
Present Quotes

There are 6041 quotes

"You cannot change the past, but you can decide to enjoy the present and work toward influencing your future."
"I've always believed that you be grateful for what you have when you have it."
"The present is continually becoming past. There is no point worrying about what's happened in the past and trying to change it."
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."
"You are not a victim to your circumstances, you are limitless and infinite, existing only in this present moment."
"The journey is always the journey. It's always now. That's what matters."
"True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient."
"We make a pact to forget our old world and protect our Here and Now."
"Courage is not defined by how I messed up in the past. It is not defined by how I miss the mark in the past. Courage is about how I am willing to show up right now."
"Focus on this moment; it's the only moment that matters."
"Contentment is enjoying what I have right now rather than waiting for something else to happen in order for me to be happy."
"The only thing you really own is your present."
"Your best chance to create wealth is right now."
"All that we have been or done is in the past, live in the now."
"Now is where your future is made. Now is the only time you can do anything. Now is where you can actually act."
"When you make this shift and live in the now each day, it changes everything."
"It's important to be thankful for what we have now."
"The way to beat anxiety is to remember that when you're right here, right now, in the moment, you're not worrying about what's happened before or what will happen but you're in the now."
"Moksha not only after death but here and now while living in this body, you are completely liberated."
"Enjoy the present, enjoy the moment, enjoy them, enjoy what it is that you have."
"There is no other collection of creators in the world today. It is right here."
"The world's a very competitive place... don't ever expect a competitor to give you a loose ball."
"The time is now to let the past go and heal."
"The single greatest abundance opportunity in the history of mankind is happening directly in your face."
"It's not about where you're from; it's about where you're at."
"There is no future. There never was a future. There never will be a future. The only time zone we have is the present."
"You've got to let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now."
"You have empowered your whole being because you don't need conditions to change to feel joy in the present."
"Appreciate the past, utilize the present, but don't be afraid to create the future."
"It's not about to happen. It's already happening right now."
"The real solution to this is to discover who you are now."
"We're making future right now. Future's happening right now."
"Their mutual downfall is forgetting to enjoy the present."
"We really are getting to know our forward momentum much better by working with what's here and now."
"Your angels want you to sit in the moment... there's things that you have right now that you don't realize how much you're going to miss them in the future."
"Don't live in the past; live in the present, and if you got to do something about the present, do it."
"Worry is unhelpful. Worry is worthless. It never changes the future; it never changes the past; all it does is mess up today."
"You can only make decisions in the now. It is in the now where your power is."
"Do not worry about the future, focus on your present, enjoy it."
"Now is the only time that action can occur; the present moment is the only time in which we can do anything."
"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
"You can't really understand the present if you're haunted by the past."
"Make the most of what you do have. Don't be so fixed on the future that you miss the power of the present."
"Every day is a gift, that's why it's called the present."
"All we have is right now. Our entire lives are just right now. And now. And now. Right now."
"We're hiding behind this future dream because it protects you in the now, but the now is what matters."
"Don't weigh the future against the present, you'll always lose."
"Don't squander the present waiting for the return of the past."
"Life is all memory except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going." - Tennessee Williams
"Ready or not you and I are living history right now in the world."
"Reality is only what exists right now in the present moment."
"Every time you defend the past, you start to bruise the present and then you screw up your future."
"The new doom is smart fun confined to the absolute present tense experience."
"History always has something to say about the present."
"That's what I mean when I want to give people back control over life in the present."
"I'm feeling great about the present and I'm feeling great about the future."
"The only thing that you can control is right now, this present moment."
"Living in the future means that you're going to miss out on the present."
"The only way to go forward is to surrender to now." - Speaker
"Always prioritize the future over the present because the present is a gift."
"Tat tvam asi: you are that, in the present tense."
"Bidding farewell to the past and embracing the present with joy."
"If there's any time to do it, it's the present." - Jack
"Why not take advantage of right now and see what we can be."
"Your opportunity to build wealth is right now."
"Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, and today's a gift. That's why it's called the present." - Kung Fu Panda
"Matters not what you've done but what you do."
"Stop being so harped on security... enjoy what it is that you have in front of you right now."
"Your present situation is not a true reflection of your future."
"Enjoy this time because right now it's fun. It won't always be like this."
"The future becomes the present when you imagine that you already are what you will be."
"Surrender to what you are feeling in this moment."
"Stay in today, that is the thing that is saving my ass time and time again."
"Stay present, think about five things you're grateful for right now."
"Stay in the present moment. See what you're supposed to learn right now."
"There's not a day that is more important than right now."
"If you have one foot in front of the future, one foot in the past, you're pissing on today."
"Life is not about winning; it's about enjoying the present moment."
"God works everything out for your good today, right now, at this very moment."
"Your greatest gift is today; start building in the present."
"The present moment has everything that we need to be happy."
"Don't worry about the future, live in the moment."
"Your future kind of doesn't exist yet, you're creating it right now."
"Your power exists in the present, and the greatest power we possess is choice."
"Fashion: a combination of the past and the present."
"Instead of being so focused on the future, I want to really create the perfect right now, the perfect present."
"Genuinely love your present and your now, you're solid."
"A lot of us cannot see for looking because our vision looks nothing like our present it looks like our future."
"Success is already here; abundance is already here."
"There's no time like today to face whatever it is that you are afraid of."
"If we don't create a new present, how do we expect for anything to change?"
"Greatness is happening now, I feel the vibes."
"Living in a constant state of nostalgia is a convenient way to avoid thinking about how we can actually make our present world a little less crappy."
"Real stuff is happening now, not just a fantasy. It's something real in real life."
"We are the trailblazers for that new world, it's right here, it's right now."
"You must continue to look to the future and enjoy the present."
"The number one cause of unfulfilled potential is never deciding that now matters more than any other time in your life."
"Let's just enjoy this year for what it is because we don't know what next year brings."
"The universe wants you to be happy right now."
"Enjoy your life the one you have right now, not the one you hope to have sometime in the future."
"If those guys are the future, then we're the now of professional wrestling."
"Love where you are now, find appreciation, find beauty."
"Don't let anything in your current world inhibit you from taking an ownership of what you can have now."
"Focus on the love, focus on what is here right now, the rest will unfold."
"The only exception is that the present is the best time of all because that's the only one you can live in, in the place where you live now."
"We are here to build the kingdom of heaven right here and right now."
"The only time you have agency is the now time."
"Happiness does not lie in the future but in the present."
"Now is the moment in which you are creating your future."
"Focus on what makes you happy and what you're doing now."
"History is not the past; history is how we change the present to affect the future."
"Live your life, enjoy what you got right here right now."
"I think you'll be happier in the present, but in the long run, you're gonna be way happier."
"Remember to practice self-love. Focus on the here and now."
"The power of now...appreciate the present moment...there's always something to be grateful for."
"I mean, you have probably more money right now than you ever had, right?"
"Everyone is obsessed with 2024. I think we need to be obsessed with now."
"It means it's continuing now; it's still continuing."
"Our present is the result of a roadmap from our history."
"Have fun in the middle, make the most of this moment in time."
"To know where we came from is to fully understand our present."
"Everything is happening as it's supposed to be right now."
"Forgive yourself, release the past, experience more love in the present."
"This is the best present you can get right here."
"Your time is now: embrace the gift of the universe."
"Let's try to enjoy what we have before worrying about the next one."
"As you release and heal the past, you experience more love in the present moments."
"Don't worry about the past, don't worry about the future, be in the now."
"I'm living in the present moment because right here, right now is a beautiful moment."
"The best way to let go of the destination we call Happiness is to fall in-love with what-Is - fall in-love with the Now."
"History is constantly being written, good or bad, whether you like it or not. History is happening right now as we're all watching this and just hanging out."
"The time has come, the time is to act now."
"You're only a kid once; live in the moment and have fun."
"Where are you going to put your focus? What are you manifesting at the moment?"
"Try to focus on the here and now; it will be much easier to get through the next six weeks if you do this."
"There's a moment in time to do the right thing, and that moment in time is now."
"Start doing it today, start getting on that path today, don't wait for tomorrow, engage with it today."
"Change isn't in the future; it's right now, today. You work out today, you eat healthy today."
"We cannot live in the past because if we live in the past we will never move forward."
"I want to see everybody, all our young players, all our future be the present now."
"The moment that we're living now is about activating that wiring."
"Don't miss out on this, spirit's saying put your effort in and enjoy it for what it is, stay present."
"Enjoy today for what it is, what we have now is unbelievable."
"The present moment is where all the magic happens."
"Don't let the burdens of the past and worries of the future hinder you today."
"You are highly intuitive at this time."
"Just do the best you can right now and learn from those past experiences and don't beat yourself up."
"By practicing the eternal present, which is to act well today, we can begin to sow happiness for the days to come."
"Happiness was sort of giving up and being in the present moment."
"Why not open yourself up to all of the abundance and all of the paths that are presenting themselves in this moment in time?"
"Want to create what you want to experience based on who you are now."
"Well, there's no time like the present, so I think we better dive in."
"Something is yours, some sort of talent, some sort of gift, especially if you're utilizing it right now in the present day."
"Now I'm well, I'll just take every day as it comes and I'm living for the moment."
"We are terrible stewards of the future because we are terrible stewards of the present."
"Life is happening now, you know, it's not the decision you read tomorrow, this is it, this is what we want."
"Now is beautiful, and I enjoy now."
"Are you missing what is because you're stuck in what was?"
"We're in the future that we live in. This is not an event. This is where we live."
"Someday is not coming. Someday is right now."
"The version of you now is already worthy."
"There is no original, there is simply the present."
"The good old days are happening right now."
"Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, but today is a gift. That is why it's called the present."
"It's about what you're doing today and how you're moving it today."
"It's not what you've done, it's what are you doing now."
"You have permission to start living as the greatest version of yourself right now."
"No one knows how much time we have. That's why we must live in the moment."
"Your past does not dictate who you are now."
"Come feel the love, feel the love right now."
"Worry about today, not tomorrow, not yesterday, today."
"You can always cope with the now."
"Embrace love in the moment and not have this picture of what love is supposed to look like."
"You have found your own innermost strength. You have accessed the power of now."
"This life matters. This is the one that you're in, and this is the one that matters right now."
"In the now, in the absence of time, all your problems dissolve."
"Time isn't precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the now."
"Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be."
"Don't agonize over the past because the past is gone. Don't worry about the future because the future is not yet here."
"There is only one moment for you to be alive, and that is the present moment."
"Live in the moment, enjoy the moment."
"Where you are today, you're exactly where you need to be."
"I'm not crippled from yesterday, and I'm not paralyzed by the thought process of tomorrow."
"I'm a now dude, let's dominate the now."
"It's just two boys having a good time, having an excellent time that is right now in the present moment a good time but will soon be a good memory."
"Why are you not enjoying your life now?"
"This is not a soft walk, this is hard. It's narrow, it's not wide where you could take a stroll and smell the flowers. This is a walk to where you are only seeing the present time."
"There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea, no past, no future, just the present."
"Embrace what is happening here for you right now."
"I'm living my best life right now."
"The present moment is the only point in time where you can exercise true power."
"Do what you can today; that's what counts. What happened yesterday, what happened five minutes ago, five years, 500 years ago is irrelevant."
"The quality of your consciousness in the present moment determines what kind of action you take."
"Embrace the beautiful memories but don't spend too long holding on to them."
"If the world's gonna end, there's nothing that we can do to stop it, so we can only enjoy the moment that we have now."
"Give more attention to the present moment."
"Gratitude is to acknowledge the good in your life now."
"Let's celebrate the things that they are."
"You are unapologetically amazing right now."
"We're living the dream and there's not a future dream, there's just enjoying what we got right now."