
Smart Work Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"In order to discover what it means to work smart, you have to work your ass off. You have to really fail a lot, and failure feels like hard work."
"It's about utilizing your resources today to be able to work smarter and not harder."
"If you want to really achieve success, work hard, work smart, and work in the right direction."
"You should always work smart, not hard. It has nothing to do with hard work; it has to do with your consciousness."
"The objective is to work smarter, not harder."
"Work hard but also work smart... focus on what you need to do and what your mission is."
"It's not working harder, it's simply working smarter."
"I don't even call it working hard, but I'll just call it working smart."
"The message here is to not work harder but to work smarter."
"It's not about working harder, it's about working smarter."
"It's all a matter of working smarter than harder."
"It's the very definition of work smarter not harder."
"It goes back to the smarter not harder mentality."
"That's called working smarter, not harder."
"...you like smart work more than hard work."
"I prefer doing smart work which I consider this to be over hard work."
"Working hard doesn't equal making a lot of money. You know you gotta work smart."
"Automate key tasks and work smarter."
"It's all about working smarter and more efficiently."
"It's not about training harder, it's about training smarter."
"That's the difference between working hard and working smart."
"It's not about always working harder, sometimes it's about doing it a smarter way."
"It's about working smart, not harder."
"It's not about sitting down and working for hours on end; it's about working smart."
"I'm a great believer of being smart about it so you don't overburden yourself with a lot of tasks that are not necessary."
"It's time to think smarter, not harder."
"It's about talent, it's about abilities, about how smart you work."
"You can work smarter and not harder."
"The best work is no work, so if you can prove you don't have to do something or you can do something smarter, go for it."
"I'm an emergency planner. I want to do the work smart, not hard."
"You need to work smarter to maximize your effort, your skills, and your value as much as possible to be wealthy and successful."
"Working in a smart and convenient way."
"I just wanted to work smarter, not harder."
"I'm always trying to work smarter not harder."
"This is my series which is zero cost to consumer on the 'live life work smart' philosophy, which essentially helped me retire from the corporate world at the age of 37."
"Working smart, not harder, means using tools at your disposal."
"I try and work smarter, not harder, when I am preparing meals."
"I've realized, now that I'm in my 40s, be smart, don't work hard, work smart."
"With anything in your life, eventually you learn how to work smarter."
"Smart carpentry is safe carpentry."
"When you work hard and smart, you only have to work hard and smart in the beginning."
"No one wants to work more... People want to work less. How do we work smarter?"
"Work smarter not harder in the kitchen."
"It's not just necessarily about more hard work, it's actually about more smart work."
"When you work hard, make sure you're working hard in a smart way that helps you build assets."
"They're both working hard making $100,000 a year... one of them uses their extra money to buy assets... that one's working smarter."
"Putting thousands of hours of your time and energy into something that's going to give you passive or residual income is way smarter than putting thousands of hours of your time and energy into something that's only going to pay you once."
"I also like to work smarter, not harder."
"We want to abolish the concept of working hard and now implement the concept of working smart."
"Your commitment and working smarter to achieve the goals that you want."
"It's a great example of working smart versus working hard."
"Just because you're working hard doesn't mean you're making anything. It's about working smart."
"Working hard isn't the key to success; taking the right actions is the key to success."
"Sometimes in life, you gotta work smarter, not harder."
"I believe in working smart, not hard."
"It's not cheating; it's just working smart."
"Remember, you always want to work smarter, not harder."
"You work hard, you work smarter, not necessarily harder."
"It's not cheating, it's working smarter not harder."
"Smart work is focusing your time and efforts on high impact activities and doing them well."
"You don't have to work three, four, five jobs; you can work smart in this country and earn a good living."
"It's all about working smarter, not working harder."
"I'm able to work hard because I work smart."
"Most of the money I've made since we came out of the house is by working smart."
"You don't want to be doing double the work; you want to work smart."
"I don't believe in working hard; I believe in working smarter and efficiently."
"I believe when you've got to work hard before you work smart... that's where you can start accumulating."
"Covid-19 has taught people how to work smart."
"Working hard is really good, but you have to work smart."
"Use your zones smartly to train smartly rather than as a very strict taskmaster."
"Do not work harder when the solution is working smarter."
"I gotta work smart, not hard, okay."
"I'm all about working smarter and not harder."
"You are working smarter, not harder."
"You're able to work smarter, not harder, you're able to enjoy your success along the way."
"Using less resources and less time to achieve the same result is what really differentiates smart work from hard work."
"You just want to work smarter, not harder."
"I think I just want to work smarter, not harder."
"Working smarter and not harder, baby."
"It's not me being lazy, it's working smarter not harder."