
Islam Quotes

There are 3350 quotes

"Worship is to know Allah, to love Allah, to obey Allah, and to direct all our acts of worship towards Allah alone."
"Good manners can change perceptions and soften hearts. That's the power of Islam."
"I saw how welcoming people were towards Islam...I saw the unity and the brother and sisterhood."
"I started to take an interest and started to study and read and ask questions to active practicing Muslims."
"Islam has improved my life in several areas...it has allowed me to become more patient."
"I'm happy and more concerned about my salvation, my relationship with Allah."
"Islam means submission...not to yourself, not to your desires, but submission to the one who created you."
"A Muslim child is born every 2.5 seconds. Boom, that's a Muslim child there, Masha'Allah."
"The ultimate decision-making should not be for this life... everything that we do here is in order to get to Jannah."
"Islam forgives someone's past... The uniqueness of Islam is that Allah forgives."
"Islam is not violent, and the history of Muslims bears witness to that."
"If you accept Islam, you can start praying immediately, because you just put this in front of you and it shows you the movement, it shows you the transliteration of what to say."
"I think Muslims should be leading the way and producing ways forward from a spiritual paradigm of how to address environmentalism and climate change."
"The purpose of life is clear. It's made crystal clear. The Quran is so clear who God is, the pure absolute monotheism of God Almighty."
"You also have the Eternal Bliss outlined, the paradise... and also the details of the Hellfire, how to avoid it. All the answers to life's question, it's there in the Quran."
"This is your homework: say, 'The one who created me, the all loving, the most merciful, I am seeking to know the truth. If Islam is the truth, this is the way of life you want me upon, guide me to it.'"
"Islam provides a sense of contentment and purpose that is deeply fulfilling, unlike the fleeting pleasures of materialism."
"Only in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest."
"There is no compulsion in religion; you can't force people to become Muslims."
"To safeguard the Iman of a Muslim is far more important than to bring a non-Muslim into Islam."
"Our obligation as Muslims and our right upon each other is that we make dua for those people that Allah, whose time had come and it could not have come a moment sooner and it could not have come a moment later."
"May Allah accept all of them in Jannah and give their families, as a result of that sabr, peace."
"Getting guidance from Allah is not difficult. Allah has opened the door of guidance wide open for those who seek it."
"Islam is universal and reasonable for all times, and the proof of that is that here we are after 1,400 years, still practicing it the same way."
"When you know why you do what you do as a Muslim, you find a sense of freedom that you will not find by following any truth, by following your own desires."
"No group of Muslims owns guidance; guidance is with Allah."
"Islam is the answer for America," he proclaimed, "and the unity of God would result in the unity of man."
"The Islamic concept of God: a pure indivisible oneness, a cause and initiator for all things, a divine unity behind the multitude of created things."
"Islam's message to mankind is to avoid the error of mixing the infinite and the finite together and creating false idols."
"Islam posits that God ultimately created and sustained all things; He is infinite, unlimited, self-sustaining, and alone measured out the numbers of things and apportioned all the regularities we call natural laws."
"If you become a Muslim...God will change their bad deeds into good deeds."
"Allah does not lose you; Allah does not let you go to waste."
"To whom belongs the dominion today?...to Allah, the One, the Subduer."
"Islam is the only religion that hasn't sold out to the modern liberal world."
"Muslims experience like, 'Oh, you want to insult Islam? Well, I'm going to be even a better Muslim.'"
"In Islam, Jerusalem is the third holiest city after Mecca and Medina."
"In Islam, every baby is born pure, every child is born sinless."
"As always, we're going to begin by praising Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala and by sending salutations upon His messenger, Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam."
"Indeed, whomever Allah guides, no one can ever misguide him, and whomever Allah chooses to misguide, no one can guide him back to the straight path."
"Verily, Allah Azza WA JAL is the best of all planners."
"Allah loves me, Allah hears my prayer, and Allah is capable of responding to my prayer."
"Allah says, 'I am as my servant thinks I am to him.'"
"The Quran says, 'La yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus'aha' - Allah does not burden a soul more than it can bear."
"If you sincerely make tawbah, we have to assume that Allah has forgiven us."
"There's a beautiful hadith that, when quoted, 'Whoever dies protecting their wealth is a martyr.'"
"Islam aims to be a comprehensive religion in terms of purity and being clean. There are two kinds of purity. There's a spiritual purity, which is the most important."
"Islam prescribed basic solutions for how to clean yourself. Water is purifier, and it purifies."
"Do not think the ones who have died in the way of Allah are dead. No, they are alive with Allah."
"The beauty of Islam is you get the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Last Testament."
"Islam not only allows, it commands us to cooperate with anyone of any background when it comes to something positive and good into society."
"We begin with Allah's blessed name. We praise Him and glorify Him as He ought to be praised and glorified."
"May Allah accept our fast of Ramadan, our fast of Shawwal, and our lots of Taraweeh in the month of Ramadan."
"Now that I've accepted Islam, I'm really happy. I genuinely believe that Allah is the best of planners."
"The beauty of Islam is, I call it a Deen of prevention, not a Deen of treatment."
"The identity of being a Muslim never leaves you, and we are so proud of it."
"The cultural norms of a people are honored. Islam does not want to uproot cultures."
"The beauty of a person's Islam is in leaving alone what's not their business."
"Mercy is a fundamental aspect of Islam, illustrated by the act of giving water to a dog."
"Every Muslim organization from India to Saudi Arabia... has categorically condemned ISIS."
"Islam provided for the emancipation of slaves as a core principle, a practice deeply embedded in its teachings."
"Islamic teachings on emancipation were revolutionary, aiming to end slavery through practical and spiritual means."
"Jesus is the pivotal point between Christianity and Islam."
"Jesus did not die on the cross, according to Islam."
"In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful, I begin with the greeting words of paradise: Salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah."
"Believe in Allah and Muhammad as His messenger, then you will come as a newborn baby."
"Act like a beacon of light, calling the Muslims in Norway back to the essence of Islam."
"Give generously and Allah will give you even more."
"There's a major disconnect between what the religion of Islam actually says and what people actually perceive it says."
"I feel like there's a major disconnect between what the religion of Islam actually says and what people actually perceive it says."
"How does the soul find liberty? The only way to escape from this slavery is to become a slave of Allah Subhanho Wa Ta'ala."
"Having that enslavement to Allah frees you and elevates you."
"Allah's mercy overcomes everything. Don't despair of the mercy of Allah."
"I am interested in certain parts of Islam... I think that's very sick. You know, me being sober for months now, I just feel fantastic."
"Violence in Islam does not resolve any matter, never."
"We begin by bearing witness to the oneness of Allah, asking Him to send His peace and blessings upon His messenger Muhammad, the prophets and messengers that came before, his family and companions that served alongside of him, and those that follow in his blessed path until the day of judgment."
"O people, Hajj has been written for you to this blessed home."
"The Quran...has been revealed in order for you to ponder very deeply over its verses."
"It's important for us to ask questions. Islam allows us to ask proper questions. The Quran is full of thinking, pondering, reflecting, and researching. No blind belief is there in Islam."
"The day of the conversion... it was a very gradual process. I wasn't really a Muslim until I submitted my will to the will of Allah."
"Islam is fully capable of peace. It's not despite the Quran and the Sunnah, but because of them."
"Not only do Muslims stifle our own progress in many ways, we almost use Islam as an excuse for mediocrity."
"She is the one that narrates the Hadith that the Prophet (SAWS) said, 'Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him, and whoever hates to meet Allah, Allah hates to meet him.'"
"May Allah comfort us with his eternal companionship, may Allah make the death that he has decreed for all of us be a good death, grant us Jannah, and may our eternity be in the companionship of our beloved Messenger."
"Allah would not have brought you to the blessing of Islam if he didn't see something in you."
"The Sharia of Islam is based on justice completely...it brings about justice, that's its reference point."
"Allah empowers a state of disbelief if they establish justice...and causes a state that does not observe justice to fall down."
"No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus Christ, peace be upon him."
"This day, we have perfected for you your way of life...and we have chosen Islam for you as your deen."
"Something beautiful that I've always been inspired by is people entering Islam. It is coming back to the purpose of your creation."
"Islam is not about nationality; it's not about an ethnicity. Islam is about the truth."
"May Allah allow us to experience it when you are approaching to your Lord, or you are just reflecting, you're looking at the sky or you're looking at the sunset, and then suddenly something hits you."
"Islam is there to bring contentment, peace, justice—all of the things that make a society run beautifully."
"Islam is peace acquired by submission to the will of the creator and not the creation."
"Islam says that you can't just kill people. You're not allowed to."
"The only truly Abrahamic faith is Islam because we're the only faith that follows what Abraham peace be upon him has been spreading and was about - pure monotheism, worship of God."
"I don't believe in any form of racism, discrimination, or segregation. I believe in Islam, which teaches us to believe in Allah as the God."
"The best ten days of the year are the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. The best ten nights of the year are the last ten nights of Ramadan."
"There are no days more beloved to Allah that He be worshipped in them than the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah."
"There are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than these 10 days."
"The best of what I and the prophets before me have said on the day of Arafah is: 'There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah alone, without partner. To Him belongs all sovereignty and praise, and He is over all things omnipotent.'"
"Our holidays... are a commemoration of Allah's mercy."
"May Allah increase us in all voluntary good deeds and protect us from the evil of ourselves and from the whispers of the shaitan."
"May Allah forgive us and write us down amongst those who are freed from the fire and amongst those who dwell in paradise for all of eternity."
"I'm never afraid or scared to say I'm a Muslim, and I'm quite proud to say that."
"Islam categorically denounces vigilantism, rather encouraging mercy, justice, and the rule of law."
"Generally, giving charity is something that is recommended in Islam and commanded in the Qur'an and in the Sunnah."
"Like Allah says in the Quran... If you fear Allah, Allah will open for you a way from places you could possibly never imagine."
"The religion of Islam has had some of the best thinkers of all time."
"Islam Allah has given us an intellect, countless signs, and a lifetime to search for him."
"You just have to make the intention, and you will see Allah open the doors."
"There was about nine jinns in total. These were the first Sahaba Jinn that accepted Islam."
"At the end of the day, if we need to judge what Islam is, we need to pick up the Quran and look into it."
"Allah's guidance was so beautiful because I wasn't looking for Islam. It just came to me."
"We were from enemy gangs...trying to kill each other till today that we're brothers in Islam."
"Imagine you're standing where Ibrahim (AS) stood, where Muhammad (SAW) stood...it's something amazing."
"Say, He, Allah, is One. Self-sufficient, He does not beget nor is He begotten, and there is nothing like unto Him."
"Allah is witness of greatness to Himself that there is no God worthy of worship but Him."
"Allah rewards the smallest of virtues and punishes for the smallest of sins."
"Islam's solution is not a slogan; it requires deep understanding and application."
"The great Islamic state requires Muslims to first be in an Islamic state of mind."
"Establishing a masjid to convey the message of Islam is one of the best deeds a Muslim can do."
"So give generously, and Allah Azzawajal will give you even more."
"As the Muslim community, it's really incumbent upon us to step in."
"Congratulations to all of you of gardens at the bottoms of which rivers are flowing."
"In Islam, we believe there's only one Creator, one God. We don't worship people, we don't worship saints, we don't worship any prophet; we just worship that one good Creator."
"Alhamdulillah, we will embark on a new series of lectures, concentrating on the life and times of the single greatest human being who has ever lived."
"Allah has blessed him with the highest level of Jannah, it is an entire level meant for only one person, and it is the pinnacle of Al Firdous Al A'la."
"Knowledge is not about memorizing many narrations; knowledge is the fear of Allah."
"There's only one word: Allah. Muhammad is His messenger."
"Islam simply means surrender and submission to the creator of the heavens and the earth."
"The only way of life that's acceptable to the creator of the heavens and earth is complete submission, obedience to him alone, which is Islam."
"More important than degrees is Allah's acceptance. We ask Allah azza wajal for kabul."
"Islam came to eliminate racism... Islam genuinely wants us to actively participate in eliminating racism."
"Islam means submission to the Creator, not worshiping created things but going beyond the created things to the power that initiated life."
"Islam taught that people should not submit to created things but should submit only to the creator of the heavens and the earth."
"Muslims were one of the groups who resisted oppression and slavery in the Americas."
"Every person who prays there, every kid that learns about Islam, every youngster that memorizes the Quran, all of this and so much more can be on your scale of good deeds."
"Islam is about being a servant to God by serving people."
"The Islamic State is Islamic. It is rejected by nearly all Muslims. It has an interpretation that I would actually agree is a fringe interpretation and is a death cult."
"Each of us has a unique set of opportunities, and we're going to have to work hard to earn Allah's favor from within whatever we've been given, not comparing ourselves to anybody else."
"Your prayer is more important than some other things. There are other aspects of our Islam that make your Islam more beautiful."
"The most noble amongst you are those who have the most taqwa."
"Our belief as Muslims is that the devil, Satan, Iblis, wasn't an angel; this comes from Christian theology."
"Iblis was from the jinn, so Allah raised this one jinn, Iblis, the Shaitan, to come live with the angels."
"Islam is over a billion adherents around the world today, and the civilization to which it is attached has changed the world in an irrevocable manner."
"The Quran says in chapter 3 verse number 59 that the likeness of Jesus in the eyes of God is similar to the likeness of Adam. He made him from dust and say be, commanded, and he was formed."
"Islam does not have any founder...Islam as a guidance was given by the Creator himself."
"In Jannah, all hatred is taken out from your heart."
"Allah says in Jannah, 'For those who performed with excellence, they will have excellence returned to them and more.'"
"Whoever protects his five prayers... he has a guarantee from Allah that he shall be entered into Jannah."
"America is not, and never will be, at war with Islam."
"Terrorism is not from Islam. Terrorism is not permissible. It comes from weak individuals who have no patience."
"The word Islam means peace attained through submission; it implies submission and peace, particularly peace on an individual level that is attained through submitting to God."
"The Quran restores the original monotheistic message of Jesus, who is not part of a trinity but rather a human messenger and the Messiah."
"You know yourself. You know your obligation to Allah. Stick to it, hold on to the rope of Allah, stay firm upon your religion."
"The money of the woman is hers; you don't touch it."
"Every little atom weight of good deed you've done will be there. And imagine you see a mountain, and Allah says this is for you. For me? Yes."
"The respect, the honor, the love, admiration Islam has given to women, especially to the mother of Jesus, Mary peace be upon her."
"The whole earth has been made a mosque for me."
"Don't judge Islam by Muslims. Islam is perfect; Muslims aren't."
"Becoming a Muslim wipes out all your sins. It's like having a bank account that's millions of dollars overdrawn, and then it's all wiped out."
"The beauty of Islam is that living your daily life is considered worship."
"Islam teaches that the greatest injustice is polytheism, or shirk, and the greatest virtue is strict monotheism, or tawhid."
"Islam stands alone, and it’s all because of one belief: There is no god except Allah."
"Islam is not going to give a solution. Why do we have human rights in the West? Everything we are enjoying today came from the West."
"Islam doesn't say your relationship is just between you and God; it also says it's a responsibility on you to enjoin the good and forbid the evil."
"The message that I want to give today is a message that certain segments of Islam and certain segments of mainstream America find unpalatable."
"People are entering Islam because they see the religion as the truth, it resonates with them."
"Islam forbids the killing of innocent civilians categorically."
"Islam saved Jewry. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world, but it is historical truth."
"I've understood more about Christ and Christianity having become a Muslim than I ever understood as a Christian."
"If you love Allah, then follow me [Muhammad] - Allah will love you and forgive your sins."
"A mother is a school. A mother has a rank higher than you could imagine in Islam."
"Convey for me whatever you know of Islam, even though it be only a single verse from the Quran."
"Islam is a way of life which governs all aspects of my life. It provides guidance for me in a world of darkness."
"Islam provided stability, provided a clear picture with regards to what this world is about, where I should be going, and what my goals should be."
"What you find in Bukhari can be not quite what you find in the Quran."
"May Allah make us people that inspire and are inspired."
"As a Muslim who wants to have the most favorable position with Allah, you want to identify those traits in proportion and be deeply interrogating of yourself."
"Hijab is a promise between you and God, a more difficult level of faith, but the struggle is part of the devotion."
"Islam gives women so much. It allows us to be whoever we want, act however we want, do whatever we want, and keep our income."
"There's sort of two large factions that exist within the world of Islam right now... On the one hand, you've got modernists or humanist Muslims... And then on the other side, you've got a very large, very powerful, very well-funded group who we broadly call Islamists."
"Islam is a great religion... but perception is only perception."
"It would be unfair to judge the whole by its angriest and most regressive members, yet all too often we fail to treat Islam and Muslims the same way."
"I believe Islam is a fantastic way of life for everybody. I chose this way of life for myself."
"The prophets slicing them saw a dream of lailatul cutter and he said but I forgot the exact night so he said look for it in the odd nights of the last 10 nights of ramadan."
"It's not Iman in Allah, it's not Iman in the Quran, it's not good deeds. The first Iman the first faith they are called to is faith in the messenger."
"If you really want to know what the prophet did is to pick up the sources of Muslims the Quran and pick up a biography of the Prophet read his life well if you really actually know how he lived his life."
"The Quran is the greatest gift you will ever have in your life."
"Allah decided to introduce us to Ramadan. He also introduced us to the Quran."
"These four things are the formula Allah gave the messenger to accomplish his mission."
"Accepting Islam is like saying my trainers are excellent, it's about accepting reality."
"There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah."
"Once you get the Shahada, remember this is where the DAO starts."
"There's very little that we know about Islam, and I don't even understand the Quran because I don't speak or read the language."
"The Quran has the most logical, reasonable, rational concept for God."
"The more you lose yourself, your ego, the more you find Allah, which means the more closer to Allah you get because you are arrogant."
"The Quran answers all the big questions in life."
"Islam being so logical as a system for life."
"Islam is extremely understanding and caring and empathetic much more than the West realizes."