it says Triumph over troubles and obstacles."
"Cut the cords with things, people, places, and things you need to leave."
"You enter a new season in your life when you access new knowledge."
"Just know that you're ready to start a new chapter, and anything that didn't work out is because you were being protected from those energies."
"Your career can change, your relationships can change, your home and family life can change."
"I moved on, went to college, and made a life for myself."
"I want to capture that point in their lives where they're making that shift."
"Your new life, your new chapter is waiting here for you."
"So much about beginnings and endings. It's very much this energy of kind of clearing out the old."
"It's just so weird that that chapter of my life is done."
"Now finding, do you know what you will find? That the specific part of your life is going to slowly come to an end, and it's going to require from you to adjust your life accordingly."
"I'm living a separate different life now. That was the baseball player, now I'm the person, that's it."
"Like when I got there was a dream, when I left it was a you reality."
"I swear I couldn't imagine leaving these people behind and not never seeing them again."
"Things Fall Apart before they fall into places."