
Military Technology Quotes

There are 953 quotes

"With the development of AI, the advantages in things like finance and the military will be so big that an AI arms race is almost inevitable."
"Deep magazines, rapid response times, low costs – what's not to like?"
"Because even though we live in a world with satellite-based reconnaissance and hypersonic missiles, it seems there's a significant place on the battlefield still for a man in a ditch with the will to defend it."
"By asking engineers to combine two separate, individually reasonable requirements—gunfire support and standoff distances—you start by taking a gun system... and then you start adding missile-like features without one of the missiles' other redeeming qualities: a larger warhead and greater destructive potential."
"The relentless pursuit of military supremacy would lead to machines capable of destroying humanity itself."
"The US developed the Tank Urban Survival Kit, or TUSK... designed to defeat RPGs by detonating them prematurely upon contact with the cage structure."
"The most valuable attributes for an aircraft probably wouldn't be agility but rather its sensors, its data link, the capability of its missiles, and factors like speed and altitude that would give those missiles their range."
"The US was secretly developing a large stealthy reconnaissance aircraft meant to fill the role left empty by the SR-71's retirement."
"With its 18,000 km range, the Sarmat can reach almost any point on the planet."
"An aircraft carrier is a complex and massive naval vessel, a marvel of physics, engineering, and advanced technology."
"The success of the operation depended largely on the deployment of state-of-the-art unmanned aerial vehicles, designed with precision and stealth."
"Arguably the most famous is the Tiger, developed by Germany and used in an attempt to counter the mass-produced T-34."
"Now this is going to sound crazy, but there is actual evidence to suggest that the US military was experimenting with anti-gravity technology starting in the early 2000s and continuing until at least the mid-2010s."
"Dr. Ning Lee was no quack; she was not a pseudo-scientist. She wasn't chasing fame or even a paycheck. This woman immigrated to the United States at 40 years old and dedicated the following decades to research and development of new technologies to benefit the United States government and military."
"The F-22 Raptor is widely understood to be the most capable air superiority fighter on the planet."
"The Raptor may be the king of the sky today, but with a sizable NGAD fleet still more than a decade out, the F-22 needs an injection of 21st-century technology to extend its reign well into the 2030s."
"Yamato's 18.1-inch gun is the single best surface-to-surface anti-ship weapon of the Second World War, with its spectacular armor-piercing capability and the heaviest shell."
"Kamikaze drones, also known as loitering munitions or suicide drones, have come to the fore in modern warfare due to their precision, flexibility, and ability to carry high-explosive payloads to specific targets."
"Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance continues to be king, because with modern weapon systems if you can see a target, you can probably hit it."
"Systems like HIMARS and systems like Iskander are effective precisely because, among other things, they're able to reliably evade anti-aircraft defences."
"A hallmark of the Typhoon is its excellent protection, with a V-shaped hull and composite armor, providing substantial resistance against land mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs)."
"Military technology had come a long way since the last major war."
"Ukraine's unprecedented destruction of the Russian Black Sea fleet has shown that big, expensive surface warships...could be obsolete weapons of war in the high-tech world of the 21st century."
"The Russian S-400 Triumf integrated air defense system is said to be able to identify and track 36 targets at the same time at distances up to 249 mi."
"With SiAW, the United States will have a powerful weapon that can overcome even the most sophisticated air defense system, leaving China susceptible to the full military might of the U.S. Air Force and Navy."
"SiAW will be a supersonic missile, capable of speeds of at least Mach 2."
"The main reason that robotic soldiers are the future of warfare is that they reduce casualties and allow the military to operate unimpeded by the risk to human life."
"Attack helicopters play a pivotal role in the foreign theater of modern warfare."
"For anti-armor and anti-fortification roles, the Apache can carry AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, potent enough to decimate the most formidable armored vehicles."
"The arrival of M1A2 would provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with a war-winning, combat-proven tank that can defeat any Russian tank on the battlefield and give Ukraine a highly capable strike force."
"Early European artillery actually used round stones, but then in 1400s, iron cannonballs were developed."
"The Me-262 is years ahead of its time, symbolizing the fatherland's creativity and innovation."
"The war in Ukraine has proven that drones have become one of the most important parts of the modern battlefield."
"Hypersonic missiles reduce the time that you can see the missiles because they're traveling so fast."
"The state-of-the-art tanks that the United States and Western countries sent to Ukraine immediately after enabled the Ukrainian Army inventory to have much more advanced tanks."
"If Turkey becomes the fourth nation to develop a fifth-gen fighter, that's no small feat."
"The need to control the sea produced a technological and tactical arms race that has created most of the breakthroughs in military technology."
"You have the turret of the M1 A1 on a late pattern hull... It's a bit strange because it does have the mobility of the M60."
"The F-20A... was essentially an attempt to use some of the existing components of the F-5, modernize them, give them access to better weaponry, and a much better engine."
"Imagine an F-5 on steroids, because that is essentially what the F-20 will be."
"People would be very interested in shoulder-fired rail guns, but that is all predicated on a massive increase in energy storage technology."
"You don't know anything about the F-35. Blogs like 'War is Boring', '1945', and 'National Interest' do not know anything about the F-35 because almost all the information on what makes it such a groundbreaking plane is classified."
"A group of F-35s is in theory capable of attacking a target without being detected, and this is a big tactical advantage."
"Prior to Project Mjolnir, the attempt to create powered exoskeletons aimed to enhance soldiers on the field."
"Reactive circuits connected directly to the wearer's neural lace, increasing reaction speed and making the armor overall easier to control."
"The integration of a smart AI could further enhance the connection between the user and suit, providing cyber warfare support in the field."
"The combination of mobility that the helicopter offers, along with flexibility, means that the system is probably here to stay."
"The warship is one of the most complex systems that humankind is capable of designing and operating."
"Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets."
"What's the difference between these ships and the first generation of battle cruiser? Well, broadly, it comes down to armor."
"Israel's missile program is highly advanced."
"The United States has one of the most advanced and diverse missile programs in the world."
"To protect Americans from the threat of hypersonic missiles and nuclear weapons, I will build state-of-the-art Next Generation missile defense shields."
"Lighter is better. It allows you to fight for longer and produce better results."
"We are not going to just rely upon our own human eyeball to engage, find, locate, whatever it may be, enemy targets, friendly targets."
"The Block IV upgrade is one of the most significant upgrade programs to any fighter jet in history."
"Electronic warfare has been the decisive anti-drone weapon so far."
"Armed drones are so disruptive because they are cheaper and more expendable."
"In conclusion, while I'm still very much not a fan of the term 'game changer,' I do think there's good reason to try and evaluate the impact of different systems in Ukraine."
"So to summarise: if the old archetype for drone munitions was a small existing general purpose munition, the new overly-generalised archetype would be payloads that are larger, more specialised, and purpose-built."
"Ukraine is now successfully positioned itself as the leading producer of drone Warfare in the world."
"But building reliable and accurate intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of hitting targets on the other side of the world, that's another undertaking entirely."
"By far as connectivity is that there's nothing that's more important today for modern military forces."
"Probably the most core aspect... is its sensor fusion system."
"Modern artillery, the king of battle and a force multiplier."
"As we see the development of modern rail systems going away from the full cheese greater quad rails."
"Russia has achieved a breakthrough in hypersonic weapons that the US has yet to match."
"The j35 is claimed to have a maximum speed of 2.2 Mach, which not only exceeds the F35 and Su-57 but also approaches the 2.25 Mach of the F22."
"Metal Gear Ray represents the evolution of combat, shifting the focus from mechs to soldiers."
"One amazing reconnaissance aircraft that can use infrared sensors along with others is the Lockheed TR1."
"Known as the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, this revolutionary stealth fighter would go on to fly 1,250 sorties and drop more than 2,000 tons of bombs on Iraq without a single aircraft being shot down."
"The Northrop Grumman B2 Spirit: reducing its radar cross-section to the size of a tennis ball."
"The B-2 Spirit stealth bomber... has a RCS equivalent to a tennis ball."
"Submarines had gone from a curiosity to an essential asset for any modern Navy."
"More modern aircraft carriers are finally being worked on, directly due to the recent surge in players asking for this."
"The blackjack became a rising star in the world of mobile warfare."
"It's the world's first fully electric tank and fully autonomous Super Tank."
"The T-34 has wide tracks, spreading its surface pressure out along a wider area."
"At the heart of all these programs is a new manned aircraft: a 6th generation fighter."
"Air forces around the world clearly want the next generation of fighter aircraft to be packed to the absolute gills with powerful sensors, cutting-edge electronic warfare suites."
"Imagine if an incoming RPG could be vaporized right when it touched your armor."
"Cyber warriors changed the codes of Russian missiles with meticulous precision, a feat that required not only technical expertise but also a deep understanding of enemy technology."
"Russia had temporarily suspended use of these cruise missiles in March."
"This was a new weapon, and a very important one."
"Potential air disasters viewed as sacrifices for military advancement pose grave ethical concerns."
"As a result, it includes systems ranging from a new generation self-propelled howitzer, the Extended Range Cannon Artillery system, or ERCA, all the way out to a hypersonic glide vehicle called the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon."
"We're able to track in excess of a thousand objects."
"The S-400 is very probably the world's best air defense system."
"The T14 Armata clearly makes the T14 the best tank in the world."
"I don't need the AWACS anymore telling me a lot of information like I have more information than they do."
"The In-law anti-tank weapon is synonymous with Ukraine's stubborn resistance to the Russian Advance."
"Fielding the first or the fastest Hypersonic missile may win a nation headlines and geopolitical Prestige but Fielding the right missiles for a nation's Warfare Doctrine and existing platforms can win actual Wars."
"Whether or not the moo missile makes it into service for the US Navy remains to be seen. But if you ask me, it seems like a pretty darn good idea."
"When it comes to stealth aviation, China is really the only competitor for the United States anywhere on the playing field."
"We can change its parameters. We can interface with the fuse on a lot of the weapons and change the delay time. And everything. That's one of the things that gives the v52 a strength over a lot of other platforms."
"The only meaningful difference between this and a modern machine gun is that we've moved away from water cooling."
"And identifying drones that can laser designate for Krasnopol rounds... is absolutely critical for how the war is going to go on."
"A soldier wearing power armor is a very serious threat to anyone else on the battlefield."
"The QL1 is much like the XM 109 from America and it's based off China's largest caliber antimaterial rifle."
"The TB2 has emerged as an unexpected hero of Ukraine's ground attack capability."
"The reality of Challenger 2's reliability on the field."
"The F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter are hand-down the most technologically advanced aircraft."
"Challenger 3 is being touted as the most lethal tank in Europe."
"I don't love defense technology because I love war. I love defense technology because it's one of the few things that can actually deter one."
"The Abrams have deservedly secured the title of being one of the most powerful tanks in history."
"A fire control system is a computer that takes into account separate sensor data to create a ballistic firing solution."
"The Type 99 main battle tank is an impressive piece of equipment that represents the current peak of Chinese tank development."
"The Swedish-designed Enlar is an engineering marvel, packing a heavy punch at a fraction of the cost."
"It is the most modern Russian radar system with a phased array antenna for reconnaissance of artillery firing positions."
"These virginia-class submarines were designed in the 1990s... it'll be 2045 or 50."
"The obvious choice was the most modern submarine on the drawing boards which is the french nuclear submarine."
"We're all Americans and we all want one thing that's freedom."
"Rotation detonation engines could help Fighters fly further, missile tools fly faster, ships sail longer, and even rocket launches become cheaper."
"Delivering up to 3,900 rounds a minute, its 30 millimeter caliber bullets show no mercy."
"This latest evolution of the very first machine gun has seemingly come to represent what Dr. Gatling desired more than 150 years ago: a weapon so fearsome that it provides a last line of defense for the troops that it serves."
"Japan's indigenous tank investment: increasing local labor force, securing supply chain."
"Advanced C4 technology enhances type 10 tank's lethality."
"Integrated command and control function increases unit situational awareness."
"Type 10 tank's potential mounting points for hard kill system."
"The Bayraktar unmanned combat aircraft radically altered the war's outcome."
"I think it's pretty easy to conclude that the avenger was the best torpedo bomber of World War II, and not by a small margin."
"Senior members of the unit received awards and political promotions for work related to development of non-lethal acoustic weapons."
"The Bearcat is not an improved Wildcat, Hellcat, or anything else. This was an entirely new breed of cats."
"Gunpowder transformed warfare and influenced military strategies, territorial expansion, and technological innovation."
"The British integrated air defense system was a wonder of applied technology... It laid the foundation for modern command and control."
"Breakthrough for tanks is why you make tanks."
"This was the Pinnacle of dog fighting you couldn't find a better jet for dog fighting and turning on a dime and accelerating and having the advantage when you're in an actual dogfight."
"China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target."
"France will also be sending its AASM Hammer Glide Munitions, committing to sending 50 per month throughout 2024."
"Enables the Spartans to continue to operate above and beyond all possible human standards."
"The armor plating of MJOLNIR is now confirmed at being 53 millimeters or a little over two inches in thickness."
"The TBD-1 represented a big leap forward in naval aircraft design."
"Challenger 2 is probably the most tested tank in history."
"The US will, within the next few years, have fully autonomous lethal weapons... advances in data processing speeds and machine-to-machine communications will inevitably relegate people to supervisory roles."
"We also found an army of mechanical soldiers who fought autonomously."
"Weapons guided and driven by artificial intelligence are no longer science fiction."
"The reason we see it start with military applications is because it's mission critical and a lot of times it's life or death, so you get not only boatloads of data but you're getting data at scale tied to important mission critical outcomes."
"This strange-looking plane was created to demonstrate that a low observable stealth surveillance aircraft with a low probability of intercept radar could operate very close to the line of battle."
"Modern ATGMs can at the very least kill tanks."
"The most endangered thing are the really old legacy tanks."
"Even with the B21 going on, I feel that the Beamer will have a place in the Air Force for years to come."
"It could be an alien spaceship, a secret US Air Force stealth device, or some new type of technology."
"In the fifth generation scenario, it was a victory just to be able to see the F-35 at the end."
"China tested hypersonic weapons this summer."
"U.S. military conducted three successful tests of hypersonic weapon component prototypes."
"Putin's got this new submarine called the Poseidon, he can detonate a nuke and create a tsunami wave over 1500 feet high."
"Quantum computers: implications for the military."
"Lads and lasses, what has been presented to us here is without a doubt a powerful new face and tank design."
"The FFW goal is to create lightweight, durable, and impact-resistant battle suits with the help of some technologies like nanotechnology, powered exoskeletons, and magnetorheologic fluid-based systems."
"The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS) is the name of a robotic exoskeleton being designed by the United States Special Operations Command."
"Last month, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved a request to loan the Capitol Police eight persistent surveillance systems ground units."
"In most practical real-world fights between the two planes, it would likely be smarter to put your money on the F-35."
"Bitcoin is the escape valve from their plans."
"There's nothing obvious about the M14 that says it should be a failed program."
"Power armor has been described in lore as a deciding factor in the United States turning the tides in Alaska."
"It's not a bad cooler but if you don't particularly care for it, there are many other liquid coolers out there that are at least as good if not better for efficiency."
"Why has the United States military not adopted a bullpup rifle? Is there a valid reason?"
"The attacker's missile is a ground-launched supersonic missile."
"She had more efficient engines, superior armament, and impressive maneuverability for a ship of her size."
"Technology would continue to advance rapidly with the race now being between guns and armor."
"The Bradley’s combination of speed, maneuverability, survivability, lethality, and its capacity to act as an important part of a combined arms setting has made it one of Ukraine’s most valued weapons."
"These ships stand out for their strong armor and powerful main battery guns."
"The US military is on to a winner here using the striker in a modular capacity."
"The 30 millimeter is a game changer here, a big cannon on a vehicle like this."
"Armored personnel carriers revolutionized infantry mobility."
"Communication: the ability of a tank to talk to every other tank."
"This monk shot signifies a terrifying New Era."
"Even with slightly improved military technology, I can't imagine Japan could just strong-arm the Qing into opening up."
"The Panther 88 has near best-in-class DPM and also impressive penetration at 203 millimeters."
"Advocating for stronger borders is shooting yourself in the foot."
"The US's F-35 fleet isn't fully operational yet, but dozens of the advanced, stealthy planes are ready for combat."
"The RSC1917 is the top of the pyramid, there's nothing else that competes with it."
"The AK still has a place as a front-line service rifle."
"One missile can hit an enormous number of targets from a great distance, like 6,000 miles. It's quite a remarkable animal."
"The new nuclear submarines took their undisputed place in the covert military fencing which for four decades would be the indelible stamp of the tension that was the Cold War."
"Everything works out, you're basically playing the lottery with all of those until the mark 53 proximity fuse came out."
"Ukrainian forces minimized the risk to which their own personnel were exposed by using UAVs for precision attacks, improving the security of the operation."
"You never know how technology is going to work until you actually use it in combat."
"There is no such thing as an unarmed spaceship."
"The Seawolf class of submarines are the most advanced in the US inventory and arguably the world."
"It's clear that no machine gun, not even the U.S. .50 caliber, can come close to the weight per shot of the 20 millimeter cannons."
"While we are just now beginning to see fifth-generation aircraft fully come into operational use 6 gen is already on the drawing board."
"The key is it'll be able to get to opposing ships quickly, be launched from Navy aircraft, and is intended to operate alongside rather than replace non-hypersonic solutions."
"Is the benefit that Avangard gives Russian security really worth the resources that were directed towards it?"
"The war has not only exposed the effectiveness of modern anti-tank weapons but has also highlighted the importance of strategic adaptation."
"To protect our people from the unthinkable threat of nuclear weapons and Hypersonic missiles, the United States must also build a state-of-the-art Next Generation missile defense Shield."
"Sweden has its own version of the Leopard 2 tanks, known as the Strv 121 and the 122."
"The US will never fight another war without drone technology ever again."
"High tech missiles ranging from anti-tank missiles, surface to air missiles, both manned portable and large mobile systems, and even ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles have been used in the conflict."
"This digital battlefield is seen as the most important advance in warfare since the helicopter itself."
"Though it was only operational for half a decade, the sea darts racked up a remarkable number of flight hours."
"Those are bomb-disabling dolphins, so the only one who's going to be sleeping with the fishes is you."
"World War Two gave us two primary mechanisms to destroy a carrier, both of which remain to a greater or lesser extent relevant today."
"But whatever aircraft this new generation of designers creates one thing is certain soldiers and generals will always rely upon them to patrol the skies of potential adversaries to photograph to listen and to transmit back their vital intelligence."
"The fastest aircraft on earth was retired... from operational military service."
"It was an unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV and it gave theater commanders an entirely new ability to see action on the battlefield."
"Precision guided munitions: The enduring success story of the Gulf War."
"Lockheed Martin equipped it with everything they could from active electronically scanned array radar to computers and weapon systems."
"One soldier had the firepower of a thousand riflemen."