
Disappointment Quotes

There are 9056 quotes

"Cynicism is a guarded response which sets yourself up against disappointment...it's sour grapes at an existential level."
"Allowing children to experience disappointment... because the incapacity to self-regulate is a real problem."
"Don't forget that, or else I'll be really disappointed in you. All of you were put on this earth for a reason, and all of you deserve a really nice life and deserve to keep living."
"Majin Vegeta, sorry you didn't make the list, buddy."
"The worst one is when you see your homie wasting their potential."
"Erland Harland, who probably won't enjoy coming off. As a striker, you want to score."
"It protects one from disappointment. If you're already disappointed, how could you be further disappointed?"
"Most of the disappointment in life comes from the mismatch between expectation and reality."
"You genuinely cannot please everyone, and it sucks because you want to."
"I'm always disappointed when liars' pants don't actually catch on fire."
"I'm disappointed because I think that we had a connection."
"We have beaten the game, and I forgot the dragon head, gosh dang it."
"Not worth the Paramount Plus subscription, not worth watching."
"I don't have a magical drug test that I can give you right now."
"You need to have that firsthand experience of wanting and then being disappointed to have that lesson really sink in."
"Seeing the best in people sometimes hurts ourselves because we see the good in them, but they're not living at their best."
"It’s such a shame to see a franchise that started as well as Corpse Party did turn into nothing more than a fleeting conversation in the wind of people asking whether anything new is coming from it."
"It's not fun to have hope for a second and then to see it all pulled away from you like this."
"Dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment."
"Dreams without goals are just dreams and ultimately fuel disappointment."
"One of the disappointed lawyers said the treatment went 'Way Beyond preferential.'"
"All hope is lost for Halo Infinite; let no joyful voice be heard, no man look up at the sky with hope."
"I've wanted nothing more than to be completely wrong about 343 and their ability to handle the franchise."
"America is about great things, and that's what disappoints me as a naturalized American because I think America is so much bigger, so much better than it has been."
"Take the time to heal yourself from any disappointments. Everything is working out for your highest good."
"I've had a wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
"Imagine dropping 42 frags and not winning the game. Has to be heartbreaking for Cam."
"What if you were promised the world by your partner, only to see your dreams dissolve before your very eyes?"
"Sanchez comfortably is the biggest flop United have ever had."
"Sprinting more like sprinting to go buy a better game."
"What is it about society that disappoints you so much?"
"Finding approval for something that has disappointed us is one of the most crucial steps to overcoming disappointment."
"Disappointments are often an indication that something needs to be changed."
"Life is meaningless if it is not lived for the purpose of happiness and passion. And disappointment is nothing but a ditch in the road of life."
"A disappointment really is an emotional response to our failure to achieve or to fulfill our desires, our hopes, our dreams, our goals."
"Hopes can be disappointed; nostalgia is irrefutable."
"They finally returned to Earth and are noticeably unhappy with what humans have done to it."
"People are in your life for a reason, season, or a lifetime. The pain comes when we put them in the wrong category."
"People who hold on to hope are oftentimes not disappointed."
"I would rather feel the disappointment of unmet expectations because I just feel like there is a spice of life in it."
"Really bummed me out because the concept here is pretty damn good."
"The only great disappointment is if you don't get a chance to do something that your soul really wants to do."
"Wasson is crushed as Ibuki informs him that Yoi will handle the basic training."
"No one whose hope is in the Lord will be disappointed."
"How many people could identify with having their dreams crushed."
"An actual leader truly needs to be able to disappoint and to dissatisfy in the short term for a vision that, if he's a good leader, will do good in the long term."
"This was my most anticipated book since I learned to read when I was 27 years old, and I am absolutely crushed by this delay."
"Something about how there are no heroes, just disappointments and disappointments to be so be careful what, or who, you idolize and remember that holds true for more than just video games."
"I'm done. I've invested in these things, I trusted them, and I'm done with it. I'm finished."
"You've got to discipline your disappointment."
"The root of all disappointment is expectation."
"The pandemic has revealed that very clearly; anybody who thought we'd be sort of joining forces against a common enemy has been sorely disappointed."
"When you put so much time into something and you really feel that it's real, that verdict would crush your soul."
"America is not a lie, but a disappointment. But a disappointment because it is a hope."
"I won't name names, but I was very disappointed when a couple turned down the chance to be captain. I was also disappointed when others said they wouldn't play or train because they wanted to force their way out."
"I'd rather give people the benefit of the doubt, bring them in, and let them disappoint me."
"Disappointment is part of a relationship; what matters is how you repair those disappointments."
"It was more a feeling of disappointment and rage at the people who suggested we were somehow all hysterical women for suggesting that this might happen and that Roe would be overruled."
"The cancellation of Artifact 2.0 was honestly heartbreaking to me."
"He was, in other words, a great man. Had he died in 1928, he'd now be remembered as one of America's great philanthropists rather than one of its greatest disappointments."
"Gamers are also feeling demoralized and anxious about how games we care deeply about seem to be prioritizing monetization over fun."
"There is no pleasure in this, is there? I thought it might be more fun, lap of honor type territory, but we live here."
"Eden is beautiful, graceful, elegant, smart. Aiden is... Aid. It sucks."
"Expectations are resentment in the making. The more expectations you have, the more things you can be disappointed about afterwards, especially when they're not articulated."
"The two worst things in the world are not getting what you want and getting it."
"I don't like to count too much on other people because I've been let down so many times, and that just sucks."
"Brexit led people to believe that a new type of politics was coming, a real hope an anticipation of a new kind of politics. We've gone back to the old Italian Oxbridge PPE degree chamocracy of upper middle class people."
"Disappointment is the child of false expectations."
"People are gonna disappoint you; it's life. You can't escape without these heartaches and heartbreaks."
"To be permanently preemptively disappointed in heterosexuality is to refuse the possibility of changing straight culture for the better."
"Muang feels numb; maybe because deep down, he had hopes that doctor n could make him human again."
"The thing that's disappointed me the most out of all the arguments between fans is when I see people... hating and yelling and screaming at young kids for liking the sequels or the High Republic."
"It's not bad; it's just disappointing from Rocksteady, pioneers of single-player story action, chasing already outdated multiplayer trends."
"This challenge is always kind of heartbreaking because you spend all this time working on a build and thinking that it's kind of looking okay, and then you put back in color and it looks terrible."
"I'm disappointed too, you know. It kind of feels like a broken dream."
"I'm disappointed too, you know. Watching someone I admire reach the limits of their hope, it kind of feels like a broken dream."
"Not Everything That Glitters turns out to be gold."
"I love you no matter what decisions you make, but there are times I might be disappointed in the decisions you make, and I will let you know that too."
"My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined, completely ruined."
"That Barcelona team, they were too good. Seriously, they were just like that. That's it. Like, it almost gives me a little bit of like, um, what's the word, where you go, it takes a thing out of it, a little bit that they were actually that good."
"By knowing more, we would care more, we would want to do more good, and the light of Reason would shine in previously dark places. It hasn't quite happened that way."
"When you don't get a walkout out of an ultimate pack, kind of feel a little bit of grieved."
"It saddened me the way things were done, it definitely was a shock considering that we were kind of told that we had job security."
"You're on the verge of greatness, you were this close, and you threw it all away."
"I'm done with the lies we were told at the beginning of this. He was going to get ahead of his past, hold himself accountable, all of these different things. And that would have been fine, go ahead. He didn't do any of that."
"I'll be disgusted if that shitty goal costs us the league this season."
"Why do football gods hate the Panthers? Because once again Jerry Richardson pissed off the football gods."
"A Zelda game without bosses is like a box of chocolates that's empty."
"Being the frauds where it's like oh our record is good but every time we play a good team we lose, that's the worst feeling in sports."
"Better late than never but still disappointed."
"We were always taught that if you need help to ask the police. So, the way this case has been handled from the beginning is heartbreaking, it's an injustice, it is a slap in the face."
"We are capitulation FC. We are, it's embarrassing."
"I do hope Jim wins, although I do feel like we'll end up being disappointed."
"The moral of the story is we should just all get along and be very disappointed in boomers together."
"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. I'm just disappointed."
"When you set the bar as one of the greatest superhero films ever made and you deliver a perfectly acceptable superhero film, then you just set the stage for disappointment."
"It is a dangerous thing to entrust your dream to someone else's disappointments... So be real careful who you lean on." - Speaker
"I felt like I hit the [jackpot] when I tell you I gasped."
"It makes me sad that Soldier Boy was a diddler."
"You might not be able to see the castle at all."
"This is what I saw I casted at this giant fish that it exploded I thought I was for sure sure going to hook up but it wasn't me that hooked up watch out oh my."
"Just kind of all that buildup just for Vegeta to be right there."
"I had a dream I was Spider-Man today and it really pissed me off that I woke up and I wasn't Spider-Man."
"This right here is why Wonder Woman 1984 is the worst superhero movie ever made."
"If you always expect someone to be on your level and understanding of the same emotions that you have, then you'll always be disappointed."
"The franchise had the entire community in the palm of his hand and all it had to do to continue that hype train was anything... and then it didn't."
"I'm disappointed to report that other than frequent headaches, the Pink Drink made no noticeable or documentable improvement on my weight or health."
"This is the way the world ends, sometimes it just doesn't go with a bang but it goes with a whimper."
"Redfall was by no means the worst game of 2023, but it was certainly the most tragic."
"The heartbreak of soma is realizing that the schemes that Simon and Kathryn hatch are just as impossibly naive as they sounded in the first place."
"We were all rooting for you, we were all rooting for you."
"Even if you don't get what you want, you will trust God that he has something better in mind."
"When the Bulls broke up, it felt like they were just breaking up for nothing." - Jamel Hill
"Live look at my bracket, it's a dumpster fire."
"Lost potential, definitely one of the most disappointing movies."
"It's a real shame the way things have turned out. You make it all the way to the champion match then something like this has to happen."
"It's like a malt ball... but there is, there's a coating of sadness."
"Marshmallow is for roasting over a campfire, perhaps with some chocolate and graham crackers."
"There's nothing marshmallowy about this. It's chock-full of lies."
"It's exhausting to live in chronic disappointment."
"Kendrick didn't do that, he abandoned that which is why as much as I'm giving him props musically a lot of 'Mr. Morale' doesn't work."
"If I'm wrong and there is, I will be sorely disappointed."
"The downfall of Austin McBroom and in turn the Ace Family is disheartening."
"It's not literal death, but it was the loss of a dream at least."
"Unfortunately, their hopes were dashed as the release date of March 2016 came and went."
"The content and features delivered so far have been pretty disappointing, with Cataclysm being the big update that a lot of people found definitely isn't the thing that will save Anthem."
"It's just sad to see somebody so easily sell out their morals and beliefs."
"Honestly, I'm just disappointed I really am."
"The game simply did not live up to consumer expectations."
"Was this movie disappointing? Absolutely. I think if I had a thesis to say in this video it would be that the people making the Mean Girls musical movie just didn't understand the movie they were making."
"Protests and hashtags aimed at Nintendo have become common in the past couple years, and the sense of disappointment in the company is evident."
"And we all know, if you put someone on a pedestal and you look at them like they're gods, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment."
"I mean I thought Biden was supposed to be that guy. Biden clearly is not that guy."
"I'm just saying, looking ahead, it just feels really disappointing and acting anticlimactic if that's what they did."
"I think it's a sad place we're in. The whole country is disappointed in our leadership from the top to the bottom."
"I've gotta come clean, while Black Widow definitely lived up to the hype, there was one thing I was hoping for that did not come: a cameo by Clint Barton."
"It was my first time there and it has tainted the world of Disney for me."
"It's actually surprisingly deep when you think about it, but still on the surface it absolutely sucks."
"There was no promotion for a battle royale. People love battle royales as clear as day. Toss this one on the shelf."
"It's a kick in the teeth for every single football fan there is out there."
"This utter disgrace of a response right here perfectly encapsulates what's wrong with the gaming industry right now."
"No one likes being given something only to have it taken away later."
"I did it because I have... I believe in our country. I believe in this process and I'm... so disappointed in what I saw. You shocked."
"I feel sorry for people that, you know, when you build a 5,000 store chain out of a broom closet and you make all these people multi-millionaires and you know you have something like this happen. It's untruthful and not fair and it's not right."
"Truly painful that Sega used the classic Sonic title in vain."
"Five years in development and this is somehow one of the most disappointing Sonic games we've ever gotten."
"But I think for many of us, yeah, this was pretty disappointing and I think it's reasonable to have that opinion based on the way they presented everything."
"News has become entertainment... and I'm definitely bummed out by it."
"Oh no, he's giving up, visa, if you're watching please, mate, absolutely dusted, this is done, what is going on?"
"You think the bar couldn't get lower I don't know it did the bar is somehow lower you're not going to believe this we checked the bar is even lower."
"It's literally like he's found five dollars and lost $100 bill."
"My worst fear is to let you guys down and not make a difference."
"Congratulations to these Republicans who could have actually stood for something and then didn't."
"Just a little bit heartbroken of course, it's never easy when these things happen, but that's racing."
"The movie gets ruined at the end, falls completely apart, and you're like, why have you guys not left?"
"It was like when the explanation was time travel and I was like, 'No.'"
"What I ordered versus what I got, that's a goddamn bamboozle!"
"And then he goes and endorses Hillary and he just takes his weapon and this lays down like a sad dog."
"Expect disappointment and you will never get disappointed."
"Starforge is, or at least was, a game that came with a lot of promises and delivered on barely any of them."
"Call of Duty Vanguard represents a catalogue of missed opportunities."
"To be a contemporary Half-Life fan is to smile through the disappointment."
"The excitement of the single-player experience slowly gave way to disappointment."
"Trump's Retreat on the right to life is a slap in the face to the millions of pro-life Americans."
"I'm disappointed in the Republican Party. I'm going to change my party because I'm not a Republican. I'm going to change my party independent."
"You can't be let down if you don't have any expectations."
"We are incredibly disappointed to hear about the cancellation of the Smash World Tour."
"A terrible win, which was rooting for the loss."
"Spider-Man... I think it's gonna get shafted."
"We are all immensely disappointed in Elliot's efforts."
"It just, they didn't. They set the PlayStation Showcase up until now, had a set of expectations. This one did not meet it."
"I want to like this more than I'm actually liking it."
"I almost feel like she thinks they're a bum."
"For me, it's like well this isn't the evolution of breath of the wild that I wanted so I'm not interested but everyone else is like well this is just this is the game that they said they were making so cool this is fun."
"I think the people are turned off because the overall story of the show seems to be about the rise of the first order."
"I'm very disappointed with Emily. She failed the test. You really don't want that ring."
"I think I got totally scammed with the cheese machine, but that's okay."
"Seeing something so nefarious attach itself to something so innocent and charming is just disappointing."
"Woodstock 99 was completely unlike the counter-cultural celebration of peace, love, and music."
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
"We only have a handful of AAA companies to still look up to like Naughty Dog, Insomniac Games, Santa Monica Studios... it just, it just bums me out."
"The last decade of games has been profoundly disappointing."
"It's like if Luke Skywalker doesn't care about lightsabers then what was it all for?"
"They're the ones driving this... it's horrifying... makes me embarrassed to be a Manchester United fan."
"It sounds terrible, like a thing that nobody wanted."
"I believe we've let the world down, but that doesn't mean we can't continue to strive to be better."
"Sorry I knew a lot of people were hyped for that game ah I'm so sorry."
"Guess what, they weren't [answered] and Rian Johnson was like he can't can't he like even everyone and that was one of the worst most painful movies I've ever had to sit through."
"It's good to have people in life who you don't want to disappoint."
"I hate [ __ ] like that because once you've exposed something as being not what you told it was it never has the same luster."
"This story has really put a downer on something that I was extremely excited for."
"This is just BS, absolute BS. Rotten Tomatoes, the respect I had for them as a company, as an operation, and their place in the film fan community, my respect for them has taken a huge hit."
"Have you ever been in a situation that you originally thought was going to be fantastic and then it just turned out to be miserable?"
"We're missing the inspired enemies the first two games had."
"Breaking your heart means disappointment that is painful yes disappointment essentially somebody disappoints you."
"But it is drop points for Liverpool, there's no doubt about it."
"The news that they were convicted was not as exciting as initially sounded."
"With righteous desire and obedient effort, we may feel we have done everything asked for us and yet things may have not worked out the way we had hoped. It's hard."
"They rush this for Christmas, and it's just as bad as Sonic '06. Oh my dream, so yay, let's do it. Here we go."