
Premonition Quotes

There are 374 quotes

"I'm going to tell you everything I can, even tell you when a murder gonna go down tonight."
"This person can come up a lot in your dreams before you meet them... your soulmate might be someone who you've dreamt about in the past."
"Thanks to those visions, many lives have already been saved."
"It's very unusual for someone who's going to commit a massacre to warn about it in advance."
"Did this guy have some sort of premonition or did his death in one reality bring him into a different reality?"
"She closed her eyes and told those in attendance, 'I feel a coldness. I see death. Look above my shoulder and see who it is.'"
"You'll be dreaming a lot about this person; they are literally calling out to you."
"I knew from the first day I met you this was gonna be mine, it was crazy."
"People actually do believe that Charles had a premonition and predicted his own death."
"I felt that I had something to tell him, something to warn him about, and mourning would be too late."
"Our black voices won't be stopped. It is our time to receive justice and we're going to break through."
"She was literally saying these things like she knew her death was right around the corner."
"Be wary, I sense a disturbance in the Force."
"Can't shake that silly pre-Enron pre-911 pre-Worldcom feeling."
"I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was very, very wrong."
"James Dean was given a speeding citation just two hours before the fatal crash."
"Since 1980, Cynthia had been plagued by nightmares in which she would be kidnapped and taken away. These terrifying dreams would come true in one of the most terrifying ways."
"Sometimes I get this feeling that things are just going to happen... it just feels like something good, not like happy, but like this is the right thing to do."
"At the end of life, the reverse process begins first there's a premonition."
"Dreams can tell you what city you're moving to, where you're going."
"This legit looks like security footage right before someone gets killed."
"Your spirit is something that I've seen even before coming here."
"They're just going to feel it, I can feel it now."
"Trust in the word that you heard from God before."
"He put his firefighters before himself three months before 9/11."
"I feel like lightning will strike twice... I feel like something is really standing out to you in your life."
"I actually had a very Vivid dream a few months prior to winning the Powerball jackpot in 1999."
"A complete feeling of utter dread, like something very bad is gonna happen."
"You're walking this path because you're intelligent, you're intuitive, and you have a premonition, and you should trust that."
"She wonders if her premonitions can prevent tragedies."
"I knew since I was in that car... I knew that I would get here, I knew that this moment would happen, and nobody could tell me nothing."
"I feel in so many ways something big is coming soon."
"Something's coming y'all. Something's coming. I feel it in the atmosphere."
"I just had a nauseous feeling that something bad was going to happen."
"My Spidey Sense told me that something was about to go down."
"Something is coming, and I feel like I'm linked to it."
"You know that feeling when something really, really bad is about to happen? That's what I felt."
"She explicitly told me she had the feeling there would be no one behind that door once she opened it."
"They might have prophetic dreams or see things in their dreams that become real."
"I don't know what's going to happen but I can't shake the feeling that something terrible is going to happen."
"Something's gonna happen. I'm feeling it."
"But in the time I have been working as the head social worker at my nursing facility, I have had two residents predict their own death."
"However, something on this day was telling him that there would be trouble if he went out there."
"I just got this feeling like something really bad's about to happen."
"It's almost like he knew or something like he knew to say goodbye. It gives me chills every time I think about it."
"It just seemed like Kathy's premonitions were based in truth."
"I keep feeling something terrible is about to happen."
"I remember getting an eerie feeling almost the moment I got there. I had felt that way when I was at my grandparents' house two summers before that."
"As he's talking, I start to feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up for no reason."
"I just feel like something bad is coming."
"If you're having really confusing dreams, really vivid dreams that you can actually recall, that's a sign that you're meeting with your future spouse soon."
"The nightmare didn't feel like nightmares; they felt like premonitions."
"Sooner or later I'm gonna be killed."
"I have this weird feeling though in my gut that I've never had before."
"There's a remembrance. There's a past dream that wants to come in for you."
"It was like something was telling me not to go outside."
"The gut feeling was getting stronger and stronger that something serious had happened."
"Just boarded Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 when she phoned her husband Hassan saying she'd had a premonition that the plane was doomed to crash."
"Some of you are getting premonitions. Your dreams are more than just fairy tales."
"Even if nothing happens tomorrow, something's coming."
"A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master."
"I believe that a lot of people get signs before something really bad is going to happen."
"As she laid there, that sense of dread that something was wrong and that she had to leave right now, it was just growing and growing and growing."
"As he felt the maddening pain in his leg he thought to himself that it was not for nothing that he had a bad premonition."
"Funny thing, about a month before Ben took his life, he looked at me and said, 'Dad, there's a lot of bad people in this world, and I've got a feeling that you're going to be taken advantage of pretty bad here in the near future.'"
"...he can tell when someone is about to die."
"...but she had long been plagued by the premonition of her own death."
"There was something coming, something I could not fight."
"The camera sees the paintings even before Finn paints it, which means he can finally get out of his creative crisis."
"It's like a thunderstorm see you know how you get that prickly feeling before a storm that's what's happening now."
"I see the one who ends it, a vision that I've had many times over since before Parker was ever born."
"I sense there's something in the wind that feels like tragedies at hand."
"Everything that happened, I already knew it was gonna happen."
"I can feel it now, I can feel it."
"...maybe it's an intuition about the person you're gonna become if you live here or of someone special you're gonna meet in the city."
"You kind of feel it in your bones like this is meant to happen."
"I consider it like an ability. Something I've been able to do. It started when I was 10 years old. I had a premonition of my grandmother's death."
"Shapes, forms, voices, saying I was going to die."
"I kind of knew this was coming. That's sort of the weird thing... I had a sense that something was up."
"In looking into the future I was horrified to see that Susan would die the night of June 7, 1947 at exactly six o'clock."
"I knew I loved you before I met you."
"The whole time walking up here it was saying 'get out,' 'don't come in here,' 'leave.'"
"Can't put my finger on what lies in store but I feel what's to happen all happened before."
"It's almost like telling me it's going to happen. That's it. I know exactly that feeling."
"She has this endless pervasive feeling that something is going to go terribly, terribly wrong."
"I saw you collapse in my dream and you died."
"I just got a good feeling." - Elvis Presley
"...and I had the oddest feeling in my stomach as though I was standing on the edge of a great drop."
"He had a strong premonition of his own death."
"Oh, man, sighs, I called it too. She knew. Rest in peace."
"We retraced our steps and found everything as it had been when we passed through earlier, but even with everything being perfectly in place, I had a feeling deep down like something was wrong, like something horrible was about to happen."
"The moment a dream set in, I knew it was going to turn out ill."
"Something big was coming, that much was clear."
"I was overwhelmed with this indescribable feeling that something was going to happen."
"I have a terrible premonition that he'll be killed next, unless we do something to prevent it."
"Something in his gut was telling him K Crandall would have taken them with her."
"When she walked off, something was telling me, like, she's gonna die."
"Many persons myself included have observed events before they occurred."
"he knew he must return to Coruscant he couldn't make out any of these Visions for what they were but he felt Darkness"
"There's something significant that's happening, I feel like, or that's coming very, very fast."
"I saw a storm approaching in the mirror."
"It was extraordinary, I sensed that this was something that was going to be very very important."
"When I dreamed something, I told him before it happened"
"Your life will take a complete change of course tonight, you feel it?"
"I have noticed that such presentiments occur often in men of my peculiar temperament, and that they are not uncommonly fulfilled."
"Suddenly it came over me that everything would go wrong."
"My dad told me that, in his dream, he had heard a loud bang and people talking, a loud commotion outside."
"I just dreamt this, like I literally just dreamt this."
"And then one night, I was ready to sleep, and that thought came to me, and it was something like someone was talking to me, and this voice said, 'You're going to die.'"
"It's like the movie we saw, Black Phone, with the sister's dreams warning her about the brother."
"It felt like I already somehow knew."
"I feel like something bad is about to happen to our family."
"Something's gonna happen, that's all I know."
"I've got a feeling something big is gonna happen."
"I know this sounds absurd, okay, but Wilson knew that the asteroid was going to hit, and specifically he knew it was going to hit my house, Spence."
"My dad had a dream where his dad had come to say goodbye to him before he got the news of his passing."
"It feels like something Big's about to happen."
"Her mother's intuition knew something was terribly wrong."
"One morning about a week before the trip my mom woke up opened her eyes and for a split second saw a white figure at the foot of her bed."
"I had told Alex and Crystal about these dreams and literally two weeks later I find out I'm pregnant I'm like the dreams and that's when I came out to tell them I'm pregnant I was telling them this feels just like the dream."
"Sometimes you can feel somebody's energy long before you even meet them to be honest."
"You know it's coming you feel that love rumbling sensation and uneasy feeling and then it kind of like Taps you be like hey you ready it's go time."
"I just have a bad feeling that something bad's gonna happen."
"The alarm bells were ringing. A sixth sense, you know, your gut feeling."
"My mum often ponders if it was some sort of an angel coming to warn of the coming disaster."
"It felt as if something were about to happen."
"I just feel like there's going to be a one made here. It's just what I feel."
"I have a feeling that something is going to happen today. It's just my gut feeling."
"They feel a strong gut feeling that they're going to meet somebody soon."
"He had a dream that she was gonna pass away before he was 50 or by the time he was 50."
"Whatever put this here knew I was going to be at this spot at this time and place before I ever knew."
"I feel that this is going to be my final time here."
"He etched the date he expected to die which was the next day."
"The worst explosion was in 1890, and very interesting this explosion because in one paper there was a report that many miners said that they could sense something was going to happen in the mines because they had been having really weird dreams."
"Edward the right Jackson's got a feeling. It's on my gut. He's got a feeling that tonight's a good night."
"I see jail bars. I feel there's like she's going to jail."
"Don't overthink it. Something big is coming."
"He had a presentiment that his father was dead."
"I think it's almost a premonition that he said the nice thing about the Harvard Crimson was that it was a chance to bring together the Harvard Community."
"On September 26, 2011, Mikey Welsh tweeted out this: 'Dreamt I died in Chicago next weekend. Heart attack in my sleep. Need to write my will today.'"
"Guys, I'm not having a good feeling about the months to come."
"I had a feeling I'd probably be doing this today."
"I'm sorry, but I've a bad feeling about this."
"Something ominous is about to happen very soon. I can feel it in the wind."
"At the end of June, I was in the Shire, but a cloud of anxiety was on my mind, and I rode to the southern borders of the little land, for I had a foreboding of some danger still hidden from me."
"I just have a really bad feeling about this."
"It's almost like you had anticipated that something really bad is going to happen because it had been bad already for days."
"Frank Steitz's premonition: 'I guess I'll be the next one.'"
"I knew in my mind that that last little bit was going to be a disaster."
"That feeling in my stomach that tells me something bad's gonna happen has never let me down, and I got it right now."
"Something is about to happen; I hear the wind."
"Future Beerus sets his alarm clock to wake up around this time too, having a similar premonition."
"When Saints and Sinners was recorded David Coverdale suddenly got a feeling that it's not right."
"I literally told him, 'Be careful, it's another one of those days.'"
"You hear it, you know it's out there, you feel it coming."
"If you use your intuition and trust your premonition, you'll connect the dots without omission."
"No, it's already gonna be one of those days. I can feel it."
"At some point shortly after the call I remembered the psychic’s 'Someone with a name beginning with the letter M' statement."
"That one's crazy because stuff like that happens all the time, people will have dreams with premonitions or visions of something that's going to happen and then it does."
"There are times where I'll be driving along, and suddenly change my route, only to find the exact time I'd be going through a specific intersection, there'd be a crash, often deadly; this has happened so many times I've lost count."
"I knew something bad's gonna happen, I know it."
"I get chills thinking about it every time. The fact that he knew, that's what he was going to do, it blows me away."
"The mother had this eerie feeling that something was gonna happen."
"So it's literally there to either show you something that's going to happen in your future or warning you about something that might happen in the future."
"Unbelievable. I saw this in a dream."
"It was like we all collectively knew that something was about to happen."
"Deja vu is also like an old instinct I feel like it's your brain and your body letting you know that something's about to happen, to prepare you for it."
"There's something wrong. I just had a sense."
"It was as if my eyes were open before I was even fully regaining consciousness. I couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that something was off."
"I have a sinking just a stinking feeling that something's gonna happen."
"I'm having a bad feeling about this."
"She has this impending sense of doom that something bad's gonna happen."
"He just said it was a demon that he knew was going to come for him and take him away."
"'Then I've got a bad feeling about this,' Caden muttered."
"But I just had this feeling lingering within me that we weren't alone."
"I felt something terrible would happen to me if I went to that bathroom... I believe that night God protected me."
"My uneasy feeling turned into scared, then stress. I was so uneasy that I whispered to myself, 'Something bad is going to happen. I just know it.'"
"Damn, damn, damn, I muttered as I trailed across the green. I had a nasty feeling that a little tragedy was building up here."
"A sensation of foreboding overtook me."
"Certain places, you just get bad vibes, and this... I ain't even there and I feel it in my soul."
"I dreamed of you, Sir Duncan, before I even met you."
"I had a dream that the space shuttle blew up in one of the most vivid dreams I have ever had, two days before it happened."
"Intuition awakes... you're starting to know the future, there's this knowing of the future so premonitions dreams here."
"I knew then that it would be the last time I'd see him alive."
"It hadn't been the first time Max had saved Becca's life not by a long shot but she was getting a nasty feeling it might be the last."
"How do you get that feeling that you've already lived this day before?"
"The premonition seems outlandish to the young man."
"Last night, I had the same dream."
"This person sees you as an old soul, about to fall in love."
"I'm afraid what you foresaw has happened," she wrote.
"Some people think that they have premonition dreams."
"I could feel its energy, worst of all, all I could think about was that look in Jessica's eyes right before the bus hit her."
"Have nothing to do with that innocent man, for today I have suffered a great deal because of a dream about him."
"I have a premonition that my fate will be closely connected with this ship."
"I had this nagging feeling that it was only a matter of time before things escalated."
"Deja vu is that feeling that one has lived through the present situation before."
"It's just that with everything going on and the way life was going, I just felt like something weird was gonna happen."
"I feel it, I can feel it, I know that when I woke up this morning my life was going to change."
"They say a shiver down your spine means that someone's walking over your future burial site."
"I just feel it in my bones, there's a hole in one coming through soon."