
Moral Values Quotes

There are 912 quotes

"The only thing that matters is how you treated others."
"Forgiveness is something that everybody does deserve."
"Men would be monsters were it not for the natural feeling of pity. It's pity that humanizes people."
"Truly good people are honest and upright, distinguish between love and hate, and have a sense of righteousness."
"A president should have moral clarity and know the difference between right and wrong."
"He lays out all these amazing, deep, high-calling issues: love, self-sacrifice, giving, being merciful, and being humble."
"Character is what you do when no one's looking."
"Integrity is like a tough conversation to have because you either have it or you don't."
"I want to do anything I can to elevate justice and righteousness in the world."
"Fine-tuning argument for the existence of God... if God does not exist, objective moral values do not exist. But objective moral values do exist, therefore God exists."
"The value that we experience is another immaterial that's connected directly to the Christian faith, which I believe is part of the reasonableness, the rationality of Christianity."
"Democratic citizens are impatient with too empty of public discourse; they want politics to be about big things and also about values, about moral questions about justice and inequality and what it means to be a citizen."
"Even when no one's watching, he genuinely lives by the values that he preaches."
"When we say our interests come first, those of others don't matter, we erase the very thing that a nation holds most precious, that which gives it life and makes it great: its moral values."
"It really boiled down to an issue of personal integrity."
"If people want something for moral reasons or whatever, well as long as they're willing to pay for it, then it becomes an economic value too."
"Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good."
"Someone who's rich is someone whose conscience has no price. You can't buy them."
"The religions that grow, succor, and motivate people to perform heroic acts are usually theologically rigorous, arduous in practice, and definite in their convictions about what is true and what is false."
"Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and the angels know of us."
"A law that is unjust should not be followed."
"Sometimes what seems right, might also seem difficult, but listen to your empathy. Because you might be sparing yourself some future guilt, by doing good for someone else."
"We need values that we can rely on like kindness, service, community, compassion."
"Wickedness never was happiness. It will always lead to discouragement. At the front end, it sure feels free, it sure feels fun and exciting, and more liberating, but it never leads to long-term joy, peace, contentment, lasting relationships."
"I advocated that we adopt at least three basic moral values: compassion, integrity, and reasonableness."
"You have to do. The way to win is as old as time. Do the right thing and put in the fucking work."
"The idea of Duty to have it to discharge Duty, it involves making a sacrifice."
"Learn to do good, avoiding bad, purify the mind. Learn to share your kindness, compassion, love, and respect, forgiveness."
"Everyone's freedom, when you really get down to it, is guided by something. The question is, is it something good or something bad?"
"If you're not living a life of service, then you're not right."
"He believed in the fundamental importance of having the skills and strength to protect and enforce your moral view of the world."
"The very examples that were given strongly illustrate that there is moral progress."
"Hate what is evil and hold on to what is good."
"Marvel saw the worst of humanity and still chose to protect us."
"For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."
"Every one of those Commandments had meaning and have meaning today; they endure."
"The character flaw is that he's a goddamn moral person. He actually cares about people's feelings."
"We've developed proper attitudes to the sacredness of life and the sanctity of life."
"I've tried to bring it all together to make a case for the significance of individual life and the psychological necessity of courage, nobility, and responsibility."
"For life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. There is a moral component."
"It's easy for kids to go astray if they're not taught the right things, if they're not exposed to the right things."
"When you save one life, you save the whole world."
"Do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."
"How could I then, as a man, raise my daughters to be women of integrity and to do the right thing even when it's hard if I wasn't willing to do it?"
"Violating someone's consent is inherently morally wrong."
"I've never heard the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teach or preach hatred for anyone. He preaches hatred against evil, against drunkenness, against dope addiction, against poverty, and against having to beg for the things that a man is supposed to have."
"Before you tell me about your religion, show it to me in how you treat other people."
"If you can't feel a sense of despair and horror over their death, you don't have any humanity."
"Sexual integrity is guiding your sexual life according to your moral compass and in accordance with your life's goals, purpose, and realization of your true worth."
"Left versus right matters a hell of a lot less than right versus wrong."
"There is no Last Stand. There's good in this world and it's worth fighting for, and we will never stop fighting for it."
"Religion shouldn't be the priority, being a good human being should be the priority for everything."
"True Religion undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction."
"You must enlarge your souls toward others if you would do like Jesus."
"Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth."
"A noble must above all: Serve the lady of the lake; Defend the domains entrusted to him; Protect the weak and fight for the right; Always fight the enemies of virtue and order; Never give up the fight until the foe has been defeated; Never break faith with a friend or ally; And always display honor and integrity."
"To kill one person unjustly is like killing all of mankind and to save one life is like saving all of mankind."
"Democracy is not simply about the production of economic goods; moral virtues are central to what matters about democracy."
"You don't have to believe in Jesus to understand that what he stood for... was actually pretty aspirational."
"Our life is not defined entirely or even primarily by our rights; it's defined, I think, more importantly, by our obligations."
"Violence isn't it. Kindness is always the answer."
"Kindness is humbly giving of ourselves in love and mercy to others."
"God really prefers you to do consistent good deeds even if they're small."
"Always gotta stick up for your friends, bro. Don't be a meanie."
"It's a moral duty to celebrate and worship life itself."
"Reaching out and helping people is one of the principal qualities of being a hero."
"Someone with extraordinary character will bring to the Supreme Court an independent mind, uncompromising integrity, and a strong moral compass."
"Meliotis challenges Doguetto, believing that the heart makes a true holy knight."
"I would definitely choose the person that's got the morals because that's what matters."
"Spirituality is good not just for you but for society at large."
"Kindness is one of the most important values of our religion."
"Truth, goodness, and beauty: these are the virtues and transcendentals that reflect our faith."
"The gold is our spirit, the gold is that awareness and love."
"Unfortunately, we couldn't save Law Hero, but because he was such a good Christian man, he gets invited into heaven."
"Don't judge a man by the color of their skin but the content of his character."
"It's about more than just being a good athlete. It's about building character."
"I want to bring my father's name up. He was a giver, and I want to do the right thing."
"It's a secular morality that people steal from... if you grow up in a society where it's bad to stone people, you're going to learn that it's bad to stone people."
"Like Spider-Man, our worth comes not from whatever gifts we may possess, but from our humanity."
"Gratitude is the mother of goodness, there are no good ingrates."
"A man has no greater love than to lay down his life for his fellow man."
"This is not about Democrats versus Republicans. It's about what's right versus wrong."
"It is human to err, it is divine to forgive."
"The human person is a good towards which the only proper and adequate attitude is love."
"The content of your character matters more than the color of your skin."
"I will live my life with integrity and morale and knowing that I did the right thing."
"The creature's unhatched nature gives it a special kind of innocence and a special kind of moral weight. It is free of sin and full of potential, and thus its life is especially valuable."
"A good person exposes evil without stooping down to the level of their opponents."
"There's a humility there, a Christ-like humility."
"Human life is about the acknowledgment and approximation of truth, goodness, and beauty."
"Teach your children to tell the truth even if it's painful."
"Without truth, there's no civilization, there's no humanity, there's no friendship, and certainly no family."
"What makes me happy is making people happy. This is ... just having a positive vibe around me."
"Character isn't defined by what one can do, character is defined and it's built Brick by Brick by what you don't do."
"A good yarn can shape culture, impart values, and pay respect to the subject matter."
"Unity can't come at the expense of goodness, beauty, or truth."
"It's really more about doing what is right, no matter what."
"You don't want to judge people by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
"Evil is real. It's an objective value. And good is real. It's an objective value."
"Being a coward, having integrity, having moral compass, that's universal."
"She always said, 'Treat people how you want to be treated.'"
"No matter what, always want to do the right thing."
"A just cause is so just that we would be willing to sacrifice for it."
"We die in the dark so that others can live in the light."
"I don't believe in god but I consider myself a Christian because I like what Jesus said and find value in that."
"I like that Teen Wolf's leads are better people."
"You can't be a good person if you're not grateful."
"I think it's very important that people understand that every single individual is redeemable despite their circumstances despite their sins."
"You might say that being a good person would be the thing at the top of that hierarchy."
"If everyone was Christ-like, this world would be a better place."
"And if the world stands aside, it will lose itself. Forever. Because there are unconditional values that are the same for everyone."
"Honesty is the highest expression of loyalty."
"If they had a moral, good leader with a track record of success, they could get there."
"No woman deserves to be hit under any circumstances."
"Even the worst person has the right to a second chance in our life."
"Continue to be empathetic, even when there's no empathy towards you."
"I don't want to turn our back on these values."
"We should all do more do as much as we can to help but not because it'll make ignorant people feel comfortable around us but because it's the right thing to do."
"You still need a strong moral foundation and cultural tradition."
"Not a lot of people have that kind of integrity."
"We must have a movement... about changing the moral narrative."
"You treat people the way you want to be treated."
"Morally, as a matter of justice, I believe in democracy."
"The response that religious leaders need to make is that there are eternal moral values that are worthy of commitment, worthy of defense, and you want them to win."
"There's good in this world and it's worth fighting for."
"I'm really mostly interested in honorable intentions."
"The binding force of love, with human experiences of kindness, compassion, mercy, and acceptance, are the absolute rules of our existence."
"A hero is not someone who harms innocent individuals."
"There's two forms of courage: moral courage and physical courage. I think moral courage is greater."
"We appreciate your honesty. You did the right thing."
"Goodness and kindness... is to speed up his coming... enough of us feel that way we make a difference today."
"My mother raised me not to lie, not to ruin somebody else's life to save my own."
"We all have a part to play in the way that we treat other human beings."
"Luffy is the hero of the story at the end of the day, what he stands for is ultimately what's right."
"I grew up with Heroes who are like, 'You have to be a good person, you have to help others.'"
"We will defend the dignity of work and the sanctity of life."
"We will never stop fighting for what is right."
"If parents lead by example, children will learn empathy and kindness."
"America is great because its people are good, and the people of America ever cease to be good, America will cease to be great."
"It's better to have the truth on your side than to have power on yourself."
"We have to reaffirm the innate sacred value of every individual human life."
"Let's start measuring ourselves based on the content of our character."
"If you're ashamed of God, He'll be ashamed of you."
"We want a different moral compass behind this healthcare system."
"Credit is due when someone actually tells the truth."
"People want to do things that are right, just, and moral because they want to do."
"We get pleasure out of seeing a villain suffer, but we gain meaning from forgiveness and justice."
"It's a heart issue... Latter-day Saints in there is a reminder."
"It doesn't matter what your principles are, it matters where your moral line is."
"Chivalry is Christian. It means you understand that's God's daughter and she needs to be treated as such."
"If a human being wishes to be free, he must possess honesty and empathy."
"There wasn't the necessity of eradicating each other for the sake of pleasure or envy."
"God made you for His glory. God didn't make you to drink, gamble, smoke, or trade in spouses like a used car lot."
"You must judge people by the content of their character not by the color of their skin."
"It feels like you're putting principles above friendship."
"Vanity, ambition, and cruelty are no match for honor, determination, and discipline."
"Lying is for the lazy, lying is for the people who don't want to take the punishment right now for what they've done."
"I think God cares about how we treat each other."
"The pursuit of happiness is a major moral achievement and a defining element in American life."
"Skin pigmentation doesn't determine your moral and spiritual formation."
"Steadfast love and justice... that is a moral and spiritual force."
"If anything, the story proves that anyone is capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation, should be treated like they are worth giving a chance."
"Treat people based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin."
"I want the world to be a better place when I leave it than when I got here."
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness or something like that."
"The only time you look at your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if you have as much as them."
"When someone commits a wrongdoing, we like to see them held accountable for their actions."
"Lack of trust, which Raya and the Last Dragon equates to moral corruption, is very much rooted in the past generation."
"People just want to hear the truth. It's not a both sides issue to just be a decent human being."
"Let us develop a kind of dangerous unselfishness."
"Goodness above their own personal self-interest."
"Kindness and being good to other people is one of the best things you can do."
"Stop being mean to people, be Christlike. Jesus loves you, man."
"There's good inside everybody; you just have to listen to your heart and do what's right." - El Gablino
"If the ship is going down, you have to help the weaker into the lifeboats first."
"I had the morals. I held it together for 10 years."
"We need to understand that standards matter; values matter."
"As a country, we need to bring character and ethics back into the school system, into the homes, into the universities, and back into the workplace."
"There's no excuse for abuse. This is a sign of a lack of the fear of God and of danger ahead, and you must take it seriously."
"However you treat the most marginalized, that is how you treat God."
"We have the potential to uplift every man, woman, and child on this planet."
"We must operate from a place of love and forgiveness."
"Actions and ethical conduct are considered more important than adherence to a particular set of beliefs or dogmas."
"People need to have self-control people need to have principles people need to have values people need to have things that they strive for"
"Being a good person is literally like the key to life."
"It's time for men to start changing what the idea of what people think a man is."
"Generosity is a dial that you and me get to turn."
"This isn't about just dollars, it's about values."
"Be kind, be generous, be loving. God is watching you."
"The monarchy exists because it is the country's moral compass, identity. The family is there as the nation's living breathing reminder of its morality and ethics."
"A kingdom man can acknowledge and take responsibility when he's wrong."
"The heroes aren't fighting and killing people, they are Waging War against the idea of evil itself."
"By doing the right thing, it's worth the struggle, it's worth the pain, it's worth even the tears, the bruises, and the blood."
"One does not honor the victims of atrocities with statues of the people who committed the atrocities."
"There is nothing your neighbors your community your city your country benefits more from than kind wise virtuous loving children who grow up to be kind wise virtuous Brave loving adults who know their Bibles."
"Pride is the number one abomination. Walk in humility before the Lord."
"Western civilization today, it seems so obvious that if slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong."
"I regard the experience of marriage and faithful marriage as being morally valuable."
"I'm a Christian, so I would regard the purpose of marriage as not just procreation but also faithful marriage as morally valuable."
"Values and principles, my dad taught the right values and principles."