
Self-sacrifice Quotes

There are 556 quotes

"An empath will absolutely throw all of themselves into this relationship; they will lose themselves in this relationship."
"Don't compromise on something that you're not going to be happy about. You're not compromising; you're sacrificing."
"I'm staying here no matter what. I'm going to defend this entrance and that meant to give up my life, which I almost did."
"Loki sacrifices himself specifically to preserve these timelines so the TVA will no longer prune trillions of people from existence just because it's convenient."
"He lays out all these amazing, deep, high-calling issues: love, self-sacrifice, giving, being merciful, and being humble."
"The real hierarchy ends in self-sacrifice; that's why the cross is at the top of the hill, the mystery at the top of the hill."
"I want to live in a society where people care about each other and put self-sacrifice in their value system."
"His self-sacrifice is second to none, which is why I think he's my ideal movie hero."
"A very important characteristic of mass formation is that as people are in the grip of it, they typically become willing to self-sacrifice. It is as if they are no longer aware of their own individual interests, as if they are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of the collective interests."
"You need to be willing to sacrifice who you are for what you will become."
"The real heroes here, because, yeah, putting yourself at risk for others, that's like the ultimate thing you can do."
"True meaning is found in voluntary self-sacrifice."
"The greater the degree of your self-sacrifice, the greater the reward."
"Being resilient and being positive and sacrificing yourself for the rest of the world is noble and wonderful and makes the world a better place, and is also unfair to you."
"The ground of community is sacrifice. It's self-sacrifice."
"The loss of my plans... Who's looking forward to anything at this moment except resuming normalcy?"
"Gojo is willing to die for the greater good whilst also saving Megumi's life."
"I regret every time I've ever stood up for anyone; it always backfires. I regret every time I pushed back against something unjust; it always used to hurt me."
"Eventually, when Nappa fires a lethal energy blast at Gohan, Piccolo throws himself in front of Gohan and takes the impact."
"Anyone who put themselves so high above the...actual call of duty...and full self-sacrifice in order to save civilians is worthy not to bow beneath him. So instead, he bade them to rise, and then Vulcan bowed to them."
"Self-sacrifice is the circumcision required for power."
"The Salamanders have a huge emphasis on self-sacrifice and the importance of civilians."
"The god Odin symbolizes the archetype of those who undergo a solitary path of self-sacrifice and self-destruction to acquire deeper knowledge and achieve greater wisdom."
"In order to build true self-esteem, you need to sacrifice your self-image over and over again."
"Dr. Maxis and Sofia sacrifice themselves to save Monty's perfect world."
"The crucifixion as a symbol of all-conquering self-giving love is extraordinary."
"No greater love than this that a man lay down his life for his friends."
"German-born American businessman Isidor Straus, who co-owned the American department store Macy's, also refused to board a lifeboat, stating that he would not take up any space while women and children were still waiting to be rescued."
"She cares about her family more than anything else, and is willing to hide her own feelings of hurt and her own desires of wanting to shine bright because she doesn’t want to burden her family with them."
"Let us help the women who are caught in this. Let us help all the people who are oppressed by this, even if that involves our suffering to the point of death."
"When you surrender to Area X, your sense of self is annihilated."
"The child sacrifices his true self to this new god, the false self."
"I intended on dying in the collapsed secret underground area."
"Choosing team over self... the essence of teamwork, self-sacrifice."
"If I'm the bad guy in the process, okay, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take."
"We push our needs aside for others, but it can cost us our life."
"Putting your life on the line for perfect strangers."
"A man has no greater love than to lay down his life for his fellow man."
"He went in by himself, he was the offer and the offering."
"They want to protect you, sometimes from themselves."
"He was a freedom fighter enlisted by his own free will, left his home and his family, and came down here to a place where he ensured other men of color could live like he did, which was free."
"His body isn't a cross like position all of this showcases Xavier his conception of himself a messiah complex sacrificing himself for the benefit of others it."
"When you're prepared to die for another person, that's what defines you," he explained.
"Giu defends tanjira risking his life into unconsciousness."
"A man of courage that knew that putting his neck out for the benefit of humanity was more important than the sacrifices of his reputation."
"Deku was the perfect user for one for all as he's willing to put his own life on the line to protect others."
"Zoro is a man completely willing to give away his ambition, his dream, and his life for the sake of Luffy's dream."
"Happiness actually is in me offering all of my suffering up for other people."
"You were very self-sacrificing in this situation, but they think they got you right where they want you here, Taurus. But that's simply not the case."
"Kratos turns the blade on himself, releasing the power of hope to all of humanity."
"He's made of such tough stuff, taking off his own arm like that. It's just insane."
"I don't care about dying, I'll sacrifice myself just to get where I need to be."
"As a superhero, there comes a time when you may have to sacrifice your life to do the right thing."
"I'll stand in front of a tank. You can run over me."
"Self-sacrifice and self-acceptance, such a genuine moment."
"You remembered your friends... willing to sacrifice everything even yourself because of you and your sacrifices we're still here."
"The only way is to take up the cross, put that self to death, and put Christ on the throne of your life."
"A man to be truly a man must be unhesitatingly willing at all times to lay down his life for his fellow man. This theme is based on the twin concepts of love and duty and how they are related to the survival of the human race."
"Chernobyl shows three volunteers offered to dive into radioactive water to open the tank valves."
"For that, I'm willing to give up my life. If it can save you, then sacrificing my own life could have no greater meaning."
"She chose death for herself in order to protect the rest of us. To sacrifice so much."
"My life is not my own, I give it to you. Thank you for new life."
"That is the exact person that would give their life for somebody else, and in this case, it's Daniel."
"Lara refuses, however, stating that the safety of her friend is more important than the truth she seeks."
"The sea org members see themselves as the ones who are taking on the burden of simply having been the earliest ones, the first people on this planet to be unplugged."
"Tony sacrifices himself in order to kill Thanos and destroy his army."
"Of the 118 that perished, many of them reportedly did so after delivering their wives and children to lifeboats."
"If you really believe Gotham is better off without me," he offered, "I won't fight what's coming."
"There's no greater love on this earth than to lay down your life and put yourself out there for your friends."
"Active faith: Giving yourself for the good of the community."
"There is no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends."
"Yusei didn't even hesitate when it came to protecting the city and his friends so much so that he was willing to kill himself to ensure their survival."
"The only way to destroy Buu is to sacrifice himself."
"I did not do this to be safe. I did this to do what was right, and I'm not going to stop my work in the public interest just to benefit myself."
"She sacrificed herself so he could live... It moved me in a way that a game hasn't moved me since I was younger."
"You fight until you die and if you lose you're going to kill yourself."
"Even though he probably made the biggest sacrifice of all time he will still do whatever it takes to save anyone he possibly can."
"Whoever will give up his life... will find it."
"If you can't be nice to somebody, how can you lay your life down for them?"
"I chose this life... if I don't live to see another day, Gotham should at least have one of us. It needs Batman."
"There are a couple of reasons I hate but also love that Frodo finally gives into temptation here."
"Self-sacrifice always moves me... someone has to stand up to evil no matter the cost."
"As long as you can say yes or no to it, it's not sinful."
"Self-mummification was a rigorous and disciplined practice undertaken by certain Buddhist monks."
"I killed myself, I literally killed myself, I would rather die to myself than die to you."
"When you don't value yourself, it's completely okay to accept nothing and give everything."
"Self-sacrifice is considered to be the ultimate act of altruism, in fact."
"She had to like look death in the face and throw herself at it."
"I want to become Him, not through effort of human flesh, but through breaking of the flesh and dying to self."
"If you have to give up integral parts of yourself to appease a woman, you are no longer in your frame."
"No one takes my life from me. I lay it down of my own accord."
"Anything in me, Father, is a living sacrifice to you. Burn it away if you have to, build it up if you have to."
"So many people risk their own lives in order to save the lives of others. I just think that's so incredible."
"We're giving away a piece of our soul when they start manipulating, and... this is the pinnacle."
"Hayasi fires the arrow but March jumps in and takes the arrow for pirona."
"A true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others."
"Resolve yourself to die, do not aspire to exalt your psychological 'I,' resolve to psychologically die completely every day."
"Maybe almost martyring yourself on behalf of other people at times, but with this beautiful Jupiter energy involved, that's usually not going to be the case."
"I fell... or maybe I jumped. I'd do anything to stop the blight. I know that we can do it."
"Sacrificing yourself for the team... that's truly noble."
"Men need to be self-sacrificial, it's like altruism, die for the tribe, die for your wife, die for your kids, die to yourself."
"Manly resolution, heroic self-giving, divine reconciliation."
"The ultimate moral injunction is to sacrifice yourself in a manner that makes the future better."
"The Messiah is the person who takes the sins of the world unto himself... it means you have to view yourself as the perpetrator of archetypal evil."
"I think being there for the other person, even if it's at the expense of yourself sometimes, is loyalty."
"Love is an action, not a feeling. Self-sacrifice is the action that best displays true biblical love."
"You cannot burn yourself to keep others warm."
"Harry Potter being a Jesus figure of sorts with him sacrificing himself for the greater good."
"She doesn't care and is determined to stop the war, even if she has to sacrifice her own life."
"You will never become what you can be until you're poured out."
"She chose that for herself in order to protect the rest of us, to sacrifice so much."
"She'd rather be this hero helping people even if it's costing her her life."
"He's a symbol of hope and love and just self-sacrifice."
"You want so much to do what's right for everybody else and put yourself aside."
"Nobody took jesus's life from him he laid it down he said my not my will lord but yours that's a tough thing to say i pray for that truth no matter what the cost myself so we see here the right to defend yourself."
"People who stand for a principle when it entails actual self-sacrifice is what I respect most."
"The triumph of good over evil, sacrifice of self."
"What wins love is personality, and self-sacrifice means the sacrifice of personality."
"If somebody has to stop being all of who they are to be half of a couple, the price is too high."
"Even sacrificing his own image, Keanu protects his colleagues on set."
"Muhammad Ali was one who would sacrifice himself for the greater good."
"It is a far, far better thing that I do now than I have ever done. It is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."
"I sacrificed everything I knew to save our people."
"Zoro and Sanji try to sacrifice themselves for the sake of Luffy and each other."
"I pledge myself to your service, if my life or death may aid you, it is yours."
"She utterly sacrificed herself for him and that like ugh that was an intense scene."
"Protecting those he loved at the cost of his own reputation."
"Sacrificed his opulent and privileged life for a selfless position in protecting others." - Sammy "Zero" Zakiria
"I got a big heart, and if I didn't lead a group when I did, you know I would have lost it. I would have just lost myself."
"Love can be defined as sacrifice. No greater love than he who lays down his life for a friend."
"I would lay down my life for any one of you guys in a heartbeat."
"Feel congratulated over the sale you just made, the sale of giving yourself up and your money up in exchange for Jannah."
"The Burning Monk refers to a shocking and iconic act of self-immolation."
"There's no greater love than this, than he who lays down his life for a friend."
"That one thing that you're grabbing on so tightly and do not want to give up for the life of you is the one thing that you most need to give up."
"I'll be proud to sacrifice my life for my people."
"And perhaps the same is true for me. After living so long, to die in the act of saving others would not have been a terrible thing. Also true."
"Greater love has no man than this, that he laid down his life for his friend."
"I knew he wouldn't have wanted me to kill a man and become a murderer just to save his life."
"The willingness to forsake our own life and purpose is exactly what helps us find our life and purpose."
"You can't be my disciple unless you're willing to lay down your life."
"In going against orders and being willing to be vilified to save the ordinary people."
"Virtue is to poison oneself with the antidote." - Blitz
"A real actor destroys themselves for their art."
"He didn't just say I'm praying; he said I'm going to give something of myself so that God can use me to help answer the very thing I am praying for."
"Freddie sacrificed himself to save Gregory! Oh my gosh, that ending!"
"The greatest thing you can do is to lay down your life for your friends."
"Bakugo embracing his weaknesses helped him to consider the connections in his life."
"Bakugo knew that he was sacrificing himself, finally understanding what it meant to be a true hero."
"A lot of being royal is public service, that is self-sacrifice."
"Our lives, a living sacrifice, are an act of worship."
"Greater love is no one than this, that he lays down his life for his friends."
"Congratulations, Miles. My god, god of darkness, use me as an instrument for your work here on earth."
"No, I will make the ultimate sacrifice here. I will become the villain, I will become all this. I will take away my freedom, I will be the devil of all earth."
"I was prepared to give up my life that day because of who I thought I was."
"The nicest person I know would sacrifice herself for others."
"Paul says, 'For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I might win more.'"
"Jill is incredibly altruistic placing herself in the way of danger many times to save others."
"Virgo energy is very in service of others, sometimes to a fault."
"If you want to be successful, yeah, the sooner you can realize you've made a mistake and cut your losses, the better you will be in life, bro."
"Self-sacrifice for others is a Christian story... it's the key to reality."
"If you're going to follow Me, you got to take up your cross, crucify yourself, forsake all that you have, and follow Me."
"People pleasing pleases everybody except the pleaser and your maker."
"For most of us, we'd actually die for a stranger's child."
"He’s grown close to his crew to the point where he’s even willing to sacrifice his own dream for their sake."
"The most powerful thing you can do is live for Him, which means that you may have to die to self."
"He's not defined by his muscles but by who he was before he got those muscles."
"Yes, Jesus laid down his life to accomplish a high and holy purpose, he did not lay down his life to enable bad behavior to continue."
"Where are you diminishing the best of who you are to cover up for the worst of who someone else is?"
"I couldn't possibly ask you to put yourself In Harm's Way." - Picard
"Braving the danger, they ran up towards danger so that the rest of us can run away from it."
"The hero is not the sword, they are the person and the shield, the safety for what lies behind while they move forward."
"There is nothing greater than to lay down your own life your own time and your own effort for somebody else."
"Others should live—our motto echoed through my mind."
"A real hero is somebody that serves another, he puts himself aside and sacrifices his life to be in service of another person."
"The average gun owner would be willing to give his life to help anybody around him."
"He won't change the actions he believes or what he needs to do even when they threaten to kill him." - A decision made out of weakness, out of temptation to preserve his body instead of being affixed to his beliefs.
"Baymax sacrificing himself to ensure that Hero is happy and healthy."
"He was there at work Thursday morning when this thing broke out and he worked all morning to help evacuate the patients from the hospital risking his own life and limb."
"Love means that you can, you'll do anything for your family. Yes, you will die for your family."
"Too many men are kind of conditioned to continue to give no matter what other people do for them."
"Anakin Skywalker brought balance to the Force not by killing the Emperor, but by sacrificing himself."
"If you're a Green Lantern you can't like kill yourself because your ring will protect you okay so Jon Stewart orders his ring to go like 20 light years away and then come back."
"The true heroes are people who went into those buildings and never made it out." - John McLaughlin, Former Police Sergeant
"So yeah, I guess you could say I really am dying to save the world."
"Dying to self for a greater cause, for the other person."
"Darth Talon's loyalty to her master and total commitment to the mission have always outweighed self-preservation."
"Prometheus, not just a trickster, but a hero, putting his own well-being on the line for the survival of his creation."
"Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, boy. Oh damn, yeah, I remember watching this for the first time."
"Thank the blood banner! Some warriors cared not for their own personal safety and still worked themselves into a whirlwind of destruction."
"In an instant, the Lance Corporal realized what was happening and shouted 'Grenade!' to his colleagues before using his day sack to pin the grenade to the ground and put himself on top."
"We feel it is okay to put ourselves in harm's way all in the effort to protect black men."
"Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13
"Hector is more inclined to set the welfare of his people in his city above his own reputation and his own survival."
"Love according to the definition of love gives your life for the one you love."
"When we're codependent, we push our needs aside for the needs of other people."
"Big Boss puts his life on the line yet again to stop Gene."
"True Christian leadership is to lay down your life for the ones you serve."
"Considering the fact that I'm flat, I've given away in excess of 100% of my profits this month."
"Every day, present yourself as a living sacrifice."