
Conditioning Quotes

There are 416 quotes

"It feels like there's definitely a media layer of conditioning that exists in the media, in the music, everywhere. Once you see it, you kind of see it."
"What we consider to be human nature is very much conditioned by the society that we live in."
"I think, in many cases, these are societal norms... we have been conditioned to believe."
"You could actually turn that hypnosis, that conditioning around, and not wait for the experience to produce the emotion but teach people how to self-regulate their emotional states."
"Just because you are conditioned to believe a certain thing doesn't make that thing true."
"If you hear a word and that word triggers an emotional response from you, that is the result of propaganda conditioning."
"The beautiful thing about the brain is that we are able to condition it to think whatever we want it to think and do whatever we want it to do."
"We've been conditioned to not love ourselves... but love is our natural state of being."
"Humans are repeaters, they are herd instinct mammals, we stick together, we copy unconsciously, and we're easy to condition."
"In this utopia, children are psychologically conditioned through positive reinforcement from a very young age. This conditioning eliminates negative emotions like jealousy and frustration."
"You get a little jolt of dopamine every time you get an alert on your mobile phone...your conditioning is happening while you're wide awake."
"Everything is conditioning; any conditioned pattern can be changed with new conditioning."
"For 70 years, the United States, Australia, Britain, and other major countries around the world... we are all taught, we're all conditioned, to treat it with ridicule."
"We think we see the world as it is, but no, we see it as we're conditioned to see it."
"I'm trying to condition her to be quiet even when exciting things are going on around her."
"Searching for the good in someone who thinks nothing of you is how they condition us to become accustomed to being treated like [__]."
"The primary ways of programming and conditioning and controlling the minds of the people."
"They're conditioning people to not speak or when they do speak, condition others to report them."
"To change to this way of being is no easy task especially since you've been conditioned to act the complete opposite for so long."
"Top five might have some interruptions because Andrew Jack might be able to put his conditioning in place."
"This, by the way, is how conditioning works."
"You've got to undo the conditioning and that's what I'll share with you in this video."
"It's not the will of God for you to live your life in a state of female slave conditioning."
"It's not to look down on anybody because people should not be judged for their conditioning."
"I think it's social conditioning, trying to normalize things that are not normal."
"It's a part of the paradigm, programmed into the system when you're born."
"That's the biggest aspect is that they assume this Authority because we as the public a condition from a young age to accept them as authoritarian figures."
"We are so shaped by our conditioning; we are the product of our genetics and conditioning, our experiences."
"We're thoroughly conditioned, and our job is to break the condition."
"We stripped down all the conditioning, and punk helped us to do that."
"He's domesticating you, he's conditioning you and molding you Pygmalion-Galatea style to be his perfect snapshot."
"The path is difficult because it walks in direct opposition to everything we've been conditioned into."
"Spectacular fight great fight great fight great fight by both guys a lot to be learned in that fight they both show that they were in supreme condition."
"It's really about a world view at the end of the day, understanding that we are conditioned and we want to be less conditioned."
"Repetition will put a program in that says 'I'm happy'."
"Conditioning is the hardness of the muscle, body fat level, dryness of the muscle."
"Life exists outside the box of mental conditioning."
"Natural Shine works out great because it conditions and it protects."
"Your subconscious mind is conditioned by your thoughts."
"You are ready to break free of the conditioning that has bound you."
"Due to the way we're conditioned, most of us feel incomplete."
"Hunger is very often a conditioned response."
"He's a guy with potential but like unless you get the conditioning on lockdown first, nothing else is going to come together."
"Letting go is a process that not only allows you to let go of these emotions but also your conditioning."
"The longer or curlier your hair is, the more a boar bristle brush can be helpful for conditioning."
"Very pumped to be rocking strength and conditioning with you guys today."
"This month is all about power; it's about taking your strength and intensifying it, adding some conditioning."
"They do ingrain that very young in your brain."
"Maybe how we treat black people at home is the result of what we've been taught and not part of the natural order of things."
"Every time you think, every time you feel the emotion, you're conditioning your body to become the mind subconsciously of anxiety."
"The habit is when you've done something so many times, the body has become the mind. So for most people, their body is dragging them into a predictable future, and they're on autopilot based on what they've done in the past."
"Women have been conditioned to serve and that's been our role for a long time in society."
"The conditioning process starts with positive aspects outweighing the negative aspects, but as addiction progresses, the negative aspects far outweigh the positive ones."
"I try to explain this to people all the [ __ ] time I'm like when people are just so conditioned to being like cops are here to protect us the [ __ ] are you talking about."
"Everybody is absolutely conditioned in some psychological way by their early upbringing."
"I condition my hair with it. That's how I've got the best hair in barbecue."
"This creates the best film on the lips but not in a gross way, like it still sinks in and conditions but at the same time it creates this coding that just feels incredible because the texture of this is next level."
"So, to be present doesn't actually even require an effort. All the effort is in... is in conjuring up your own suffering through creating a past and a future, which is your conditioned mind."
"Therefore, we must say that a mind inhabiting a body must always be a conditioned mind."
"We are not our patterns, we have conditioned patterns of behaving, thinking, and feeling and we are not that."
"Seal in moisture with oils and leave-in conditioners."
"Women are choosing to suffer because they've been conditioned to suffer."
"You can manifest, change, and condition things to be exactly the way that you want them to be."
"I used to ride for Pepsi. The only reason people drink Pepsi is because they've been conditioned to like it."
"We've been so conditioned to ignorance."
"Teaching people then to begin to condition their body emotionally before the evidence takes place in their life is breaking a significant habit."
"One reason why we avoid happiness is because our experiences and our life condition us to believe that every time something good happens, something bad is nearby. Happy comes with a cost, and I was conditioned to believe that to be happy, it was going to require something great."
"If I condition one generation of black people, just one, I'll probably rule them forever if they never do anything differently to free their mind."
"Most of us have been programmed to be poor people, poor in money, poor in status, poor in life functions."
"The goal is actually to uproot these forces in the mind. They're just deeply conditioned habit patterns of mind."
"Conditioning 41 degrees in the shade and we've got no air conditioning. We have survived."
"Sometimes though, I do think about who I might be if I weren't so scared all the time of failure, and if I hadn't just been conditioned to constantly achieve whatever objective was put in front of me."
"Our bodies are conditioned, and before we know it, we have a crazy long list of things that can set the system off."
"You're going up against a lifetime of conditioning and fear."
"Conditioning is the most important aspect when it comes to overall health and longevity. Being able to go on a long hike, move your body for hours, or chase after your kid requires good conditioning."
"Now, I'm just adding a tiny bit of water to that rinse out conditioner but I'm not rinsing it out. I'm doing what is called a squish to condition."
"It's rarely conscious... you could be the most self-aware person... but there's certain decisions that you will make that are based on that old programming."
"Functional strength was the most important part... a better conditioned athlete in your sport is going to be a better player."
"I love the idea of it just to kind of nourish and condition your hair before you actually shampoo it."
"You are the sum total of all you've been conditioned to think."
"No human can act beyond their conditioning in the absence of awareness."
"So just relinquishing the title of Christian or really pushing any ties of the Christian Church doesn't change that a lot of the ways that we think about other religions including our own is going to come from a very conditioned mindset."
"If I leave Mormonism, why wouldn't I kill people and become a sex worker? It's this terror that's been conditioned in our minds. But we can build morality on compassion, empathy, and reason."
"Your conditioning... What you do every day is conditioning who you are."
"It might mean you haven't done the work to really understand the hold that this conditioning has on you."
"We're conditioning our bodies to have a healthier response to stress."
"You're conditioned and groomed to go that way."
"But for us looking from the outside looking in having not been conditioned that way, we're looking at that as like yo that's insane."
"But you do because your brain has programmed it so hard into you that you still want love and validation and pride and all of these things from your parents."
"Society has maybe conditioned us to believe that the story of unscheduled time or unstructured time is that you are lazy or you are wasteful. But, um, I don't believe that's true."
"Autosuggestion is a means releasing you from the mass of negative verbal conditioning that might otherwise distort your life pattern, making the development of good habits difficult."
"So fentanyl's a daily drug, one hit I take could kill 10 people at least get your body so conditioned yeah those conditions so used to it just said we have a steady habit every day."
"...product recommendations for clarifying and deep conditioning I've got you set up."
"In order to make an impact on the defensive end, you have to be well conditioned and you have to have that extra gear."
"Fear is conditioned through our culture, our families, and our beliefs."
"So thankful that that conditioning came up as big as it did because it's like the monster came out and you just know it's not a monster anymore."
"Evolution is ongoing; get your human-conditioned reactions out of the way."
"Every one of us is conditioned to initially react to acute stress or threat with fight flight freeze."
"I could see multiple lives lined up that I had gone through this over and over and over, and each time it had progressed a little more, and I knew that in this lifetime, I was going to go back through conditioning and look at it exquisitely closely, so that I could explain it."
"Playfulness is your natural way of being when you don't have mass and conditioning on top."
"So much of our bad behavior comes from conditioned responses based upon our childhood, our parents, their parents, their parents."
"Inner work is where you deconstruct the parts of yourself that have been conditioned that no longer serve you."
"The Clones are so conditioned for this sort of form that the bad batch just don't fit into so they just immediately treat them like [ __ ]."
"It's fear conditioning enhanced with tracker jacker venom."
"No human can act beyond their conditioning."
"It's not so much about getting stronger. It's going in to display the strength you haven't been able to display in the past because you weren't conditioned, you were too beat up, or you didn't approach it strategically. Yes, right."
"We have a lot of conditioning to fixate on the negative."
"Eventually the dog salivated as much to the ticking itself as it did originally to the presentation of food."
"All love is conditioned. Even for dogs."
"We're not victims, but we've been programmed to believe we're frail and vulnerable."
"One quote that I found pretty fascinating in the book is where this director says that that is the secret of happiness and virtue liking what you've got to do all conditioning aims at that making people like their unescapable social destiny."
"Taking away privileges won't teach a child how to behave better; it just creates fear-based conditioning."
"We see the entire world as we are or as we are conditioned to see it."
"The conditioning process in this nation has always made it possible for the black to receive from the white because the white is superior and the black inferior."
"What stands between us and our children is our conditioning and neediness."
"The best way I can describe the Echo Bike is that Rogue basically took one of their squat racks, disassembled it, re-cut it up, welded it, and made it into a conditioning piece."
"We can literally condition the plant against stress before the stress gets there so the plant goes through it faster and doesn't stall out."
"I feel like everything's getting put together because that weight room factor, that conditioning factor is all being pushed real hard right now."
"It is normal. It's a battle that happens in the human heart and mind because we have been conditioned and we have learned to think of family in a certain way."
"Agility can be improved by first developing an adequate base of strength and conditioning that is appropriate to the skill level of the athlete."
"What do you need, not what you were conditioned to want."
"Most of your thoughts are not your own and most of them are actually...result of the conditioning we are exposed to every day through advertising, through media, which reinforces...sense of self."
"You're conditioned to the trauma from your past making you feel a certain way, and what you're feeling are the feelings that this anxiety is dredging up."
"Being offended by something doesn't mean that what is happening on the other side is actually a personal fact. Members of the church are conditioned to be personally offended when their belief system is challenged."
"Ivan Pavlov's classical conditioning: 'The famous experiment associates an involuntary response with a stimulus.'"
"I am fascinated by that mindset and I think it's years and years of being brainwashed."
"Complacency can also be part of being conditioned to seeing the wrong thing happen a million times but nothing bad happens because of that."
"Conditioned taste aversion, it's actually possible to make animals act against their most basic instincts without hurting them."
"Your hair may not need to deep condition if it doesn't feel dry."
"When we hear girls explaining away the loss of Fair competition rationalizing why their accomplishments shouldn't be prioritized we should recognize immediately that they've been conditioned indoctrinated and taught to surrender."
"Pushing the boundaries. You gotta push them sometimes. And then counter conditioning, treating generally being treating from people."
The root of aggression is fear. It's only when the dog realizes that aggression works that it goes, "Okay, that worked so I'll do it again."
"By asking for the thumbs up you're conditioning them to continually say something that's actually positive."
"That's the only way which is why you end up getting conditioned because if you text him three times he answered then you text him six times he answered then you're texting him 20 times he finally answers he conditions you."
"Love is the motive for everything we do. The problem with love is that we learn to love the same way like everybody else loves, and this is conditional love."
"It takes equal amount of firing and wiring and equal amount of emotional conditioning to condition the body to the future."
"People's minds are very, very conditioned. Attachment, tremendously attached to desires, and it takes a great deal of openness just to be willing to hear."
"Mindfulness of feeling tone is one of the master keys that both reveals and unlocks the deepest patterns of our conditioning."
"All my experiences in the church were 100% real, but filtered through conditioning."
"People have kind of trained us, conditioned us to take that [ __ ] offense."
"Most of our issues are not because we aren't smart enough to know the truth, or make the right choices, or that we're just being too lazy to change. When we struggle, it's because something got deeply imprinted."
"So you've kind of conditioned it a little bit."
"If you understand how conditioned you really are as a human being, you will always have compassion for yourself because you know that you are driven towards the problem... through all of these past, maybe even past life."
"...it liberates you from so much responsibility here and it reminds you how important it is to be conditioned in the right way."
"...everybody on my shoes, it's like a conditioning thing."
"Your round specific individuals and you have to enact a specific way, and this goes on for so long it just becomes ingrained in you."
"The question burns out the questioner, which also means it burns out your conditioned sense of self."
"Even inquiries only help to aid us in coming to the unconditioned, to open up the conditioned mind to free identity from it."
"Get your identity out of it, get your sense of truth out of the conditioning, because there is it."
"If you train a rat to press a lever for a stimulant and then put it in an enriched environment, it may press it occasionally but not as frequently as its counterpart in the dull environment."
"Through this, the dog learns helplessness over repeated trials and extended periods of time, even when the wall is taken down."
"So here's why I bring this up in relation to people conditioning their dogs to feel shame when they poop is because every event before this since the very beginning we were being conditioned to expect extreme violence."
"Strength and conditioning is merely icing on the cake."
"MMA athletes are gonna need a lot of power but also a lot of anaerobic conditioning."
"Technique mindset and conditioning - that's the puzzle."
"Clapping's a weird thing to do though. You know I don't even know why we do this like 'Hey I like what that guy did.' You know it's a conditioned response. It's learned behavior."
"Age is just a number, get over it, the only reason you're conditioned to believe that age should be like within a few years of each other is because that's what you're taught back home in your own country."
"You've got character, you have conditioning, you have discipline."
"How would you move if you were not conditioned at all?"
"We salivate even when there is no food inside. We've been conditioned to do it."
"The vast majority of your Jiu-Jitsu conditioning should just be Jiu-Jitsu training."
"He lived in the society for so long, that's all he knows."
"My goal really is to make that the best strength conditioning group that exists on the planet and to use that group to make the world stronger."
"You can hack your brain in this way. Like, I've conditioned my mind and I basically, I've got a deal with my brain like, mate, if you create resistance, you're gonna have to essentially do double of whatever you're creating resistance towards."
"Moisturizing your little one's hair is basically to help preserve the hair, to condition, to soften, to smooth, to make the hair manageable, and easier to manipulate."
"But if we believe we're supposed to feel a certain way in a certain context we often program ourselves to feel that way."
"Classical conditioning: a process by which we learn to associate stimuli and anticipate events."
"Some people love them a smaller window of freedom because of the way they're chemically imbalanced or because of the way they were socially and psychologically conditioned."
"I doubt there are negative effects from sexual promiscuity. It's absolutely cultural conditioning."
"Anxiety isn't a disease; it's conditioning of the mind and body."
"We can learn them, we can relearn them, we can conditioned them."
"Classical conditioning training. This training method can also be used deliberately to train certain behaviors and responses in dogs and to counter condition dogs by associating something that makes a dog scared with something positive."
"You are also training an emotion."
"Kentucky fans have in the last few years have gotten conditioned to winning as much as they have."
"Neurofeedback works by associating events within half a second or 500 milliseconds and using operant and classical conditioning."
"You're a product of your surroundings. You're a product of the conditioning of where you live."
"Anchoring is basically classical conditioning."
"...if we can even get that on board and understand it, we start to rewire a lot of the conditioning that we were brought up with."
"We are all getting programmed... we are all programmed from childhood."
"Your solution as a commander is a physical fitness program that will provide for progressive and continuous physical conditioning of your men."
"It's not very difficult. The most difficult thing to do is to overcome your conditioning."
"I make up for what I lack in conditioning with knowledge."
"Both sides still feel very soft, very conditioned. The hair feels amazing."
"Conditioning your straw bales can be done in only 10 to 14 days."
"Overall survival is excellent with both types of conditioning, no matter what donor you use."
"Remember, this is based on the studies that were conducted by Ivan Pavlov, the Russian psychologist."
"We react out of fear because this is our conditioning because we've forgotten our true nature, our true divine nature."
"Operant and classical conditioning... basically brainwash you to feel and think a certain way."
"You are doubly conditioned through thousands of repetitions that drinking makes you feel good and not drinking makes you feel bad."
"We're not born with these beliefs; these are beliefs that get conditioned into us over time because of our painful experiences."
"We have to reprogram these core wounds; you're not born with them, they're conditioned into you."
"If you want to be a faster, stronger runner who can run further and with less injuries, then it's strength and conditioning all the way."
"Every single person in the world is conditioned by environment, by culture, by language, by upbringing, by education, by the politics, by the weather."
"We've been conditioned to think that we should be more, we are not enough."
"Condition kills. That's what everybody has to remember; it's not the size, it's the condition."
"What I am trying to say is that we live by our own definitions which are formed by our conditioned reflexes and experiences."
"My mind and body fully in tune, my legs and feet conditioned and hard, ready for whatever the day has in store."
"I've been told from a young age to turn those emotions off."
"Learned helplessness... the dog learned that he was helpless to get away from the trauma."
"Every day, my friends, you are conditioning yourself for a bold, expressive, courageous life or not."