
Inner Voice Quotes

There are 661 quotes

"The Untethered Soul: You're not the voice; you're the one who hears it."
"When you have that inclination, you have to follow it. You can't let that die; that's some truth in you speaking."
"The question is, are we listening to this inner voice? Are we allowing the knowledge and wisdom from the inner voice to be received so that we can express it?"
"Your inner voice is on your side, so it's important to develop and encourage this connection."
"Reflect back on your own personal experience, and you will find that when you are in flow, you have a deeper connection with your inner voice."
"Your inner voice is turning more into your biggest cheerleader and supporter rather than your harshest critic."
"You set the tone for your children; you become the inner voice."
"We all have a place of knowing inside of us that we don't often listen to, and if you can get quiet with yourself, you will hear the voice from that place of knowing."
"There's a voice of inspiration within me right now."
"Your inner voice is your most loyal companion; make it your best friend."
"We have externalized our attention so much that we've lost touch with our inner voice."
"Follow your own path. Listening to your inner voice, each one of us has our own path in life to follow."
"Use your intuition; your inner voice never tells anything other than the truth."
"Take a moment to take a few deep breaths, drop down into your body, and let your inner voice guide you."
"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice."
"Trust I accept that my inner voice will always guide me correctly."
"Listen to the voice in your head, not the voice outside."
"You don't need to listen to that mean voice within you. Extend compassion to yourself and be gentle with yourself."
"Stillness and silence is one of my favorite ways for you to actually build that relationship with hearing your inner voice."
"You are not the voice in your head, you are the one that recognizes the voice in your head."
"I didn't have it figured out for quite a long time, but if you keep showing up and experimenting and listening to that inner voice, there's a really good chance you're gonna find it."
"Sometimes the inner voice is encouraging, calling for you to run those final few yards. You're nearly there, keep going, keep going, keep going, it will all be okay in the end."
"When you shut out that outside noise and that outside comparison, you actually can hear your own voice."
"Listen to your intuition, that gift within you, that quiet inner voice."
"Everyone has an inner voice which guides each one of us to a certain destination."
"Tune into your inner voice. Be aware of any gut feelings, flashes, knowings, or aha moments that come through to guide you."
"Your intuition is your guardian angel speaking to you."
"You've got to listen to that still quiet voice inside of you."
"It's time to listen for the voice of inner wisdom."
"These voices are not good for you because they are not you."
"It's time... it's time to heal yourself girl you heard the voice inside and it's true and it's right you have good judgment."
"Your knowing, mysterious as it is, is your sacred soul sister talking through you."
"Your spirit guides want you to trust your inner voice, instincts, and intuition."
"It's earned, you know? You get that through years of me meditating, seeking, literally putting my own consciousness, my own development, my own truth, my own inner voice before anything else."
"Listen to your inner voice when making choices."
"Like a little voice in your head, helping you become a better version of yourself."
"What a liberation to realize that the voice in my head is not who I am."
"Remember that the most important voice to heed is your own; it's your inner knowing bolstered by discernment that will guide you forward."
"There's something within you that you are going to follow and you are going to trust them it will only lead you in a positive direction that you can trust that inner creative prompt."
"Follow your heart, follow your soul, the calling of your."
"When the noise of life becomes quiet enough, you could hear the still voice of the Lord."
"You know your gut feeling, you have to, and it will talk to you. It will."
"Do not listen to my advice, listen to the voice inside you and follow that." - Gloria Steinem
"Listen to your intuition, that quiet inner voice that we all have to guide us."
"Courage will find you when you least expect it, leading you to wander, explore, and follow the voice deep within."
"Separate yourself from the negative voice in your mind."
"Trust the seeking impulse above anything else."
"Your inner voice has more details about the dream in your heart."
"A personal conversation with your inner voice... what do you need to transmute now."
"Listen to your heart, it whispers sometimes, sometimes it roars, you know the difference."
"The key to progress lies in ready obedience to its true inner voice."
"Believe in what it's trying to tell you, that your heart's trying to tell you and it's about the greatness, the change, the possibilities, the opportunities."
"Reconnect with your inner voice and engage with your spiritual guides consciously."
"You have to listen to your inner gut knowingness."
"Trust that gut feeling, okay? That feeling, wherever it is, it could be in your solar plexus, it could be in your chest, it could be anywhere. Everybody's a little different, but everyone has an intuitive calling card."
"Trusting and feeling your intuition is how the universe speaks to us."
"When you are tuned into your intuition then utilizing discernment is essentially effortless because it just involves you staying connected with that intuitive voice within yourself."
"Listen to the call of your soul. It will never lead you astray."
"Happiness and success are measured by what your heart says at the end of the day."
"When you hear that voice in your head, you have to be like, 'Shut the [ __ ] up, I do!'"
"That voice in your head that tells you... you're not smart enough... it's sad because none of it's true."
"Make contact, reach out, honor your inner knowing."
"Listen to the Holy Spirit when you trust God."
"You gotta listen to that little voice in your head."
"Listen to your intuition; it's the voice of source inside of you."
"Nurture your internal world and listen to the voice of spirit."
"Purpose is genetically programmed and whispers to you every day."
"It brings awareness to it so that we can make a decision. Now, do you want to listen to this voice or not?"
"Most of the audible thoughts and visuals sound like our own thoughts."
"Listen to your own voice, that voice that comes from within you."
"You'll begin to activate your inner voice, speaking your truth."
"Success is listening to what your heart says."
"There's something inside of you that says 'you don't know.'"
"That psychological serotonin boost that women get when you just pay for the [ __ ] meal, that hasn't gone away, that's the same boost they got when you killed the mammoth and brought the meat back home."
"The scientific mentality is quite as dogmatic as the old devil snatchers of the Inquisition."
"That voice behind that inner truth is the one that can choose."
"That happy little voice in your head, the kind golem, that's what you should have listened to."
"Once you're guided by that, you'll be kept safe."
"Trust the inner voice, focus on what's important, and more importantly, say yes to the good stuff."
"We have this other us that we live with our entire lives, it's that other voice at night that either tells you you've done a good job or tells you that you're nothing."
"My God is that little voice in my head that says no I'm not going to inflict pain upon another human being because it's wrong."
"Your soul is calling you to make a change; follow the voice of your soul."
"There's a calling from within us, which could echo from around us through other voices too, but ultimately it's a calling from within."
"You're listening to your heart, you're very psychic at this time as well."
"Spiritual partners or deep connections are coming. Reflect and listen to your inner calling."
"Your inner guidance is real and trustworthy, maybe listen to it once in a while."
"Trust your intuition it will never ever lead you astray."
"Inner voice: Whispers in the exploration of our inner landscape, a pivotal sign of personal and spiritual growth is the often overlooked Whisper of our inner voice."
"Learning to be present and not react to the words of others as well as to be present with the little voice inside your head."
"Learn to listen to the small but mighty voice within. Give yourself permission to take a chance and go out there to dance with the unknown."
"Rebirth, a new phase, and an inner calling. If you've been ignoring an inner calling, it gets so loud this month you cannot ignore it any longer."
"Trust yourself, trust your inner knowledge, trust your intellect, and trust your vision."
"The voice of your soul is truly what's going to help you move beyond, facilitate the conversation that needs to be had, all of those things."
"Tuning into that inside voice, it speaks in very quiet whispers and nudges and tugs and twinges."
"That little voice in our head will nag at us with criticism and negativity and when you think about when that little voice speaks up the most, it's rarely to support or encourage us in our endeavors."
"To follow under all circumstances the highest promptings within you is to live the true life."
"You are only going to be able to do this and distinguish between the voice of your mind and the voice of your soul when you are going to go within and still your mind there is no other way."
"Listen to your intuition. It is always there to guide you."
"Discernment is the ability to distinguish between your ego's voice and the voice of the Divine."
"Listen to that little whisper inside you of enthusiasm."
"Deep inside your conscience, there's something that's speaking."
"The voice inside my head is very much this thing."
"During the journey of realization of that vision, we experience what we call intuition, the inner voice or hunches and inspirations that guide us from within to the destination."
"Take a moment of silence and listen to your inner voice."
"Trust yourself, okay? Trust your voice within."
"Listen to your intuition and trust your gut rather than trusting what the physical world is saying."
"Your inner voice is actually here right now."
"Your intuition is what keeps you protected, if you feel forced to do anything and it doesn't feel right, that's showing you that your soul is trying to let you know."
"Listen to your intuition; it's speaking to you and guiding you."
"Always trust that voice inside of you because that is your intuition."
"Notice the loving guidance you hear inside your mind."
"Stop talking to yourself, and the voice that replaces your own will be the voice of God's."
"And the voice said to me, 'This is still what you are. You can never not be this.'"
"Your intuition is trying to get through to you."
"I think they have to find their own voice. If they found their own inner voice... the moment we try to do somebody else's, we become a mediocre."
"I'm being loyal to myself, loving myself, listening to my heart and my soul."
"Trust those gentle whispers from within; they often carry valuable insights."
"Listen to your inner voice, release your ideas of the outcome you wish to see, and trust that you are aligned with the universe."
"Your intuition is a very strong voice, it's a very accurate voice, but it speaks very quietly."
"Listen to that quiet inner voice which is always available to you to help you in life."
"Trust your inner voice, it is your truth."
"I'm unable to do that, who's in control? The little voice inside of me."
"Listening to that inner voice, that voice of intuition, is the most important."
"Your intuition knows; she is always there to help you."
"It's your inner voice... it's the sun that's saying, always this is the way."
"That little voice inside you is real. Listen to it."
"Listen to your inner voice, using your intuition."
"The true growth has come in the unlearning and removing of what's in the way from listening to what wants to come through me."
"Back inside of you is saying, What is it back in here that's yearning for something else?"
"There's something in each and every one of you that waits and listens to the voice of the genuine in yourself."
"There's a little voice inside speaking to you, maybe making you feel uncomfortable. That's the voice of the Holy Spirit."
"If your inner being tells you we've had enough, you have every right to move on."
"The doubt we are feeling is a mere reflection of the inner self-doubt, the lack of self-trust within ourselves."
"Listen to this inner voice, even though in the beginning I thought, okay, I'm crazy."
"The voice in your head tells you to tear down your wall with a sledgehammer. You don't question it, just do it."
"Listening to my inner voice is everything."
"Your intuition is trying to talk to you at this time."
"...depression isn't you it's the person that's riding shotgun with you it's sitting next to you telling you you know what you don't want to get up you don't want to go anywhere just stay here with me it's safe here."
"So many of us have spent so much time with a very dysfunctional and hostile and even hateful inner voice governing a lot of our self-talk."
"They're proud of you for following your dreams, for following your sacred mission, for listening to that inner voice that has been encouraging you all along."
"Trusting your own inner voice, trusting your own inner guidance, your intuition."
"Listen to that still small voice inside you."
"Listen to The Voice Within when it persists."
"Listen to your inner voice, your intuition knows the answer."
"Intuition is a powerful part of us."
"Don't listen to the exterior narrative. The interior one is the one that counts the most."
"Trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice."
"That little voice in you that's like man I'm not supposed to be doing this I'm I'm I'm not supposed to be here this don't feel right that's conviction hold on to that."
"Listen to your heart, pay attention to your intuition. Do not quiet that inner voice — that is your guide."
"If you have difficulty connecting with your intuition and listening to what your inner voice has to say, this video is definitely for you."
"Your spirit will start speaking in you."
"Trust yourself because it's coming from within, it's true what people say that you need, it should come from within you."
"That's the voice in the head, and if anybody's saying what does he mean a voice in there, what's he talking about a voice in there, that's the voice I mean."
"Free yourself from the incessant search for approval and value your own inner voice above the external noise."
"When you take these chemicals, you experience an inner validity to your own intuitive voice, which feels to you as valid and powerful as anything you hear from external to yourself."
"Let me tell you about a voice, not this voice, but the one inside, the one that whispers."
"I have survived in this business with the help of a voice in my head."
"Do not let anyone tell you of any Jesus Christ outside of you. He speaks within you."
"Psychedelics give you an inner validity to your intuitive voice, which feels as valid and powerful as any external conditions."
"'Looking up from below the water surface, and yet deep within me, there was a faint voice.'"
"We must never let the noise of the world overpower or overwhelm that still small voice."
"Listen to your inner voice and trust it."
"That negative inner voice becomes a problem when it stops you sharing what's in your heart."
"Some people hear their own inner voices and they live what they hear. Such people become legend."
"The winner within is a voice. It's an attitude. It is something that you bring with you and you cultivate it."
"In place of a monster, and I know this will sound crazy, a voice began to speak inside my head."
"The voice in your head is your conscience."
"You're being called to allow that version of you to lead you."
"Listen to that inner voice of yours because I feel a lot of you might doubt that inner voice or there may be just a lot going on where it's hard to even hear that inner voice."
"Reconnecting with what it felt like when you were younger to listen to that voice of intuition"
"You have this feeling inside of you; you have to always listen to it."
"Listen to that inner voice, there's something strong that's happening here."
"Now nothing can stifle that voice of your heart and the way it speaks to you..."
"I believe in listening intuitively to yourself... I'm all about the inner voice."
"Silence the voice of condemnation and shame, and let the blood speak for you."
"When it's this quiet, we can really hear what our inner voice is trying to tell us."
"If you're willing to listen, to be guided by that still Small Voice that is the GPS within yourself, you will be more than okay. You will be happy, you will be successful, and you will make a difference in the world."
"No more words, hear only the voice within, through love all pain will turn to medicine."
"If we've ignored that voice for a long time, we have to get reacquainted with it first because how in the world can we hear an angel if we've ignored our own self?"
"The voice of evil is a voice that you hear in your head. It always lies."
"Follow your inner Moonlight, follow your intuition."
"Every voice in your head is of the devil. It's not God, it's not yours. It's the devil. He doesn't want you to hear the truth. He doesn't want you to be still so the truth can take over and guide you."
"That voice has been there since you were born and will be there until you die and you have to do the work."
"The peace of God is His voice in your life."
"And there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own."
"When you feel unrest, hope, or even trembling deep within your inner being, don't ignore or suppress this stirring."
"Recognizing the importance of letting our inner voice speak."
"This is your intuition speaking, a compass guiding you through life's uncertainties."
"Don't listen to your inner voice."
"Then, as if it was said by someone else, a voice in the back of his head said, 'You're going to die if you don't calm down.'"
"This is really about how important it is for all of us to heed that inner voice and leverage it to tap hidden reservoirs of potential that reside within us all."
"It's that little voice inside of you that's telling you that's a sign."
"Listen to that little voice, that intuition telling you something."
"At the end of the day, it's hard to ignore the voices because they're so loud, but it is what it is."
"Your inner voice lets you keep a nugget of verbal information active in your head."
"We also use our inner voice to simulate and plan."
"Your inner voice helps you storify your life."
"Chatter is the term I use to refer to the dark side of the inner voice."
"In order to live in harmony, there's something inside of you that says something. You should listen to that little voice inside of you."