
Alienation Quotes

There are 345 quotes

"Notorious risk-takers both in their personal and professional lives, they often seem aloof and alienated from the nitty-gritty and needs of the people."
"We are part of something alien and the images that Tarkovsky surrounds us with are intrinsically dreamlike."
"Paul shared his take on why 'The Sound of Silence' struck such a chord with listeners: he believes that its success boiled down to the simplicity of both the melody and the lyrics, which tapped into feelings of youthful alienation."
"The idea that the same viewers who subscribed to him for his personality and content he himself created would simply consume whatever slop was provided to them by the AI completely alienated the few loyal viewers that he had remaining."
"The greatest distance is between people, whether a man alienates himself from society with a facade of cheerfulness or two friends fail to communicate their feelings of betrayal."
"Individuals are finding themselves less connected, more alienated and that the very technology in some respects that liberates them also appears to homogenize in a kind of globally reductive way."
"Feeling alienated from a movement which has transformed their lives in ways that many of them don't even recognize can further alienate them from activism or thoughts or ideas that could enhance the quality of their lives."
"The great weight of history imbuing the area makes it truly alien in a world you previously felt you understood."
"Realize that we have an economic system which alienates human beings from each other; you have to find a way to change it, even in small ways."
"What all of this ultimately means is that, though he meets Legosi on a certain intersection of alienation, he has a far more nuanced and complex understanding of something we don't really get from other main characters... C L A S S."
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."
"We are an alien group, citizens of another Kingdom."
"Fair enough, but all these men who are alienated, it's like they're lonesome and they don't know what to do." - Ben Shapiro
"I have more in common with a dog than I have with you."
"I've complete that, that whole mindset. I feel like I'm alienating maybe some of your listeners."
"Alienating people with baseless labels serves no purpose."
"It feels like you're gonna die, it feels like you've been kicked out of the human race."
"That's just stupid. No, man, like that's a really beautiful character you're talking about, a refugee, somebody who's just stuck on this planet."
"Tactics like this didn't exactly win over any die-hard Netflix users and only served to further alienate their already frustrated and rapidly dwindling customer base."
"We live in an increasingly alienating world."
"The unsettling blend of the alien and the mundane."
"Modern work leads to alienation and a feeling of disconnection."
"Rather than dwelling on his feelings of alienation, David threw himself even further into music."
"When you feel like you're being lied to by your own democracy, by your own leaders, no matter the reason or justification, it makes you feel like you're on your own."
"We all exaggerate, and in particular, if you think that you're going to tell a story that might alienate you from other people, you tend to give extra details."
"Our experience is weird now, there's something weird and thrice removed from the real world."
"I feel like I'm an alien that's come down onto the human earth and I have to learn how to be human."
"Stark has been a one-man naming machine for everyone he encounters."
"That fondness eventually alienated Yondu from his crew."
"Assimilation and alienation are the heart of communication traps."
"The Matrix became shorthand for the Uncanny feeling that our media-saturated hyper-commercialized culture had alienated us from some Primal human reality."
"Controversial not just for the statements that he's made which have alienated a large percentage of his audience."
"It's weird. I feel both at home and also alienated from myself."
"Technology in this film serves to alienate and insert further levels of emotional removal amongst the characters."
"The goal then is to create that alienation between the genders."
"If we alienate the people that got the culture here what's going to be left?"
"Teen vampires: resonating with themes of alienation and belonging."
"It's just a metaphor for the alienation we all feel."
"Disagreements among the Eternals led to split factions, some of whom would leave Earth to start colonies elsewhere."
"Yo guys where would I go on here I I don't I don't belong on here Max what yeah, y'all will see Matt you you will see me in a maximum level with some of these people when everything completely downfalls in some way."
"From the very beginning, he is rejected by everyone he meets and realizes from the moment of his birth that even his own creator cannot stand the sight of him."
"Being alienated from yourself is a deeply, deeply depressing experience."
"If you've ever been in that kind of situation, whether it's a romantic relationship or just a friendship or family or something like that, you know the feeling, the alienation, the betrayal."
"I felt like I just wasn't wanted in there, I know sounds weird but I barely looked around and just closed the door behind me."
"Why are Democrats alienating potential voters?"
"They're people who feel completely alienated by mainstream culture and even by most of metal culture."
"People are literally walking around like zombies."
"I remember first arriving in Norway and kind of feeling out of place, kind of feeling disconnected because I wasn't fully integrated in the culture."
"He does not understand the extent to which that alienates people."
"It's not entirely correct or healthy to view grays as alien or to view them as fully separate from us."
"If capitalism is carving out our souls and we feel empty, that's alienation in so many forms."
"Frankenstein is such a sad book, it's really like the creature goes out and he's trying to find love and he wants to love humans but then the humans kind of turn him away."
"Worker alienation is produced through the estrangement of workers from their sense of humanity."
"I was constantly alien, putting on a human mask."
"It was a strange feeling holding the rifle; it somehow removed him from everything around him."
"This innate subjective feeling of alienation Hegel spoke of still seems to give language and context to what seems to be a somewhat common subjective experience that we feel."
"Everything of this kind then is alien to mankind even the body."
"The look of hope on the alien's face was dashed in an instant."
"It felt like she she didn't fit in like it was almost like she existed but she didn't at the same time."
"Some of us don't feel the same way, however. Some of us hate being us."
"I felt out of place very much out of place."
"Men of course are not the only ones suffering from this nor are they suffering worse than any other group of Americans right; this is just alienation under capitalism."
"Anything that takes us far away from the center of the bell curve makes us feel alienated, which gives us maybe more time to pursue intellectual activities rather than social media."
"Nobody is pure Songbird or pure snake. The more we alienate ourselves from each other, the worse off we are."
"Families experience alienation due to an allergy to intimacy or closeness."
"This would be called a state of dissociation, a state of alienation where there's no connection. This is really the state of modern man or modern people."
"I don't fit in here and I don't like myself."
"At its core, Dorohedoro is a story about identity and alienation."
"You get the rise of loneliness, you get the rise of alienation, you have a 30% rise in suicide, a 70% rise in teenage suicide over the last eight or nine years."
"David begins his story railing against the society and hierarchical structure that rallies against him at every turn. He's an outsider in the eyes of his peers, existing in both disparate segments of society but truly belonging to neither."
"I felt like I was outcasted from the church."
"The joys and triumphs of being alive were out of reach for her."
"So many of us just didn't fit in the crowds that we were in."
"Marx's idea of alienation is probably his greatest contribution to philosophy because it gives us the possibility of an overall critique in a more rigorous and tough-minded way than Hegel offered."
"It feels like you're on a different planet."
"The person feels alienated, they feel threatened as if they're dangerous to be around."
"It really alienates and demonizes so many people that it's very difficult to engage with sexuality as a member of the church."
"There is no twentieth century social theory without the theory of alienation."
"Classic song about alienation and just feeling, walking down the street, and just looking at these people that you don't know and... probably some paranoia."
"I felt like an alien because I wasn't from this place."
"I just felt so, I guess, excluded, yeah. Well, I just couldn't relate to anything they were really talking about."
"Right now, it kind of feels like everyone in my life is done with me."
"He feels different from the world around him but not to the point of being a complete alien to the concept of being a child."
"It's not being alone, it's being isolated, it's being alienated."
"It's so interesting how as I've gotten older I've realized how I've alienated myself in terms of groups of friends."
"I started being identified as being weird, and then I was alienated, and then being alienated started being part of my identity."
"The disappointment starts with the alienation."
"Looking at the stone houses arranged everywhere, the vast farmland, everything looks similar to a human city," depicting the familiar yet alien nature of the village.
"The last thing we need is to be alienated from each other."
"Sometimes the ways they say we should go about things is like you are living in another planet."
"We were just as aimless as ever living in a world we didn’t belong to, one entirely built upon societal fundamentals we despised."
"You guys just have a way of doing things that to you is very normal because I feel like you're being yourself but to other people, it is so alien, it's so like, oh my gosh, like what planet is this person from?"
"At first, I didn't feel like I belong, I felt lost."
"I just feel out of place somehow."
"People are alienated from their work. Even if you're well paid, you spend most of your day doing something you don't necessarily believe."
"I'm completely alone on a strange planet."
"It's like you're walking on another planet."
"She felt like an unexpected guest at someone else's dinner, learning that she and the saint didn't really know each other."
"The Eldar never get that because they operate different, they're fundamentally alien."
"It felt like I was in a different world. Everything felt alien to me."
"The scapegoat has this very deep feeling of 'I'm not like other people... I'm broken... I'm flawed.'"
"I don't feel like I'm in a place where I belong. I don't feel like a human being in this house."
"I already feel a compulsion to conquer all you pathetic non-squishy humans."
"It's exactly perfect because uh being adolescent you feel like an alien you feel out of place all the time and then the punch line is that feeling never stops."
"You know it's just a feeling of utter helplessness being explored by an alien thing, that's all."
"I literally in my head feel less and less human as the show gets closer. Like, I feel less connected to normal people than I ever have. Yes, when I'm two, three weeks out from a show, it's like crunch, bro. It's not even that, it's like, like I'm a different species than them."
"...alienation is about the fact that the system is in control and you're not."
"This marvelous kingdom is going to be the haven and the home, the place of security, nourishment, prosperity for alien creatures."
"Life itself is on the wane because of our alienation from the natural world."
"It makes you feel like a shell of yourself."
"The more alienated we are from one another, the more stuff we buy."
"Spock was a character who was sort of outside the mainstream. He was the other, the alien. And I grew up feeling that way."
"He argues that the deep alienation and antagonisms in society have persisted and pose a danger to American democracy."
"...the more we saw of the world out here, the more alien it felt to me."
"There's something extremely wrong with the world and I don't fit into it."
"There's that sense in your life that you don't belong, you don't fit."
"Once again, society has rejected me."
"Alienation is a terrible weight against the human soul."
"Navigating modern world, alienation, haunted landscape."
"Crazy, oh my God, I feel like most of the audience is alienated right now."
"Why do everyone love her and why was I alienated? I can't accept it."
"It was as though the land itself was in pain and it didn't want me there."
"I don't even feel black some days. I feel like an alien that snatched a black guy and didn't do any research at all."
"Depression comes from alienation and separation and this is a world view that tells you hey that's the way it is."
"The strange disease of Modern Life... a feeling of alienation, anxiety, melancholy."
"When your mind goes against you, you've got no one to talk to. You feel people are against you. It's a horrible experience."
"She looked really alienated during this event."
"That kind of alienation from actually knowing what's going on or just thinking of the countryside as a place to visit, rather than as a place to live and work and to live alongside other organisms, I don't think ultimately that's going to go anywhere good."
"There is this big alienation that people really don't get you."
"The center parties have no understanding of the widespread alienation, leading to their weakening."
"They're the castaways. They're from another planet."
"I can't stand to be with these people anymore."
"All of these forms of alienation come back, but they're now embedded in a scientific understanding of the accumulation of capital and how the laborer is alienated."
"The capitalist is also alienated and forced into alienating ways of activity because the capitalist is not in control."
"There's very few things we do on this earth where I am in the middle of doing them and I feel like an alien."
"I think this would be very alienating."
"I think we're creating a future that repels most people, makes 'em feel unloved and unneeded and left behind."
"Alienation is not just a feeling you get from living and dying under capitalism."
"Alienation means something is missing."
"There's a lot of people like that right now who feel homeless, maybe they feel like the western tradition has evaporated on them."
"You don't fit in with people, you don't fit in with people."
"All it takes is like one second of you watching everybody [ __ ] and not included to be like, I hate this."
"I just felt like an outsider in my own country."
"I felt like an alien, I felt like just an outsider in my own country."
"All those guys accepted you, you know? I mean, yeah, those weren't guys that probably knew gay people, certainly didn't know anybody that was out. So you had already won that over. And then when you decided you were gay, you started to alienate everybody."
"Even the humans looked a bit alien."
"Alienation is the word to encompass everything I just said, but it's not enough to say oh once you get to x amount of alienation then the people will be able to overthrow the influence of y amount of energy that is being generated by this uh this machine."
"...a cold, alienating division..."
"A position of alienation but invited to live before the shining face of God."
"I literally had no friends, I felt like a caged animal that was just thrown back out into the wild."
"It's difficult. I mean how long can you subsist under the weight of feeling like you're just always this sort of fifth column or something that you're always different that you're always an outsider to public Society?"
"It's like flogging a dead horse, what ends up happening is that you actually end up turning the person away."
"What does it mean to be an alienated man? It means to be a man who does not have a clear notion of himself but rather contains two opposed notions of himself."
"I don't fit in with everyone. I feel like I don't belong."
"She feels like she's been sent from another planet."
"...if you try to do that your relationship will start tanking because your woman starts to feel alienated."
"In this stage, the individual will have a deep inner feeling of being different, a sense of alienation relative to the consensus."
"This story is not just about a guy who turns into a bug; it's about how alienation works."
"We wanted to write a song that sort of epitomized that alienation, not realizing that a lot of other people out there felt equally the same."
"It alienates the audience as well which that might have been some deep thinking."
"I just felt like an alien or something, but with this, I don't know, I dig it."
"Is it in Russia’s interest to alienate a whole generation of Ukrainians who now see Russia as an enemy? This is a country that Russia had always had a much more congenial, almost familial relationship with, although there were tensions between Russians and Ukrainians."
"Lifeless rocks stretched away in every direction with cold indifference. It was like driving on an alien planet."
"When you wake up, you cannot go back to sleep. You find yourself in a Ghost Town, a place that you don't belong anymore."
"Urbanization has alienated people from the living world."
"I just feel like I'm from outer space."
"He's changed, he's messed up now, he will never be able to even engage with people who didn't experience that in a way that's real."
"Financial abstraction and bureaucracy has poisoned the culture, creating a sense of profound alienation between the people who occupy the Executive Suite and those who build airplanes."
"That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world."
"At a point in your life where you feel often as an outcast, you feel like nobody understands you."
"We used to look at our neighbors as some level of family, and now we look at each other like we're strangers on the street."
"I felt like a stranger in my house."
"I can't feel at home in this world anymore."
"Wilson describes it in the 12 steps and 12 traditions as a state of anxious apartness."
"I felt that I was being alienated from the realms of all rational experience or conjecture."
"If you wanted to destroy the happiness of a people, what would you do? Alienate them from nature, alienate them from the idea that there's any kind of spiritual or divine or sacred realm, and divide them one from another."
"And what happens with alienated populations is that they have a hidden anger – a big, deep well of anger – that somebody somewhere is gaining at my expense."
"I live in East Ravka, but I've never been welcomed here because I look like my mother, and she looked like the enemy."
"He returns home and realizes he's changed; he's not the person that he was back then. This feels like a strange land now."
"It's the horror in being somewhere that's so familiar yet alien."
"Feeling like an outsider in your own neighborhood where you were born, where you grew up, it just sucks."
"The romantics perceive it as a problem of being alienated; they're alienated from their bodies and from the cosmos."
"It actually blunts humanity in some ways; it alienates us."
"Remember that you don't fit here."
"I remember always feeling weird and different and being in a lot of pain."
"The Catcher in the Rye, a novel that so many teens over the years have read and fallen in love with for its themes of angst, alienation, and rebellion."
"When sadness or pain arises, they somehow emphasize that feeling of being not at home."
"I felt misunderstood for most of my life."
"The world has changed beyond that doorstep; people talk and dress so strange, and I don't know our neighbors' name, all of life is rearranged."
"Remember what I told you, if you were of the world, they would love you."
"Trauma can be so alienating and isolating, making people often feel alone in their experience."
"That feeling we have of repulsion and alienation from the world, that cry of a god for a god isn't there."
"Consumer capitalism is essentially alienating."
"Naruto heard the whispers around him, calling him a monster, some called him demon."
"Ben felt like he was an outsider and alone, though he was with friends close enough to be a chosen family."
"We're living through these screens, and that creates this sense of alienation."
"It's more like you're from Mars or something and just landed."
"Metamorphosis is a story about alienation and class powerlessness."
"It's a very weird thing, remembering a memory that isn't yours; you have no context and an overwhelming sensation that this recollection doesn't belong and is entirely alien."
"She explains that she feels like an outsider and doesn't belong anywhere."