
Difficulties Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Difficult times... hold a reservoir for growth."
"This is the problem, okay, and this is what streamers and content creators, okay, your job, okay, is it difficult? Maybe, yes. Nobody cares, shut the [__] up about it."
"You actually learn so much from the difficulties and the disappointments of life, and to me now, I realize that's where you start doing your growth, I call it growing pains."
"They're trying to hold on to your connection even despite the difficulties that have happened in the past."
"God develops our greatest capacity through our greatest difficulties."
"We are reaching for the stars but we're making this too hard and I wonder where you are."
"Her story serves as a reminder of the complexities of Fame and the importance of supporting individuals during difficult times."
"You cannot stay away from each other, but we are looking into him staying away from you. It's really, really very difficult."
"The time of greatest gain in terms of wisdom and inner strength is often that of greatest difficulty."
"God is allowing difficulties to hone your faith."
"Some people, when you talk to them, it's like trying to listen to classical music on a radio with no antenna."
"I'm sorry that it took such a turn, but I am always gonna be honest with you guys even when things suck."
"Even when things are difficult like this to say and I don't think there's anything wrong with being honest and sharing your own experience."
"It's really hard to be in the catering business. This is really a disaster."
"Expect things to get worse before they get better."
"A lot of times you still love the person it just sucks to be either."
"Seneca believed that life's difficulties are not merely to be endured but to be used as tools for the building of one's inner fortress."
"You go from being a person who's defined by your difficulties to somebody who's defined by who you really are."
"Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body."
"There has been some difficulty around or in this person's life that is currently leaving."
"I've been in a lot of ruts and this one is my biggest rut ever."
"Everyone has difficulties in their lives."
"Marriages and partners can be trashed."
"I deal with a lot of [__] on a daily basis."
"The presence of difficulties is not an objection to Christianity; it just shows that we have to think hard about these questions that arise and put forward explanations."
"Boeing began to realize that they'd bitten off more than they could chew."
"This Carnelian can help us to feel empowered and overcome difficulties."
"I identify with the idea of diffuse PTSD because there definitely has been a lot of mental health difficulties in my life and a lot of things that I guess aren't very explainable."
"You don't get these inexpensive valuations when there's rainbows and sunshine."
"Difficulties exist to be surmounted. Success is not so much measured by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles he has overcome."
"this is one of the big challenges we face"
"Difficult things, don't keep it in silence."
"World Trigger was a series that helped me through a rather difficult past year, so I couldn't think of a better subject for my first scripted video."
"It's not all Skittles and rainbows out here. We all have bad days."
"So when he came onto the set when we first did the burrito he had problems with the word [__] de cuz he was saying then he said I can't I can't say this I just can't do it and then sadly Jackson goes hey [__] another Tuesday [__] these."
"This house has really opened up into problems."
"Cultivate resilience. Difficulties are not obstacles but opportunities to sculpt the masterpiece of our nature."
"Acknowledging the beauty of life amidst difficulties fosters resilience."
"The more resilient we are, the more quickly we can recover from difficulties."
"problems are just a little bit tight guys"
"Wallowing in these difficulties? They're blessings from God."
"We're off to a rocky start, oh, are we?"
"It's already becoming tough to live for quite a lot of people."
"You're leaving me with so many other problems to start with."
"Meanwhile, Hawaii struggling on their side."
"It's been kind of rough trying to be reimbursed for him, from him. You know, may God bless him and his family."
"It's hard to get everything right now."
"We're gonna have a lot of issues here."
"They're going to run into some licensing difficulties although with the Players Association of the NBA."
"It's hard out there for a film exhibitor."
"Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from difficulties, to recover quickly from setbacks."
"The challenges that just came with that."
"If you're in a healthy relationship, you support each other through the difficult times."
"I think everybody has those feelings because life is difficult."
"But as soon as you meet other people you are in difficulties."
"It does get sticky bro and it gets weird."
"There's gonna be problems that are just too hard for us."
"Life is no longer a sequence of disillusioning, miserable unexpected difficulties."
"But it ain't gonna be easy time for nobody everybody's gonna have a bad retreat."
"God does not take away one's difficulties, he sends you a few extra ones."
"When you face difficulties, do not blame me. Instead of searching for scapegoats, come kneel and pray with faith."
"Difficulties there will always be in this world, but never be dismayed by them."
"...thrifting sucks like traditional thrifting especially if you're plus-sized especially if you're tall and God forbid you're both."
"Have you had similar troubles with English?"
"It kind of made it worse because I think I was dealing with so much stuff."
"We all face difficulties and we all have to kind of persevere, move forward and be encouraging to others."
"I think it's going to be a tricky spot for them to walk...it's been a tricky spot for them to walk all of this time."
"Even in the best and most fortunate of circumstances, making a movie is so incredibly difficult. Even with a huge crew and massive budget, a lot can go wrong."
"It wasn't all uh let's say highlights and rainbows and unicorns."
"I had to navigate these shark-infested waters."
"You're not going to get them, even people with severe dyslexia."
"Intimate relationships are very important to Libras, but there can be difficulties sometimes."
"He accomplished a lot despite fantastic difficulties, which he makes very, very light of."
"There's a way out of financial debt, embarrassment, sin, temptation, and every difficulty."
"Our faith becomes real to us through trials and difficulties."
"In this world you will experience difficulties."
"There's not been one thing that's been straightforward."
"So, the Yukon sucked. That was probably the worst part. That was a nightmare."
"That's pretty much the worst part of all of it."
"I want to understand the present filled with problems and difficulties."
"The waves are getting too big for Peppa and Carly."
"Remove those difficulties, oh Allah."
"Difficulties don't necessarily mean that you're not moving in the right direction; it just means that it's just a journey of success."
"By the surrender of self all difficulties are overcome, and there is no error in the universe but the fire of inward sacrifice will burn it up like chaff; no problem, however great, but will disappear like a shadow under the searching light of self-abnegation."
"These times of difficulties are opportunities to stop, to learn, and to grow."
"The mind that has a way to resolve difficulties but has no way to generate them."
"One should have surveyed all the difficulties beforehand, for people who inquire without first stating the difficulties are like those who do not know where they have to go."
"Letting go is difficult, but clinging creates more difficulties."
"The overarching theme of the story is poignant in the face of untold loss and nearly insurmountable difficulties."
"Wintering by Katherine May... about how we all winter and that means how we all go through difficult stages in our lives."
"You hit rough patches, you take each other for granted just a little too long."
"Adequate planning and physical stamina are essential for overcoming the difficulties of this trip."
"The basic cause of all the difficulties of this transition is to be found in a deep-seated and peculiar change within the psyche."
"In this godless world, you will continue to experience difficulties, but take heart; I have conquered the world."
"Don't panic, everyone. We seem to be experiencing temporary difficulties, but just be patient."
"Difficulties come to us in order to awaken us to the realization that this life is a dream."
"No matter what difficulties you encounter, I will do my best to help you."
"You're going to find a way through these current difficulties, trust yourself."