
Impulse Buying Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"Using something called the 24-hour rule just says that before you make one of these impulse decisions, breathe and tell yourself you're going to wait 24 hours before you make that purchasing decision."
"By just taking a breath and slowing down that impulse buying, I was able to dodge a lot of potential buyer's remorse items and prevented myself from buying things that I didn't truly need."
"Oh, it's so cute right? I couldn't help myself."
"Instagram ads are really good. I've bought so much crap."
"I'm pretty responsible with my money aside from buying random things on Instagram ads."
"I have this thing where I impulsively buy things at the thrift store because I hate the feeling of regretting and not getting something that I found."
"Oh my god, that looks so sick though. Oh, I'm buying it!"
"So rather than going out and buying the next shiny new rare interesting looking plant that catches my eye."
"If I saw that, I would buy it, like, right away."
"Wait 24 hours before buying something... just waiting a day to reflect..."
"It's shocking the amount of purchases that it will stop you from making."
"We tend to use these pretty often, Mike. We came for one thing, like I said, you never come for one thing, you leave with everything."
"This quarantine was crazy, man. Think about all the purchases you made on late-night pizza deliveries, all sorts of weird food, your online trainer. All right, there's one of your biggest purchases of the year."
"Impulse buys are necessary. People either going to buy your product out of impulse or because they need it in their life."
"How about an impulse purchase? Yay, retail therapy!"
"Saying I need a pair of shoes pair of shorts and maybe a candy dress six hundred dollars later I'm ashamed but I'm also very proud."
"Please stop running out and buying [__] as soon as it drops."
"Buying impulsively and not researching thoroughly... take some time, think about it, and whether or not it's the right decision for you."
"That's a little ghost chair we're buying this I don't care do we have money I'm buying it I want this guy's chair more than life itself."
"They were so cheap I had to, they were amazing."
"I walked into the dealership and saw this Hurricane Evo Spider, and I was itching to spend about a quarter of a million pounds."
"Sales often tempt us into buying things we really do not need."
"Slow down your impulse buying by using wish lists."
"The sad reality is a lot of people's first thing is to buy something they always wanted."
"You buy with your eyes, you know when I think if you see this thing in a store like damn look at it I gotta have it."
"Green iguanas are like one of the worst reptiles you could possibly impulse-buy."
"If anyone is going to impulse buy a pet, it's 9 times out of 10 they're gonna go to Petco or PetSmart or something."
"Stop you from impulse purchasing and buying huge hauls of stuff at once."
"This little guy is so cute! I may have bought it just because it was small and cute."
"Do you ever have those moments where you see something and you feel like it might be kind of like an impulse buy?"
"I think for a lot of people, this is an instant purchase."
"I tried to buy a $20,000 dress because I couldn't convert, so I was kind of dumb."
"Make all your purchases while drunk for a fun surprise."
"I know I said I wouldn't buy any more animals but man I couldn't pass up the software these rattlesnakes that I just got or so unique and so hard to get that I couldn't pass up the offer."
"We built the greatest political movement in the history of our country."
"I'm about to spend a ton of money I don't have. No look at this one, the freaking switches colors and lights up!"
"I can't shake the urge to unbox cute little figurines no matter how much I don't need them."
"Retail stores are designed to get us to impulse buy."
"It becomes super easy to click buy now online. Walk away for a minute, you'll be there when you think it over a little."
"You find yourself going to Amazon and thinking, 'I do need that, if you're me, at least.'"
"Nolan said that it's a strange thing to talk about a kind of impulse buying I suppose but we kind of did and it worked very well."
"I once got so drunk I whipped out my laptop, thought what the hell, and ordered myself a Latin phrase book."
"The problem with looking around Micro Center is we always end up leaving with more than we went there sponsored to get costing us money."
"I want to buy all the things right now."
"It always seems like I end up purchasing things at the auction that I didn't even really look at hardly at all prior."
"Go to the grocery store on a full stomach so you don't buy things that your hangry self might want."
"I wasn't gonna buy things I don't need but I have literally looked at these like every time I've come here and now they're on sale."
"...and inevitably I would leave with a lot more than I had intended to buy but it was such a fun experience..."
"Nothing changed. We both like the impulse buy. I like it, I want it."
"My fear is that things are going to sell out so I won't have a chance to buy it later on so I just buy now. I need to stop that, that mindset is not okay."
"I would have snatched these off a shelf in a shop had I have seen them."
"I've got to stop buying mystery things. It's becoming a problem."
"I just bought a hundred thousand dollar motorcycle. Let's get out of here before I have to buy something else."
"Do not go to the store hungry. You will catch yourself buying stuff you wouldn't normally buy."
"...now the whole country indeed the whole world seems suddenly to be caught up in a mad candy buying spree."
"Knowing what's going to be available on board can help you avoid impulse buys."
"A lot of us go into this challenge because we want to get a better sense of control over impulse buying or just shopping less and using our stuff more."
"Impulse buy at a fit of rage but over the years I'm really happy that I have it I use it all the time and uh no regrets."
"It's pretty easy just to click the add to cart button and I guess I kind of got out of control here."
"Retailers use limited edition, that scarcity element, to really trigger shopping addicts and people with impulsive shopping tendencies."
"As a recovering emotional hoarder, I can say with 100 percent certainty that the number one thing that makes me impulse buy is nostalgia."
"Every time I go into CVS, I just feel such a strong desire to buy nail polish even though I have like 20 nail polishes already."
"I never would have bought this necklace unless I saw it on a mannequin."
"Some days buying just feels right and today is one of those."
"Sometimes you just gotta buy it even if you don't know what it means or how you're going to use it."
"This is like that impulse buy at the checkout lane."
"I mistakenly ordered something... oh no, and it's this! Oh, it's a Steam Deck, wow! Oh heck yeah, I did. I did go ahead and get the Steam Deck OLED. Oh boy, it was almost an accident, but I said, whatever, let's do it!"
"Never go grocery shopping hungry. You will buy the whole store."
"Don't waste your time. If you see a book you want, buy it."
"I wish they hadn't in this case you know it's just it's actually very extremely pretty very extremely pretty I'm just like oh I shouldn't have bought that because I can't use it."
"Me just like that, I'm buying things that's not on my list."
"Those impulse buys can kill the grocery budget."
"Don't buy it and just walk away for like a week. Take a picture of it with your phone. Okay, walk away. Do not purchase it. Walk away. Go home. Wait one week."
"I need to stop buying things on Amazon I'm trying so hard to save my money like I'm not buying blank Street matches I'm not doing any of that [ __ ] that just drains your bank account but God forbid go on Amazon at like 1:00 in the morning cuz oh my God I just want everything."
"I've been trying to stop impulse buying as much... I need to be more responsible when it comes to my spending habits."
"You seem to buy things that either have personal importance or strike you in the moment right."
"...and sometimes even if you've been reselling for over 20 years like I have, you buy things that you know you shouldn't buy when you buy them but you still buy them."
"I thought, oh yeah, I need that. So I bought it."
"We have so much more money and we have so much more things to look at, like this. Things that I didn't know that I needed from Amazon but TikTok made me buy."
"Sometimes I just feel like I have to buy something, you know? The sales associates are working on commission, they're trying to make a sale."
"A lot of the things I buy that I never wear, I really, really, really like at first. It's like obsessed with that, I'm like, 'I must.'"
"no matter where I am if I walk into a store and I see one of these on the Shelf I'm buying"
"...the opportunity came to buy the cheapest view at Grand National in the USA selling at Barrett Jackson in Palm Beach a few weeks ago I couldn't help myself."
"Even after slow-rolling my research and waiting 10 months before I actually went to purchase the crossbody bag, I was still caught off guard after I brought it home."
"I may have gone a little bit overboard but you know when you walk in the bass pro shops planning to spend out 70 dollars or so sometimes you pick up a couple extra things and before you know it you're up to 500 anyways that's the way the cookie crumbles."
"I can't stop buying pajamas from Target, somebody stop me."
"He sees it, he wants it, he buys it."
"It's so cute, I just had to get it."
"Walking into a dealership is like my Achilles' heel because I'm like, 'Yeah, where do I sign? You want my money? Take my money.'"
"I just walk into guitar shops man and it's just like if I find one that I love I will buy it."
"Let's just open it up right away because usually I have zero self-control when it comes to Dior."
"I swear to God I did not know that someone posted it. I think someone showed it to me, I'm like, 'Yo, that has a Blu-ray,' and then um, I think he showed it to me on like Amazon link and I straight bought it. I love this movie, dude, I do."
"But so many times I'll put something in my bag online and then I go back like a day later I'm like why the did I want that yesterday."
"But because I have no sense of self-control I bought a snake a few days ago I named The Snake Luna no and I'm gonna go to the pet store right now pick up a dead rat or Mouse and I'm gonna attempt to feed Luna and we're gonna see what happens we don't know yet."
"One impulse buy and all of your savings has gone out the window."
"If you see something you want and you can afford it, buy it now."
"I'm not going into that gas station because I know if I walk into that gas station I'm walking out with flaming hot Cheetos and gummy worms."
"The moral of the story is if you see something and you absolutely love it you should buy it."
"This book I bought because I thought it sounded like The Parent Trap, is that a good reason to buy a book? I'm unsure, I'm thinking no but yet here we are living breathing proof that you can do it even though it's not a good idea."
"...those of us that are for fun probably like to think that we need what we buy but did we actually need that ridiculously sequined jacket or a shirt with a cat shooting lasers out of its eyes probably not."
"Do I need to get these? Probably not, but they're cool."
"I got Crystal around Halloween time because I saw someone driving and in their passenger seat they had a skeleton, and it brought me so much joy and made me laugh so hard that I immediately went to my Amazon app in my telephone, and I needed a heating pad."
"Wow, how much is this? I want this, I'm going to find the price tag on that. Seriously, I'm gonna buy that if it's not too much."
"Just because something's on sale does not mean I need it."
"So, one day I was walking in Walmart, stumbled upon the 'Rise of Destiny' pack, and decided to buy it."
"I just bought my first indoor fire pit now when I first saw this on the Tik Tok shop I was like wow that is a cool idea I have to get one."
"Impulse buying, we've all done it. Okay, 2AM, I should be sleeping. What am I doing? I'm buying perfumes."
"I don't even remember what this looked like on the girl but I definitely bought it."
"Look at us, we're at the snack section. Even though we said we're not going to get any snacks."
"When your kid is this age, you either buy what they point at on the TV or you just go 10 minutes before and go, 'Ah, [__], and you run to Target and you just buy what's there.'"
"I ordered something on Fox News yesterday or two days ago. I was watching it and I had a few tequilas and I ordered 'The Children's Guide to President Trump's Presidency'."
"I swore I would never buy a new car, but it got me. It got me."
"Exactly, exactly. Buy something you probably don't need."
"I can't wait until like, I don't know, think about retail therapy shopping sometimes, you're not gonna take the time that it takes to find something worth purchasing, it's just gonna be like an impulse."
"Why don't I just buy it? It can't be that much."
"I've got the Copart app right here on my phone. I could buy it right now and I could take it home today."
"I just kind of buy the ticket and think about it later."
"I bought this on Mercari and I'm going to be very honest I found this on Mercari and I didn't know where this came from, I just know I saw cute and almost impulse bought it."
"They're literally like, 'Hey, what do we do? Like, what are we going to do about this? Because people are eating less and because they're less impulsive, the foods that are going to get hurt the most are these impulsive foods that we reach for like snack foods.'"
"I picked up a car absolutely impulse buy popped up on Facebook Marketplace and it was one of those things that I knew if I didn't grab it in minutes it would be gone."
"Don't buy on impulse... it is very unwise to buy an animal that you don't have the proper equipment [or] knowledge to care for."
"Thank you, impulse purchases; I'm going to use this cup forever."
"Americans spent $71 billion in the past 12 months on social media impulse buys."
"The last time I bought a 2-cent stamp at a drugstore, I came home with a hot-water bottle, a toy submarine, three rolls of film, a rental detective story, and a couple of badminton rackets."
"You only need toilet paper and some oranges, but somehow you leave the store with four bags of groceries."
"When there's a sale, people tend to get impulsive and end up buying things they won't actually wear."
"I did it again, I blacked out on Amazon."
"Order your groceries online to avoid buying unnecessary items."
"Don't plan your groceries hungry; it's going to save you lots of money."
"Stop online impulse buys. There's a million ways to learn how to stop that habit."
"We walked in here for some spicy chips, and this is what we're walking out with so far."
"Sales and discounts can account for a lot of spending that we really don't need to be doing."
"Think twice before you click and buy."
"If you like it, close your eyes, sign the contract, buy it."
"Keep that in mind before you go crazy on Amazon or wherever else."
"You know when you go to the grocery store for beer, and chips are on sale, and the next thing you know, you have a cart full of chips? Just call me Pringles."
"We're buying a TV, screw it. I don't know what it does, I don't know what we'll use it for, we're buying a TV. We deserve to have nice things."
"Bookstores are so dangerous. I made so many purchases that I did not plan on making."
"Never drink and online shop, trust me, you'll end up with a motion detection toilet bowl nightlight you bought based off a BuzzFeed article."
"I end up buying so many more things at Costco when there's a free sample. I'm like, 'Mmm, that was delicious. It works. I'm gonna buy a box of 80 of them.'"
"You are going to purchase things that you've loved in the moment and then you're like, 'Oh dang, don't really love it that much.'"
"You can quickly see exactly how much you have to spend, especially when you're going out for those impulse purchases or impulse gatherings."
"Avoid impulse purchases. We don't want to make decisions on an impulse because we are more likely to regret those decisions later on."
"Yo, I really actually have no reason to get this, but now I have a yo, this is a business expense now, let's get it."
"Sometimes I'll buy a pop just because I think they look cool."
"If you're going to a place like this and you're not even so much a die-hard collectible guy... you could spend a lot of money really quick."
"I went to buy salads and veggies and came out with ice cream and two boxes of donuts."
"Going to the grocery store on an empty stomach is literally asking for problems."
"It worked like magic, I was like oh my gosh I want to buy this right now."
"Do you guys ever get so excited that you buy something in like three seconds?"
"I see it, I like it, I bought it."
"I love Costco so much, thank you for feeding me while I'm shopping and decreasing my tendency for impulse purchases."