
Digital Identity Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"Your personal brand is the character within digital reality, a more expanded and inclusive version of physical reality."
"You've got to own your digital identity; it's the equivalent of someone stealing the McDonald's website and then McDonald's having to fight for their own website."
"I believe every person watching this will have a public wallet, just like a social media account."
"Blockchain-based services like Civic's identity.com or Microsoft's ION say they can give us control of our identity and protect it."
"The right to be forgotten reflects the claim of an individual to have certain data deleted so that third persons can no longer trace them."
"Everything always depends on context. I wouldn't say changing someone's features to another ethnicity is hostile behavior, which is such a crazy sentence to say in the first place."
"Avatar is the first on-chain, like, fully on-chain personal profile picture project... they're there forever."
"Why would you not? You're representing yourself in a digital world." - Raoul Pal
"Identification in a digital world is crucial, from voting to healthcare to online biometrics."
"The metaverse is when the idea of the digital self becomes more important than the physical self."
"The internet is full of weird stuff and is essentially a robot that just claims to know you."
"Literally, I'm just a collection of animated pixels stored as data online."
"But if he has a fairly large following on Instagram with a link to a real OnlyFans, that's hard to fake."
"A new internet where you can log in only on one side only with ID."
"Once data is likened to oneself, the tesseract will be able to color in said digital silhouettes, fine-tuning each to who the person truly is."
"The Internet takes away credentials... credentials are important."
"I think the future of identity is literally like NFTs that prove things about yourself."
"It's $120 per year for both of us to have our own gamer tags."
"The selfie or the picture is the modern version of the signature."
"You become the sole owner of your ID. You're in charge of your data."
"Instantly onboard and authenticate your customers, reusable KYC credentials."
"Likes, shares, and follows have become symbolic of power and influence."
"Making my own person by choosing what I wanted to view online."
"You can't use my data in any way without my permission. I own me, not them."
"I photoshopped my Twitter profile picture into a hexagon – so it would look like an NFT and get me some respect."
"In this virtual world you are trans-racial you aren't just an expression of your Fantastical world and digital portfolio you are that because your digital Footprints are transcendental."
"The line between your real life and your life on social media, that can get very blurry."
"Unstoppable Domains essentially allows you to have your own domain."
"Secure your name and your mother's name and your sister's name and your dog's name."
"Now your avatar will be truly lifelike, allowing you to express yourself freely in the digital world."
"Players establish a digital identity often expressed through the appearance of their avatars."
"The Scarlet letter will be digital, so whatever your past is, it'll be like Grand Theft Auto."
"Most people are losers in real life, and the NFT makes them feel important."
"You get to decide who you're going to be on the Internet."
"You have a digital profile that knows you better than you know yourself."
"These NFTs are literally your face, your reputation online, and that's what has such value."
"I felt like my YouTube was holding me hostage to who I was and I didn't feel like I could be who I wanted to be."
"Being confident in a user's age and identity is a critical foundation for metaverse safety and civility."
"Selfies allow us to be online first-hand, not second-hand."
"If you have your driver's license or state ID added in your wallet application you can now share your ID information in applications that require your identity and age verifications."
"Self-sovereign identity is a matter of dignity."
"The Neuralink could hold a saved state of a person's mind after they have died, a backup drive for your non-physical being, your digital soul."
"Facebook, I don't know whether you know that or not but you don't actually own me."
"Finding your voice and presence online is a long journey, so better get started on it today."
"What the vaccine enables people to go along with more easily is the idea of a health passport or vaccine passport, and that passport becomes a gateway to a digital ID that's connected to your ability to participate in society."
"Internet anonymity and privacy and security is super important especially in this day and age where a lot of people's identities and lives are tied to their internet activity."
"We're going to aim for the internet personality because I think that would just be really interesting."
"The entire great reset hinges on two things...a global digital currency and a global digital identity."
"Profilicity entails creating profiles on social media through the selective display of pictures and other bits of information..."
"I'm just gonna give like a little digital footprint for myself so I can like look back."
"The internet was free and open to anybody... it was the new way to be who you wanted to be and say what you wanted to say."
"Nobody's been able to delete their cos profile before."
"The destruction of somebody's digital identity... the weaponization of that."
"Your personal Facebook reflects your personal views and opinions, not your professional ones."
"Your digital ID will be optional, convenient, secure, private, and accessible."
"It's always something special if you can meet the person behind the tablet or behind the nickname."
"Evan had always disliked that on the internet everything felt permanent."
"We get to shape who we are on these platforms."
"The app is the best place to put yourself forward, like a job with a CV."
"I wonder if they're people who died in the actual world and these are just weird Android copy things."
"Your digital footprint, you want to keep that clean."
"It's not the account, it's the individual that's barred."
"Cars are our own automotive equivalent of an online avatar."
"People are becoming brands based off their personalities."
"I got a yearbook I just didn't put my picture well some gee bunny vlogs are like I can always look up a YouTube video what I look like in our 12 great"
"We all have this digital footprint nowadays... anything that's ever said about you is now forever."
"Hannah Minx: the blueprint, not just a meme girl or an internet waifu."
"My website is simply my name stephcarys.com."
"Put your name beside it and put some emojis beside it so it makes you different from everybody else."
"The internet was this very, very anonymous thing... nobody use their real name on the internet."
"It's hard to believe his fame will skyrocket once more due to his low usage within the Disney Company."
"Internet fame feels more real to me than old media fame."
"This isn't even an incognito account, it's literally your name's all over it." - No excuses for retweeting controversial content.
"Your Instagram feed says something about you."
"Imagine having hundreds of millions of dollars, but just needing a password."
"Honestly man, I'm loving the new nostalgic vibe of my avatar."
"Critics, however, see the E ID as a building block of a coming European digital surveillance state, a way for the EU and any government to hold all of their citizens personal information and track their every move."
"It's a knockoff Keemstar, the YouTuber, call me Carson."
"Speed eventually does get his account back, and he ends the stream with a speech that connects him to new and old viewers of his channel: 'We're back.'"
"I don't even have a webcam so you know I can't really do a face reveal there you go there's my face reveal what happened to my eyes jeez."
"V-tubing gives people the ability to present themselves to the world exactly as they want to be seen."
"Satoshi Nakamoto... nobody knows who the real creator of Bitcoin is." - Dan Tavis
"What's cool about the metaverse is you really can just be whoever you want to be."
"It's my YouTube profile picture... TCG has allowed me to bring her back as my main in cards."
"The best version of the internet, the best version of that metaverse is human. It's you."
"It's essentially a digital passport that lets you prove you are unique and a real person while remaining Anonymous."
"When do we start letting the number of followers or likes that we have dictate who we really are?"
"People could use my old information to track me but I can also use the whole idea of digital identity to develop this new person who would have back story because he existed online."
"Their avatars are killer, look at this Avatar dude that is a nice looking Avatar."
"Your channel and your content should be a reflection of who you actually are."
"Identity for every single user for the internet. This is coming everywhere." - Adam
"We're in the avatar, it's a limitation, it always will be."
"The rise of social media has given individuals the ability to create and cultivate an online Persona that can be vastly different from their true selves."
"This profile photo actually matches the exact same one in my MetaMask account as well."
"I would immediately go on Twitter, ask Twitter to verify me since I have 10 million subs on YouTube. If you hit 10 mil, some jaw, and then once I got verified on Twitter, I would tweet numerous things."
"Some crypto savvy women are profiting from their public image with NFTs."
"In the future, verification is going to be extremely important."
"We're moving from Network to network, those networks are going to need ways of distinguishing who we are and whether they can trust us."
"What it does essentially is create an avatar for ourselves, which we're now moving into this digital world."
"I think it's very possible that they sort of have a personality built on all of us."
"The aim of this is to kind of show you guys, is it possible to get a 100% match when it comes to a digital identity?"
"...each one of your cell phones will be unique to you because it is in a sense a digital fingerprint of who you are."
"A digital image is constructed by individual bits and pixels to form one identity."
"What we're trying to do is take creators, artists, communities, brands, and help them tokenize their identities, put them online, enable fans, collectors, and people all around the world to participate in economies that are being built by these unique creators."
"I am a virtual 360 degree copy of my real self, therefore I'm able to talk, to smile, to laugh, or to cry, just like a real human being."
"Computable context is a good term because it's like on this person or on this individual or on this entity I can look up their history of nfts it's like their resume but it's a computable resume."
"Your digital presence should match the impression you want to make and the people you want to attract."
"Self sovereign identity... permitting every human to be able to store their digital assets themselves."
"Your online presence is one of the most important things you can curate right now."
"By 2040, the average person could have a highly detailed and realistic 3D avatar."
"The challenge we are facing with technology, the challenge we are facing all of us as our digital twins become who we are and at the moment our organic self and our digital self we cannot separate it."
"In a world where personal data is scattered across the digital landscape, regaining control has never been more critical."
"Cardano and Dish/Boost Mobile: Card is going to help out Dish Boost in two ways, first with digital identities."
"You're basically then stuck with a permanent internet identity and this is forced upon every young kid."
"It is cryptographically secure, uses cryptography infrastructure, and thereby the identities of the sender and the receiver are also secure."
"DIDs enable the new kind of network, they enable trust networks."
"In a DID network where all the actors be they people or organizations or things are identified with DIDs, you could have trusted relationships of whatever dimension of trust you want everywhere."
"DIDs enable both cryptographic trust and then human trust to be layered over that."
"The DID community came up with the idea that we need a new type of identifier to build a new type of identity system."
"Is it about time that we start compiling all of our digital identifiers into a singular digital identity?"
"DID is a self-sovereign identity, so it doesn't depend on some sort of a central authority."
"The series posits philosophical ideas about what it means to have yourself inside of the computer and what it would mean to leave behind your physical form."
"This amazing technology, just the decentralized identity by itself, is a big deal."
"You want your online presence to reflect your in-person reality."
"Anonymity online is one of the most important things about the internet."
"That's why my tick tocks are so special to me."
"I'm the digital mermaid, if this is the kind of thing you like or if you think it's something that other people might like, give me a like and a subscribe."
"Everyone is a hero behind the screen."
"Self-sovereign identity and verifiable credentials are the future of our digital interactions."
"The main immediate effect is called pseudoanonymity, which is the main foundation of privacy."
"Your online presence and resume have to speak for themselves."
"Everyone should have their own domain name."
"We know they have a lens profile and they're in a state where they're authenticated."
"Your website is your digital presence and ultimately it's your home on the internet."
"We're working on a technology called digital identity tokens to enable people to monetize their data."
"Some of the identity and reputation systems that we're just starting to see are very exciting."
"It actually makes the signer use their real signature... it's supposed to be the most accurate representation of a signer's signature."
"Profile photos are incredibly important for your digital first impression."
"NFT smart contracts associate each NFT with an ID and a link to where the content of the NFT can be found on the web."
"Your digital footprint is literally your new resume now."
"A digital signature is a very common way to verify data and identities."
"Devices have the same thing, they have an IP address which can change, but they have a what's in theory a globally unique MAC address."
"They call it a digital footprint, but it's really a digital tattoo these days."
"There is also a special name given to this new generation of digital people: MetaHuman."
"One day everyone will have their own digital version! One way or another."
"Avatars have become our virtual identity on the internet."
"Your personal brand is just the digitization of reputation."
"Digital ID will be everything... it's going to be very, very important in Web3 because your digital ID is more important now than I think it will ever be."
"That computer that you're writing things down on will tell people who you are in life."
"Limitless creativity lets you create, mint, edit, and re-mint your avatar as many times as you want."
"Authentication is not just about security; it's about establishing trust."
"Every computer on the internet, it turns out, has something that looks like this, so-called IP address."
"Think of it like a digital business card."
"India Stack is something which everybody should take note on, particularly the digital identity piece of it."
"Giving you an online identity that's truly anonymous."
"For each new user, they're going to have a username, a password, and an email."
"If you can improve the bandwidth between your cortex and your digital self, then you can achieve better cohesion."
"With the outline, you can add an actual outline to your avatar and it's going to make your avatar kind of look more like a drawn character, like an anime or manga."
"We've digitized our identities and put more value in how we're perceived instead of taking time to build intentional, meaningful relationships."
"Identity is becoming pervasive and key to securing much of what we do on a daily basis from our connected devices."
"The right to be forgotten was actually intended to do that."
"With DSO, you can own your identity, content, and social graph and take it with you across hundreds of applications."
"Your digital footprint will follow you to the grave."
"The magic of DIDs are that they allow us for the first time ever to take some of that power back because we no longer need central authorities and institutions to be the connecting tissue to move reputation around."
"Digital infrastructure for digital identification allows you to get access in a very seamless way without having to do a business development relationship and a formal six-month legal documents and a partnership."
"We're not going to go to a single digital identity for many reasons."
"It is important if you are a business owner to own your name and your space in the digital world and the metaverse."
"Your appearance now is what we call residual self-image. It is the mental projection of your digital self."
"Many websites, companies, and internet service providers collect data about you... meaning you are quickly becoming a product yourself."
"It's really amazing to see all of the collaboration and the excitement around centralized digital identity."
"Custom display names can contain spaces, special characters, and even emoji."
"I actually really liked Layla as the avatar."