
Agile Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"Agile is a set of methods and practices that focus on iterative development."
"Agile methodology focuses on continuous collaboration and iterative processes."
"Agile encourages humans to leverage the skills that only we as humans have: emotional intelligence, creative problem solving, and critical thinking."
"Agile provides benefits not only to the development team but also important business benefits to the clients."
"Story points are units of measure for expressing an estimate of the overall effort required to fully implement a product backlog item or any other piece of work."
"Agile introduces a new way of looking at things... Let's relook at the situation that we currently have and find new opportunities."
"Agile is a continuous work of improvement... It's focus on improvement, continually trying to rethink ourselves on how we can improve."
"Individuals and interactions over processes and tools... A good face-to-face chat should trump rigid workflows."
"Working software over comprehensive documentation... Wouldn't it be better to have the program than a book describing it?"
"Customer collaboration over contract negotiation... Find the best solutions through collaboration."
"Responding to change over following a plan... Make adjustments as your situation changes."
"Agile methodology is the most popular software development methodology right now."
"Adaptive or agile life cycles are variants of incremental and iterative life cycles where iteration is very short."
"It promotes delivering value as in working software to the customer in an incremental and iterative way."
"Scrum Masters are the process coaches of the team; they use their understanding of agile methods and Scrum in particular to guide the team."
"They ensure that the team stays true to the principles of Agile development."
"Invest in your user stories: independent, negotiable, valuable, estimable, small, and testable."
"The three C's of a user story: card, conversation, confirmation."
"User stories are an agile software development project management tools it provides the team with simple natural language explanations of one or more features written from the end user's perspective."
"Velocity is a metric used in scrum that is a measurement of the amount of work that is completed by team during the sprint."
"The scrum master: a skilled servant leader who facilitates scrum ceremonies and removes impediments."
"The purpose of a sprint is to deliver working software."
"Scrum is a simple agile project management framework."
"User stories also form the building blocks of Agile framework like epics and initiatives."
"Scrum is one of those things that's really easy to understand but very difficult to master."
"With scrum, teams are able to learn from their experiences, what worked out, what didn't, and things like that."
"Agile was a small idea for helping small teams do small things."
"Agile project management is an approach to project and team management based on the agile manifesto."
"A scrum Master is a skilled servant leader."
"The number one Agile principle is to satisfy the customer by delivering valuable software."
"Agile is a set of principles that are iterative and incremental."
"Embracing agile methodologies will remain critical for organizations to thrive in an ever-changing business landscape."
"Scrum helps teams adapt to changing requirements and deliver high-quality products more efficiently."
"Agile is helpful in terms of handling large amounts of interactions between client and project team."
"Scrum is not a methodology, it's an empirical process allowing me to consistently and continuously inspect and adapt how we work."
"Scrum is simple to understand but very very difficult to master."
"The product owner's responsibility is to deliver value."
"The Scrum Master promotes Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide."
"Sprint planning is where we look at the product backlog and start to forecast what we can do within the sprint."
"Great work! We've now covered the activities that happen during a sprint to ensure that the team is focused and is building valuable solutions."
"This ability to confidently predict when things can get done is one of the most powerful tools in agile and scrum, in my opinion."
"The sprint review is crucial to the scrum pillars of inspection and adaptation."
"If you are fundamentally a backlog administrator, good luck protecting that because already people are doing that, you know? It's only a matter of time before that becomes pretty well supported so that is not a good job prospect."
"Here are four things that helped me bring agile to my teams."
"Projects that are best suited for an agile approach are those where the client has an idea of what they want but doesn't have a concrete picture in mind."
"Another indicator that a project may benefit from agile is the level of high uncertainty and risk involved with the project."
"There's also this whole methodology called scrum that has taken over the tech world almost like a religion."
"Scrum is empirical, meaning that we learn and we adapt and we organize as a team."
"Scrum promotes transparency, inspections, and adaption, allowing teams to respond quickly to changing requirements and deliver value incrementally."
"Agile processes focus on customer satisfaction through early and quick delivery of the product."
"Story points: a measure of size relative to each other."
"Planning poker: fun, quick, gets the whole team involved."
"Affinity estimating: understanding user requirements and fulfilling needs."
"Writing user stories comes with a specific template with simple language: 'As a [role], I want [action], so that [benefit].'"
"Agile is the ability to move quickly and easily by becoming more flexible and adaptable."
"Agile welcomes changes, addressing them even late in the development process."
"Measuring burn down of deliverables is usually represented using burn down charts."
"Kanban system is a visual system that provides visibility into the process workflows."
"Since people pull that work, it is also called as pull system."
"So tracking the work will also become easier as the workflow is clearly visible."
"The lack of active involvement from the customer... whenever the iteration is complete, working piece is delivered if customer doesn't respond or provide the feedback then moving towards the next iterations will become difficult."
"One has to ensure the team members are groomed with the right capability and that should be evaluated on a continual basis."
"The system is what we're designed should able to provide that opportunity whenever such variations happens you can able to easily adopt or involve or take that particular new requirement and plug in."
"Culture plays a very important role. A lot of resistance would come across to adopt the new way of doing things."
"The term agile refers to ability to move quickly and easily by becoming more flexible and adoptable."
"Agile manifest also mentions about the required focus on working software and focus on change."
"Agile promotes early delivery and focuses on adapting to changing requirements as you obtain customer feedback during every single iteration."
"In agile, it's about moving faster, responding to change, but that should not lead towards further complexity. It should make things simpler, smoother."
"...you don't mess around with velocity you can mess around with your estimating and you can mess around with what user stories are going to be completed in a Sprint but you don't the velocity is not variable it is what it is based on past performance."
"Agile requires frequent deliveries so that they can get feedback from the end user. This, in turn, will help make the product better."
"Agile enables teams to deliver value to their customers with ease."
"Agile methodologies enable teams to create high-quality software and improve their quality of life."
"Extreme programming, Kanban, Lean, Scrum, and Crystal are different types of agile methodologies."
"Agile processes involve continuous iteration and incremental development of working products."
"Agile principles include customer satisfaction, changing needs, delivery frequency, collaboration, and motivated teams."
"The agile world has always been ambivalent about testers."
"Agile processes promote sustainable development."
"You need to have automation at each and every step in an agile project to reduce testing risks."
"As a tester in an agile project, you need to be very competent in test automation."
"In agile projects, good interpersonal skills are crucial for effective communication within the team."
"Daily builds and deployment are very important in agile because there is a daily work or development that happens in agile."
"Agile testing is continuous iteration compared to the linear waterfall model."
"Agile methodologies include Scrum, Kanban, and Lean."
"Advantages of user stories include delivering high-quality content and easing collaboration with team members."
"Agile Scrum promotes transparency, inspection, and adaptation, allowing teams to respond quickly to changing requirements."
"Product backlog consists of tasks to achieve stakeholder goals, with continuous reprioritization based on changing dynamics."
"Sprint backlog contains tasks the team aims to complete to satisfy the sprint goal, a negotiated objective for the sprint."
"Large scale scrum is a way of scaling agile and scaling scrum to large and big product development groups."
"Scrum is an incremental way of providing value to the end user in a timely manner."
"The product owner is part of the scrum team and is responsible for maximizing the value of the product."
"A sprint review is held at the end of the sprint to inspect the product increment and update the product backlog if needed."
"Agile works well for complex and bigger projects with unclear requirements, quick market launches, and minimal cost of change."
"Each agile methodology applies the four values in different ways."
"Agile is perfect for IT software marketing and other departments."
"The Scrum Guide contains the definition of Scrum. Each element of the framework serves a specific purpose that is essential to the overall value and results realized with Scrum."
"The Sprint Goal is the single objective for the Sprint. Although the Sprint Goal is a commitment by the developers, it provides flexibility in terms of the exact work needed to achieve it."
"The Definition of Done is a formal description of the state of the increment when it meets the quality measures required for the product."
"The Sprint Review is to inspect the outcome of the Sprint and determine future adaptations. The Scrum team presents the results of their work to key stakeholders and progress toward the product goal is discussed during the event."
"A retrospective is another agile event in the form of the lessons learned that usually takes place at the end of every iteration."
"Agile project management focuses on iterative project management by iterative the processes and tasks in the project life cycle are repeated so that the project progress is adaptive in nature."
"Dynamic systems development method or DSDM is an agile approach that follows the philosophy where the project aligns perfectly with the clearly defined project objectives and focuses on early delivery of the real benefits of the project."
"If our 'resistance' centred around the relative adhesive properties of Post-its and BluTak, the Agile One had already won."
"If you take agile kind of over the edge and say we can't even think about the logic of what we're doing, let's just do some stuff and hope it works out."
"He's one of the fathers of Agile development... his ideas most closely represented the truth, the engineering core, and what it takes to actually do good work rather than only plan to do good work."
"Agile is not a technique for big teams to do big things. It's a method for small teams to do small things."
"Exceptionally nimble and agile for a car of this size."
"Prioritization is one of the important concepts in agile."
"No sprint goal can be achieved by a single person in the team. It is a collaborative effort of the whole team."
"Teams in agile are different. A team in agile is a group of six to 80 people that work together side-by-side."
"These columns are going to represent all the different stages a user story is within within your sprint."
"Agile is not always a bad thing if you're a small organization or one that doesn't have super mature business processes."
"Agile is the steering wheel architecture is the engine one keeps you moving and the other will make sure you move in the right direction."
"Agile is not something you can buy or teach. You can only learn it."
"Give equal importance to both traditional and agile."
"It's really not a model, whether it's agile or traditional. It is more of a classic management model."
"Sustainable pace is crucial in agile to prevent burnout and maintain productivity."
"Kanban is one of the largest parts of agile approaches."
"Use agile to ensure you can respond to change while your team's capability increases."
"Trying to realize fixed price projects within an agile environment with fixed scope is difficult and often leads to failure."
"He embodies what a scrum Master should be."
"Collaboration is key in any agile approach."
"Once you have that level of refinement with your Product Backlog items, we would typically call it Sprint ready."
"XP practices make a big difference in delivering true value to the customer."
"Such an approach values short delivery cycles that accelerate learning and value delivery."
"One of the basic responsibilities is to solve impediments for the team."
"Agile is a project management approach which involves breaking down your projects into different kind of phases."
"The goal of an agile process is to continuous collaboration and improvement of your project."
"Mobbing is a technique that's used by the entire development team where everyone deliberately works on the same task at the same time to drive increased focus and to push through completing the work."
"Planning poker is an estimation technique that's used during sprint planning to estimate the effort required to complete each user story."
"Swarming is a collaborative technique used in agile development teams in which the team may swarm and work together on completing several stories at the same time."
"A user story is a concise description of a feature that's described from the perspective of a person who is requesting the capability."
"Agile software development emphasizes customer satisfaction through continuous delivery of functional software."
"This talk isn't just why agile fails, it's why agile fails in large enterprises and what you can do about it."
"What I'm finding is that no matter how agile you want to be or how agile the people in the company want to be, if the underlying structures in the organization don't support agility, it gets really frustrating."
"Proper agile, loving it, loving it."
"First we have the article which design thinking lean design Sprint agile and this is a really good intro article to all the methodologies that you will be hearing about over and over again as you learn UX design thinking."
"Agile is just a collection of tools. You don't need to be purists to get the benefit from them."
"It completely feels like a lightweight, agile sedan."
"It's agile development and allows people to be iterative in the process and it just brings us better quality tools, it brings us tools faster."
"In agile methodology, the main focus is on customer satisfaction."
"It's a big misconception that agile does not require planning. It is definitely not true."
"There is no right or wrong tool when it comes to agile; it's more about what's right for your team or your organization."
"It's a methodology that promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, continuous improvement, and encourages rapid and flexible response to change."
"The five values are pretty self-explanatory and not of utmost importance to the test; however, commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect having these five values in mind are what also makes the Agile mindset."
"What could the Scrum team do in the next sprint to improve?"
"Simplicity, communication, feedback, courage, and respect."
"Agile is a set of principles, not necessarily a specific development framework."
"An agile mindset is customer-focused, focusing on the value delivered to the customer or users."
"Daily stand-up, the three main points whatever what you have done yesterday, what you are going to do today, and any blockers."
"Mid Sprint review will clearly give us, are we in the right direction and we are towards our goal achieving it 100%."
"Scrum metrics can become insights that assist, guide, and improve a team's agile journey when established, understood, and used."
"A user story is shippable and valuable to the customer."
"The agile approach has made it easy to handle projects efficiently."
"Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles."
"Agile Release Trains are groups of long-lived and self-organizing agile teams that plan, commit, develop, deploy, and deliver benefit to the end user."
"The backlog refinement session is absolutely necessary for teams to be able to confidently plan their work smoothly, flawlessly, and carry and commit to sprints and be able to deliver value."
"The most important agile principle is the first one, the people factor."
"Helping your team become self-managing and self-organizing."
"What is a compelling business case for adopting agile? Depending upon what you're trying to achieve, it's going to inform your transformation."
"The main focus of Agile is regarding to the adaptive planning, self-organization, and short delivery times."
"Requirements, plans, and results are evaluated continuously, so teams have a natural mechanism for responding to change quickly."
"Agile is a philosophy, a set of values and principles that any agile development framework follows."
"I have a very strong inclination on being agile."
"I embrace those values myself personally and in professional workplace as well."
"Agile is all about placing the customer at the heart of what we do and building business value while delivering to the customer."
"Agile methodology is forever; it's constant iteration."
"The story is at the center of the agile universe."
"Everything has to be testable; you have to be able to tell whether you're done."
"Agile requires more self-discipline than any process that I know of."
"The preferred style of leadership in an agile team is servant leadership."
"Agile teams always focus on providing maximum value to their customers."
"The success factor of agile is delivering in short chunks and rapid feedback after every increment."
"Introduction to Agile is the very base and foundation for your PMI-ACP exam prep journey."
"Agile teams showcase actual work completed at the Sprint review."
"Invite your stakeholders to your Sprint reviews so they can see a working feature in practice."
"In an agile environment, holding a retrospective to gather what is working well and what could be improved is the best way to find ongoing improvements."
"We are working together to streamline deployment of these type of capabilities to our fleet by utilizing methodologies of model-based systems engineering and agile."
"Agile is something you are, not something you do."
"In agile, we fail forward. We make mistakes, we learn, we gather data."
"Agile is a mindset; it's not a checklist, it's not a methodology."
"Most of the softwares in recent times are developed using some or the other kind of agile practices, and continuous integration is an important or key factor in all such agile software development life cycle."
"Thank you for joining my advanced webinar on agile sprint planning."
"Agile is a methodology of project management originally created and used by software developers."
"Working in agile methodology allows teams to be flexible and make changes quickly."
"Monday.com and agile work really well together, whether you're a software development team or a sales or marketing team."
"One key thing for agile is estimations; they help you plan your resources."
"When we think of agile, we often think of high levels of collaboration and flexibility."
"The car feels nimble; this is not a boat by any means, it feels nice and tight and nimble."
"Agile is something which is the future; a lot of organizations have already moved into agile."
"Portfolio for JIRA is basically an agile road mapping tool built for JIRA software."
"Agile as a method has evolved and it's very good at building things in that stage of evolution."
"Agile testing is a software testing practice that follows agile software development principles and practices."
"The goal is to give us a common language between the things we've learned over the past ten years of agile and of DevOps."
"This is the overall process of agile methodology."
"Agile DevOps... helps to bring everything together into what we call an agile DevOps model."
"The Agile development model is based on sprints; very quick planning, development, and testing."
"Every time they get stories done in every iteration, begin to measure their velocity."
"Agile and Scrum... help you a lot with getting projects on track, focusing on delivering value, helping teams actually focus as opposed to be multitasking."
"A user story mainly has three parts: description, conversation, and confirmation."
"I've been around in the agile community for a long time."