
Omnipresence Quotes

There are 2819 quotes

"God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere."
"Chaitanya (consciousness) is not limited in space, therefore it is all-pervading; it's not limited in time, therefore it is eternal; it's not limited by object, therefore it is non-dual."
"Every single being, every ant that crawls on the Rock, Allah's hearing does not get confused."
"Allah sees all that you do; He is with you wherever you are."
"The Switch has dominated and it doesn't even really feel like it; it just felt like a constant in everybody's life."
"We must come to see that there is only One Power and that we are touching it at all points."
"You are a God who neither sleeps nor slumbers."
"Barbie is everywhere she needs to be at all times."
"It's almost overwhelming for Thanos to sit down and say, all actualities, all realities that exist out there, every universe that exists in the entirety of the Multiverse, I am all those things."
"The world is changing, inspiration is everywhere."
"The dark is generous, and it is patient and it always wins... because it is everywhere."
"Find God here, here itself, wherever you are, with whomever you are with, there itself you can find God because God is there."
"Love is all around you. Love is everywhere, all of the time. Simply acknowledge this as the truth."
"Who can hide in secret places so I cannot see them? declares the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord."
"God is in you and around you and always available to access."
"The person sitting next to you is God, the person sitting in front of you is God, the person sitting behind you is God, and the person sitting where you are sitting is also God."
"Kid was like, 'God is everywhere, right? God is omnipresent. God is in this glass. God is everywhere. Why can't God be in you? He's everywhere. God is in you.'"
"If there is something that you can refer to as the divine, it has to be everywhere."
"God is everywhere. That's right, He doesn't have to turn to do it because He's already there."
"The thing I love about God is that He's omnipresent... He's everywhere present but it doesn't mean He's in everything."
"The god of the Bible is omnipresent; he is present at all times, in every space. There is absolutely no place that is void of his presence."
"He is omniscient, knowing all things; omnipotent, has all power; and thank God he's omnipresent."
"Racism hangs like a cloud every hour of every day."
"God knows everything. God's always been there. God's the Creator."
"Bias is essentially ubiquitous, meaning it's impossible to avoid completely."
"Omnipresence is the key to winning in the 21st century with e-commerce."
"God does not need to leave Heaven to know what's going on in the earth realm. His eyes are everywhere, and His wisdom is all-encompassing."
"Wherever you are right now, as you are listening to me, God is there."
"If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there."
"The omnipresence of God is God's awareness of all things; the manifest presence of God is your awareness of His presence."
"The presence of God dwells with you 24/7, whether you feel Him or not."
"There's nowhere that you can go that God won't be."
"The presence of God is different from the omnipresence of God."
"God is not just the God of the day; he is also the god of the night."
"It's good to know that we serve a God that's big enough that he can solve any problem, small enough to live within our hearts, and today that he has the answer and is the only answer for this world's problems."
"He is the God who was, and the God who is, and the God who is to come."
"There's no such thing as apolitical media because politics is in everything."
"Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"Perhaps consciousness is the one thing that permeates everywhere, including beyond the speed of light."
"The orb sees all, like it literally has what you could argue to be Cosmic awareness."
"God didn't come to take sides, He came to take over."
"There is nothing beyond the reach of the divine hand of grace."
"Abundance follows you wherever you go, period."
"God is not a God of the gaps, he's a God of the whole show."
"I have watched you for a long time watched you with a thousand eyes and one I saw your birth and that of your lord father before you I saw your first step heard your first word was part of your first dream."
"Technology is like the air our children breathe."
"You are never alone, I am always watching over you, ready to listen and to help."
"Stupid people, let's be honest, they're basically everywhere in modern culture."
"I believe guardian angels tragedy is an entity that strikes at any time any place."
"All this is God. The living and the non-living material is God, and the wisdom, and everything is the God Self."
"God forgives everything because it's conscious of everything."
"This whole movie is now just Candyman. He's everywhere."
"The Force is a field that penetrates all things."
"The favor of God is upon me everywhere I go."
"He's the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end."
"You can't escape it. Fortnite is everywhere right now."
"White supremacy is everywhere. It's almost like it's a system. It's almost like it's not a person."
"There is literally no direction that you could point that would not intersect the Big Bang."
"VR sets are everywhere now, you cannot escape the growing trend of VR technology."
"Jesus is big. So big that every knee is going to bow."
"Culture is kind of like air -- it's around us and we don’t notice it unless it changes or is gone."
"Physics is all around you... Literally everything you do every second of the day is impacted by physics."
"Trump has been just everywhere this campaign season."
"When you can see God everywhere, of course, you'll see that God first of all within yourself and then you'll see out there what you've graciously discovered within yourself."
"Every single thing you need, every single time, with no exception."
"Every act before you done it, that's right, every act you plan to do, that's right, every act you will do, that's right, He already know it."
"When the Guru is already with you all the time and he is protecting you."
"God always was, god always have been, god always will be."
"God's eventually somewhere. Oh yes, he's involved in everything."
"The kingdom of heaven is within and all around you."
"For no moment exists when we are absent from God, our soul, or ourselves."
"It is Christ of whom the whole New Testament is full... all through the Bible from the first to the last there's one name above every name that's the name of Christ."
"The Holy Spirit is really everything you need."
"The Holy Spirit in the Holy Spirit is the solution for everything."
"There's not a circumstance that you face that his blood will not touch."
"We can't escape God. He's deeper in the ocean, higher than the blue sky."
"God is still Emmanuel and God is still with us."
"God speaks, He's not just a god who did it, He's a god who does it."
"There is no situation you will ever walk in with the Holy Spirit that you can be played in."
"There is nothing in the whole world or in the whole universe that can overshadow God."
"This is an aspect that has been and will be in the air all week and beyond."
"God is like the Sun, you can't look at it, but without it, you can't look at anything else."
"Everywhere you go, everything is now manifesting darkness."
"I look for you everywhere I see you everywhere I go I look for you even in other people."
"Reflections of Love surround me wherever I go."
"Football is interwoven into every facet of society."
"Opportunities to share your faith are everywhere."
"The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now, in this very room."
"The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now."
"Every breath we take is because almighty God is on the throne."
"God is always with us regardless of individual choices."
"AI will be the basis of pretty much everything you deal with."
"His presence was ever present throughout all of Evan, it rested in everything."
"Because it's God, according to the Bible, knows the end from the beginning, I don't think any of this took him by surprise."
"The ultimate all-seeing surveillance tool: the smartphone, with trillions of cameras, voice recording devices, and sensors scattered throughout the world."
"He's the lion and the lamb, the alpha and omega."
"God is not limited to a bodily form, and he will manifest himself in eternity."
"Every single thing in our lives, every single moment, every single thing, God is behind everything in the world."
"I have the Lord, and He is everywhere around me, next to me, and everything I do."
"Tech influences every part of our society; it touches every part of our lives."
"God is omnipresent, he is everywhere and in everything."
"We live in a strange time where Star Wars is omnipresent."
"The Internet is everywhere, zooming around us, passing through us, teaching us, and more interestingly enough, changing us as beings."
"Uncertainty is not just a word. It’s a force of nature that we can never get rid of."
"The presence of God will fill you and come to right where you are."
"Knowledge is everywhere, even in darkness and silence."
"It's critical because, you know, it's in everything. It's in everything from our mass relays to the way we travel to our weapons to biotics."
"Yeah, racism still lives and exists everywhere."
"It's incredibly powerful, so just important to know that this can show up anywhere and find a really powerful path."
"Moneybags is a round bell end who seems to exist everywhere all at once."
"When we come into your presence, we come into the presence of the Alpha and the Omega."
"Proof that the Sun never sets on Excellence."
"You can't kill evil. It will always be around, no matter what."
"To honor the queerness of God is to honor the omnipresence of God."
"God is using anything he can to reach his people."
"It's like oxygen, it's just ubiquitous, it's everywhere."
"You no longer need to go to a particular zip code to experience the presence of God. You would be a carrier of God's presence and carrier of God's glory."
"He's everywhere and nonetheless, he's there's always new information that comes out every time he does a stream with a different platform." - Barnes, he is everywhere.
"In terms of Technology playing a role in the war there really is no element of it where technology isn't at play."
"Tick tock has been a breath of fresh air across the pandemic."
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end."
"It's a style that I don't think I've built to this level of detail and commitment before... it was really, really fun."
"The presence is with me wherever I go. Anything could happen right now."
"The secret place is not a location but a positioning, available anyplace, anywhere, anytime."
"There is one divine being in us, around us, above us."
"Jesus is always present in every aspect of rest throughout the entire Bible."
"Spirit is with you at all times, even in your darkest moments."
"You are God... all there is, all there ever will be, and pure love."
"Music isn't confined to the stage, you know, it's anywhere."
"Every eye will see Him, not one person is going to escape."
"Propaganda is everywhere. Everything's propaganda."
"We're here at Red Inks Lake and it's so cool here."
"Worship the Lord wherever you are, be ready to engage and worship."
"Money and bells has been everywhere, absolutely everywhere."
"God is the author of reality. He is the alpha and omega, the great I am."
"No place, no matter how hidden or well protected, is ever safe from the reach of the greenskins."
"It truly means that there is not a hair on your head that it does not know."
"May Allah be with us when no one else is with us or when everyone else is with us."
"Money is power, money is control, money is influence, and it's everywhere."
"But wait a minute, wait a minute. So the whole point of Jesus’ argument here in John 4 is to demonstrate that God is not limited by physical limits as we are."
"God does not only speak when he needs you to do something."
"In every and all situations, the ministry of the Holy Spirit is necessary."
"It's not just in one place, it's happening everywhere."
"Yami's darkness is all-consuming, just like how darkness consumes the entire world."
"God doesn't need a damn thing. God is everything."
"You can run anywhere, but you will never run from God."
"Yes he is, he's real, in the morning, at noon, day, and night."
"Be careful what you say. God hears everything."
"The church, though manifest in every place, is not of this world and cannot be reduced to one place."
"He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."
"God is love, God is an ephemeral feeling... God is everything."
"There's nowhere to hide, but God sees everything."
"Whether we run from it or savor it make no mistake irony is a dominant feature of our lives."
"This separation is an illusion because your twin flame is with you and within you and you are with and within them at every moment of your existence."
"I keep seeing the signs of you everywhere I go."
"I wanted you to see you are just everywhere I am."
"Believe in the Lord your God, he will be with you wherever you go."
"God is within us, we are part of God all the time."
"Everywhere is in the presence of God because all of humanity and all of the universe and everything that God's created is in His presence."
"Zeus, the god of the sky in Greek mythology was thought to be everywhere and aware of what was going on in the world at all times."
"Twitter has become part of almost everything we do: entertainment, news, sports."
"Access is at the root of everything whether we know it or not."
"The legacy of the Victorians is everywhere you look."
"No one is too far gone... I will be everywhere you need me to be."
"Realize that your consciousness, your own I am-ness, is the only presence, the only Power."
"Here's the thing, the Harvestmen are, exactly. The Harvestmen are all around, they're business leaders, they're in the community, they're--"
"For you and I, life is a sequence of events in time, but God is not in time. He can see the past, present, and future simultaneously."
"God has his timing to judge sin. God is just. God sees all things."
"I am aware of everything that happens in your life."
"God cares about everything that is on your plate, everything that's in your heart, everything that is on your mind."
"Jesus stayed right in Canaan sir and healed in Galilee, he stayed right where he was called cuz he's Lord over nature, he's Lord over distance."
"The kingdom of heaven is all around us, waiting to be recognized and realized."
"It's like you feel the presence of God everywhere, His love."
"Jesus is all in all. Every molecule, I feel his presence."
"He is the Living, Word of God from Genesis to Revelation."
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." - Revelation 1
"God sees all, the eyes of the Lord are on the good and the evil."
"You always have divine guidance available to you at all times."
"And all hope was brush fire, no corner of the world was safe from Dagon's red legions."
"There's no place that you and I can go to that God has not engineered for you and I to be a minister or a light in some way shape or form."
"So God cannot, you know, it doesn't benefit God to cease his characteristics, his glory, as God cannot cease to exist, you know, God is always there."
"Where can people find it? Everywhere, everywhere."
"Almighty God neither sleeps nor slumbers because he is protecting us."
"Nothing is hidden from you. You have control over everything."
"You are basically the alpha, the Omega, the god, the Holy Ghost, and the mother Mary."
"A message of bold reassurance to the believer reminding them that since God is present everywhere pervading every inch of our universe he is in the happiest sense possible inescapable."
"You are being guided at every moment of every day."
"For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."
"There's no place you can't go that God isn't."
"I am constantly thinking and dreaming about you, you are everywhere and always there."
"We can't go anywhere that God's mercy can't find us."
"Love really is everywhere if you take the time to look around for it."
"It was everything. It was truly everything everywhere all at once."
"The whole world begins to dissolve just as Om sounds, you don't see any other, you don't hear any other sound, you only hear Om everywhere."
"No power, no principality, no mountain, no valley, nothing present, nothing to come, can separate you from the love of God."
"For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
"Think about the fact that the mightiest being in the universe, The Great I Am, will never leave you."
"God is not distant from you, not in some heaven, God is here, also now."