
Spontaneity Quotes

There are 9521 quotes

"Sometimes going off plan is the most beautiful thing."
"We like leaving it open [plans] like that so we can make last-minute decisions. It's more fun; it's freedom."
"The less you think, the more you are spontaneous."
"I like players that are maybe they do more mistakes but they are much more spontaneous rather than players that prepare everything."
"Love is supposed to be spontaneous; it's not supposed to be predictable or mundane."
"The nice thing about it though is that if you do it once in your life, then forever you're going to have that ability to be humorous and spontaneous."
"Your authentic self is just who you are spontaneously when codependency isn't cutting you off from that."
"It is only when you give up forcing or controlling anything that you begin to get the kind of control you always wanted, but never knew existed."
"This effortless psychological experience means 'not forcing' or 'allowing,' a state of 'intelligent spontaneity.'"
"The amount of times I've gone and done something I never would have myself... and then it turns out that it's these moments that we still talk about and remember fondly."
"So freaking cool man, so freaking cool to think that we were sleeping in a parking lot an hour ago and now we're catching fish."
"Getting ready for absolutely no reason and to go absolutely nowhere."
"Life is too short and sometimes you just gotta go for it."
"Remember how fun it was when we couldn't find a driver, and we had to ride bikes at like 2 in the morning?"
"In person for sure because it's more of a natural kind of thing. It's spontaneous."
"All I want to do is have some fun before I die," says the man next to me out of nowhere.
"Sometimes, you need a little bit of craziness in your life."
"Spontaneous violence... is virtuous. Follow your heart; don't think over much."
"A lot of my life decisions have been very spontaneous decisions that just kind of randomly happen, unplanned, and they're some of the best decisions that I ever made in my life."
"It's those fun moments though that I think is what makes this so special. You could just feel that that wasn't something that you had rehearsed."
"I'm about to twerk, dude. I was so excited for this."
"I'm the host, of course I'm going to ad-lib even though I have a teleprompter, a cue card, and a 97-page script."
"Live life, and I promise you, it'll just happen the way it's supposed to happen."
"I had a mad spontaneous feeling to go to the Brazil carnival, and I went."
"I lost control but in the most wonderful way. I just put my arms out and danced. My body just moved...spontaneous joyful movements. No arguing, no resisting, no holding back. I just let go. This is the ecstasy of surrender."
"She just had this spontaneous outlook on life, was willing to take chances."
"It's more of a feeling thing, like a vibe. You can't force it."
"Just enjoy the bloody helicopter ride around Manhattan, you idiot."
"I just like to flow, just see what comes through."
"You are a miracle. This life is a fucking spontaneous wonderland, not bound by the prison of cause-and-effect."
"Well, today's gonna be mighty interesting because I just feel like letting God flow."
"Let's do crazy [__] because we can, not do little things because we have to."
"The best moments are the ones we didn't plan for."
"One of the greatest things is we are live, so I can't mess up. We're just going to have some fun."
"I thrive on spontaneity and not knowing the future but being excited about it."
"Travel with spontaneity, not exactly knowing what my travels have in store."
"You can't just say 'I'm never going to plan anything anymore,' just take life as it comes."
"If you can't trust yourself to think on your feet in a long-form conversation, you've got no business being in the White House."
"You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need balls."
"I was feeling like streaming, you know. Got out of bed, had no other plans, and I was like, 'Why don't I just stream again?'"
"You want to be authentic... acting, speaking, thinking, and behaving authentically spontaneously in an uninhibited fashion."
"I flipped a coin, heads I go to Twitch, tails I go to YouTube... And it landed on Twitch, and I was like, 'I'm going Twitch.'"
"The best way to celebrate life is to just live. Make mistakes, get messy, do things right, do things wrong."
"Life showed up pretty quickly on Earth... nature found it easy to make life."
"I like to be in the moment. I like it to be honest, so I hate when it's scripted."
"You are an incredibly creative person...people see how spontaneous you are."
"Life is just let it stumble into you. You don't need to go looking for it so hard."
"The unplan of it though is like making it the most beautiful thing ever."
"Listen to your logical self, your spontaneous self."
"Just hold the camera and see what happens, because you don't get the witty stuff that just comes naturally."
"The young people, campuses, college campuses, the fires of revival begin to burn completely grassroots, completely spontaneous, led by no person, controlled by no person, planned by no person."
"It's crazy just to book a plane ticket without informing me."
"The effortlessness of wu-wei is ultimately a state of intelligent spontaneity."
"Every moment is a freestyle, every moment is improvised. Life itself is the ultimate improvisation."
"Jeffrey will shout at you for this... 'You could die any second, so you should have as much fun as possible.'"
"If it's a Wednesday and we decide to play basketball and eat out, we can. That wouldn't have been possible hugging that cubicle."
"Just run with it, honey. Just run with it. Don't question it. Just cheers, just run with it. I like it. I like it a lot."
"We ain't following directions, man. We not doing that. We about to wing it."
"Sometimes the best things are surprises, and we have to just roll with that energy."
"What spontaneous things you're gonna do this summer?"
"Comedy comes from a feeling of spontaneity and joy and ease."
"When to pull out this credit card and say no, we're getting a hotel room instead, we're not going today."
"That first thought that comes into your mind... just go with that."
"If your spirit is trying to lead you somewhere, go go don't question it just get up and go."
"Since I'm gonna be in that hemisphere we're gonna shoot over to Greece for a couple of days before we come back."
"Why not? You only live once, like Drake literally said YOLO."
"Life's too short for yourself, come on and dance."
"Why the fuck not just do what you want, just do the craziest shit you can?"
"I think that it was, if that's spontaneous...the president, I think he handled it very well."
"Let's get weird with it, you know? Let's do it."
"You can't decide one day to make your own gang. SBG is organic; it just happened."
"Spontaneity: the only acceptable answer to this question is yes."
"Authenticity, being spontaneous in your situations, is gonna be really important moving forward."
"For the next ten minutes, I want you to embrace the chaos."
"It was just something magical that happened."
"Let's just go home. Huh? Hey, let's not be hasty! Now why didn't you just say you were buying your pet a Krabby Patty?"
"They want to surprise you, they love the act of just spontaneous surprises."
"The correct answer is that it does spontaneously become one or the other."
"What if instead of going four weeks, six weeks, and just trying to always get ahead, what if I just created in the moment?"
"Sonic never analyzes a situation, he just plunges in."
"Sometimes it can just spontaneously happen because you hit the right conditions, the right altered state for it."
"This is real quick, let's hit the Kyber Club."
"It's always great watching a bit go wrong when it's all in good fun, especially when the bit hasn't even started yet."
"Sometimes you just gotta go with your heart."
"Sometimes inspiration just hits, and you have to take it."
"The stuff that you don't plan tends to be the best."
"I just had this idea pop into my mind, it's something that I wanted to sit down and talk about and I sat down, hit record and now I'm here talking about it."
"Life is a whole lot more fun when it doesn't."
"Unexpected love: when you're busy living life, that's when it finds you."
"Just buy a ticket, do not let anything in your head stop you."
"Open yourself up to this, don't overthink it, just go for it."
"Why couldn't your head be down there? I just readjust."
"Enjoy every damn moment, peacocks dance anyway."
"Life is crazy sometimes and sometimes you do not know what to do but to do it."
"I guess it's time to find out. I love the boy scout drip."
"Have you ever said yes to something and then like very quickly regretted it?"
"It's free and it was just a little, like, 'hey, you know, why not?'"
"No occasion is just... I think the random occasions are the best occasions if that makes sense."
"He's always doing fun things like that, he's always planning trips and going other places."
"I have absolutely no plan, let's just dive in immediately and see what we can do."
"Let's go ahead and just so we're gonna adopt a dog let's just do it we're doing it live."
"Trying to keep the banter going, it's all off the cuff."
"Speak it into your reality or you have that conversation or you initiate and you get the ball rolling it's just like it's pow okay it's pow it's pow pow it's exciting it's passionate it's unexpected it's spontaneous and it lights you up."
"I could just trust whatever comes out of my mouth, and most of the time, they would go, 'How'd you know?' Yeah, and they'd go, 'I don't even know when I'm bullshitting anymore, but I'm glad you helped me.'"
"Whip out the jazz flute and just go wild, right?"
"Greg attempted a legendary throw for content, yeah, something like that. I mean, this is pretty random."
"You tell that person what you feel true you know because who the [ __ ] knows if you're ever gonna be in that place at that time again."
"The only thing about the conversation, the only reason, let's just do a fashion show right now."
"I was gonna eat you! No, I was like I was in my head like right away I was like I wonder how I could catch that thing oh like I just want to catch it I don't know what I do with it but I want to catch it yeah..."
"Timing, yo, definitely timing. Crushes come like hard and fast, like they can do something out of nowhere."
"It's times like this where you don't ask questions, you just roll with it."
"I've never spent much mental energy trying to plan ahead."
"Life's a verb and you see Life come and it's life really happens you know."
"Should we give away a thousand dollars to a random subscriber? You can just do that like that on the spot, is that crazy?"
"Protecting this UFO and I can literally just drive away, you know what I'm just gonna go to drive away, see you later buddy."
"This [ __ ] was not planned, matching like a couple [ __ ]."
"So, for example, if I'm at the office we go out and you know some of these discussions just happen naturally..."
"Can I get some keys where's that piano guy at, can I get some keys or something you guys?"
"Life is short. It could end at any moment. Why not just do what I want to do all the time?"
"I bought God of War when it released and I knew nothing about it. I hadn't read any reviews or seen any adverts. The Box just looked really cool so I went home turned on my PS2 and finished the game in a single 10 hour play session." - God of War
"Ignorance is bliss sort of moment for an artist I feel is [__] beautiful just because like you're not thinking about anything you're just creating and whatever you want to have come out comes out."
"This is the future of the Outdoor Gear Review: spontaneous. We're gonna pack our bags, hit the road, go who knows where. I can't wait, cannot wait."
"Just enjoy life, whatever we can do, we gonna do."
"I didn't tell him any of these questions ahead of time so I asked him hopefully everything that you could have wanted me to ask."
"It's like a way of life, or just like dancing."
"That's the perfect time to do it yeah and then you chug when you know it's coming."
"I just had a great day because I didn't wait for the perfect time with this car."
"Aaron just out here just whipping bro he just whipped wherever he feel like going ain't nobody in the back seat it don't really matter he can go wherever he wants you know what I'm saying."
"I'm gonna just go out here and play, you know? And that's the beauty."
"We're gonna send this [ __ ] right now. Hold up, you put it in a group chat."
"It feels amazing when a last second plan comes together, and 'System Shock 2' is full of opportunity for those."
"Acting was gonna be my thing. I hadn't made a conscious decision. I'm going to be an actor, I don't think you do. I think that's what you do."
"Daft Punk did... let's just make a moment make a whatever create a reaction type of response."
"Every once in a while I like to do something that makes very little sense but sounds fun and amusing."
"I'm proud of myself because he feels like he's proud of it so I'm like oh my god this is so exciting I'm just going to jump straight into this because I'm feeling reckless if you can't tell."
"If you go in and you just suck titties with no hands you're good what the [ __ ] you're good I'm on record this."
"I didn't know I was going to meet her until moments before."
"He sits there maybe another 20 to 30 seconds and man, he just wheels and goes into the woods."
"This opportunity was super last minute, it came to me while I was in New York."
"For our band, is we like being as prepared as possible, like with kind of every moment and all that also allows you to be spontaneous too."
"A moment in professional wrestling that's unplanned, unscripted, or just an actual real-life occurrence."
"I gotta be honest I'm glad I wasn't sure if I was gonna stream today I wasn't sure if I was gonna have time I'm really glad I decided to straight this has been fun."
"It's a live ball, we're going to have to do that."
"Martin Luther King improvised 'I have a dream.'"
"Continue to travel the world, you guys. Get this, open the page and just go to the place that the page opens to."
"You don't have to force something to happen, you'll be shown the next step."
"If I want to go in my freezer and get like a jar of peanut butter and just eat the whole thing or mix it with some ice I can do that."
"I like how rationally impulsive we're being. This is great. Let's go pick a door."
"Christopher Walken... he was just like [ __ ] it and I love that about him."
"Kindling the spark of intimacy and spontaneity can reignite relationships."
"You only live once, if you think something's cool and you've got the ability to do it, do it."
"Sometimes you gotta have that energy like, 'You know what? Let's just do it.'"
"You are being guided to be like a child, have fun and enjoy life. Be playful, spontaneous, enthusiastic, and carefree."
"Absolutely insane, there it goes, there it goes, there it goes!"
"How often can you look at something that just exists on the internet and be like, 'Wow, that was a spontaneous culture that just sprang up'?"
"Yes dude, yes! He brought that up out of nowhere a couple days ago. I was like yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, I would rule yes."
"He just straight up tramples on it, how good."
"I think it has more potential to be entertaining and funny if I just have to come up with why I liked the Pokemon off the top of my head."
"Wear your seatbelt and prepare to put on your tap dancing shoes."
"That's actually crazy, tonight before we started I wanted to do a ball experiment, so we went to a Dollar General and just bought these balls."
"They start randomly spinning, like they're in a Phish concert. It's unbelievable."
"I think it's one of those things where it's like I'm kind of glad that I didn't put a lot of thought into it because I feel like if I did I would have been, it would have been just something hilariously bad."
"This element of planned spontaneity directed as it is by an ostensibly omniscient group must assume for the manipulated a near mystical quality."
"Last time you were at a concert and really enjoying yourself and smiling, you weren't stopping to think, 'Oh wait, I need to smile right now.'"
"It's wonderful that it's not even like a thought, it's just naturally expels."
"I love all of you and hopefully I don't sound too rambly I had a little bit of apple juice and uh a little bit of don't sue me bro coffee."
"Shiny, shiny, shiny, alright ready three two one, why be purple."
"It's like fuck it, I'm just gonna have fun and sell some weird shit for a dollar."
"My brain's fully automatic, I do what I feel."
"Oh [], go, I went in the back. Oh hey, oh what up, I slipped. That little []'s evil."
"I never really had a plan, things just unfolded."
"The greatest guitar sounds on records have no premeditation to them at all."
"Another theory that's out there is exposure to toxic mold. Mold toxicity is actually a very common cause of psychiatric symptoms that would look like a possession to some people."
"Front kick! So Alex goes well I guess I'm gonna throw one of those."
"I wish I could be able to listen to a song and be able to find the chords for it and just play it. Like, on the spot."
"I don't even know what the [__] I'm going to do... but I'm blocking it because you invited me."
"I like things to be balanced, I like things to be lined up but sometimes you do need to just throw things off just a little bit."
"The raw emotion of that moment carries through."
"The only things planned are the topics but you know everything just comes out and it's way more fun that way."
"This is a circus bus and oh obviously yeah I forgot to mention keenu in the car."
"Rose and Carolyn, from the onset, wanted to be the real-life Thelma and Louise. They wanted to experience that thrill and the spontaneity."
"Never be afraid to leave everything behind at a moment's notice to chase an opportunity."
"It's wild, and it's sort of proving my age here."
"You gotta do the first thing that comes to your brain, right? Whatever the first thing that comes to your brain, do it that day."
"Rule of cool is the best. It's fun. It's a good time. Sometimes you're gonna pop off. Sometimes the players are gonna pop up. That's just how it goes."
"He's just making this [ __ ] up as he goes along right we can I think we can establish."
"Life's short, so if you're gonna do it, do it."
"It's literally wild, man, it's, it's literally wild."
"I regret feeling loose, go, are you gonna die?"
"If I take the stage and say 'Justin Timberlake, what's up man?' you've got something that's non-formulaic, this is real, this is happening."
"You know what I love about you? You have absolutely no direction, and you're just enjoying it."
"I'm a tourist and I can't say no to an opportunity."
"He was a master at preparation... almost faking it to look spontaneous."
"He gets to abandon his mind and let instinct take the wheel."
"I feel like sex on the first night, if it's a vibe, it's a vibe."
"I just got [ __ ] laid off, I just ate some [ __ ] mushrooms."
"Elvis arranged the meeting on a whim and it took him less than a day to secure a meeting with the most powerful man in the world."
"Whatever that clicks... Whatever I have a vibe with."
"Your spontaneity is a gift that can bring a smile to a miserable face and a crying heart."
"Letting yourself search and seek without a concrete plan."