
Near-death Experience Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"The near-death experiences proved to me that there clearly was a source... some people call it the light, but they describe it as a source of indescribable unconditional love, total non-judgment."
"I think near-death experiences can give us powerful lessons about what really matters in this life."
"Most of those who have had a near-death experience lose their fear of death, because they've had an insight into what possibly happens when they die."
"People with a near-death experience were my greatest teachers."
"Once you have this new death experience, you realize that you're not alone; you're part of something much greater than yourself, which means that the problems of this bag of skin are not all that important."
"I think they should call it a near life experience because it's more alive than I've ever been."
"It was alive, it was breathing, it was really warm and real comfortable and real loving."
"The two most common words used as a descriptor in a near-death experience...is light and love."
"One of the things near-death experiences will say they'll come back and they say, 'Well, I had no idea how powerful my thoughts and words are. I would have chosen them more carefully if I had known.'"
"Thirty million people claiming to have had near-death experiences is not trivial; it's a significant number that suggests something profound about consciousness beyond death."
"This is one of the most amazingly detailed near-death experiences that I have ever read."
"I am a near-death experiencer. I was struck by lightning in 1975 and was dead for twenty-eight minutes."
"I have a newfound appreciation of life now that I'm old enough to understand just how close I could have come to being killed."
"Consciousness continues after death; near-death experiences documented."
"Observing from above: near-death experiences described."
"Conscious experiences during a near-death experience are produced by the brain."
"A near-death experience can make anybody think about what's really important in life which is family settling down and the small intrinsic things that you get out of life versus Fame and Fortune."
"Tim Lancaster's survival was little short of miraculous. He'd been minutes away from death."
"I learned from the near-death experience... to be in the moment."
"I think dying gave me a new lease on life. Part weird to say, but dying gave me a new lease on life."
"You are indeed in control of your near-death experience, you are not on a roller coaster ride."
"It almost felt like he had fallen asleep in the bathtub, and woken up gasping and spluttering, just having narrowly avoided drowning."
"Every time I have a near-death experience or think I'm gonna die, I definitely live better afterwards."
"Mum's eerie message about heaven after she died for 27 minutes: 'It's real.'"
"Near-death experiencers come back with some lessons and what they tend to say is that our purpose in physical existence is to advance in our capacity to love to become more loving to each other and to ourselves."
"Only about 10 to 20% of people report a near-death experience which is an experience of their Consciousness functioning apart from their physical body and observing the material world or observing and participating in a transmaterial domain."
"Near-death experiences often lead to an existential crisis."
"Near-death experiences push us to the edge of what we know about the nature of consciousness."
"You're supposed to be here. You had a near miss because you're supposed to be here. You're supposed to learn from that spiritually."
"When somebody actually has a near-death experience and they experience heaven, it's a whole other level, you know, when you actually have the experience."
"The idea for the series actually stemmed from a shared near-death experience..."
"This is what happened next: a man that I had never seen before appeared in the room as I lay there dying."
"Nobody appreciates life like a man who has cheated death."
"I went up on the ceiling as I looked down at my body and saw the top of the heads of everybody in the room. It was a very calm, wrapped in love feeling."
"My near-death experience was the beginning of my life, not the end."
"I was dead for an hour and 20 minutes and fully crossed over."
"Near-death experiences: Illusions or reality?"
"Near-death experiences are exactly what the great majority of people having a near-death experience is being and that is a real awareness of a reality outside of our physical Earthly realm."
"Near-death experience research is now no longer a small group, it is literally mainstream and respected research."
"I've taken, like so many other near-death experiencers, a little piece of heaven back into what I do in my daily practice with patients."
"I looked at my body laying on the ground and said, 'I've died.'"
"He didn’t have an out-of-body experience, OBE, but like many people who’ve had NDE’s, he felt a wonderful comfort as he was crossing over."
"Because when you come that close to not living your life any longer, it makes you very conscious of what you have left."
"I think one near-death experience is optimal, but two? That's traumatic."
"When I opened my eyes, I just heard the doctor saying, 'We got him back, we got him back.'"
"My NDE taught me the extreme power of gratitude and forgiveness as beautiful tools for humanity."
"I've been miserable for a really long time, and it took me almost dying to realize that."
"He got a new superpower after being near to death and he became Immortal."
"Near-death experiences offer hope for a desirable afterlife."
"I almost died two weeks ago, so we're gonna do a little bit more living for the present."
"The near-death experience made me love life so much more... it showed me this is the finite time for me. In my spirit form, I am eternal."
"I guess I'm just struggling to put into words how a person feels after they go through such an intense near-death experience."
"Near-death experiences are one of those things that have entered the cultural mindset, but they do not demonstrate a God."
"The story is out there about exactly what happened with this near-death experience, but more than anything, it's really about the lessons learned."
"And that's when I see the gates to heaven the shining light at the end of the tunnel."
"A near-death experience is just God's way of reminding you that you're alive to be honest with you."
"Near-death experiences change lives, making individuals more altruistic and spiritually inclined."
"I believe that when I had that near-death experience that I was healed."
"I know there's a God because I died. I made my peace with God."
"People who have near-death experiences feel so great afterwards because they went up there."
"I don't think it would have happened prior to my NDE... I was still in my sleepwalking era."
"That's the moment when I had died, so that was what was happening in my physical body. I don't remember any of that, but my spirit was clearly in heaven."
"The one universal trait of those I have read about or spoken to with NDE stories is that none of them fear death any longer."
"One out of 25 people have had a near death experience. That's huge."
"There are hundreds of documented cases in which near-death experiencers come back to life and report in detail actual events that occurred while they were dead and out of body."
"I felt at home, loved, nearly ecstatic. I saw my life flash before me. Suddenly, I felt the pain of the accident once again and shot back into my body. I was furious that the doctors had brought me back."
"I knew that there must be power in prayer because I saw her as I was dying."
"The light itself spoke in unison and it said, 'This is not your time. You must return.'"
"Your life flashes before your eyes, that is so clever."
"Hey, I almost died today I'm gonna live my life."
"I almost died... this was the day that I would have died if it wasn't for prayers and interceding and God."
"I felt at that moment I left my body... and something said to me, 'Not yet, it's not your time just yet.'"
"I remember coming out of my body I turned over to look at my wife I could see her still laying in the bed with her hands on me."
"We almost died on the way over here. No, that's not even a joke."
"It was one of those experiences where you felt like you were gonna die right now."
"In that moment, I felt something that I had never felt from him before, and I asked the being at the end of the light if I could go back."
"In their near-death experience, there was a kind of a dual consciousness; they were aware of themselves and also were being part of something much greater than themselves."
"I was very aware of what was going on and all of a sudden I just got this overwhelming peacefulness rush over me. I have a very vivid memory of seeing myself from above just lying there but it was like there was nothing to worry about."
"Just two weeks after signing the deal with Roc-A-Fella Records back in 2002, Kanye was driving home from a late night studio session in California when he had a nearly fatal car accident."
"I just lost all my oxygen from my lungs yeah I thought it was going to die for a second there."
"Her life just flashed before her eyes."
"The idea of experiencing a near-death experience has been around for quite some time."
"But yeah, it was funny, yeah, nearly nearly died in there."
"Wow, so how long were you dead? For 90 minutes,"
"Harrison made a pact with God when he was at the bottom of the ocean: 'If you rescue me, I will never go back to the sea again, never.'"
"What it does do, getting that close to death and then coming back from it, is it gives you an immensely increased sense of the value of every day of life."
"When I went into cardiac arrest... by human standards I should not be here."
"If I hadn't managed to get my hand around the rail, I would have been killed. It would have just minced me up."
"Everything went black I might have shut my eyes it was a feeling of rebirth and near-death experience."
"Near-death experience helps us to realize and see the proof that the soul lives on"
"The moment that it does for a given person, a person's had a near-death experience or as you say, you're in a life-threatening situation then it isn't intellectual anymore because knowledge means nothing it's all what you feel in your heart not what you know in your head."
"Between laughs he got out, 'That's the second time I could have killed you today.'"
"People who come close to physical death have a near-death experience in the interim."
"I have never felt so alive as when I heard that doctor say I was dead."
"I had to grieve my own death. You know, I was not the same when I came back, and I wasn't a terrible man when I left, but when I came back to this body, I was not the same."
"If near-death experiences provide evidence for an afterlife for your mom and your grandmother and you, they're also going to provide evidence for an afterlife for Fluffy, right?"
"I was dead for two minutes, but when you cross over, take it from me, two minutes from now is a lifetime."
"We found that those who had a near death experience were much less suicidal than those who didn't."
"I almost died bro, it was the most craziest."
"You almost died and you were brought back?"
"It was really exciting because I didn't die."
"He nearly died. He was in the hospital for 11 days. The attack was so bizarre and extreme that it went 1970s viral at once."
"You don't really experience fear until you experience a near-death, you know?"
"Reflecting on the near-death experience, McCabe stated, 'It was fortunate that I reacted quickly and remained aware of my surroundings.'"
"Luckily he survived, and this wasn't the only time he cheated death in his life."
"I had come face to face with death, and I had survived."
"Having such a close brush with death brought everything into clear Focus."
"With every near-death experience I've had and I've had a lot, I always see the exact same place with the exact same person next to me."
"Here's the story time of how I almost died."
"There's been more than a handful of times where I probably should have died and I for whatever reason it didn't."
"The stories in NDEs tell our stories of hope and of love even if we can't be sure of where we are going."
"NDEs offer the comfort provided by solidarity in the face of daunting challenges and stark uncertainties."
"I didn't even come in my mind at all. All I knew was three and a half minutes and I'm dying, dying."
"Most people that have had near-death experiences have had their lives metamorphized."
"There's never a day you feel more thankful for life than the day you almost die."
"Living in physical life is as though you're living in the dark... but having a near-death experience is as if somebody turned the flood lights on."
"You almost died to make this album. Yeah, it's crazy, right? That was the inspiration behind it."
"I was actually like strapped to the train tracks and I was just looking the other direction while the train was about to hit me."
"I was in pretty bad shape... I was dead. My heart stopped for 5 hours."
"A sudden brush with death changed his mentality. I was a cocky overweight 22 year old then. I had a gangrenous appendix taken out, almost died, and I got over being cocky or overweight."
"My natural senses shut down so I could see nothing, everything was black in front of me, but I was still, my spirit was still inside of my body."
"I realize how close I was to death that day, and I think it gave me a lot more respect for life."
"I began to vomit, and aspirate my vomit. That's what killed me."
"You ever been close to death, boy? No sir. You haven't. I can tell when a man looked death in the eyes, he just ain't the same after that."
"Not only is this a near-death experience as told from his dad's perspective but it is also a prolonged after death communication with his father continuing to look after him even after death."
"I just nearly died too many times to not believe in God."
"I've never heard a person come back from a near-death experience saying, 'God is so unjust.'"
"Blind people, blind from birth, have a near-death experience, they see the same things."
"Veridical perception is one who obtains information during a near-death or out-of-body experience that's later found to be true, accurate, and detailed by an independent third party."
"There is a heaven, and there's a hell. I was in a beautiful home some time ago, very beautiful. Walked into the living room and a stream of water flowed through that living room, trickling over rocks."
"Near-death experiences are remembered verbatim, literally word for word, decades after their occurrence."
"During that time of unconsciousness or clinical death, they actually were having more consciousness and alertness at that time than during their earthly everyday life, which is absolutely medically inexplicable."
"Even far from their physical body, what they see and hear is absolutely correct, even if they go back and verify it."
"Shared near-death experiences are fascinating, where two or more people share the same NDE simultaneously, offering powerful evidence of the reality of NDEs."
"People that have near-death experiences typically make one of the most common observations: that time essentially doesn't exist."
"An amazing extension of time is very typically described in near-death experiences."
"Just a very glaring example of just how amazing consciousness is during near-death experience."
"The two most common words used to describe near-death experiences: love and peace."
"There's very often a powerful awareness that this unearthly, beautiful heavenly realm is their real home."
"A really profound message of hope delivered from those that have had near-death experiences."
"Even people that have had frightening and even hellish near-death experiences come to believe that they're not doomed or fated to have an involuntary hellish existence when they die."
"Anyone can have an NDE; some of the more magical ones were described by non-religious folks working as physicians, scientists, and attorneys."
"If an NDE is just the brain squeezing out some more electricity before it closes down for good, how come people don’t see dull things, like making some toast or that time they watched an Infographics Show video about near-death experiences?"
"If the experiences are like dreams, why are the dreams so absolutely stunning, life-changing, mesmerizing, and not about your daily commute to work."
"Even if NDEs are not real, they still feel good."
"So, when we ask why NDEs are so similar – and you might hate us for this – perhaps it is because we are all connected."
"That's the thing about almost dying, Emily. It is a real buzzkill."
"I remember what it felt like to be dead and it was the most peaceful time that I ever felt in my entire life."
"We are religious and we firmly believe that I was saved by a guardian angel that day, it's not the first or last time that I've had a near death experience that couldn't be explained as to why I actually lived through it."
"I thought, 'Well, this is what it's like to die.'"
"I could have been obliterated, and I was just [__] out of my body."
"When they figure out how to bring us back, some of us would tell stories about what we saw on the other side."
"None of the religions quite have all of it right, but the deep and profound truths from the near-death experience community help unify spirituality."
"They put me on the gurney. I pass out. My heart stopped four times."
"I was run over by a truck. I was declared dead. And they revived me. And there I was, amongst the whole group of immortals, ascended beings. And they told me that my mission in life was to go back and to enlighten more than 500 million people."
"And during that surgery she had a profound near-death experience, which really transformed her life."
"I was dead for sure, but then I wasn't somehow."
"I almost died from a G35 cutting me off so it kind of makes me not want one again just because I think I'll be put in the ground by some numbnuts that doesn't know how to drive."
"You have never lived till you've almost died."
"Pretty sure I was dead, updated my will, drove my family crazy."
"It's not an indictment of that concept of God that these people are seeing who have near-death experiences. It's not at all an indictment of that concept of God."
"I really feel now in talking about my near-death experience that it's my purpose."
"I think it was at one meeting that you attended that you were kind of perplexed because you heard about the after-effects of the near-death experience."
"Most near-death experiences come back seeing the important thing is love."
"There wasn't one experience, it was just the accumulation of hundreds and hundreds of near-death experiences that altered my understanding of what the mind and the brain are doing together."
"The golden rule for near-death experiences is not a guideline. It's the way things are."
"They become much more spiritual after the NDE, and what they mean by that is they feel more connected to other people, to the natural world, to the universe, to the divine."
"It's one of those 'almost died' kind of thing."
"I felt his soul body slip right out of this left shoulder and just go up like that from me. From that time on, I've never been afraid of death."
"She had this experience and she found out when she died that the afterlife was just this like bubble of love and when she came back, her cancer was just gone."
"I almost died for those pictures."
"It was not a feeling of dying anymore but a conscious decision to enter the other reality and return again."
"That's a near-death experience low key, bro."
"When you look at the core of what actually happens in a near-death experience, it is consistent with Christian theology."
"Near death experiencers don't think there's a God. They know there's a God."
"Max's heart had stopped for a minute although she narrowly escaped death."
"Yikes! Damn, we're only four minutes in and he almost died already."
"God has not sown sparingly as far as the testimony of many who has had near-death or even died experiences and have come out."
"I still laugh about that night every once in a while, but because of that story, it also reminds me that I could have easily died that night too with the way Joe was driving. Sometimes your crazy stories really make you think."
"I could have been dead in that ditch."
"The feeling of leaving your body, the tunnel-like approach to this bright light, and then to be surrounded by a space where the rules of physics then everything just changes."
"Near-death experiencers are not simply becoming more Buddhists; they are becoming more spiritual."
"Mental functioning is significantly better in those people who come closest to death."
"All the near-death experiencers who claimed to have left their bodies described accurate resuscitations scenarios."
"The typical emotions reported during near-death experiences include an overwhelming sense of peace and well-being, a sense of cosmic unity or being one with everything, a feeling of complete joy, and a sense of being loved unconditionally."
"Almost everyone who has a near-death experience will be profoundly affected by that change and they will be transformed in their attitudes beliefs in values."
"If you have a near-death experience you are not afraid of dying anymore and paradoxically that makes you not afraid of living to the fullest."
"I don't talk about it enough and it's a key wish for the book that it helped, that my book and my message and these near-death experiencers who talk about the afterlife, that it gives people greater hope for a better life and a more expanded life here."
"One woman who was on her deathbed said she saw her sister, Vera."
"One of the things that I was always struck by when I read and heard of NDEs was the light at the end of the tunnel and the experience of unconditional love through that we can make contact with that light at any moment we choose."
"The experience itself is so impressive. I'm full of love when they come back into the body, back in the body with all the disease and limitation they had before, and what you try to talk about to nurses, to physicians, intra-family, nobody believed them."
"...the transformation in attitude toward life and enhanced intuitive sensibility is the result of having an NDE..."
"Angie Fennimore attempted and experienced a Life review."
"Reality is I could have died that day, and that's a crazy way to go—choking on a potato."
"He was mostly Dead coming in the tribal."
"I was sure that I was going to die."
"If you come close to that light when you do and if you are fortunate enough to come back from that light you value life differently you can't there there there are no bad days for me there are no bad days for me"
"I almost died, ain't that something?"
"Most people never experienced what you just did you stare death in the face and walked away."
"And yeah, that's what I was thinking is that when I hear a Christian has a near-death experience, they see, you know, Jesus. But when a Muslim has a near-death experience, you know, they see Allah."