
Fear Of Failure Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"The problem is not that the problems we face can't be solved. The problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from a new perspective."
"The greatest failure you should be scared to death of is just sitting around and squandering your time and achieving nothing."
"I find most people are so afraid of failing, they don't try to do the things that would be important enough to do."
"There is so much pain in talking yourself out of trying things."
"I'm afraid to mess up...there is no room for me to fail anymore, which sucks because failure leads to the ultimate growth."
"To be a failure in life is something that we all fear the most. Success brings you money, things, praise, and overall admiration, but what does failure bring? Failure brings shame, embarrassment, money troubles, and worst of all, you can become a laughingstock or the freak show of the internet."
"We also shouldn't let the fear of failure stop us from exploring, for taking risks on a great story."
"Perfectionism doesn't let you get started because then you want to achieve so much that the fear of failure becomes too high."
"Don't let your fear of failure deter you from pursuing your business."
"Stop being afraid to fail. You're already failing; that's the problem."
"Kylie's had acting ambitions for years and had private coaches and some high-profile teachers but has always held back because of her fear of failure."
"The advice I would say is to follow your passion, do it early, and don't be afraid of falling on your face."
"You have to lose your fear of failure. Failure is a part of the process."
"Failure increases loyalty... When we share failure, sometimes, in fact, often, it makes us commit even more to our standpoint out of fear of social embarrassment."
"They're just always gonna contemplate on it like, 'I don't know.' They're so afraid of failing in this relationship."
"I think overcoming a fear of failure is a really critical step in life."
"If you aren't scared enough of failing, you're unlikely to succeed."
"The biggest moment of my career. Absolutely is his goal and that moment in the Champions League finals."
"The fear of failure driving you on, being on the edge of it."
"The only thing I can do to fail is to give up."
"They're afraid to not be amazing but they're also afraid to try."
"Bold believers aren't afraid of criticisms or demons; they fear grieving the Holy Spirit."
"My worst fear is to let you guys down and not make a difference."
"There will be no progress if you fear failure." - Shotaro Kamiya
"Don't be afraid to fail... if you're not afraid to fail, you can give it a good honest go."
"If you're afraid to make a mistake or afraid to fail, you're already handicapped."
"I'd be more afraid to go home crying to face my parents than I would to take the beating."
"Make your love for learning greater than your fear for failure."
"If you have something on your heart, if there's something that keeps showing up that you think, 'I'd really like to do that but,' what if they laugh? What if I fail?"
"Don't be afraid to fail would be my answer. Don't be afraid if things go wrong."
"I think it's fear of failure. I think this was all driven by fear."
"Your fear of failure is what's going to hold you back."
"Children are not afraid of failure... as adults, we seem to have this belief that failure leads to so many dire consequences."
"If you don't try, then you can't fail, right?"
"It's either make changes now or I fail I don't want to fail."
"Your journey begins whenever you want it to start and that's why it's so important to just go out there start experimenting and don't be afraid to fail."
"Young writers are so afraid to tell their story because they're afraid that isn't gonna work well, that's the point of talking."
"If you're afraid to fail, if you're afraid to make mistakes, don't start your own business."
"This is my biggest fear, failing spectacularly in front of the world."
"We shouldn't fear failure too much; what we should fear is staying down."
"Failures are what keep people from trying. If you see someone and think about this, if someone is thinking about trying and all they see is 'wow, this got pulled, this wasn't worth it, this is bad', they're not going to try themselves."
"If you're too scared to fail that it's stopping you from even trying you're not gonna make it."
"What they fear most about defeats generally is the embarrassment of it."
"You should never go and take no for an answer and you should never really be afraid to fail." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
"You need a little bit of a fear factor to think if I don't find my best you know I could lose."
"My fear of being broke is what drove me, okay my fear of losing drove me, my fear of not being accepted drove me, that's what made me who I was."
"You gotta step out here and take a gamble so I think that's the biggest thing ross because a lot of people are afraid of failure and I think if you're afraid of failure you're never going to succeed."
"You just can't be afraid of failure. You want to take that shot because you believe in yourself and you'll live with the results."
"The fear of losing is that unless I take care of my business no one's gonna want to interview me anyway."
"People kind of don't have the gut feeling that I can go try this... they don't have the impulse to be like, 'Oh let me go ahead and try doing this and make mistakes and mess up and learn.'"
"Fear of failure is a poor reason not to try."
"Don't be afraid to fail. If you don't like something that you're doing or you're unhappy with it, don't just begrudgingly accept it." - David Jackson
"Just go for it don't be scared and just don't be afraid of failing."
"Always try always put your your best foot forward it's something right and don't be afraid to fail at it."
"Do not be afraid of failure. Everybody fails."
"Getting the ball rolling with creating can be really intimidating, especially whenever there's fear of failure or we're feeling art block."
"The fear of failure kills more dreams than failure itself."
"Take the risk, even if it means leaving your comfort zone."
"Don't be afraid to fail, it's part of the journey."
"Be afraid of what your life would be like if you don't pursue your dreams."
"I'm scared to death because I've set the bar so high."
"If you knew that failing wasn't an option, what would you do?"
"Keep that mindset you're young you're lucky you're privileged and you're afraid to fail use it brother use it that's good wait that's perfect thank you appreciate you bro."
"They're afraid of endings, they're afraid of being stabbed in the back or totally heartbroken if things don't work out."
"I don't fear losing. I don't fear losing, underachieving, yes, but not losing."
"They do want to try again, but they're afraid it's going to fail again."
"My greatest fear is that when men accept that, they'll give up."
"Many people around you will only discourage you. Sometimes people like this don't necessarily hate you; perhaps they just fear to see you fail."
"Perseverance and not fearing failure is a huge component of success."
"Most people allow their fear of failure to outweigh their desire to succeed."
"Just go for it. If you fail, you fail. But you're not going to fail."
"Do not be afraid of making mistakes or of temporary failures."
"When you're the best and you start losing, you either use it as motivation or you get scared."
"Believe in yourself. Don't be afraid to fail, but have your eyes wide open."
"I'd rather fail due to taking the wrong action than due to inaction."
"There's no security in life, only opportunity. The only way you can guarantee failure is to be so afraid of failing that you don't try anything at all."
"The reason people always end up running away is because of fear of failure, but what if they were able to see the probability of success in everything they do? Then they would take more risks to make drastic changes in their lives."
"There's no sear whatsoever, but at the same time, I'm afraid of this bag."
"We often fear failing so much that we won't go somewhere, we won't take that emotional risk."
"Feeling an imposter is just another way to sacrifice yourself to protect yourself from the fear of failure."
"Having that goal was massive... the thought of failing just drives you."
"The motivation of not letting everyone down is the biggest thing."
"Every single victory is so stressful... I can't die a single time."
"Some people can't enjoy failing because it's confusing and uncomfortable."
"More often than not, the problem is not that the problems we face can be solved. The problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from a new perspective."
"Remember, don't be afraid to fail in any of these areas. You won't get better if you don't start trying new things."
"Do not be afraid to modify, be afraid of quitting."
"Do not be afraid of failure, we are learners."
"I've been doing music for 11 years and to not accomplish what I want to accomplish in life, that scares me."
"Fear of failure is a significant mental barrier that can hinder your path to financial success. This fear often leads to a risk-averse mindset causing you to avoid opportunities that involve any degree of uncertainty or risk."
"Failure is so deeply, I can't fail at this because this is all I have."
"That's the number one barrier, fear of failure."
"If I'm the reason it falls apart, I'm gonna crawl into a hole and die."
"I think that fear of failing is so grand in people that they just don't do anything."
"If you're never allowed to make mistakes, you become more concerned with being right than with learning."
"Most people are just too damn scared to go for anything."
"Fear of failure, what is failure, what is success, it's what we make it."
"Not being afraid of failing, but being afraid of not trying."
"You will never get ahead if you don't overcome the fear of failure."
"Refurbish your thoughts, but don't fear failure or judgment."
"Don't feel like you're going to be a failure or a quitter just because you leave your job."
"Regret is almost worse than trying and failing; not trying at all and not knowing if you could have done it, that's what haunts you."
"We've been raised to fear failure and making mistakes."
"The greatest error is not to move. The greatest error is to be paralyzed by the fear of failure."
"When things start to go well, you start to worry what could go wrong."
"Failure is not going. Failure is the plan never falling apart because you were too scared to make one."
"My biggest fears... just taking on new projects... you don't really know how they're gonna go."
"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we often might win by fearing to attempt."
"There's nothing I want to do about it because if I do something about it I may mess it up."
"He was worried he was gonna miss and cut off his head or something with the axe what a brutal way to go man that's awful."
"The only real failure... is the failure to try."
"Fear of failure can drive us towards the route of improvement."
"The more you like yourself, the less you fear failure."
"The fear of failure is one of our biggest fears."
"If you're afraid of failure, you don't deserve success."
"Messing up shouldn't be something that we're so afraid of."
"Visualize your defeat and be motivated by the terror of failure."
"Am I rejecting opportunities because I'm afraid of getting hurt?"
"I think self-limiting beliefs have got to be really common. I think a lot of us have chosen safe paths because the fear of failure especially publicly is really daunting."
"Follow what makes your heart happy. Don't be afraid to fail."
"You can't be afraid to fail if you want to move forward."
"What's the worst that can happen? You could fail. Well, I'm willing to take the risk."
"Larry Bird has always been afraid of failing."
"Fear of failure is the reason why people do not succeed and do not get out of their comfort zones."
"So many people there's so much room for error if I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail in front of like 250 people."
"I was going through a wave of anxiety, and it's so weird how you're scared of failing, and your fear of failure is supposed to motivate you to go, but that's not actually how it works. It's almost like your fear of failure is stifling you."
"I'm still deathly afraid of failing my readers and of them being disappointed in me."
"I was so scared of failing I wouldn't even try. If I never try, I never succeed."
"I love competing. I love going out there and harnessing the fear of failure."
"I don't want to disappoint, I don't want to look like, 'Ah, here she go again with another bad idea.'"
"Most people's egos are so inflated and so fragile that they won't allow people to see them be bad at something."
"Do you ever feel like you're holding yourself back from something great and you want to take a risk, but you're also kind of like scared to fail? Um, that's me."
"People aren't afraid to fail; they're afraid to fail in a new way."
"I'm scared of failure, that and disappointing myself, but other than that, like, if I just keep my head down, I'll make it."
"The fear of failure was hindering my boys from really walking in their purpose."
"You hate failing and making mistakes. You try to avoid them at all costs."
"Every day is day one kind of thing. Like I still wake up every day and think this is day one again. Like I don't think that um, that fear of failure ever leaves."
"Roland's drive and determination sprang from a fear of failure."
"Was I scared of dying? Not necessarily, I was scared to do in my job poorly, right? I was afraid of letting my people down, um."
"I'm not afraid to lose and I'm not afraid to fail. I'm more afraid not to try."
"Recognize that it's a game, don't be afraid of failing."
"I think most people will never do what they want to do out of fear of failure."
"I am motivated by fear. I'm afraid to fail."
"Our greatest fear should not be failing, but succeeding at things that don't really matter."
"We want to be able to get out of our heads and live in our hearts to be free to learn, to grow, to not be afraid of failure."
"I don't want to make any more mistakes. I don't want to fail."
"We have this fear of failure, and that's what drives us to try to make them as good as we can make them."
"Don't be scared of failure. Take the leap of faith."
"I'm very invested right now so I don't want to fail."
"Driving self to achieve goals as if self-worth depended on it, terrified of failure."
"If you're afraid to fail, you'll never try."
"Do not be afraid to fail because that oftentimes is the thing that keeps us as women and girls back."
"There's something inside of me that worries about failing so much that I can't switch off from it."
"You have to have a fear... sometimes it's the fear of failure, of not wanting to fail, that makes people as great as they are."
"That ideal has got us where we are as a culture because we have a whole bunch of people that are terrified to fail."
"I'm really, really nervous. I'm scared that I'm gonna mess up and like do something wrong and like trip or like fall."
"I don't want to be wrong forever."
"Are you more afraid of failure, or are you more afraid of success?"
"I'm almost scared that I'm gonna let her down."
"I'm afraid of not accomplishing what I want to."
"Most people don't achieve their dreams because they don't want to fail."
"The fear of failure is worse than the thing itself."
"But my fear of failure never approached in magnitude to my fear of 'What if? What if I never tried at all?'"
"I fear the losses I guess more than I enjoy the wins but just having these guys understand the importance of hard work and setting goals."
"I just don't want to fail, she whispered."
"Most people are not willing to fail; they're not really aware of what it's like to be at the bottom."
"You can't be afraid of failure, otherwise you'll just be so immobilized to take any action and to prepare."
"I've always been the kind of person who is very interested in many different things and areas and activities but who at the same time kind of feels paralyzed by the fear of starting something new and being bad at it."
"The fear of failure, we're all familiar with it, but for some reason, Madison, he just never had that."
"Sometimes people procrastinate not because you're lazy, but because you're so scared to fail."
"A fear of failure is failure itself."
"I was so afraid to take a step in either direction because I didn't want to let down my team."
"I'm not scared of the altitude up in the clouds, I'm scared of the fall so I don't look down."
"The biggest fear for me was the failure component of it."
"This fear of failure affects all of us and the key to defeating it is to spot these warning thoughts."
"I have to win tomorrow; it would be humiliating to put in all this work and still lose."
"I think when you're afraid of failure, you're actually holding yourself back by a million percent."
"There are times when the thought of failing bothers me, but I know in my heart this is my calling."
"Fair would I climb, yet I fear to fall; If thy heart fail thee, climb not at all."
"What makes perfectionism so toxic is that while those in its grip desire success, they are most focused on avoiding failure."
"I really don't know what to do, like I'm afraid of failing."
"People are afraid to suck, it holds them back from ever just going to do anything."
"We have raised a generation of kids that are afraid of failing."
"Have you given yourself permission to succeed, or are you so intimidated by the fear of failure that you don't try?"
"If you're afraid to fail, you're probably going to fail."
"The people who don't make it through that process are the ones who typically are fearing the next event, they're always fearing failure."
"If you're scared to lose, you got to be willing to lose, failure's the key to success."
"The reason there has been such little progress in education is because of this fundamental fear of failure that people like us have."
"The beauty of a live performance is that there's an exhilaration that comes from success, but it also comes with a certain level of fear of failure because you only have one chance."
"So many people don't attempt it because they're so afraid of failure before they even attempt certain things."
"I haven't said no because I was afraid I would fail."
"Not to be scared to fail, man, but it matters and like everything is consequential."
"Everybody is afraid to fail, but what exactly are you afraid of when you fail?"
"The fear of failure can be a very powerful thing in the world of sport."
"I think a lot of people don't achieve even a small fraction of what they're capable of because they're afraid to fail."
"I was afraid to fail... I just kept every day working hard at it."
"Some people might not like that, but a sure failure is if you stop trying."
"We're all driven towards success, but one of the things that holds us back most is that fear of failure."
"Fear of failure... it's not necessarily that I fear that I'm going to fail because we fail all the time."
"You have to let go of the perfectionism, you have to let go of the expectation, you have to let go of the fear of failure, you have to let go of the insecurity."